I have, but I admit I haven't since the Gamecube era. Mostly because in the recent years I've come to realize how nintendos strategy is an exercise in being profitable on more or less 3 IPs (Mario, Zelda, Metroid)
There hasn't been a main series Metroid game since Other M, and that one sucked. Zelda's last game was Skyward Sword (a good game mind you), and the last main series Mario was Super Mario Galaxy 2 (a good game again, mind you).
I mean, its nice to see familiar faces in games, but it's also great to see new ones. Nintendos employees can be and are very creative. I would love to see new worls and characters they could come up with. Instead they come out with the same ones every year.
It might simply be that I put more value into new things than you do. Which is totally fine in the end. It's just I like to see/explore/discover new "worlds" that I've never seen or heard of before. With Nintendo I can't do that, all their IPs are extremely well known quantity because for the most part theyve existed since I can remember.
Lets take Zelda for example. The games might take place in totally different worlds (thank you fucked up timeline). But it's still Link and Princess Zelda. Youre still wielding a sword/boomerang/bombs and Ganondorf is still lurking around in some shape or another.
"It's just I like to see/explore/discover new "worlds" that I've never seen or heard of before. " <- "The games might take place in totally different worlds"
@Aboutblank Ok, I should have used different words. The first world was referring to lore/characters/ and the physical world. The second world was only referreing to the landscapes.
To a certain degree yes. I don't mind long running series, I mean Halo is up to what 5-6 games now? And I've liked all of them, but they dont come out with a new one every year and I get new exclusive series on the Xbox which scratches my "new" itch.
Granted 5-6 games is nothing next to the mario series, but then again Halo hasn't existed for nearly as long
Brand extension or brand stretching is a marketing strategy in which a firm marketing a product with a well-developed image uses the same brand name in a different product category. The new product is called a spin-off. Organizations use this strategy to increase and leverage brand equity (definition: the net worth and long-term sustainability just from the renowned name). An example of a brand extension is Jello-gelatin creating Jello pudding pops. It increases awareness of the brand name and increases profitability from offerings in more than one product category.
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Mario, who serves as Nintendo's mascot, is a fictional character created by game designer Shigeru Miyamoto and voiced by Charles Martinet. This is a list of video games where the character Mario plays a part, either as the protagonist, antagonist, supporting character, as part of an ensemble cast, as a cameo, or in a game within a game. It does not include simple references to the character, such as the portraits of Mario found in The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.
The year indicated is the year the game was first released, most commonly in Japan; games were sometimes released years...
I guess my original statement might have been misworded. I think I have a case of brand fatigue for the Mario brand as a whole rather than the original series themselves.
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Here is my ...