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Go go gadget wristband
anyone know why is there a _MAC define used in windowsx.h?
I'm willing to put $300, double of the preorder, that it doesn't work even remotely close as the advertisment.
@user1233963 what is it defined to? curious here
@uʍopǝpısdn no value, it's used to alter the implementation of some other macros
here you go
Q: What's with "#ifdef _MAC" in Windows header files?

zildjohn01I was browsing through Windows's Platform SDK header files (what a life, right?), and I noticed many places contained references to the preprocessor symbol _MAC. For example: // WinUser.h line 1568 /* * Message structure */ typedef struct tagMSG { HWND hwnd; UINT message;...

And that crap with airtime part of the video is so fake it's insulting the viewer's intelligence.
@uʍopǝpısdn thank you
no problem, it was interesting to learn about
LLVM registers, why are you so fucking worthless?
@Zoidberg The Num and related hierarchy is crappy.
(It's really not that interesting)
I added search and replace and a decent editor. :L fiddle.jshell.net/g4YZW/62/show
Now the run and share parts.
Oh fuck some weird margin due to CSS being a bad language.
cascading shit stinks
those are the nerve-reading armbands for gestures, right?
Notice the aliasing on the white one, due to insufficient raytracer samples. :P
read about them the other day
Do they explode if you try to take them off?
@DomagojPandža You mean that's worse than the end? :v:
You explode when you put them on
@DomagojPandža man are you trying to be worse than Cat and Puppy together?
combine those with Oculus Rift and Emotiv and we got ourselves the next generation of addictive MMORPGS
Yeah you can't call obvious bullshit because that's being so negative~
because we really don't need another one going around saying how everything either sucks, is terrible or crap. We've heard that for long enough now.
@CatPlusPlus I've only heard him saying how things are crap and shit, so.
Fuck you too
No claws in anything
I'm just bit tired of having opinions reduced to "woo woo you so negative"
It makes me not want to bother
I'm tired of hearing how everything sucks
I'm tired of people selling poop on the internet and getting famous for, basically, shit and lies.
@TonyTheLion that sucks man
that happened in real life long before the internet came along
I'll buy three of those if it works 32% as demonstrated.
@thecoshman meh
@TonyTheLion At least he won't be incessantly telling you to use Haskell as if his life depended on it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I hope not.
I can be positive. Mass Effect trilogy. Wow. Everything but the end. Lounge squad. Faith in humanity restored. Airplanes. Awesome. Ships. Awesome. Space travel. Awesome. LHC. Awesome. Dr. White attempting to construct a warp interferometer. Awesome.
And suddenly on the radio
@CatPlusPlus that is one funny nickname
@DomagojPandža do you not understand that idea of a concept?
I prefer concepts of ideas
@DomagojPandža concepts come before mature ideas. Nothing is awesome at first
@thecoshman I know exactly how that concept can only work. It involves more wires than any sane person is willing to install on their body.
I prefer you shut up :P
@DomagojPandža you mention airplanes are awesome, but countless models crashed before the first flew
(fyi those are synonyms)
@DomagojPandža oooh, so you have studied anatomy too
@CatPlusPlus no shit
Maybe I should change my nick
Airplanes are fine while they are actually flying you from A to B. Then there's the airports :(((
@Zoidberg Be-that-as-it-may "recruiters who use grep" still beat the crap out of recruiters who don't find your resume even if it did mention Java, just because they use Windows and their documents aren't indexed if they are not in Microsoft™ Word® format
I got spam
That pretends to be from PayPal
And in the place where PayPal logo should be
Is literally written "PayPal logo"
@sehe recruiters who use grep?
I recently got a spam that nearly foiled me.
@sehe my resume is under 1k, no need to grep around :(
@uʍopǝpısdn Hover to see what I replied to
@sehe WOOO that's neat!
Not to mention an URL that doesn't even try to be similar
@uʍopǝpısdn If you recall aviation history early aviators initially branded aircrafts as extremely experimental and dangerous. These guys are just trying to take your money.
Lazy spam best spam
@uʍopǝpısdn God. You might be missing the point. By several tectonic plates
And they are selling a product, not an idea of a better future to come.
@uʍopǝpısdn Or follow the arrow links
Newsflash: every company's trying to take your money.
> Subject: Gun Control Is Treason
I have many ideas. I can render them out and sell them to you. That's exactly what they're doing. But don't take my word for it. Just look what becomes of it. The first user tests on YouTube. It will be nothing like the thing they're selling.
This one doesn't even have any links
@DomagojPandža Yes please.
I have no idea what this is about
So many words
But no rolexes
@CatPlusPlus It could be using HTML images to report your location and the fact that you use a vulnerable MUA
@CatPlusPlus Gun control is easy - leave it on single-shot.
@sehe No, it's literally nothing
@CatPlusPlus It's a testrun, complimentary service :)
It's a text email
@MartinJames depends on you 'aim' really. If you want to reduce something to messy pulp, then I suggest full auto at near point blank
I just cleaned my kitchen in it's entirety, spanking clean.
Hi!!! How are you? I'd like to find a friend for corresponding.
Would you like to communicate with me? My name is Irina.
I'm from Russia. I'm 26. I have been devorced for a long time
and I'm single woman now. I would be glad very much to correspond with you.
I know English well, so I don't use any translators.
If they wanted to be honest and realistic, they should've made a video with all the problems and kinks with people who are not associated with the tech or paid to act.
@thecoshman Lets never have a face-to-face argument over that :)
@TonyTheLion never go in again, never need to clean again
They're looking for lonely, gullible souls.
It seems they pick their targets quite well!
I too am a single woman
I don't remember the Wright brothers making an Airbus A380 demo and then selling their prone-to-crash wooden aircrafts. :P
@CatPlusPlus Shes 26 and divorced for a long time? LOL seems legit
@MartinJames well, how would advise a gun be used if reducing something to a messy pulp?
@Borgleader Really
@DomagojPandža You'll be so pwned if it does work as advertised.
That's the part that ticks you off
@CatPlusPlus Not slutty enough
@DeadMG You mean like Kinect and Project Milo?
or Playstation Move?
as far as I know, they did work as advertised; that was just never very good.
I'll never understand the compulsion of flailing your arms wildly like an idiot in front of a screen
@DomagojPandža somebody has to try and sell shit so that someone comes along and sprinkles magic onto it
but I'm not a console guy so don't ask me
Console lady?
@thecoshman Well, you were right, so I would not like to try any sort of mutual experiment :) I like my body arranged as it is.
Respectable PC lady
This was mysteriously cancelled by the master of overhype, Peter Molyneux.
@CatPlusPlus Yes because that's the "bait", oh look im a single and lonely woman and it's soooo fake.
@DomagojPandža That was only ever a technical demo.
"Emotional Intelligence", blabla, my ass.
..though I could do with thinner toenails.
@DomagojPandža That was just a tech demo
@MartinJames I was totally on about shooting cacti :P
It wasn't even a tech demo, it was a marketing trick.
Besides, I don't think he liked doing Kinect stuff. I mean... no wonder he left the company during Fable The Journey
I'd bet my right arm it's fake.
@thecoshman Please don't shoot my cactus! I call it 'Spikey', and take it for regular walks.
@MartinJames I could do with ones that don't keep growing in circles
On the bright side, I never wear holes in my socks
Besides, @DeadMG, you're a smart guy. If you had that ultimate interaction technology, that emotional simulation of AI. Would you really allow it to fall off the radar and never be seen again? :P
@DomagojPandža > You could pay for Kinect to experience a realistic human interaction! Or fucking go outside and say hi to somebody for free.
YouTube comments spot on as always~
@DomagojPandža Depends on if I think that's what people want.
@MartinJames fine fine, I'll take out the pumkins
The hype around it was so high, it was almost the pinnacle of the Kinect excitement at that time.
@sehe I don't wear socks. If I ever kicked the dog, I'd have to take him to the vets for trauma surgery.
Imagine the Mass Effect you could sell with that technology. Even with reasonable scripted paths, it would be fucking mind blowing. And Microsoft wouldn't let this fade, no chance. Games like Mass Effect have captured the dreams of millions. Millions of $60 payments.
@thecoshman Good plan! Don't like pumpkins, (though, aparrently, you can make alcoholic stuff with them)
And I really dislike when someone takes me for such rides and lies to my face.
@DomagojPandža I still hope that's what Mass Effect 4 will be :P
@MartinJames you can with almost anything really :P
And then @TonyTheLion says I'm the offensive one. :P
@thecoshman I was just about to post something about 'toenail clippings', then decided against it.
@MartinJames I did say 'almost'
@MartinJames Made of keratin, a protein, so you probably could.
@DeadMG I'm willing to try..
Sounds like a challenge.
Call it "the Stallman"
@R.MartinhoFernandes You volunteering to judge?
@DeadMG you need sugars to make le booze. I don't think proteins will break down to sugars. But you might be able to use another microbe to do that step for you
@MartinJames If you don't mind shipping it to Berlin.
Also hiya.
oh god, are y'all looking up how to make toenail booze?
..... Toenail.... booze? Wat? ._.
@R.MartinhoFernandes For that, I'd bring it to Berlin personally.
oh sure, I will head to Berlin to watch it too
@thecoshman Our body can metabolize protein, so I think it can.
Seems toenail booze is the only thing that can actually make a Lounge meetup happen. Not sure if I should be happy or sad.
@ThePhD Sorry - I had to go downtown to get some wheel trims. Nice, sunny day, so Iwent to the pub on the way back. Then toenails sorta turned up.
undoubtedly, you'd need a lot of toenail to make even a single bottle of toenail booze
@DeadMG we break proteins down into amino acids, which we reform into other proteins. We can release energy from them, but not via sugar AFIAK
Can someone elaborate on this toenail booze thing, it's hard to be negative about it since I know so little on its inner workings.
@DomagojPandža toenails + magic = booze
why not just take regular booze, dissolve some toenails in acid, and then add?
Keratin-based Booze, with limited-edition Toe-Jelly flavor!
toenail-flavoured booze, rather than toenail-produced booze.
Do I want to know what "Toe-Jelly" is?
plus you'd need way fewer toenails per bottle.
@DomagojPandža It's simple. I went to the pub at lunchtime. Then I logged on. Then stupid stuff happened.
@R.MartinhoFernandes AFAIK that skank that builds up
Since we're already working on a recipe, can we dissolve a microprocessor and add miniscule amounts to enrich it?
I don't suffer from that, so I'd have to stick with the nails.
@DomagojPandža Then, the hard protein of the toenails will combine with the microprocessor, and from a freak reaction will make people's fingernails and toes capable of basic NAND-based mathematics.
@DeadMG if I had to choose, I would rather go for the latter. IF I had to choose
I'd expect that a few toenails in a bottle of booze to have substantially less impact on the end result than actually making the stuff from toenails.
Q: C++ style commenting style in css

Jesus With IssuesI designing a webkit based web application and i am generating my css using c++ and so naturally i am on a c++ ide.My finished css file looks like /** Css Modules and Sub Modules Table Of Content */ responsiveGrid(); resets(); /** * @brief responsiveGrid * @return */ function responsiveGri...

Toenail-Produced implies there's little left of the toenail aspect in it.
@BoltClock Oh gawd
Somebody slapped a tag on this one and I'm not sure what to make of it o_O
well, strictly speaking, the flavoured one will have to contain some actually toenail (even if ground to a fine powder. toenail produced will just be the alchol
C++ style commenting.
@BoltClock Smile, nod and just walk away
@BoltClock Remove it. Oh wait, you can't now.
// This is a C++ style CSS comment
@DeadMG I assumed distillation would be the modus operandi
@BoltClock WTF is even that.
@DomagojPandža I ninja-edited my answer
I need to implement rvalue references in Wide already.
this is suck.
Maaan, I threw that shit on the ground.
So Wide will soon be C++.
@Fanael It already is!
no it isn't
@Fanael Now it will be a shell of C++ around C++.
This is how I see positive people.
what, offering each other blowjobs non-stop?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yo dawg I heard you like C++
@DeadMG Offering a blowjob to everyone who comes along.
I gotta sleep it off.
@DomagojPandža let me get this straight. You see positive people as wanting nothing to suck the dicks of others?
lol at finger licking good, though
@thecoshman How is dick sucking straight? :D
Just joking, it's a bit of a metaphore, too.
@DomagojPandža That's mysoginistic.
@DomagojPandža how does that matter at all?
Don't accept every blow job that comes your way, man. Sometimes you have to say Yuck. Like the first dude.
boy you are making no sense
Wait wut?
Ahahahah, I've lost the fucked up train of thought I was on, nevermind. :D
@TonyTheLion turns out Domagoj is a raging homophobic
I love gays.
I mean, I really do.
Oh snap! Raymond Chen posted an answer too
I lose
A: C++ style commenting style in css

Raymond ChenYou could have figured this out yourself by simply checking the official CSS specifications. The CSS2 specification says in the section on comments Comments begin with the characters "/*" and end with the characters "*/". They may occur anywhere outside other tokens, and their contents ha...

ITT Raymond Chen helped Jesus with his issues
@CatPlusPlus he didn't help me with jack shit!
How did he win when he offered the same answer a few minutes later?
I don't get SO sometimes.
Because a diamond loses to Raymond duh
Teacher: What is the color of this door?
Student 1: Blue.

--- five minutes later
Student 2: Blue
Teacher: Well done, Student 2!
If I were to hazard a guess, it's because he's Raymond Chen
When in doubt, it's because OP is stupid
Arguably the second answer is better because it links to authoritative source
Luckily, my ignorance of relatively famous software people prevents me from making a logical fallacy of appealing to authority, so I can actually concentrate on the content of the answers.
@CatPlusPlus True. I couldn't be bothered
Errbody loves standard quotes
Well, that is true.
the best way for upvotes is GSQ- Gratuitous Standard Quotes.
I coined it.

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