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@doug65536 I've never yet seen a move operation that could throw an exception. A throwing move is only a theoretical thing as far as I am aware.
Since moves in the end boil down to pointer assignments, it is highly unlikely that moves throw, yes.
@MooingDuck that was my thinking as well
@MooingDuck Who says that?
@R.MartinhoFernandes freaking C++ specification does
@FredOverflow there's certain types that can't be moved, only copied. Rare though.
No, I mean, who says you can't store them there?
@MooingDuck So what? Are we talking about moves or copies? :)
@MooingDuck not noexcept either? <whistle/>
Containers accept throwing moves.
If a move throws you get unspecified results. That's it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh, it's just my implementation(s) then?
Mutexs can't be moved can they?
@Ell cough. that is old. No they still can't stackoverflow.com/questions/7557179/…
@Ell for instance
> Requires: T shall be MoveInsertable into X.
^ requirements for push_back.
Says nothing about throwing.
> If an exception is thrown by the move constructor of a non-CopyInsertable T, the effects are unspecified.
^ remark on vector::push_back.
Use push_back(std::move(x)) instead of emplace_back?
Gcc doesn't have enplace_backk
(Similar one on deque, and I bet similar one on the other containers)
@Ell Wut?!
@Ell yes it does
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh, so GCC is wrong? Or my test is...
@R.MartinhoFernandes Needs more *pop!*.
It's from before that :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes wait, you got me distracted. The problem is that streams can't be moved (according to GCC and my brief scan of the spec): ideone.com/7PnR59
@MooingDuck They can, under certain conditions, IIRC.
@EtiennedeMartel there's no move constructor nor operator, and they're implicitly deleted.
oh, I found it in teh spec too. WTF GCC?
@MooingDuck you meant this didn't you?
It's about time you learned that Stallman cannot be trusted.
I swear Gcc 4.3 didnt have emplace back?
Or whatever the other version before current is
Idk, I'm chatting brown
@Ell totally did
@EtiennedeMartel basic_istream isn't movable, but you're right, basic_fstream is
A: What programming languages are context-free?

DaveThe set of programs that are syntactically correct is context-free for almost all languages. The set of programs that compile is not context-free for almost all languages. For example, if the set of all compiling C programs were context free, then by intersecting with a regular language (also kn...

What is this a^kba^kba^k language he is mentioning?
@MooingDuck Tis too!
The only brick is std::mutex.
@MooingDuck libstdc++ I suspect
@R.MartinhoFernandes I fail at reading today
so it's just GCC then? My test cases are fine? ideone.com/7PnR59
@FredOverflow a^k means "a, k times" (does "to the power of" help?)
@MooingDuck Yes.
@R.MartinhoFernandes huh
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh, that pumping crap?
@R.MartinhoFernandes std::mutex isn't movable?
@EtiennedeMartel No.
12 mins ago, by sehe
@Ell cough. that is old. No they still can't http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7557179/move-constructor-for-stdmutex/7557212#7557212
The identities of POSIX mutices are their address and std::mutex is the simplest wrapper around one.
std::unique_lock is your friendly neighborhood "movable mutex".
@R.MartinhoFernandes Isn't that strangely similar to a unique_ptr<mutex>?
(Templated, but still)
It provides some extra neat features.
Because... ponies!
@EtiennedeMartel Does unique_lock use the heap?
@sehe Ah, Scotland...
@FredOverflow No idea, but since it can wrap a std::mutex, which cannot be moved...
@FredOverflow No, it does not own the mutex.
@EtiennedeMartel More like reference_wrapper<mutex> or mutex*.
Catalyst is cool.
> The optimiser stole my code and i want it back
win title
Oooh, linky.
Q: The optimiser stole my code and i want it back

DumbledoreI've been writing up a polymorphism enhancement for c++ and when i overload the parent conversion operator for the child it gets removed. the hover text on the break point says the possible cause is that the code was optimised out. Here is the code, thanks in advance. Also this is part of my lon...

> Also this is part of my long quest to fix c++'s broken polymorphism, so if there is a similar alternative let me know!
Hah. Even your compiler thinks your code needs to go away. Will we really argue with it? — Kerrek SB 1 min ago
I'm gonna put it there for those who can't Google.
@EtiennedeMartel When? Oh, you timetravel? Too expensive for me
"am gonna", expands to "am going to" - indicates a future action
@R.MartinhoFernandes Missing the "I" aspect...
Also, I'm not upvoting for the title. The question is quite poor.
@R.MartinhoFernandes In that case, I find the unique_ prefix quite confusing.
That isType function is hilariously broken. — Etienne de Martel 5 secs ago
@R.MartinhoFernandes But it is quite funny
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
Can C-style casts apply dynamic_casts?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Deliciously ambiguous (what is that in reply to)
@EtiennedeMartel Never.
Okay, then I was right.
cast_spell<unique_frog> cursor
@FredOverflow I think it was supposed to be the counterpart of a shared lock (aka a read-write lock, i.e., a lock that can shared between threads vs a lock can only have one owner). I think just::thread has both shared_lock and unique_lock, but the former did not make it in for some reason.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It looks like it can own its mutex: en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/thread/unique_lock/owns_lock /cc @FredOverflow
Oh wait, it means whether the referenced mutex is currently locked...?
Cool, +7/-4. Posting the isType served to swing the tide against the title-based upvoters.
@Non-StopTimeTravel ty
@sehe Yes, it tells you if your thread acquired the lock.
@sehe yw!
what the hell is going on on that optimization "question"
@Non-StopTimeTravel People upvoted for the title, but now are changing their votes.
@R.MartinhoFernandes That makes the naming even more ... borked. "owns_mutex" certainly suggests other meanings. (There is also unique_lock::release() which does not release the lock, but dissociates from the mutex...)
Losers. Never fear, though — I am here to put an end to your fun!
@sehe releases itself from association with the lock ;)
^ make that one post and - instant star
> The class unique_lock is a general-purpose mutex ownership wrapper
@Non-StopTimeTravel Yeah. But that would be cyclic definition/falling in the same ambiguity trap. Rule of thumb: when defining a term, try not to use that term in the definition
I do need to stop spreading my posts out
@sehe Jokes aside, I agree with that.
@sehe I think the interface is rather clear as soon as you accept that it does not own the mutex in the sense of resource ownership. Blame English.
@Rapptz ARGH! NOOOO!!!
@R.MartinhoFernandes "movability-wrapper" would have been more apt, though
Incidentally it's interesting how my absence from the room fucked up that notification and led to my name being part of the starboard
@Non-StopTimeTravel Well. The traffic sign clearly depicts two easy school children. (Sexual predators are warned)
Not very interesting but, like, a little.
@Non-StopTimeTravel Nah, that was because he just @-ed you and did not reply to a specific post.
Direct @-ing always shows in the starboard.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Really? Star this.
Bah. Okay.
You can unstar it now ;)
That was one of the silliest starbaits of late.
@R.MartinhoFernandes hehehe
You can remove it and it'll delete the star
@Rapptz Are you advocating censorship?
@Rapptz Are you trying to... silence me?
@Non-StopTimeTravel Of course.
Quite so.
@sehe I suppose they could be famous predators known together as the "School Two", who are — to borrow a phrase — feelin' "easy" for kids tonight.
That genuinely makes me feel better. There's a way in which that sign can be parsed in valid English!
@Non-StopTimeTravel At first I thought it might have been because of that zws char in your screen name
@sehe you what now?
@Non-StopTimeTravel The robot previously offerred "plausible" interpretations
@R.MartinhoFernandes damn. beat me to the punch
I don't understand.
@sehe Reminds me of a newspaper article I saw here years ago. It was complaining about a new traffic sign they'd put with something about an area being dangerous because of "cars following to close". While appalling, the traffic sign paled compared to the article, which started off with no fewer than three fragments punctuated as sentences, followed by a sentence including your friend, a comma splice.
How to fix comma splices: make them semicolon splices.
@R.MartinhoFernandes look thoughtful in the process
> If we build a huge swarm of public outrage now
@Non-StopTimeTravel Yeah, I shared that.
@sehe OK I remember the words but don't understand now any more than I did more. "zws"?
@EtiennedeMartel Forgot who I got it from. figured it was here. Thanks for the link!
@EtiennedeMartel Do you have the post number?
2 hours ago, by Etienne de Martel
Oh, by the way, you guys should sign this.
@sehe OK there's some weird character there. Odd. Now what is "zws" and what does it have to do with child predators?!
@Non-StopTimeTravel ZWS is short for Zero-Width Space. fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/200b/index.htm
^ that. I was assuming you put it there on purpose. You know. Geekyness. Evade radar. Something
@EtiennedeMartel > If we build a huge swarm of public outrage now
^ nice
whadda fuck formatting
ITT Non-Stop finds out why we call this thing Letdown.
replies, quote, mixing: no workey.
old hat
@Non-StopTimeTravel Yeah, that's quite the pun.
@sehe I see. And as a punishment or as retribution Rapptz shared the grammatical image?
No one is on minecraft
I'm at work.
@R.MartinhoFernandes But you managed to quote and .. well, quote, at the same time! I suppose that was a comment link, though, rather than freetext with leading "> ".
Wait what.
@Rapptz Just trying to decode @sehe; don't worry ;)
@Non-StopTimeTravel Yeah. Like C++ this thing is full of quirks and exceptions.
BTW do you see the semicolon there everybody!!!!!!!!!11
I am a bigger fan of "!!!!twelve43!!"
Oh sugar I have physics homework
Oh sugar I have chemistry homework
Oh sugar?
PC form of "Oh shit"?
@Non-StopTimeTravel I should have made it clearer that I was still talking about this when I said that.
Obviously, I didn't expect us to still be dissecting this 10 minutes later...
you guys hear what happened to Java applets a couple weeks ago?
I just use it as a curse phrase :3 but I guess it is a pc version of that. I've heard people say "sugar honey iced tea"
@RolandSams They got slightly less insecure?
What happened to java applets?
Hey guys, does anyone know a program which I can use to do some experiments/research about encryption, like what's the possibility of cracking a certain algorithm ? I need this for school :$ and can't find one :/
@sehe Ah. AH!!!! You replied to the wrong fucking message!!!
@sehe Have we met? :)
Isn't the proper term euphemism?
now you need to agree to a security warning before you can run applets
@Rapptz For what?
@Non-StopTimeTravel Many a time. But it takes time for me to recalibrate to your level of pedantry since you returned (DISCLAIMER: I like it)
2 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
PC form of "Oh shit"?
Well a euphemism Is when you say one thing and mean another thing, but here the general meaning is to curse. I personally wouldn't call it a euphemism but idk
My euphemism detector must be on the fritz, and usually it's teh best
the department of homeland security gave a warning to uninstalll java from your computere
@Non-StopTimeTravel Thank you, we appreciate your feedback. We continuously work to improve our service and actively address issues raised to us by our respondents. Have a nice day.
A euphemism is a generally innocuous word, name, or phrase that replaces an offensive or suggestive one. Some euphemisms intend to amuse, while others intend to give positive appearances to negative events or even mislead entirely. Euphemisms are used for dissimulation, to refer to taboo topics (such as disability, sex, or death) in a polite way, and to mask profanity. The opposite of euphemism roughly equates to dysphemism. Euphemisms are used in a variety of situations for numerous reasons. A person who wishes to be vague might conceal words that are too precise in the social context....
I thought you had to warn with java applets before then anyway?
@RolandSams hah, and that's actually true
@sehe Don't tell me what to do.
@Non-StopTimeTravel lol
Oh. That's what I would call a double entendre
@Ell That is only when it can be ambiguous in meaning.
Man, hanging out in this place is like going to the range; it's the training room for writing entertaining and disparaging yet annoyingly accurate SO comments as quickly as possible.
Must be tough to be you. I mean, when you're so conditioned to trigger on linguistic inaccuracies...
@sehe It does suck
Oh. PC means politically correct?
Sometimes is does
anyone know if Oracle s mothballing Java or do they plan to fix it soon?
Took me a while to figure that one out..
@sehe fuck you
in the nicest possible way, of course
I can't find any grammar issues with that.
Aww no can reply to non-existent message
Ohh right
@RolandSams If they "fix it soon" it will be done in 2073. Right around when the last cobol java system is pulled
And, yes, I am okay with misconstructed phrases as long as it was done in irony. When I wrote such phrases, I know that they were and therefore they are always fine :D
Is Cobol still written? For new products?
Yes, not the latter I suppose. New functions, well, probably
Maybe Zoidberg will write Zoidlang in it. Who knows, he's crazy like that.
Nah, he'll probably write another version/client of Hexapoda in it
You mean, the first one.
Because fixed size data records are great for performance and interoperability.
@R.MartinhoFernandes There are prototypes! And logos!
Did he get anywhere with hexapoda?
@GamErix They don't give you a textbook? Or any resources whatsoever? Like, er, tuition?
@Ell You'd say, the six legs should help him get somewhere, but the thing that kills the momentum is that all six legs are going in opposite directions...
fuck I'm on a star binge

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