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@DeadMG it is like genetic algorithm... let it run and it discovers laws :D
Maybe keep the worship bits in
@Non-StopTimeTravel Wat.
There are no objective choices and people are always prejudiced
what about file formats
So yeah laws in that area won't help anything
I worship only bjarne and my only holy war is against Java
Hey, breakfast time!
And Top Gear! Hurrah!
@CatPlusPlus They will when some gay bishop candidate takes offense, sues the people who hire bishops, and wins a large sum of money.
but Am I wrong? I always get the feeling that it is C++ vs Java, C# is OKish, but java is evil :D
@Rapptz I had 9 of those when I was a kid. Now there's 3 left and they're pretty big.
@DeadMG They can just say he's not qualified
It accomplishes nothing
more accurately, they'd have to convince a judge that he's not sufficiently qualified.
@DeadMG i find it fascinating that you have a feeling that you have a right to force your worldview on other ppl
@NoSenseEtAl See, that's the exact opposite of what I'm doing.
No, he'd have to prove that he was rejected because he was gay
I always had a bit of a problem with the cases filed against B&B owners for turning away gay couples
@DeadMG nope
I mean, I get it, but I also get it
Burden of proof is on suing side you know
those dicks in the Church are banning other people from being bishops, because they believe it's wrong.
You don't have to prove you're innocent
You start discriminating against anti-gay sentiment. It's very one-sided
@CatPlusPlus lol. Burden of proof.
@CatPlusPlus Balance of probabilities here.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Mkay
(see: Voltaire)
@DeadMG is church state run or not? If not they should be free to discriminate
if the gay candidate is equally qualified or better qualified, the burden is on the Church.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's 9AM blah
@NoSenseEtAl Non-state-run entities cannot discriminate any more than state-run ones.
the gay candidate is less qualified if the qualification includes not being gay, which in many creeds it does.
@DeadMG What
@DeadMG yest they can and yes they should be allowed to do so
@NoSenseEtAl Well, no, under current laws, they can't.
@NoSenseEtAl right.
I wonder what would you do if sex offenders are hired in your company
and they shouldn't be allowed to do so.
So if I don't get a job for company X I should sue them because they might have refused because they don't like something about me what
no discrimination you know
@NoSenseEtAl They shouldn't, but they should be able to.
That's pretty fundamental but we don't have that any more.
@Non-StopTimeTravel I know W Europe is one pathetic PC PoS :(
Oh well, another 30 years and the "discrimination" catchphrase bubble will burst. People will realise that you can just pick an arbitrary classification for it and no-one will bother with it any more.
and it doesnt protect the minorities
i can give you economic logic
if you want
@CatPlusPlus Somewhat more accurately, I believe (don't recall exactly) that the employer has the burden. For example, if you apply for most jobs here, the selectors don't even get to see your gender.
and there's a reason why it is that way, and it's because the law is very, very strict in such regards.
What if I want to employ a female stripper?
The law is ridiculous in such regards
@R.MartinhoFernandes all programmers are gonna fall in love with "her" and shell break their hearts :D
I'd agree, for most jobs.
but for discrimination central like the Church
I'd be happy for them to suck such a requirement
Ultimately it comes down to this: if I'm an organisation that, right or wrong, exists for the sole and express purpose of propogating a particular moral code, who the hell are you to come along and tell me that I must employ someone who distinctly opposes that moral code to be one of my highest and most visible spokespeople?
@Non-StopTimeTravel ++ :)
now generalize it
by the power of stepanov :D
@Non-StopTimeTravel I'm (hypothetically) the guy who defines the moral code for everyone, and yours is incompatible, so fix it, or find someplace else.
The sticking point there is the religious lot who believe that sexual preferences are more of a choice than much else, which probably isn't true
But the principle does still stand.
let me put it another way.
If you disagree with the church's views on your personal morals and life, then start a new church
That's how it worked in olden times and it worked perfectly well (give or take a few wars)
You shouldn't be able to force existing groups to change their ways just because you want them to
And certainly not through law. That's offensive. And, yes, the irony is not lost upon me!
@Non-StopTimeTravel Er, yes, I should. How else would it ever be possible to govern effectively?
That brings us to the core point -- it is fundamentally impossible to have a society in which nobody is offended by any other person.
"Oh, your identity theft isn't covered under any existing law, but go ahead, because it would be WRONG of me to make a new law to make it illegal."
That old Christian adage "Christ first, others second, yourself last" comes to mind -- it contains an inherent logical paradox.
That's me done :)
(for before there was a law for identity theft, anyway).
@DeadMG You are correct in that at some point you do need to have a baseline set of standards that everybody must face.
People who get offended should be offended
@DeadMG We generally accept that murder and theft are a given
@Non-StopTimeTravel And I also agree with you that people do not have a right to not be offended by other people.
@Non-StopTimeTravel oh poor offended ppl. I would so go Dawkins on their ass :P
@DeadMG Membership of and the ability to represent certain private groups, even if you don't actually embody their values? Hmm. Not sure. That's a question.
@Non-StopTimeTravel Groups whose values involve discrimination have no place in society anymore.
@NoSenseEtAl well I would steer well clear of Dawkins.
@DeadMG Seems like you're missing the point. "Discrimination" cannot be avoided. It is physically impossible.
@Non-StopTimeTravel he is kind of a tunnel vision guy, but he is ok
if your group is based on discrimination I'd be happy to throw every member in jail and leave the key.
@DeadMG I should be allowed to be a bishop, despite not being Christian. Otherwise it's religious discrimination. right?
discrimination == choice
@Non-StopTimeTravel There's a difference between unavoidable discrimination and institutional discrimination.
It's the same, damn thing.
@DeadMG Who gets to decide what the difference is?
@Non-StopTimeTravel A judge, obviously. Who else?
@Non-StopTimeTravel That's rhetorical, right?
@DeadMG Every group is inherently discriminatory against people who don't fit thet criteria for being in that group.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes.
What the fuck kind of digraph is "rh", anyway?
@DeadMG Who hires the judge?
The uberjudge
@R.MartinhoFernandes What the fuck kind of forename is "R", anyway? :P
well, strictly, public money pays judges.
@R.MartinhoFernandes it is the shortcut for my country :P
Ahahaha yeah that matters a lot
but there are many, many, many laws about how you can't fire them for not going your way, even if you are the PM.
they are quite independent
@Non-StopTimeTravel It's not a forename. It's an abbreviation of a title.
gtg, croissants and top gear. happy to continue this asynchronously in a bit :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes I was being hilarious.
You think that but no
@R.MartinhoFernandes Reverend? :P
@Non-StopTimeTravel Robot Martinho Fernandes.
@DeadMG they should be able to hire judges who never went to law school. otherwise you're sort of discriminating against me there, keeping me out of that club
i'm really going now ;p
except to say... wtf.. "the robot"?
I didn't pick it. :(
that's him
btw this boring discrimination stuff is boring... lets talk nice C++, recently I wanted to buy a chocolate to a person who wrote xor checksum with std::accumulate and (_1 ^ _2) but he already left the company :D
that fat lump there is the robot.
I'm just rapptz
much like I am the puppy.
Are you still dying in pain?
I wish containers would automatically rebind the allocator to the appropriate std::pair etc
unordered_map doesn't
I should isolate it and verify in ideone or something. maybe my assertion is wrong
speaking of containers why doesnt vector have a ctor that takes other vector with diff alocator? Just loop through second and add to me...
Maybe because it's a hash table where do you want to put pairs there
@NoSenseEtAl Because it has one with a pair of iterators
The one you're speaking about would be redundant
@doug65536 It does. You may be making some mistake. Or your implementation is buggy.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Only a tiny bit. I can probably sleep now or soon.
Isn't it 8:20 AM now?
@CatPlusPlus but still it is uglier than normal v1=v2;
this should work then right?
@CatPlusPlus still tnx, it is okish solution :D
I think I'll give sleep a go
the heating came on and did it's job, so it's warmer now
Have fun.
@doug65536 Maybe. I don't really know many details about the allocator model.
it must be std::pair in all those containers then right? so its safe to hard-code it anyway?
I don't see std::pair in a hash table
@jonelf that one hasn't been recorded yet. Too bad, because C# is better than Java for this stuff.
it must properly rebind the allocator then
@CatPlusPlus Why not?
Im using an allocator in several scenarios and Im seeing rebind bugs in gcc and msvc
where using std::pair<hardwired, types> fixes it for unordered_map for example
@DeadMG ... so - lemme get this straight. You stayed up to enjoy the cold, only to go to bed after the heat came on? Oh, and that was after you deliberately let freezing air in through the open window - for 6 hours (because, presumably, it was too hot)?
@Mysticial even my worst question isn't as low as that shit ;o
@sehe There's a logical explanation for everything.
So clearly, he's insane. :D
@StackedCrooked until you start to meet women
I'm aware of that
@sehe Women are insane :)
Of course. I didn't claim the inverse
@sehe @GamErix was that a combined "ohayo" on purpose? :)
Thanks for telling me ... :)
@Xeo nice :D
@Xeo :P
> A “compliment” I just got: “I never thought a woman could write such advanced JavaScript”. Am I weird for feeling pissed instead of proud? Tweeted by LeaVerou on January 26, 2013 at 4:48 PM
@LeaVerou interpretation: "I write JavaScript with my penis. How do you do it?"
I never thought a sane person could write advanced JavaScript
That's a sanist remark.
@CatPlusPlus don't be suprised when you use stereotypes :P
@GamErix What
I'm a sane person and I use JavaEdit to launch Chrome on school pc's
@CatPlusPlus dat.
Who am I kidding, I'm insane..
@CatPlusPlus Why am I laughing? xD
This just in: the cat flipped it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes new topic ;]
Stupid people are silly.
@StackedCrooked silly people are needed to make smart people feel good.
I did not know that there was advanced JavaScript.
someone should make a hell compiler. everything that can be different from an actual machine (while still being standard) is different
Nevermind, chat search sucks.
Maybe if implementing C++ wouldn't make you suicidal
Dec 20 '12 at 13:04, by R. Martinho Fernandes
@StackedCrooked Hell++98 strings store the contents in reverse.
Wtf chrome, WTF, I type "java load dll" and it searches for "javascript message box" .. WTF.
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
@GamErix Message boxes are fun for trolling.
stacked-crooked.com/view?id=2d299f16e27d57c7d9271459d3178579 <- This program prints "I'm a moron" if you compile it will Hell++.
@StackedCrooked chrome just did ^.^ xD
> Dietzler’s Law for Access - Every Access project will eventually fail because, while 80% of what the user wants is fast and easy to create, and the next 10% is possible with difficulty, ultimately the last 10% is impossible because you can’t get far enough underneath the built-in abstractions, and users always want 100% of what they want.
@R.MartinhoFernandes because it doesn't return a value? no its for putting things in std
nice, so someone did do it
or is it hypothetical
You fell for it :)
Jan 23 '12 at 18:26, by R. Martinho Fernandes
A theoretical implementation of C++ that takes UB to mean "go out of its way to produce stupid, silly, or annoying code".
Hell++ is a mental device making it easier to visualize what parts of C++ are unspecified
System.load("c:/path/to/dll/HelloWorld.dll"); well at least java can do this. I'm happy.
just in case they forgot to say what order to store characters in strings in memory
how do you tell msvc programmers that they have 200+ errors to fix if they try to use another compiler?
If chat search worked decently you could just find all the crazies I have come up with in the transcript. But chat search floods you with irrelevant crap. Maybe googling with site:chat.stackoverflow.com produces better results.
@doug65536 Show them the errors with another compiler?
The Robot come up with crazies??! Who'd have thought?
@R.MartinhoFernandes But why would they ever use another compiler? :)
@Xeo Then why would it be a problem?
Ask doug, not me.
13 secs ago, by Xeo
Ask doug, not me.
being stupid is the only answer, and the nice editor
@doug65536 Shame about the edit. I liked it better before ;)
Since it was pretty much universally applicable
> Java is a successful career woman.
Hm, does anyone know a stand alone editor to make posts for forums? (so I can live preview anything I make with [center][/center] stuff etc, yeah forums aren't as up to date as Stack Overflow)
@TonyTheLion well, how is Java not successful?
It doesn't have to be nice or fun or good in order to be successful
Hey, can anyone tell me why fopen("file://localhost/Users/Noah/Documents/file.txt", "rb"); returns NULL?
Java is ubiquitous.
Just like women, Java is verbose as fuck.
@jalf it's successful, in providing backdoors to one billion devices :)
also, someone linked to that comparison ages ago, I think it's pretty lame though :/
Nah but if not the backdoors, I would've loved java
much too forced and contrived, and obviously written by someone who doesn't know most of the languages on the list
@jalf Oh, saw it for the first time this morning :)
I've never seen it
@SIGKILL Because it could not open the file (my guess is that fopen does not support URIs as file names)
@jalf Most such "comparisons" suffer from that.
Yeah! I got that far. But is there a reason for it not to support URIs?
I like this one, though. :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Thanks. That changes everything.
> Haskell gets some resistance due to the complexity of using monads to control side effects. Wadler tries to appease critics by explaining that "a monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors, what's the problem?"
@TonyTheLion ouch:
> C++ is Java's cousin. Similar to Java in many ways, the main difference being she grew up in a more innocent time and doesn't believe in using protection. By "protection", I mean automatic memory management, of course. What did you think I meant?
The thing is, monads are not complex
We just need a better name
Like, you know, Factory or Manager
@sehe Maybe Controller, or just Handler?
Lately I feel as if someone has attempted to divide me by zero.
I was kidding. Amputation, perhaps
@CatPlusPlus Now that's way too vague, how dare you.
@jalf 1980 one is funny
@StackedCrooked Yeah, Controller is so much more tangible
@StackedCrooked It's as vague as monads are general.
@sehe Maybe Amphitheater.
Maybe just X will do.
Or Ex so it can refer to something of the past (ex-something) or something of the future (execute something)
@StackedCrooked Yeah, X-rated endofunctions
@StackedCrooked Microsoft has an eternal journey to the past then (...EnumExExEx)
@sehe That sounds like some kinky shit.
@StackedCrooked It's really just that
You build a description of a computation and then evaluate it
Actually, @CatPlusPlus is a living and speaking lolcat.
@TonyTheLion It's obviously a hand warmer.
That's not his name, silly.
it was a joke, silly
and it's Mr. Silly for you.
how silly
moving on swiftly
@TonyTheLion Sounds like me today.
I slept too much again.
Fell asleep in the afternoon yesterday and got up at 7 this morning.
but how long were you awake prior to that?
Only a few hours.
well, that's a lot of sleep
Now I have to work. Life is cruel.
I think I'm getting a cold.
I think I'm getting a hot.
I think I'm getting a depression
I did not just find that on Reddit?
this ^
I think I'm coming down with something today, too
The day of the booze cruise dammit
@TonyTheLion It's Cat!
Yes, and it's funny too.
We knew that already.
What results were you expecting?
Results that matched the search terms more accurately.
oh how can you expect something so sensible?
Hihi, I set my Ubuntu wallpaper to change every hour.
@DeadMG But the two world wars got us computers.
Ok only the second one did.
The Germans actually had something that resembled the Internet.
Das Internet?
It was composed of "boxes" equipped with radio transmitter. These boxes were spread over the territory. They were also the main target for the English bomber planes.
Or something like that anyway.
I learned about in this Google video: The secret history of silicon valley.
@R.MartinhoFernandes No, but they had das boot.
Aargh, my brains.
good morning
morning can't be good, especially Monday morning.
@Abyx true. Terrible morning!
@Non-StopTimeTravel they are not round.
@Zoidberg they must be non-round circles
circular squares
Circles have a property that the distance between the edge and the center is the same in every angle.
Here that isn't the case.
The Internet is full of lies.
If I have a centence and I want to use a citation mark like [1], does that go before or after the period?
Hello, world [1]!
Hello, world! [1]
After looks better
[1] looks ugly.
@Zoidberg I think that it is.
@Zoidberg After, usually.
@Abyx LaTeX default and changing it is TME.
What's a centence?
oh lol a sentence*
A centence is a sentence of a hundred words!
star not because it's funny but because it's clever
> Code in your answer to Why can't the template parameters for enums nested in a template class be deduced? was edited.
Wow, that notification is neat.
would be better if it told you that Steve's edit was valid
> that isn't terribly useful
Is this expression... correct?
Id est does it mean "that is almost useless"?
Yes, and yes.
What about "that is terribly useful"?
It sounds weird.
It uses "terribly" in its ironic "very" meaning (see also: "Oh it's awfully good to see you again!"), and not in its "badly" meaning.
@R.MartinhoFernandes it's completely fine
Everything sounds weird when you think too much about it
Nuclear bombs are horribly useful.
Meanwhile, in the land of terrible programmers
Q: Javascript Variable value in PHP

AjayI have my code look like this var bal=$(this).val(); var findbalance="<?=balancefromid(bal);?>"; alert(findbalance); is that possible?

A second ago there was a comment that said "yes, you should've tried before asking" :cripes:
There seems to be a rather fundamental misunderstanding here.
Ohh, now it's got AN ANSWER
> DNA databases may be public or private. those databases do not normally hold DNA except for a short time.
Wikipedia y u no make sense.
Because it's Wikipedia
> It looks like you're trying to use a JavaScript variable in PHP.
Wikipedia is terrible.
Hey Clippy is on SO
@CatPlusPlus What.
Also it's a dupe.
This question is asked like every week.
So much broken English in there
.gov websites y u always so ugly.
Except for whitehouse.gov and www.nasa.gov.
Sue them for brand infringement (or something)
Cool, ex-collega.
Suing is a great way to make money.

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