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If I use HTMLParser().unescape(s), I get: u'The problem isn\u2019t getting to Huancavelica from Huancayo to the north.'Mulone 2 hours ago
How bad can you get
@CatPlusPlus It's the "GHCi is broken"-syndrome again.
Or maybe the surprisingly and depressingly common inability to distinguish value from representation.
@R.MartinhoFernandes yeah. well, mostly. I suppose the 10 second closeup of that woman's covered-up boobs might not be awesome around your boss
@R.MartinhoFernandes Both
> How do I get clean the text from these special characters?
Natural language processing baby
@LightnessRacesinOrbit That thumbnail made it look almost but not quite, entirely unlike a Power Rangers movie review.
I got a Yearling badge on tex.se
@CatPlusPlus Everyone knows natural language does not have "special characters".
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's NLTK-related question :v:
I didn't know what that is.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit OMG 6:45
Knowing it elevates it to a whole other level of fail, I guess.
I shouldn't laugh that loud at work
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh yes
That entire page is just disgusting.
Try something like txt = lec.decode('utf8').encode('latin9')f p 3 hours ago
@DomagojPandža I got tea
"Hey, did you try randomly recoding your text in a lossy manner? That might fix all your problems!"
anyway, I was quite productive today
decode/encode doesn't work. The ouput string is the same. — Mulone 2 hours ago
Default encoding mode is "failure" so it'll either be the same or throw an exception, genius
Funny how you guys always run into 'disgusting' paper/book/sites and reading them
Riffing is fun
We have to protect others
@Cat what is lxml? Is it a broken XML parser that produces escaped output, or is it merely the OP's inability to use the right functions?
We exist to make fun of everyone and everything
& I love hearing you lot saying "it's so disgusting, here, read it!"
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's an XML thing, but I don't know much about it
I remember some problems with Unicode and lxml in one of codebases I maintained at work though
So it's possible it's just bad and broken

David WoodsUse the while loop to aggregate students marksstored in an array. Use an enum to indicate in the array which student got which student got which mark and apply object oriented principles.Include comments in the code.

Well, if it produces escaped output, it is a crappy leaky abstraction.
Wow, "do your own fucking work" was removed quickly
I was wondering why I couldn't construct an std::vector<double> out of an std::initializer_list<int>. "I understand that the std::initializer_list<double> constructor will be ignored but surely the range constructor will pick up the slack." I'm not sure why I thought that.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit lol
So much for (std::initializer_list<T>, U&&...) overloads.
> Use the while loop to aggregate students marksstored in an array. Use an enum to indicate in the array which student got which student got which mark and apply object oriented principles.Include comments in the code.
Ugh, I just discarded initializer_lists in ogonek.
Now you deleted it and we'll never know if it's while loop or ahile loop
@R.MartinhoFernandes Listing character-thingies one by one doesn't seem useful.
shoulds like a excel problem.
@DomagojPandža He should've applied English first
@LucDanton Yeah, but I had it in my original draft: it's iterable after all. But requiring extra overloads is too annoying.
Oh so same situation of complementing so-called perfect forwarding then.
> So which is it, while loop or ahile loop? Those two aren't the same you know
ahahahahahahaha hilarious
no, wait...
It's honestly the first time I noticed the discrepancy (i.e. apparently containers take std::initializer_list<value_type> and that only), and I've used those overloads before.
@Telkitty Escel has ahile loops? I didn't even kno it had while :)
I admit you not getting a reversal badge was much funnier than this
Also, the question is retarded. Kudos to school systems worldwide.
@CatPlusPlus :Đ
Although looking back I guess it was std::vector<int> and { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } or some such every time...
@CatPlusPlus OK, it was a bit funny, yes.
@MartinJames excel has micro, suits stupid people well ...
@LucDanton But yeah, it does sound useless, so I won't bother.
Also lol. Nobody knows how to solve the problem of dividing a short by half
Y problem is how to test GL_EQUAL
I've tried 0.5f, but that doesn't equal any depth integer.
Are you making sense?
x / 2 is hard
um. There's GL_EQUAL compare mode
and my test should verify if it works correctly
however, it's damn hard to produce proper values, you see?
If you're working with integers then there's nothing between 0 and 1 fyi
@BartekBanachewicz No, I don't see (don't worry, it's not you; I am probably lacking domain/context knowledge and attention to see it).
Hello all :)
I have a problem with a C code I just made (generating all possibilities from an alphabet for brute force purpose). Everything is working fine but I have a memory leak I can't solve. The malloc is made line 54 here : pastebin.com/gdjr5DcE ; The only solution I found is adding the strings malloc'ed into a list and free them at the end but I need the code to be as fast as possible.
well, you know how GL tests work, right? For example depth test. You specify ref value and compare mode.
Code dump alert.

Language identified: C
User first occurence: true
Room name: Lounge<C++>
Extracting template argument...
C++. C not equal C++

@IggY Do you need the code to be fast or correct?
so, say, if z is GL_LEQUAL than the buffer value, put the fragment on the screen
I need it to leak as fast as possible
If you want it as fast as possible, try this program: int main() {}.
and the spec allows to use GL_EQUAL, too, but there's the problem. Vertex z is a float, but buffer value is a fixed-point normalized 16bit integer
@R.MartinhoFernandes : fast. As I said I can solve the memory leak with unproductive linked list but I'd like if possible to only add a free() call
@IggY If there's more than one malloc, you cannot get away with one free.
@IggY it's not the C room. We write in C++ not in C.
Sounds like your program is already as fast as possible while still being correct.
@BartekBanachewicz Actually, we write in English.
Occurrence, damn keyboard. :(
Most of the time, anyways.
@Xeo // manchmal
@R.MartinhoFernandes : there is 2 malloc but the first one is very easy to free
Stop trying to generate passwords
@IggY Neither algorithmic complexity nor memory management are bottlenecks in your program. It's I/O
You cannot make magic.
Therefore fix that first and then fix the rest later maybe
@R.MartinhoFernandes : Actually I can still make it faster without using printf (write instead) and not using recursivity
At the end of the day, you have to release everything you allocated. The only way to make that faster is to not do it.
Also this code is awful even for C
@IggY Then why are you trying to make it faster by making it incorrect?
@R.MartinhoFernandes it's not possible as I have to generate so much possibilities it'll full the memory before returning
Writing to stdout and talking about ~performance~
@IggY You need this in a file? Is it another program's input?
@CatPlusPlus And can you tel me why ?
Why am I trying to use logic.
Non-const char pointers, reimplementing strlen and pow
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's not very effective
You realize reading from files is slower than generating simple char combinations, right?
If you're going to reimplement strlen then at least make strings not retarded and strlen O(1)
@IggY That doesn't sound like a speed problem. Sounds more like a correctness issue. It appears you don't even know what you want.
Also atoi
he probably compiles on Debug/-O0 anyway
@CatPlusPlus How do you make strlen O(1)
@kbok by caching the length
@kbok By keeping the length with the string instead of using shitty terminator value?
@BartekBanachewicz : no, O3 @CatPlusPlus : I can make strlen 0(1) but for this I don't need help
As I said, if you don't care about correctness and all you want is full speed ahead, int main() {} is the solution to all the world's problems.
@CatPlusPlus But then it's not strlen
Ugh string literals assigned to char*
@IggY maybe try using a proper language, like C++
@kbok Yes it is
It's not libc strlen, but who the fuck cares, libc is broken
It's so stupid to say libc is broken --'
@CatPlusPlus "C library"
@LucDanton w/e
The C Standard Joke
@IggY Yet you decided to use my_strlen instead of strlen.
It's so stupid to say libc is broken I just reimplemented 3 functions I use from it
(In a sillier way but still)
@CatPlusPlus code reuse is bad, remember?
And it's broken in most respects
@CatPlusPlus I don't get it
It's a function strlen that returns a length of a string
I wouldn't call it strlen exactly probably but that's just names
Oh I see, you're just trolling
Really impressive how you guys are good in trolling and behaving like pros but none of you is able to find a good way to solve the memory leak
Get the fuck out
@IggY so why are you still here?
Yes he is. It's like saying vector can be pretty much anything you want, too bad there's one thing in the std namespace with the same name but hey that's completely unrelated
I'm leaving don't worry
Yes bye don't come back
I made it a gist; now I can look professional an link it in comments :P
gist: “I want it as fast as possible”, 2013-04-11 14:37:07Z
int main() {}
I found gister addon to VS today. Apparently it can make gists.
6 mins ago, by Cat Plus Plus
If you're going to reimplement strlen then at least make strings not retarded and strlen O(1)
> reimplement strlen
Implies "keeping semantics"
Yes the context is pretty obvious isn't it
The semantic is "it returns a length of a string" jesus
@BartekBanachewicz That reminds me. github.com/mattn/gist-vim
Uh, no
@kbok "Selector for the length property of an instance of some string datatype"?
Strings being char arrays terminated with NUL is an implementation detail
And I implied that strings are better when not implemented in this way, which also enables strlen (OR string_length_function_thats_totally_not_libc_strlen WHATEVER IT'S JUST A FUCKING NAME) to be O(1)
If you get "trolling" from that then I just have no words
It's a property of strlen. If you implement a string length function you're likely to not keep the terrible name except if you want it to be compatible
I don't call strlen to measure the distance to the first embedded zero... What's the point of that?
O(k), cat. It's ok.
It's. Just. A. Name.
@CatPlusPlus Can I deliberately get "trolling" from that, to force you to have no more words?
@LucDanton Maybe it was a strtoked string!
libc doesn't hold a trademark on function names
@R.MartinhoFernandes You're the one toking.
does anyone here have any experience with some serious low-level hacking C function calling?
as in manually pushing arguments on the stack and then jumping?
@R.MartinhoFernandes haha. nice.
@CatPlusPlus If you write a function called strlen in C or C++ that does not behave as does standard C strlen, then you are a fucking moron.
Maybe I really should GTFO with VS at all?
Honestly, the thing I am afraid of the most is debugging
(where "you" = any hypothetical person)
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Thanks
@BartekBanachewicz naahhh, VS needs love too
We're discussing a thing
@melak47 but the compiler :/
Minicraft compiles under 4.8 now
It also has cross-platform sconscript
@kbok You're doing that?
You're just being annoyingly obtuse on purpose or w/e I don't give a fuck
@nightcracker If you need to write assembly directly to mimic function calling, you're doing something wrong. :/
@MartinJames yes
@CatPlusPlus A good, rational, mature counter-argument. Well done.
call it strileng then :o
@LightnessRacesinOrbit No, I say "thanks" because you have a fair point and it's rare
If you can't see how "O(1) strlen" means non-libc implementation of strlen WHATEVER THE NAME IT WOULD BE CALLED then fuck off
@kbok Wait... tosser!
@DomagojPandža I'm looking into speeding up the ctypes wrapper for Python
@CatPlusPlus Don't talk about programming, don't talk about programming....
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I mean "people having fair points is rare" not "you"
We seriously need an age restriction in this room. So much angst
@kbok Cool :)
@nightcracker use pypy?
I'm not saying you often make sense either but hey
@BartekBanachewicz Hmmm "Gist: require 'curl' command"...
@LightnessRacesinOrbit would I qualify? :/
Man, Windows sucks so much.
@kbok Wait... tosser!
@BartekBanachewicz You're generally sane.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I say 25, unless you are cat++
@Telkitty I say 18, unless you are cat++
cat++ is over 18
You can leave and never come back
In which case it is cat.age+1
@Telkitty what am I gonna do for 3 years? ._.
@BartekBanachewicz no, I'm looking into speeding up the ctypes module for CPython
@Telkitty oh. christ, seriously?
@BartekBanachewicz just as an exercise, not for a particular purpose
@CatPlusPlus lol
@melak47 there is the PHP room ...
@CatPlusPlus Prettify the link.
I don't want to be subtle
@CatPlusPlus It's pretty subtle now, since you can't actually see what the link does without mouseovering. You would make it non-subtle by prettifying it.
Too late anyway whatever
weird when owners can not kick people out of their rooms, haha!
@CatPlusPlus It's like saying "Cat Plus Plus is a dick, no I'm not talking about you, it's the name of my dick, of course WHY WOULD YOU THINK I TALK ABOUT YOU YOU'RE NOT A DICK".
@Telkitty You should be grateful.
@ScottW yes I know :p
could someone perhaps point me to a nice simple example on querying IIS from c++ ? For example I want all the web sites currently setup
@kbok Everyone but you somehow understood what's being discussed and you somehow got "trolling" from that
Also sorry guys for the penis metaphor but I deemed it necessary to carry my point
@ScottW in the real world there is rarely much distinction. or, at least, owners have statutory rights regarding the things they own, that do not (should not) require police intervention
@DomagojPandža grateful why? I have not hijacked this room, have I?
Oh, I know what this is
@Julien IIS? well, look in its docs
@Telkitty anything but that D:
This is that fucking annoying pedantry again
@CatPlusPlus Time for you to blame everybody disagreeing with you on "fucking annoying pedantry again"
@kbok you know shit's getting real when you need a penis to state an argument
grow the fuck up
@BartekBanachewicz or to "stake a claim"
@ScottW wait... what? :(
@ScottW not hard to understand... hard to accept
@ScottW that's not true! :(
Cat either had too little sleep or too much sleep
@CatPlusPlus so, you gonna run for president now? since you have a poster now :p
@CatPlusPlus It was obviously confusing because of the way you said it. I quote "I you're going to reimplement X then make it so that Y"
@ScottW similar here
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Oh yes, that murruch sleeep is juuust purrrfect~
One day we are going to release the Cat(++) on a mod
it would be 'interesting'
Also I'm down to 3 hours of sleep.
Beause, fuck the police.
Eventually I'll hit crash mode.
rather this chat than sleep, huh? :p
@kbok It's not like that.
@Telkitty I'd rather code than sleep.
@LucDanton Do you think I'm wrong, or just the analogy is?
@ScottW But you need to sleep.
Otherwise, how could we cuddle and sleep together? <3
@kbok I don't know what the former refers to but yes this doesn't represent the exchange.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I just noticed that on Fb two seconds ago.
Well, I bought coffee. Now I need to make it.
@ThePhD Me <== cannot write decent code when lacking sleep, I mean I can write cout << "world domination = world optimization", but not the ones that actually require a brain.
@BartekBanachewicz That's because I just posted it there two seconds ago.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit no, really?
@BartekBanachewicz Yes, really.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit no wai.
@BartekBanachewicz Wai.
Damn I have an exam tomorrow :/
@Telkitty No std::cout ? Wow, you'll even troll other coders who have to handle your code. =[
gist: 5364060, 2013-04-11 14:56:13Z
This is a test.

 - sent from my text editor.
That's pretty much his point IMO
How could you Telkitty. ;~;
@Bartek ha! it works.
@ThePhD using namespace std;
@Telkitty Now we're cookin'~
@R.MartinhoFernandes cool, how can one do that?
No, just pasta.
@ThePhD I'd like me some pasta right now
You need curl in your PATH.
@Xeo I cook really great pasta, actually.
#define cout cin
I'm extremely good at making stir fry.
hmmm what's a good beginner's project in C++ to get acquainted with pointers?
@kbok What you linked is a specific rebuttal. It does not constitute the whole point, no.
I can also make a mean baked ziti with chicken and melted cheeses. <3
@R.MartinhoFernandes congratulations. Now you can tell me if I should be afraid of letting go of VS debugger. Should I write a song about our relationship like Taylor Swift beforehand?
@Crowz binary tree
@Crowz why would you want to use pointers at all dammit
@ThePhD I'm great at making things fry, too.
@Xeo I'll make some!
@LucDanton This message was a rebuttal to this specific rebuttal, yes.
steam/grilled seafood platter <3
My Spaghetti is legendary, with the cheeses intermingled with the small slices of meat I put in (either sausage or hotdogs; sausage can usually be better).
@LucDanton I'd need a kitchen for that first. :<
typedef wchar_t broken
@BartekBanachewicz Dunno. Personally I find the VS debugger quite lackluster.
The other points he made have been adressed as well
okay... in C++, you'd use a struct for each TreeNode? eg,
`struct TreeNode {
TreeNode *left;
int data;
TreeNode *right;
All coupled with Rosemary I pepper in myself. <3
@ScottW: Good news for you. /cc @EtiennedeMartel
@R.MartinhoFernandes what does it even mean? o.O oh, I see.
@Crowz Why would you
@Crowz you could
Lacking in vitality, force, or conviction; uninspired.
(of the hair or the eyes) Not shining; dull.
@Xeo It's okey, I can use mine.
@R.MartinhoFernandes cool

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