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The second one is an older / old woman as the main character.
It's cool to be an old man, but I haven't gotten any kind of kick-ass old woman type dealie.
Yeah, seriously.
@MooingDuck There's a syntactical similarity where you would accept a smart pointer by value, as you would an iterator.
I think the last game that took a black character seriously (and the first I can recall) was...
.... Prototype 2?
Are you that fixated on race that you notice these things?
@LucDanton don't want to accept a unique_ptr via an rvalue is the issue.
Since when is a black soldier stereotypical?
@Rapptz I think you a word?
@MooingDuck You were right, they weren't, move on?
Hmm. Seems that emplace_back needs the ctor to be public. I wonder if there is a reason why
actually I guess it makes sense
@Ell oh, wait, duh
yeah >.<
why should std::vector<> have access to a private ctor? xD
Me so stupid :3
@ThePhD Do you think these are "negative" stereotypes?
@Ell Should have you posted actual code I'm sure lots of people would have pointed to you the problem instantly. Instead you chose to ramble.
@Rapptz What I'm saying is I haven't seen people of different ethnicities occupy roles outside their traditional depiction.
You're too fixated on it.
@Rapptz And yes, it's negative when the only dark-skinned characters in many games are thugs or meatheads.
@LucDanton I did post the code
But apologies for appearing to ramble
Or talk with some kind of egregious urban accent or in exclusive AAVE.
@ThePhD Maybe I don't play a lot of games anymore -- but this has never been something I've actively witnessed outside of maybe GTA and near that genre.
Not exactly rampart enough to catch enough of my attention to warrant a generalised blanket statement.
@Rapptz Because they don't exist outside that genre? :3c
Then this is worthless discussion.
Much like non-stripper woman in video games are hard to find.
UNless they're the damsel in distress.
Please don't
I will kill you
Whaat, I'm just saying. :c
The problem is deeper than that.
"Men act, women are"
Male characters are define by their actions, female characters are defined by their being.
Good thing we have @Flexo now. I can rep cap all I want stackoverflow.com/users/106224/boltclock?tab=reputation
@MooingDuck: Hah, see, non-owning smart pointers. :)
@Xeo I saw
Guess I don't play games as much as you guys.
@EtiennedeMartel I think the only way to break that is to have female characters that actually are different things.
@ThePhD No. It's to have female characters that do stuff.
Or, rather, to have female characters which are simply characters.
Gender should have nothing to do with this.
Well yeah, that's what I mean.
So, no more damsels in distress, no more macguffin girls.
I stay away from these types of conversations because I tend to want to make very very long rants
@Rapptz Yeah, and I got to go anyway.
@EtiennedeMartel that really irked me in Fable
I mean having games where there's just more representation of people being people, like in reality.
Sooo I'm just going to leave chat or something
Don't leave. :c
I'll stop talking about it.
@MooingDuck Most female characters spend their whole games sitting around looking pretty.
And when they're actually doing something, then they're in there for the eye candy (good old chainmail bikini, eh?)
Anyway. Gotta leave. Bye.
@Rapptz Me too, now that you mention it. It's 5 am over here
Night all
I think that's an issue with userbase.
@EtiennedeMartel The chicks from mass effect were pretty badass ;)
The female clothes in Mass Effect were terribly unrealistic. And not in the shading department, it was the overall design.
So long, uncomfortable to see and tight leather.
And every civilian female wore one.
Women's clothing is probably the only valid point that Anita could probably make a video on IMO
They're ridiculous if anything
but outside of that I don't see any misogyny or sexism in games that can be seen as offensive outside of the usual "objectification" brought upon by the previous point
FemShep's Kasumi+ loyalty design was better, but it was still leather.
But leather can be mostly be blamed on the lousy BRDFs rather than designer's intent. Technical difficulties of a deferred pipeline. No sexism there.
@DomagojPandža The clothing was overly sexy I might go with that. but they were badass nonetheless. I mean they kicked ass they werent just there.
@Rapptz wait... are you of the chestical barring variety?
What does that even mean?
I googled for "chestical" and I got breasts
are you female :P
'Danny' is a unisex name... so not too sure
@thecoshman TIL
@thecoshman meh, "Danni"/"Dannielle" -> F, "Danny"/"Daniel" -> M
@Rapptz "chestical barring", "chest bearing" "bears a chest" "has breasts"
(in hindsight. I didn't know either)
Chestical makes it sound like testicles for your chest.
Which leads me to think of dickhead.
I think that's the joke
@Ell not so strongly adhered to actually
by 'barring' I did try to say the word akin to 'carrying'
barring means something else :P
@Rapptz is that the word for like... barring someone from a pub?
it means "except"
bleh, words
I'm wathcing this guy
trolling with Pinkie Pie
oh, I like pie :D
@thecoshman You won't like Pinkie Pie
yeah... doesn't sound very cock free to me
I don't evne know what this si about fully
But man
Listening to this guy is hilarious
Now this is hilarious
@CatPlusPlus Loool, damn.
cc @EtiennedeMartel
You know, if studios are resorting to 'no, we really need those servers' as a ruse, then that would mean DRM is starting to become even more of a no-no. So that's progress, isn't it?
I want to watch them burn
I do too.
@CatPlusPlus It's just an anti-piracy move, to be expected from EA.
you loling at the failing of DRM or the brony vid?
I'm lolling at both.
They're both fucking hilarious.
indeed :D
I found a task in code that is common for libraries, where RAII appears to complicate things IMO. write a function that takes an allocator& and returns a default constructed node in a unique_ptr<node> safely.
RAII: six dense lines and an extra class. No RAII: five simple lines and one complex line.
Although, I fail to see what's so special about SimCity.
Especially with the constant uplink.
EA can choke on a dick.
@MooingDuck fairly sure @R.MartinhoFernandes has a blog post on something like this. Using a unique_ptr to do RAII (probably talking about my ass though)
@DomagojPandža Old ones were fun vOv
I don't think anyone is claiming this one is special beyond "it's new Simcity game"
Well, I've seen its review score plummet from 9.5 to 4.0
I'm still waiting for them to bring back archologies
Review scores are useless
@CatPlusPlus A guy on Kotaku did the test. He managed to play 19 minutes with his WiFi down.
they also seem to be bringing down the map size, the ones is this version look not much bigger then a small town... hardly a city
@thecoshman It's in already, as a great work or something
(Oh, they talk about it in the article. Derp)
@CatPlusPlus god damn it, how can I bitch and moan about that now?
I think they'll cave in and get rid of always-online sooner or later
@thecoshman I don't see an article on it
I don't know, damage is done now I think
I discovered SimCity 4 has mods
Amidst all this
I should give it another go sometime
@MooingDuck hmm... must have made it up... you know, you can sort of hack unique_ptr to provide RAII like syntax (totally my idea, so long as you don't ask for info)
@Zoidberg oooh, cracking
I think I have SC4... not sure if I ever actually installed it
I want to get pick up 2000 from my parents at Easter
@thecoshman I don't htink you're talking about, unique_ptr is like the poster child of RAII.
@MooingDuck Wut
Poor abused unique_ptr
I really need to do this stupid boring assignment
now that I think of it... perhaps it was his rule of zero blog post I was thinking of...
not sure how I confused that with RAII... but meh
In my defence, I don't think I ever claimed to know what I was doing
I went into a foray of YouTube videos of trolling and other things.
People get a lot fo video traffic for just being assholes trolling everybody.
@ThePhD there are an aweful lot of children on youtube

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