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I had about three questions saved up to link you to
but you've been away or something
and now I have no idea what they are
Hmm. Shouldn’t auto const&& be able to bind any value?
@KonradRudolph It may struggle to bind with @ThePhD's value, for obvious reasons.
Wait question: Aren't longs a number? "LONG WINAPI RegGetValue" if some registry values are text?
I believe that the const interferes with it for some reason.
but auto&& certainly can.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Wait, wait, I may have barged in on a related discussion, but this is in fact a completely unrelated question to anything currently discussed here ^^
@Alec Which part of the RegGetValue documentation states that you get text in the return value? The text goes into the buffer that you point it to in an argument.
@KonradRudolph Yes. Yes, it is.
@KonradRudolph But that does not change the facts...
Oh wait is RegGetValue just verifying the existence of the entry in the registry?
@JohannesSchaub-litb Haven't seen you in a while, so I posted "Guys" and "lol" instead ;)
@Alec Ask yourself what the array is for. Then ask yourself what you're doing with it, and why.
@Alec Then read the part of that documentation page that explains it to you.
@FredOverflow hmm
@KonradRudolph Watch Scott's talk. Only auto&& is a universal reference, not const auto&&. That's an rvalue reference.
@GamErix vim FTW: downloads.sehe.nl/stackoverflow/anim_array64.gif. Much more flexible, faster because no need to drop to a script: 64a[x], done. I included a straightforward alternative that I'd probably use without thinking - just to create sane formatting
this is an example of a C idiom in which a function returns a status code, and injects its "logical" result into a buffer you give it as an argument
@KonradRudolph There you go :)
Why do we love C++? It's such a terrible language, but I can't get enough of it!
It's so real. It's almost like life.
It's more like a craft than maths
I don't hate C++ :(
nor do I
Is there a way to work with nested initializer_lists
I like C++. It's kinda huge in my life.
Well... I kept everything 100% unicode and its finally telling me what the error is, though I can't seem to figure out where I messed up on my function parameters.
I hate initializer_lists
@Rapptz {{}}?
@FredOverflow {[|__|]}
C++ is like an abusive relationship to me.
@melak47 ?
@FredOverflow I want that syntax. make it happen!
"porn gives young people an unrealistic and unhealthy idea of how quickly a plumber will come to your house"
@Alec what is your error?
For RegGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Cryptography","MachineGuid", RRF_RT_REG_SZ, NULL, buffer, NULL);
Also I set it to multi-byte simply because I prefer it, wasn't the unicode thing.
Let me have a look
to start off with, it should be RegGetValueEx IIRC (orr maybe not.)
Or ExEx
@Alec the first parameter should be a handle to a registry key, let me show you, one moment. I'll try and code something though I'm on linux atm so it won't be good :L
/c /ZI /nologo /W3 /WX- /Od /Oy- /D _MBCS /D KYRO_WINDOWS /D WIN32 /D _MBCS /Gm /EHsc /RTC1 /MDd /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Fo"build/Win32-MinGW Debug\\" /Fd"build/Win32-MinGW Debug\vc110.pdb" /Gd /TP /analyze- /errorReport:prompt src\main.cpp vendor\glload\gll_cpp.cpp
..... This mess.
I have to take this mess
ohh nvm I read on now :L
and turn it into something g++ an understand.
@Alec secure, wut?
@sehe What is the context of your question?
@Alec your link (also, hover mouse to see subject of replies. also, read newbie hints)
it's an online team viewer
Idk ask join.me why they got that subdomain.
set up*
I think I can ignore /Zc:wchar_t
Because GCC defines that internally by default?
My precious edit! You removed it! (Hint, don't forget to remove now-redundant //)
posted a new question to std-discussion
@GamErix is it the one that you soldered a usb connector on to transmit audio signals instead of usb ?
@EtiennedeMartel To be fair, the UK picture is totally inaccurate
looking out of my window I see a ~2cm layer.
(and this is the most snowfall of this whole season)
@KonradRudolph we've had quite bad snow where I am, my school has closed due to snow, and it hasn't done that in 40 years :O
@Ell doesn’t mean shit. Work “closed” early for us twice last week, completely without reason
okay, time for a beer and some entertainment
@KonradRudolph Oh if you knew this school you know it would mean something :P
It's like prison
@EtiennedeMartel lol canada
Alternatively I could just say we have more than 2cm of snow, we have several inches
guys, do you know whether boost has any plans on changing to github?
I'm guessing no. What do they use atm?
they use selfhosted svn, IIRC. but they're moving to git
We have kilometers of snow (horizontally)
What's the name of that C++ distro you guys sent me before?
@Mysticial :D
+1 for reddit :P
@StackedCrooked lurls
> People use memes because most people aren't clever enough to be funny. It's easier to parrot a set of pre-made joke templates that the community has deemed funny.
^ This.
@sehe My snob-o-meter flew off the wall.
@EtiennedeMartel snob-o-meter flew off the wall? Which meme template is that?
I meant that the guy who wrote that really does come off as a snob.
Welcome to reddit
@Mysticial lol @ the question, also

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