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it's the simplest language I know that isn't esoteric
@MooingDuck It isn't intrinsic to any CPU I know.
@CatPlusPlus Never tried without the launcher.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's probably not really strlen- the implementation probably just caches the length.
@CatPlusPlus What game is it?
lua is easy to embedd :3
@Rapptz Minecraft
@Ell Not really
@DeadMG it doesn't cache, it spins the whole string every time :(
The stack manipulations are weird as fuck
@DeadMG What implementation? The implementation of strlen?
@CatPlusPlus They most assuredly are annoying and difficult.
@R.MartinhoFernandes the virtual machine it runs on is slightly less retarded than the language.
the lack of object-orientation in the Lua API is very nasty.
@LucDanton It creates MindCrack folder, gimme that
I am not asking about your crazy language.
Sorry if that was confusing.
@R.MartinhoFernandes the replies definitely go back to talking about the crazy language, that was confusing
@CatPlusPlus k
Oh wait
I found download location setting
"Advanced" my ass fucking idiots
lol, 100 MB .7z.
I changed it to Europe and it works!
Good to know
Wonderful autodetection there guys
It's literally very hard to use geoip
You know what I need?
A template struct for Degrees.
What degrees
So I stop fucking my self over by passing degrees to functions that demand radians, which all my functions do.
Is too complex.
For my simple job.
Plus I think I will like the syntax of mine better.
Boy are there lots of Sala books on amazon. I only have one, so I feel bad :(
I think. xD
Use Perl.
template <typename T>
using degrees = std::chrono::duration<T, std::ratio<314159, 18000000ULL>>;
template <typename T>
using radians = std::chrono::duration<T, std::ratio<1>>;
duration eh
@DeadMG Your opinion doesn't count, you don't like any language.
@CatPlusPlus No one needs to know :P
It's a pity that the machinery isn't available more generically.
I think my client died
@FredOverflow I have no opinion on Scala. I was referring to your spelling fail.
@DeadMG Oh :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes std::ratio? what does it not have?
ratio is just ratio
@CatPlusPlus he won't pay the bill
std::ratio is pure TMP. It does nothing with values.
@sehe Is your server swapping hard?
Because my client doesn't really respond
@CatPlusPlus nope, AFAICT
@CatPlusPlus You're IG.
@CatPlusPlus I can punch you
Aw, you went away
@CatPlusPlus Does Boost.Units work similar To this?
@ThePhD That is terrible.
Yes it is.
lol wat
I thought F# had units.
> Floating point and signed integer values in F# can have associated units of measure, which are typically used to indicate length, volume, mass, and so on. By using quantities with units, you enable the compiler to verify that arithmetic relationships have the correct units, which helps prevent programming errors.
@ThePhD no, seriously, why don't you just make a function?
I am, I just wanted to give an example of what I wanted.
@ThePhD This won't work
Don't make two-way implicit conversions
You wrote an example that is three times larger than it needs?
Output makes it seem like 60 degrees is pi radians.
In fact, don't do implicit conversions at all
(Also, shame on you for using degrees)
@Rapptz lololol
lol who needs degrees
also hi
Oh well.
Yeah, Boost.Units does not work like that. Boost.Units works correctly :P
._. Thanks
@Rapptz Semantically correct for you, Mr. Picky: stacked-crooked.com/view?id=3751111e30ba5ec9dcedef53ec2e8720
What is the point of a Degrees class without a companion Radians class?
Only 6 points of accuracy?
You need at least 10 trillion.
i.e., how do you know you won't be passing this into a function expecting degrees and end up with a fucking mess?
I don't, really. It's just a visual queue.
@LucDanton Seems to work on SP, but it might be Java running out of heap
Lemme try 64-bit version
@ThePhD The it gives you no benefit over a function.
Which of course doesn't have autoupdate
I already changed it to a function, I'm tired. ><
You should try division now
Making it a function doesn't really help anything
You want the unit to be attached to the value at all times
If you want simplest possible thing
@CatPlusPlus I'm using it mostly for passing constant values into a function. It's really just convenience. Everything else is stored / handled in radians, so..
Oh god
The underscore is back. THE UNDERSCORE IS BAACK.
Tagged values is a good thing
@ThePhD Sigh.
Magic numbers?
I'd like to reiterate that you really shouldn't say "Unmanaged C++". That's like asking for an expresso without mayonaise.
@CatPlusPlus see:
2013-01-23 16:12:54 [INFO] [Minecraft] <lucdanton> to make sure it's not your client?
2013-01-23 16:14:28 [INFO] [STDERR] java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out
2013-01-23 16:14:28 [INFO] [STDERR]     at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method)
2013-01-23 16:14:28 [INFO] [STDERR]     at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:146)
2013-01-23 16:14:28 [INFO] [STDERR]     at java.io.FilterInputStream.read(FilterInputStream.java:133)
2013-01-23 16:14:28 [INFO] [STDERR]     at org.bouncycastle.crypto.io.CipherInputStream.nextChunk(Unknown Source)
Yeah, my client crashed at that point
@CatPlusPlus haha
@kbok Also, why were you suddenly retwatting old tweets :)
there's a lot of that "ah, fuck it, just print the stack trace" error handling in minecraft
@ThePhD Why do you use magic numbers? Just make named constants with the right values and get rid of unit conversions altogether.
you guys are playing Minecraft?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Huh?
@Collin no problem. It tells me enough
@kbok No, that's written in Java ;)
Oh, oh.
@sehe Is it old?
I'm not using Magic Numbers.
@kbok I'm not. I'm playing mindcraft server
constexpr auto full_circle = 2*pi;
// this is how you pass constants.
@ThePhD Then why do you need this to pass constants?
@kbok Not that one. The other one that you also retwote yesterday
@sehe How is that a game?
@kbok lol
I'm going to guess he has two functions, one that returns angles in degrees and one that returns it in radians.
he's watching them matrix style
Or just f( 2 * pi ), but sometimes I'm lazy so I would like to do f( as_radians(360.0f) );
He probably wants that process to be simpler so he doesn't have to rewrite it a million times
> It seems we have come 2*PI.
@ThePhD Not "Or just f(2*pi)".
or something like that, fuck do I know.
Magic numbers are bad.
Is 2*PI a magic number?
> Number 6, it's for dicks. Take a capri-sun straaw, and stick it in your urethraa. With a reverse piss - you can't miss.
Name it, and then you can be even lazier.
It's pretty clear what 2 pi is
@sehe that pasta thing?
@Rapptz Not when you don't know if it is in the right unit.
Make everything the same unit, and use named constants.
@Ell Why are there two As in your urethra?
2 pi is 23.1415...
@kbok yup. thanks for looking it up
@JohannesSchaub-litb only in PHP
@FredOverflow it was to emphasise the rhyming with "straw"
Everything is in radians...
this is just for function calls... oh god how did I reach this place... ;~;
in the english language too
If everything is in radians, you don't need degrees.
straw and urethra don't rhyme
natural languages have a concatenation operator whose lexical representation in code is the space character
degrees are for humans
I created a c++ gui using Qt in windows. Now I am switching to Ubuntu and I am having include issues because the folder structure is different. Has anyone had this problem?
@sehe Well sorry for retwating outdated stuff, won't do it again. :p
@R.MartinhoFernandes My brain is lazy and I did not want to specify '60' in radians while I was writing this quick function. So I told myself 'I know, I'll just write a quick converter that I can use to put the degrees I keep passing into my functions and fucking up all my calculations to radians, that way I can write in degrees and the compiler can radian it for me!'
@atomSmasher Have you been using a backslash instead of /? ;)
That's all I want to do. 'Tis all. ;~;
@atomSmasher possibly you are trying to compile on Qt5
@kbok reedwieghting?
@Rapptz straaaw, urethraaaa (american accent)
@ThePhD Your brain is lazy and you want to give it more work?
it sounds extremely painful
something wrong with a macro or that's not cool enough
Not even close dude.
How do I write a backslash with Markdown? `` doesn't work.
How do you pronounce Urethra?
as_radians( 60 ) <--- I do not have to compute 60 in radians
@atomSmasher You have to make the root directory of your source an include path, and not use relative paths.
@FredOverflow Going to guess `
I can use as_radians (35.2)
@ThePhD Magic numbers are bad, did I tell you?
@Rapptz Urethra sounds quite similar to Eureka ;)
And mixing units is even worse than magic numbers.
It is a recipe for trouble.
@JohannesSchaub-litb How'd you do it?
@FredOverflow i did write a backslash
@FredOverflow \
@kbok Thank you! I will try it
This can be better but you get the point
Why is m_value private
@Fred Here is one: \​
@fredOverflow it is very possible I will check!
Why m_ prefix :(
i always use m_ for members
@johannesSchaub-litb I am rockin' 4.8
I'm not comfortable with underscores.
I'm thinking about just appending m to all my members.
quiz: if a function is a member is it then also a member function??
Instead of m_.
@CatPlusPlus still struggling?
@ThePhD Why
My eyes
are tired.
Also they're remaking Wind Waker lol
@Rapptz Because I do not like underscores. so just m at the front will do.
Why use the m at all?
Are you retarded and can't tell it's a member?
@JohannesSchaub-litb static functions are members too aren't they?
Because name collisions are sometimes annoying is all.
@FredOverflow I put a U+200B ᴢᴇʀᴏ ᴡɪᴅᴛʜ sᴘᴀᴄᴇ after the backslash :)
@kbok and they are member functions, yes
Yup, collisions are annoying as fuck
prefixing with underscore or some other character is a stupid system
@thecoshman What is the non-stupid alternative?
When you have to change arguments to something else because they clash with members
also usually i never use struct
struct MeowMix { private: int meow; public: MeowMix (int meow) : meow(meow) /* ARRGGH */ {} };
@Zoidberg stay classy
@ThePhD That's fine
@Shog9 What? Did you just try to lure @Jerry into drinking beer?! Good luck with that!
@R.MartinhoFernandes semantic names
but void setWidth(int width) { width = width; } is not fine
Ctor init lists are unambiguous
The problem is with function bodies
@thecoshman Yes, size is a semantic name.
MeowMix (int pMeow) : meow(pMeow)
@JohannesSchaub-litb What he said @CatPlusPlus .
pretty much a non-issue to me.
@kbok It appears that I have an include Path to <QWidgets/QMainWindow>. This is also true for the Qt header files. This was created on the windows machine. However, a QWidgets does not exist in the Qt folder on ubuntu machine
@ThePhD What
@atomSmasher as I said, you are using Qt5
and don't rock it. learn to
@thecoshman struct somewhere_in_a_vector_nearby { int size() const { return size; } private: int size; }; Fix that one. The names are the perfect ones.
@sehe That's a reference to one of the books (is that the 2nd? I'd have to ask my daughter), where that Weasley girl finds Tom's diary.
Oh, Qt5. Can't help you then. Sorry!
QMainWindow was in QtGui in Qt4, but now is in QtWidgets module
@sbi Yes, it is.
@Rapptz "your-eeth-rah"
@johannesSchaub-litb You are absolutely correct. I didn't realize the latest version on Linux doesn't match the latest version on windows. Thanks for your 'learn to' eyes
@MooingDuck I think Alf was older than I am. Jerry might be. I'm not sure, though.
@sbi What, you passed Alf now?
It was HP And The Very Hard To Find Room or something ;)
@R.MartinhoFernandes failed example
@thecoshman Wut.
@R.MartinhoFernandes that is in fact possible if you take CPU time as measure
So your solution to the problem is to ignore the fact that it exists?
@R.MartinhoFernandes What about "I'm not sure" did you fail to grasp? Binary logic, robot, mhmm?
Sounds like a very reusable solution.
Pity we are not in Douglas Adams books.
@R.MartinhoFernandes you are using an example of when 'size' is a good name with out silly prefixes as a reason to use silly prefixes, no?
@TonyTheLion The only weekend where, according to the current plans, I don't have to tend to kids is the 09th/10th one. I won't have time on Thursday night, but starting from Friday, my calender is still blank. How about @R.Martinho?
@TonyTheLion I was just answering, man!
@thecoshman If it was not clear, what I wrote does not work (you cannot share the name between the data member and the function). You are supposed to change the names to something that works.
@TonyTheLion It better be deleted anyway because you totally a word
@kbok "you totally a word" ?
@sbi I was planning on that one... let's see what I can concoct
@JohannesSchaub-litb yes, that was intentional
@sbi That is free. Go ahead, @Tony :)
any way, O have to go for the night ¬_¬
Monday, 11th, is Rosenmontag, @Tony. Not much to see in Berlin, though.
I thought Karneval was only interesting in Köln.
Now find a place to sleep
how many of you guys are at work right now?
there's this generator place which has fairly cheap rooms. but not sure
@sehe Not me, though.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I thought that's covered by there not being much to see in Berlin.
@TonyTheLion If the robot still has a list of the hostels I pointed out to him then I wouldn't have to dig them out again. @R.Martinho?
That's in my mailbox somewhere...
forward it to me, erm, the ape has my email.
Should I have my as_radians inside of a Units class, or just free functions in a Units namespace?
@sbi :)
@TonyTheLion The robot's now off to browsing his internal references for that email...
I got that three minutes ago.
oh he indexed it :P
you got any interesting places I should see while I'm in Berlin?
Oh wait, do I mean I should forward it to the ape so he forwards it to you?
does std::vector::assign have the strong exception guarantee?
@R.MartinhoFernandes wait... I'll email you, and you can then reply
@kbok What is an "expresso"?
@Non-StopTimeTravel A coffee.
Coffee beverage.
@TonyTheLion There's, like, a million of them. What are you interested in? Paintings? Dinos? Buildings? Old airplanes? Cafés? Brothels?
@kbok Really?
@kbok Are you sure you didn't mean espresso?
I suck.
@Non-StopTimeTravel Are you sure it isn't spelled "expresso" in his language?
I just forwarded this to myself.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Coffee?
@R.MartinhoFernandes ROTFL!
@Non-StopTimeTravel It's just that it's spelled "expresso" in my language.
Un expresso (de l'italien espresso, extrait par pression) ou un express (forme francisée ; ne pas confondre avec « express » aux sens "très rapide", adjectif, ou "train rapide", substantif) est un café très corsé avec un fort arôme, obtenu par percolation sous haute pression, c'est-à-dire en faisant passer rapidement de l'eau chaude sous une pression de (pression d'extraction optimale indiquée sur les manomètres des machines espresso professionnelles) à travers du café finement moulu et torréfié. Cette opération se fait à l'aide d'une cafetière « à espresso ». Le spécialiste de la confe...
However, the tweet was in English. :)
@sbi Despite being a brewery, I'm guessing they'll have some form of alcohol that's drinkable in addition to beer.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I do this all the time at work: I choose a prior sent mail from the Sent Items folder and hit Reply (^R). Obviously, unlike any other decent MUA, Outlook will happily send the reply to the Sender/From/ReplyTo address from the header, which is... myself
@JerryCoffin s/in addition to beer//?
@JerryCoffin I wouldn't rely on that, if I was you.
Yes, but if you were in France, you would order an expresso anyway, even if you speak English.
@TonyTheLion where did you send mail to? I got nothing yet.
@sbi All of them I've ever seen at least had water available somewhere...
@JerryCoffin And since when is water "a form of alcohol"?
@R.MartinhoFernandes the gmail address that appears on all your code files
@sbi Hmm...sort of good point. It's homeopathic alcohol.
@sbi Buildings, historical things, noteworthy streets, malls, cafes
@kbok I'm sorry to hear that
@JerryCoffin That made my day.
@TonyTheLion Hmm, don't tell me I got that wrong...
hasn't bounced here, so it maybe in your spam box
@R.MartinhoFernandes No -- I was deliberately excluding "beer" from the drinkable forms of alcohol.

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