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Bleeding edge etc
> USS Ponce
Btw @DeadMG, I'm currently working on a small revision of my proposal, with some comments incorporated. Any estimation on the latest time I should get that to you for reading?
they really named a ship the Ponce?
@Xeo About the next two minutes.
but seriously, I can't guarantee what my schedule will be after I leave at 2pm GMT today.
and I don't know when the proposal will be considered, if at all
so really it would have to be "this morning", or you're looking to luck
note: 'annex::variant<int, annex::recursive_data<std::pair<{anonymous}::tree, {anonymous}::tree> > >::variant(int)' is implicitly deleted because the default definition would be ill-formed:
||      using variant_detail::variant_constructors<variant<T...>, Indices<sizeof...(T)>, T...>::variant_constructors;
Oh yeah, forgot to remove the handbrake.
what stuff is this
annex is some package u have?
Personal lib.
cool. you like c++?
not much stuff uses c lol
@user1538814 Hello friend
Some people on this chat has no humour while others have perverted sense of humour making fun of newbs
Despite my annoyance, at least I don't discriminate when making fun of people on this chat, newbs or vets.
debug for c is worst
seems like stuff is always changing lol
i wrote lzw encompression in java but takes way too long
Oh gosh ...
any idea if c will make it faster?
(hash table for lzw key)
@user1538814 here is Wiki on LZW, shows its implementation in different languages: rosettacode.org/wiki/LZW_compression
Hello everyone, I'll be chatting here until 4:50 PM, (GMT +0800)
uh... This room is active, right?
@tom_mai78101 ok, now get out and return at 4:51
@tom_mai78101 depends, it might go quiet if you start asking uninteresting questions
Well, today I just found out that North Korea is declaring war.
It had been reported since last week, and I didn't even realized it.
It's COMPLETELY fucking up my mind, you know?
Market crash in the prominent future.
Stability in economy becomes unstable.
USA trying to intervene.
Gets shunned.
Or maybe I didn't get the picture right.
I don't think that is going to happen ... unless you put effort into it, like start spamming wall street professionals with your views and persuade them to dump their NY homes.
more like
stock market goes up because of all the money which is now being spent
the USA flattens NK with their ridiculously overwhelming military superiority
That's a nice possibility.
the new united Korea rapidly expands the North's economy
...and thousands of Koreas die
it would probably be a financially viable war, frankly
Or get culture shocked.
You can tell how deprived North Koreans are with their technology.
@DeadMG before that NK will destroy factories in South Korea
@Pubby maybe some americans and japanese too when NK manage to send a few nukes around before it is conquered
Which is impossible, thanks to global industrialization...
@Abyx Frankly, I doubt they could do any substantial damage before being utterly crushed.
@DeadMG And what happens if they fire all missiles at once?
the only other alternative is to permit them to build more nuclear bombs and more advanced missiles to fire them
which I'm not really seeing in the "viable" pile.
@DeadMG regular artillery is enough do wipe out everything near border
depends on how many cruise missiles you fire at them first
in any case
as a preventive act, huh
frankly, the amount of damage that SK suffers is almost irrelevant, because the only other option is to allow NK to build nuclear ICBMs with which it can do far more damage than any conventional assault it can launch today.
which is why, IMO, the only viable option is a first strike against them
@DeadMG nah, factories located in SK produces a lot of stuff, e.g. Samsung is in SK. Probably that's irreplaceable for world economics
btw, NK didn't participate in any war last 50 years. just for the record
well WWII only happened some 70 years ago, it is not that long since ...
Re your post in std-proposals
wrt that "fitst strike" logic, it would be very funny if US will eventually start war against UK, just in case. who knows what will happen in future? thus it's better to attack those bastards first!
Alright, as promised, I'll be leaving the chatroom. Thanks for the discussion. I'm off to my part-time job. :D
US doesn't start a war for no reason
sure. they make up a reason first
they don't care that there are bio weapons in iraq .. they don't care either that children die in syria
but if something make a threat, or holds a resource .. they'd go for it
@Xeo I agree.
the main problem with C compatibility is not it's desirability, but the cost
unless there are any genuine proposals which can bring down the cost, like doing something I have done with Wide, then it won't be viable.
Bio-Shock Infinite explains it in a different way
IMO ABI compatibility is enough. (i.e. possibility to link .c and .cpp together)
it's not like we #include .c in .cpp and vice versa
it's not enough unless you want to declare every C function yourself
which is admittedly the approach many other languages took to C compatibility
but is not really the most maintainable solution
ok, then C++ should support #pragma syntax ([push, ](C|C++)|pop)
I don't really think that's viable
@DeadMG why not? I don't think it's impossible to implement in parser
it's not, but
there would be no way to implement it using existing tools or techniques.
I mean, if you're a C++-exclusive parser right now, then you would have to implement the entire of C11 in the same toolset.
you couldn't just slap Clang on the problem.
well, actually you don't need whole C11, only syntax related to declarations
inline functions?
macros written in C11 expanded in a C++ function?
C11 has inline functions?
as did C99
why all those fuckers use #define instead?!
their rules for them are a bit different to C++'s, but they're still written in the header.
@Abyx C89 and C++ compatibility.
meh. it seems I never seen any C99+ code.
the reason for that is firstly because C is dying, and secondly, because there's very little push to update compilers for the new C Standard
far less than seen in C++
so why care about C? btw VC++ gave up on C99
this is exactly the argument that I, Herb, and others have put forward
C++ doesn't need C11 or C99 compatibility.
@Xeo What do you make of this?
@LucDanton Too many user-defined conversions.
I think.
@LucDanton Wait, where does derived come into play? :P
@Xeo Oh right.
@DeadMG That sounds about right.
@LucDanton One from shared_ptr<int> to shared_ptr<void> and then another implicit one to base for copying (copy almost certainly elided, of course).
Any opinion on variant<std::shared_ptr<void>> v = p;?
@LucDanton variant with single variant?
I'm thinking requiring variant_type v = { p }; for UDC is a feature, but I don't know.
Oh lawdy I can already get variant<variant<optional<int>>> v = { { 0 } }; to compile.
Just the one level of braces works, too. Interesting...
Whoops, my bad. That's not true.
Any plans about internal unwrapping of such nested variants? :P
@Xeo Far future.
So that variant<variant<variant<int>>> == int? :D
I'd need a good algorithm that remains predictable and useful to the users, and good meta tools to express it.
I'm fairly sure I'd also use my own, better tuple to go with that.
What problems did we stumble upon for singleton-unwrapping?
Anyone want to guess what v.which() is in variant<variant<optional<int>>, double> v = { { 0 } };?
@Xeo Doesn't ring a bell. Was I involved?
@LucDanton Yea
tuple<int> == int stuff
Atleast I think it was for tuples.
Well my own better tuple would be convertible, yeah.
Not just convertible, but equivalent
lemme find the discussion
The level-2 version would present 'front-ends', yes.
I still think it would be saner to keep conversions, for deduction purposes.
What changes is what the front-end inherits from, but it remains a class template.
@Xeo Makes sense?
'moaning all. Hey @DeadMG, did you fix your hardware problem?
Okay, I can't seem to find the discussion
Whoops, constructors take T instead of Restore<T>. My bad.
@MartinJames Not really, just installed Windows on the other hard drive.
going to have to purchase a new SSD.
@DeadMG Bummer :(
Oh boy, incomplete types.
Time for re-dependence!
10 mins ago, by Luc Danton
I still think it would be saner to keep conversions, for deduction purposes.
> In instantiation of 'annex::variant_detail::variant_constructors<Variant, annex::indices<Index, Indices ...>, T, Ts ...>::variant_constructors(U) [with U = std::pair<{anonymous}::tree, {anonymous}::tree>; Variant = annex::variant<int, annex::recursive_data<std::pair<{anonymous}::tree, {anonymous}::tree> > >; int Index = 0; int ...Indices = {1}; T = int; Ts = {std::pair<{anonymous}::tree, {anonymous}::tree>}]'
How can I have Index be 0, T int but U not int?
Oh boy. This smells like the usual GCC unpacking shenanigans.
> internal compiler error: in instantiate_template_1, at cp/pt.c:14665
definitely starting to think we should roll our own C++ compiler :P
good luck with that :p
Honestly I'm throwing some heavy stuff at it. It's held up okay until now.
I just wish Clang was more reliable
generating some code only to find out that Clang does something insane is getting old
^ you dog can totally swallow the puppy above .... just saying ...
@DomagojPandža he's... erm... awesome? I really don't know. It's beyond bat shit
@DeadMG What makes you think it would necessarily be better?
good morning room
@ScottW you have your period?
@sehe Well, for one, it would be written in (at least mostly) C++11 instead of bad C with Classes.
@ScottW Yes he is very strong and quick. I've seen some other vids and yeah, he'll literally hang on two fingers of one hand, or casually grab a rung 50 cm away with one arm, and just pull up from there. Incredible
Q: does windows 8 support jquery library?

KarlosHere is my default.html file <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>app1</title> <!-- WinJS references --> <link href="//Microsoft.WinJS.1.0/css/ui-dark.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="//Microsoft.WinJS.1.0/js/base.js"></script> <script src="//Microsoft.WinJS.1....

We are doomed
@DeadMG That will literally not help in the intrinsic complexity of (correct) type deduction, variadics, member function templates in class templates etc.
personally, I'd settle for "Code generates simple templates correctly".
It's not about code sanity. It's about code correctness and managing the intrinsic complexity - which is astounding in the case of c++
@DeadMG All existing compilers would appear to do so. (well, viable ones, so not BC++)
@Telkitty The main difference is that he, given enough time, would be able to do it, whilst you would still sit there posting stupid pics
@sehe Clang assuredly does not.
that being the source of my problems with it
Oooh if I turn the constructors into template to make the type dependent again then I run into the problem of making every constructor template have the same signature, trumping inheriting constructors.
@DeadMG Amuse me with a convincing example?
let me see if I can find the pastes
@Xeo I need a 'unique' and deducible template parameter, something like Int<Index>... (the Index ensuring uniqueness) except that literal types suck. Any idea?
@Crowz please tell me you were joking WRT glBegin...
Let's try something daft, like meta::DependOn<int, Int<Index>>....
well here is the sample code that I compiled
@LucDanton Why do you need it to be unique, if it's supposed to be deduced? I think I'm confused.
now let me see if I can find the LLVM IR output
I'm thinking of switching from code::blocks to eclipse
@Xeo Remember the chain of inheritance? If every specialization has similar constructors, it inhibits inheriting constructors.
look at the definition of _ZNSt6vectorIiSaIiEE5beginEv (or, for those who can't read mangled, std::vector<int>::begin).
@BartekBanachewicz I am not, my next super app (iphone + android, of course with server side processing) will hit the stores in less than 6 weeks time (beta). Currently wrapping it up and will doing testings
@LucDanton Ah, I think I see.
it returns a __gnu_cxx::normal_iterator (MinGW 4.6.3) in the source code, which is a complex type (non-trivial copy constructor)
so the Itanium ABI clearly specifies that Clang should generate a function which takes a pointer to memory into which to place the return value
but instead, Clang did some random type coercion shit and generated a function with totally the wrong signature and binary interface.
@Telkitty Does it have as great UI as your webpage?
@BartekBanachewicz better than the last few apps, now I gained more experience
@RolandSams You know, both suck...
I guess that you probably can't read LLVM IR?
@Telkitty Are you going to replace that webpage like, ever?
@BartekBanachewicz can you suggest a better one?
ugh packaging sucks when they change the packaging tools
> error| 'template<class U> annex::variant<int, annex::recursive_data<std::pair<{anonymous}::tree, {anonymous}::tree> > >::variant(annex::Identity<First>)'
wtf GCC, there's no First in my code at that point :s
and at the same time your sources change some stuff around
I really don't want to use VStudio
Visual Studio is basically the only useful C++ environment, unless you want to go command line.
@RolandSams vim + g++ then
what about borland?
not for the last fifteen years.
There's Qt Creator
There's other IDEs than friggin' VS
All suck
There's Code::blocks
Code::Blocks is awful.
I've tried it
Qt Creator definitely does not suck.
(vs sucks too, fot the record)
Code::blocks sucks, I agree.
QT Creator I haven't tried
@rubenvb Isn't is just for qt?
oh fuck, I've been trollolloed
@RolandSams nope, it can handle CMake projects jsut fine
and I suppose you could set up your own build steps too.
Qt creator is too close to qt for me to use it
@Xeo Is it normal that a constructor declaration triggers instantiation of its parameter? When a class that uses that constructor is defined.
I willl have to write that down thanks for the tip. I am just a little sick of Code::blocks
I am going to write my own ide and language
@LucDanton I think so?
@BartekBanachewicz right.
@RolandSams Qt Creator also has awesome version control integration and good gdb/cdb integration.
Btw, what exactly was your idea with deduction when you had meta::DependOn<int, Int<Index>>?
And nice C++11 syntax handling in the editor.
What part of that would be deduced?
Qt Creator is still awesome if you do not want to use any part of Qt libs at all.
@BartekBanachewicz it is being worked on by someone else
@Xeo My version had an ellipsis.
@LucDanton Wait, so, template<..., meta::DependOn<int, Int<Index>>...>?
The "deduced" thing confused me
Because there's nothing to deduce there, evar.
There is, an empty pack.
... ok, I was thinking deduction of something and not nothing. But I see what you mean.
wow there's some great compile time regressions in GCC 4.8
@rubenvb Against 4.7?
@LucDanton at least it feels that way. I know there's some in Boost for sure. I'm getting some files in the GCC source tree that are taking quite a while to compile.
@rubenvb Vs integrates with gi fyi
Well compile-times have been making me quite sad lately. I've taken remedial measures, too.
@BartekBanachewicz right I forgot they put effort into libgit2 to actually make it useful.
@LucDanton Lemme guess, you switched to Clang?
... that's not even close to a solution
you upgraded your pc?
Finer-grained includes (sometimes by splitting some headers) and rewriting some crufty bits.
E.g. I had an old workaround for the Boost.Exception visibility issues that included pretty much everything in boost/exception/, but it wasn't needed anymore.
ah, you actually chose the right way :P
Of course.
I'll try Qt creator today
@rubenvb is it smart enough to hook to 4.8 mingw?
@BartekBanachewicz I'm trying it. It's fast and looks good. No idea how to get it to use my make file yet :)
I want to use sconscripts
@BartekBanachewicz what does that mean?
@sehe QT Creator supports CMakeLists.txt
You can select whichever toolchain you want?
please don't flag me
that's inpolite
or impolite
or whatever
@EvgenyPanasyuk That's not make
@rubenvb Sorry, that's fucking safari on ipad
@sehe yes, just for note
@sehe I think you can run plain make too
Please ignore it
Ok, I was aware :)
You just won't get much of the IDE functions from that.
@rubenvb I would think so. Thing is, haven't found out how to get it to use my make file, yet :)
@rubenvb Meh. Which would that be? I'm not building guis.
CMake support is a bit clunky when it comes to adding files, you'll need to rerun CMake after manually creating and adding the files to CMakeLists.txt
@sehe the file rename/add/remove functionality.
What? I want to use gdb, how is that related to makefiles
@EvgenyPanasyuk Also, no idea why there doesn't appear to be either ^W or Ctrl-F4 to close the current editor
@rubenvb as well as VS (it reruns CMake after adding new file)
@rubenvb Meh.
@rubenvb meh
H5 sehe
I anm going to take a shower and install it
@sehe I don't use QT Creator much..
@Xeo This doesn't seem right. I'll try it on 4.9.
@rubenvb I can do that a lot better. If the IDE does it for me, all that's basically guaranteed is that it goes about it in the dumb way (e.g. not caring about the project file w.r.t. version control and branching; I get that all the time with VS/csproj)
@BartekBanachewicz If it doesn't recognize makefiles, it won't offer to run, let alone debug. At least, for me it doesn't yet
@sehe well, for qmake projects, Qt Creator does it in all the right ways. And the version control seems to be independent of that (it just runs git in the background, and sensibly decides which files you'd want to add)
How can I include a C header and not have it pollute my global namespace?
@sehe I want scons plugin dammit
Just namespace __cbla { #include "header.h" }?
yes I know about the double underscore crap
Mmm. Just created the default non-qt plain C++ console application (it.. prints hello world). Hit F10 (start debugging) and it is stuck... no response, no screen updates. ^C to interupt did work
@rubenvb can you imagine one would just want a gui for gdb, not caring for all that git and makefile integration?
@Xeo What do you know, changing the first version to use std::tuple<completed_later> as a parameter does instantiate std::tuple too early.
@sehe QT quality delivers
@rubenvb it should have extern "C"
Ah, doing F5 printed:
Cannot connect creator comm socket /tmp/qt_temp.sY8867/stub-socket: No such file or directory
Yeah. Well.
@BartekBanachewicz yes. Linux has tons of those programs, heck there's even WinDebug for VS.
@sehe what OS?
@rubenvb oh wait. Maybe I can still use VS then
@rubenvb Linux.
@sehe you have a sucky distro.
Dang. Doing 'Tools/Git/Log for main.cpp' results in: Waiting for data... (indefinitely)
@BartekBanachewicz there's even a commandline Windows debugger for VS. I think it's cdb (Debugging Tools for Windows)
@rubenvb muhahahahahahaha. Screw you :)
oh, Time to DL QT 5
@rubenvb no, cmdlinge is out for me.
Of course I have a sucky distro. Everyone knows Ubuntu 12.10 is sucky, right.
@sehe not haxx0r enough,. USE GENTOO OR ARCH UOU N33WB
It's just about sucky enough for me
@sehe yes. I blame Canonical for your Qt Creator debugging fiasco.
:) go right ahead
it's not a fiasco, yet, actually. It might become
Anyways, need to be doing music stuff. Cya around
It's funny how unsensible it is do dump your C library these days.
It's nigh impossible
should I get Qt 5.0.2 for Windows 64-bit (VS 2012, 500 MB) or the one for mingw?
I guess the mingw one.
I cannot get the 4.8.4 MinGW version to work
I seem to have the wrong compiler version or something
It comes with a compiler
So I walways use the VS2010 one.
I want to hook up gcc4.8 to it anyway
at least try to
@rubenvb I meant Qt 4.8.4, that does not come with a compiler
meh only 1.8MB/s Damn slow internet

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