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8:00 PM
@Maxpm "creative synergy", is there a "business jargon" room in SO?
anti-social crowdsourcing
@JohanLarsson Sounds like the job for me!
InstallPackage(ResX, "pinkiepie.dir", handler);
It's even in my codebase. Yum yum.
Psh please Rainbow Dash is the best
8:07 PM
Of course she is. But Pinkie Pie is cool as well.
I think Fluttershy is my second favorite, though.
ANYWAY. In unrelated news:
I just love this take on the Lorax thing: youtube.com/watch?v=j6uJkI9DE14
chat link is back
@R.MartinhoFernandes A t-shirt just for you (disregard the Arrested Development reference).
Hi guys
Ahh. opengl was optimising out the uniform
8:21 PM
@rightfold Woman.
hm guys, I have the code `std::function<void(void)> SomeFunction;` but now I need `std::function<void(int)> SomeFunction;`, how would I create the function? for the first example it was as easy as this:
template<class Functor> void SomeFunctionCode(Functor&& f)
SomeFunction= std::forward<Functor>(f);
...SetSomeFunctionCode([]{cout <<"Hello";});
How about passing the int parameter now?
You cannot pass an int to a void(void).
I want to pass it to a void(int)
if I can make that ~.~
8:24 PM
Well, f(42).
SetSomeFunctionCode(/*where do I declare my int variable?*/[]{cout << variable;});
^I need that :x
SetSomeFunctionCode([] (int x) { std::cout << x; });
C:\Programs\Mindstorms\control_room\gui.h(430): error C2664: 'void std::_Func_class<_Ret,_V0_t>::operator ()(_Vx0_t) const' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'menu::{ctor}::<lambda_7190751ea79624c2bf3fd2c62d9276b9>' to 'int' :/
8:34 PM
I cannot make software.
@EtiennedeMartel Amazing how such worthless fucks stay in office.
@DeadMG Robert Burck :D
@DeadMG Well, Toronto sucks, so it's not that surprising.
Toronto doesn't suck
Everything sucks, so Toronto sucks.
8:41 PM
Yeah yeah.
hey, i recently finished the standard c++ tutorial. what should I do next? learn the SFML API or learn the WIN32 API? sfml-dev.org/tutorials/2.0 | shop.oreilly.com/product/0790145369079.do
@user1873073 Standard C++ tutorial? That exists?
@user1873073 Ah fuck. That one sucks hard.
8:42 PM
cplusplus.com is notoriously awful
or should i get a c++11 book?
that tutorial has only one C++ std lib segment, and it's the worst part.
i'd like to start doing some crazy shit. hack the pentagon and such
@user1873073 Around here, we have a rule: if a book isn't on The List, it sucks.
@user1873073 Aaand we won't help you for that.
I was reading the android rules today
How do people get write access there if they can't talk?
8:44 PM
@user1873073 Forget everything you've read there.
you request it
they grant to all comers, and then revoke selectively
it's basically a system for banning people, but because SE are dicks, they have to dick around to implement it.
@user1873073 Hack the Pentagon and say hi to the FBI.
one of the rules there is that you can't be a user###### and need an alias
this guy reminded me of it so I brought it up
@DeadMG So, they assume everyone is an ass unless proven otherwise?
so of the three: 1. get a c++11 book (a fatter one) | 2. get the win32 api book | 3. learn the SFML API
8:45 PM
@user1873073 1.
@EtiennedeMartel That would imply not granting to everyone who requests it.
> Win32 API
Learn Haskell. :x
i was thinking probably 1 and 2. but i really want to do 2. just not sure if learning SFML would be worth it
definitely start with #1
if all you've done is the cplusplus.com tutorial, you don't know shit about C++.
8:47 PM
You need to have a basic understanding of C++ before you use C++.
You can't do #2 before you do #1 if you want to do it in C++.
by the way, cplusplus.com is not the standard site or anything
nothing there is official
@user1873073 Are you even listening to what we're saying? It's like you're talking to yourself.
kinda like w3schools isn't related to w3c
@Rapptz Incidentally, that also sucks.
8:48 PM
When I have loads of money I will buy cplusplus.com just to save the world.
@rightfold And then just put a redirect to cppreference.com
@EtiennedeMartel Indeëd.
okay, thx guys. ill try to get a more solid base.
Fuck their community.
8:49 PM
$ do || !do; try
command not found: try
maybe you should run apt-get install try?
how do other people edit the front page of cppreference
Eww aptitude.
I am pretty sure GIMP's bucket fill just decided to become a paintbrush.
oh it's protected, wonder if it's the same rules as wikipedia
8:50 PM
@Pawnguy7 Isn't GIMP horribly shitty?
More like "rawr".
GIMP is fine for cropping images
Pixelmator ftw.
8:51 PM
@Riateche Use Paint.NET then.
I don't like its name, and gimp is already installed
@Rapptz I think it is good. As others have pointed out, the interface leaves some to be desired. Untill today, though, it worked. Now my bucket fill seems to be semitransparent (whether neither the layer nor the tool has less than full opacity), and.... well, it is just behaving oddly it seems.
For cropping I use Preview.
@Pawnguy7 I'm pretty sure it didn't :3
Paint.NET was pretty cool when I used it 7 years ago.
8:53 PM
Paint was pretty cool when I used it 7 years ago.
I never used WinRAR
I use DDT exclusively for crops.
I use unzip and tar.
I use pixlr for crops.
8:53 PM
I still use winrar
I use 7-zip on windows.
@CaptainGiraffe dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane?
@rightfold The best in the business =)
ok will try it, what is the advantage?
@JohanLarsson It's free.
8:54 PM
I use 7-zip
@rightfold WinRawr.
@rightfold Kinda tricky to install though
@ScottW Nobody cares about your exposed penis.
maybe he has c++ down there instead
8:56 PM
Why does C++11 have cstdbool
8-zip - without unzip button but with new design
The purpose in C of this header is to add a bool type and the true and false values as macro definitions.
Yes but they're keywords in C++
@rightfold So cool.
8:57 PM
and have been for a long time
@EtiennedeMartel Awesome.
Armergerd, best nap evar
@Rapptz Because C++11 includes C99's standard library.
All of it. With no discrimination.
Might as well start including it for the laughs.
@EtiennedeMartel It doesn't include the #defines for bool, true and false. :)
8:58 PM
Awww, no discrimination
how considerate of them
That header would have felt so lonely otherwise.
It should make some friends.
Ah yeah. That header should watch MLP too
I was gonna say "inb4 ponies" and resisted temptation, but you...
9:00 PM
How do I list the #defines defined by the compiler?
g++ in this case
So. Today is International Punch An Homophobe Day. Also known as this.
Q: GCC dump preprocessor defines

AnycornIs there a way for gcc/g++ to dump its preprocessor defines from the command line? I mean things like __GNUC__, __STDC__, and so on.

Works on clang too.
@Riateche Thanks, only "unix" is not a double underscore define
~ [ clang++ -dM -E - < /dev/null                                     ] 11:02 pm
9:02 PM
does MSVC have an option like that?
Q: Visual C++ dump preprocessor defines

SuryaI'm trying to find out all the preprocessor defines of the Visual C++ compiler (MSVC). I can do gcc -dM -E - < /dev/null on GCC to dump all the preprocessor defines. Do we have something similar with the Visual C++ compiler compiler? I'm using Visual C++ 9.0.

@TonyTheLion It does have the unix define in my experience. Tell me if you run it
let's talk about c++
why would you want to do that?
9:14 PM
we could instead talk about what came out of my arse this evening
are you ok puppy?
erm wat
I haven't been ok since before I starting here
9:18 PM
@DeadMG What's not ok?
Holy crap, one of the recent top users just got boxed for a year.
@Mysticial For what?
^^ She was in the top 15 week lists for months.
how is she a top user?
9:19 PM
well voting irregularities explains how she got there then
> she
You don't know.
Oh I thought it was one of the C++ regulars.
@rightfold Of course I don't know, but English doesn't have any gender-neutral pronouns that work here.
Exactly the things we hate in here.
@Mysticial "they"
what's with her reputation?
so many removed users
@Riateche It's banned.
^^ woah... her top answers prior to the suspension.
9:21 PM
@Riateche If you create sockpuppet accounts and upvote yourself, you get banned.
@Riateche gimme a sec to check
so, she wasn't a top user really
just much fake reputation
@Riateche top as in: top-15 in the week leagues for the past few months.
I'm not sure how much of the 2k rep from socks accounted for it.
That user had 12016 rep as of Sunday.
9:24 PM
@CaptainGiraffe It's not nearly as awesome as the iOS voting ring.
@Mysticial I dont want to know.
So I found this when looking for things about Go.
Q: Show suspended users with their normal reputation in the Data Explorer

MysticialI was playing with the Data Explorer... And I was trying to write a query to show users who got the most % of their reputation from accepts. So for each user: [% from Accepts] = [Rep from Accepts] / [Reputation] The problem is that suspended users have a rep of 1. So they would have gained an "...

9:30 PM
why the reputation is set to 1? it should be better to set -1 or something more informative
Why hide the reputation at all?
Q: Could we get an option for pinging the first downvoter in a comment?

newStackExchangeInstanceIn short, what I'm asking for is something like this: Assume you've got an answer to a question. Now, someone downvotes that, and doesn't leave a comment. You're scratching your head at why, as your answer (you think) was good, answers the question, and works. However, you can't ask the downvote...

I thought this would be extraordinarily stupid but it ended up being okay.
Still a little bit dumb though and annoying.
9:37 PM
do you want to talk about c++?
If you ever see Coliru is down then don't hesitate to ping me.
Tonight I turned it off because I needed to downsize the vps and forgot to turn it back on.
I don't know what I want to talk about.
It works similar to how the actor model works.
But it's not really the same I think.
I am facing problems, but nothing to do with C++ in particular. Just trying to figure out the /best/ solution to allow my code to be shared by two different IDEs on 2 different operating systems. Not sure how to approach this problem as my experience in such things is practically nil.
9:42 PM
uh.. version control?
Just push it to a location and then pull it when you want it etc
@Rapptz was gonna ask the same
@StackedCrooked actor model is: multiple threads send messages to eachother.
Sounds good to me.
No shared variables or annoying crap like that.
You can use git or mercurial.
9:42 PM
Actor<T>? What would be the variant? :o - Oh, there's a link. Nevermind.
@rightfold there are no shared variables. actually, Shared<T> is very misleading just because it restricts access to the object to one thread.
But it allows other threads to post lambdas/functors which will be executed in that thread.
That sounds more like thread pools. :v]
Thread pool would typically be used to divide a N tasks over M threads imo.
I finally disabled whoopsie on stacked-crooked.com
@StackedCrooked I'm afraid coliru just became broken because of my fork bomb :(
The frequent freezes and slowdowns in Coliru started occurring after I increased my VPS RAM from 512 to 1024 MB.
Now I downsized it again.
9:47 PM
it doesn't run any code more, just answers:
/tmp/1368827130-839955818/cmd.sh: fork: retry: No child processes
/tmp/1368827130-839955818/cmd.sh: fork: retry: No child processes
/tmp/1368827130-839955818/cmd.sh: fork: retry: No child processes
/tmp/1368827130-839955818/cmd.sh: fork: retry: No child processes
/tmp/1368827130-839955818/cmd.sh: fork: Resource temporarily unavailable
oh, works now
Hm.. this used to be safe, but then I changed things and messed up again..
it seems to be temporary effect, though
I manually killed your bomb.
@rightfold A friend of mine recommended that actor model to me a few weeks ago. I didn't understand it very well because my knowledge on multi-threading is limited, and I didn't know if it was worth it. Sometimes I question myself: Should I invest time into attempts at writing perfect code with perfect design, or should I go with "okay" design and get things done faster?
9:50 PM
@rightfold That's kind of how it works.
Is it possible to have a parameter pack of a single type? Something like template <bool... Args>?
@Magtheridon96 I would say somewhere in between those two options.
You should go for a non-crappy design, but don't stress on it too much.
After all, that's what refactoring is for.
I think refactoring design is difficult
refactoring code for the same design isn't
@stacked crooked increasing ram broke it? How?
I don't know.
Rackspace sucks?
9:57 PM
@Insilico Whenever I tell people what I did to achieve something in C++, they go "EWWWW" and since they don't give any arguments to show why my design is flawed (every single time), I can assume that my design is so bad, it doesn't /need/ to be argued against ;_;
Anyone here good at webdev?
@Magtheridon96 If they don't explain why your design is bad, then their opinion is worthless to begin with.
As in, js client side

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