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let say i do int i;
is there a way to check whether i is define?
in c++ 11?
what i mean is... is there i way that i can tell that i is empty
@RolandSams I use this: libevent.org and let someone else figure out what's fastest on which platform
@RyanFung if you do that, and then say int x = i + 5; valgrind (valgrind.org) will complain about an initialised read
Hello Friends
a very good morning to all
Hello friends!
Hey I have a question, will you please tell me which is the best java book for a learner. I am not a beginner but if i will rate myself then only 4 out of 10 in java.
Accelerated C++ is a pretty good Java book I heard
any other?
@Pubby rofl
@VarunVishnoi My guess is, most serious C++ programmers don't really learn Java; if they have to use it, they just sit in front of an IDE and code in Java...
@RyanFung what do you mean "empty"? i is never "empty"
why did you come to a C++ room asking for Java books
Is there an SQL room?
So you're gonna ask for Java books in the SQL room? :P
No I have a question about the best way to handle many integers in SQL
Damn all the SQL rooms are empy
It's also a Friday night.
@RolandSams post a question, and wait
have some damned patience
Ok I will do just that
lol Microsoft
you have misleading comments even in your short examples
        // Create a 'HttpWebRequest' object.
        HttpWebRequest myHttpWebRequest=(HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(myUri);

        // Set the 'Method' property to "POST".

        // Set the 'ContentType' property.
@RolandSams I recommend you install a sql server (like mysql) and use a workbench (like SQLyog) so you can play while learning - the question you posted is way too basic. Try to understand databases, tables, records, indexes, SELECT/INSERT/DELETE, JOINS (to start).
@Rapptz Is "OBTAIN" also one of the methods?
never heard of it.
if it's a joke it went over my head :(
GET, PUT, POST, DELETE are the only 4 iirc
oh this explains it..
The Method property can only be set to GET and POST methods. Any other HTTP 1.1 or 1.0 protocol verbs (HEAD, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, or OPTIONS, for example) will throw a NotSupportedException exception.
what the hell
dangit - wish I had learned about mmap sooner - it's so damned useful (esp. for reading)
I've noticed a really disturbing tendency.
Any question that doesn't have an obvious answer ends up getting flaggs as 'not a real question'. Even when it clearly is.
Well, not 'any' question. Questions that are very narrow and require specialized knowledge of a particular framework or something like that get ignored.
But, like this one is obviously a real question, and it almost certainly has a definite correct answer: stackoverflow.com/questions/14411512/…
@Rapptz The distro you guys sent me a while back -- do you know if it came preinstalled with any bignum support?
NARQ is incredibly stupid
@Omnifarious I think it's exclusive to the C++ tags.
The PHP and C# tags don't have this issue as bad as the C++ tag.
From what I've seen anyway
@MarcusStuhr No. I don't think it does.
You can use mine if you want or one that's online
@Rapptz I wouldn't know, because I stay away from both of those tags. I sometimes look at Python questions as well, and I don't see it happening there so much either. So I think you're right.
I think it's because other languages are pretty much built on other frameworks and get used a lot more often than C++.
Our only real "framework" with C++ are the common ones like Boost, SDL, etc
So having some obscure library/framework really hinders people's ability to help you out.
Anyone know how to add a .jar to a website?
@Crowz tar -cf website.tar website_base_directory jar_path
But, I might be wrong about that. I'm not much of a Java person really. I do C, C++ and Python mostly. ;-)
I like those languages too, just more into java right now cause it's easier for me
gonna try using your bigint class
@Crowz nod I wasn't judging, just explaining why my answer might not be correct. I suspect that most of the people in Lounge<C++> are C++ programmers like me.
aaalllrighty, now how do I use this thing
saved it off in BigInteger.hpp
night, all
You should have made your resume in LaTeX
People seem to be impressed by that for some reason.
@Crowz look for the <object> tag
Learn The Most Effective Ways To Prevent Spiders Getting Anywhere
@CatPlusPlus You may find this interesting.
> c very clearly addresses an abstract architecture that is referred to repeatedly in the c standard. that doesn't mean c is "high level", but it isn't assembly either
I don't know what "high-level" mean anymore.
You all miss me? >:D
Dang, crashed the party it seems.
@LucDanton C is a high level language made with low level functions in mind. It was made for programming systems software. C++ was/is a revision of C
@LucDanton Tbh, I think the definition of "high level" is in constant evolution. I mean there was a time when I believe C was considered quite high level but now I think languages like Python could be considered way more high-level in comparison.
also i think you accidentally an s
I love this tablet, but it doesn't have a working C++ compiler for it :( mobile C++ app programming dreams = crushed
@Hoxieboy It's because people would like for their C++ programs to finish compiling in less than 10 hours. :-P
Hah, perhaps. I find the idea of making apps for your device on the fly rather exciting though ^-^
Some time. However, this tablet has an ARM7 quad-core processor with 1 gig of ram... Seems fast enough to compile small-ish programs no?
I unfortunately require at least two monitors for any sort of application development. :-)
I second that as well :)
@Hoxieboy Sure, but programs tend to not be smallish.
Maybe, but if you take a look at most of the apps in android's play store, you'll find that the programs are usually under 2 mb
Not that big ;D
@Hoxieboy Most of the apps in Android's Play store aren't very useful. :-P
Mmmh, I wouldn't quite say that... I've got a port scanner, pdf scanner, ssh client and several very handy programs installed on my machine, and I actually find myself using them regularly, take Fing for example.
@Hoxieboy Okay, that's about a dozen out of... how many apps in the Play store?
Not to mention a non-rooted linux distro installer XD
butts :(
@Insilico I'll have to take a headcount. However, it brings me back to the point of making your own programs ^-^
@Crowz butts?
butts D:
Oh noes
They come, finally. Run!
Do y'all think the default "programming" page looks appealing on my site?
Oooh ooh, I just remembered what I came here to ask for in the first place; Anybody have any suggestions on a good program to write, that's still moderately-beginners level in C++? I want to really dig into some code for C++ and learn a bit more, but I don't know what to do really...
What is the link to your site Crowz?
Seam carving (also known as image retargeting, content-aware image resizing, content-aware scaling, liquid resizing, or liquid rescaling), is an algorithm for image resizing, developed by Shai Avidan, of Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL), and Ariel Shamir, of the Interdisciplinary Center and MERL. It functions by establishing a number of seams (paths of least importance) in an image and automatically removes seams to reduce image size or inserts seams to extend it. Seam carving also allows manually defining areas in which pixels may not be modified, and features the abili...
If I did it, you can do it
Gotta click "programming" for the programming page
Alright I'll take a look!
@Hoxieboy What genre you are interested in?
@ShadowsInRain I was thinking practical applications (doesn't have to be GUI based quite yet) like what Crowz suggested, perhaps dealing with small image effects :P I'm not that far into C++ yet but I would like to "dig" just a little deeper
Another cool one:
Edge detection is a fundamental tool in image processing, machine vision and computer vision, particularly in the areas of feature detection and feature extraction, which aim at identifying points in a digital image at which the image brightness changes sharply or, more formally, has discontinuities. The same problem of finding discontinuities in 1D signals is known as step detection. Motivations The purpose of detecting sharp changes in image brightness is to capture important events and changes in properties of the world. It can be shown that under rather general assumptions for an...
@Crowz Now that seems a bit simpler :D it's really only detecting patterns of shifted RGBA values right? I've made a program using python that actually extract's an images outline from a photo, rendering the lines in black and white, while setting the BG to transparency, now that was a fun program to make :D And your programming page looks really good! I would suggest cropping the screenshot though(removing the windows bar etc) to give it a more professional appearance, but other then that
very well done!
@Hoxieboy yeah hah the gui I made for that program has an edge detection algorithm like you were talking about
@Crowz It was a pretty decent challenge to do(I used the PIL imaging module) and I would say the trouble it caused me was well worth the knowledge I gained from it ^-^ My program is still primitive though, it does not harness multi-threading and it's console based... Large images in excess of a million pixels can take 10 seconds or longer XP
Now I feel like I should replicate it in C++ for the same effect, just to see what would happen :)
Did you use matrices?
It was very simple, just nested for-loops reading the pixels line by line, and outputting to a different file black or transparent depending on the pixel's RGBA comparison. I believe PIL handled everything else
There was another version I created that did in fact use matrices, but the detection was sloppy and a little to blocky, albeit faster than pixel-by-pixel scanning, IMO slower but more accurate is better than fast and sloppy so to speak
Hence why I want to attempt to try multi-threading next time ^
What is matrix in this context?
i need some help
anyone here?
i have a template which is taking type T and T is an iterator
inside the iterator, they are a list of strings. Question is how do i invoke compare() in template?
Show code.
it is giving me this error telling me i can't invoke the function.: I try *s.compare(*s2)
but not working
if(*first>(*first+1)) //where first is an iterator of a vector and *first is a string
it doesn't work
i can't compare the two
*first > *(first+1)
Haha I love explaining definitions and classes in python to people
You can abbreviate *(first+1) with first[1]. But this does not imply that iterators are vectors ;)
@RyanFung There is a very simple solution to avoid the problem. Just write int i = 0; instead of int i;
The room is mostly empty.
Sweet deal!
I wanted the place to myself. :c
@Ell I can sympathize with that. When i learned C++, I learned such such object-oriented container and algorithm libraries as you describe. When we saw the STL for the first time, we all considered it ugly and cryptic. It was non-OO! That alone was reason to despise it, back then. And you always needed to pass around two parameters! And the error messages when you passed list iterators to std::sort() were humiliating. (No compiler gave you a template instantiation traceback back then!)
Over time, this has changed. There were good, rational arguments as to why the STL is the way it is (although, when it comes to representing ranges as a pair of iterators, I consider them well-countered), and those who could be convinced by rational arguments and tried to work with it, eventual learned to see that the STL has a certain purity and beauty, even if it is a ragged beauty. Others didn't let themselves be convinced.
For example, most of the game industry has shunned the STL, because early implementation naturally were somewhat naive, and came with an abstraction penalty. Rather than admitting the STL's potential and working to iron out those crinkles, most of the game industry stayed away from it (and lots of other good features of the standard library), and has given us 15 years of bug-ridden and crashing games.
@sbi or use their own implementations
@LuchianGrigore There's, what?, one implementation I know of, and that's a severely modified one, by EA. Even that uses the STL's design principles, though.
@sbi that's the one
@Zoidberg I wish it didn't exist too you know, then I wouldn't have to play minecraft in such slutty graphics engine
@MooingDuck Oh, is that why you married — to get a cheaper mobile tariff? :)
FWIW, I pay €30/month for 120mins of free phone calls, 40 free text messages, and 200MB of data. I added €5 to that to get another 40 text messages. I choose reliable service over cheap price with that, though. You can get cheaper plans here, plus a smart phone thrown in.
"I pay €30/month for 120mins of free phone calls"
@Rapptz That's only for me. I could get reasonable tariffs for my kids, though. Like €10 for phoning, and @20 for phone and Internet access.
@LuchianGrigore Oh well. I admit that's somewhat clumsily worded. You got what I meant with that.
ofc, just thought it was funny
(I'm easily amused)
@kbok I consider this one. (You wouldn't have thought this jab into my nether regions would go unnoticed by me, just because you didn't ping me, would you?)
I guess I need to accept that the STL designers know best!
@Ell The STL was mainly envisioned by Alexander Stepanov. His original goals, however, were somewhat different. He meant to write a library that would provide all the basic building blocks needed to implement any algorithm you could think of, in a very efficient way. For years he searched for a language to implement that in (there was an early implementation in, I think Ada), until he finally saw that C++' templates would allow him to combine speed with abstraction.
With Stroustrup's support the standardization committee extended templates to the point where most of Stepanov's visions could be implemented. His original vision, however, got lost in the process.
@ThePhD Yeah, become a grumpy old man. Now.
What did the standard library consist of before the STL?
@Ell Don't ask questions of which you're not prepared for the bloody, gruesome answer. =[
@Ell The STL was part of the first C++ standard, and before that, there was no standard library.
Ahh right
Non-standard libraries commonly encompassed a variation of streams, usually a string class of some sorts, and, for most vendors, some kind of container and algorithm library. All of the latter were OO, and none was convincing enough for the standard committee to adopt it to the standard.
When the STL came along, the standard was almost done, but Stroustrup convinced the committee to delay the standardization to adopt it. That cost us about two years, IIRC.
So everyone had to write their own string class?
@Ell "Writing string classes is one of the most popular indoor sports among C++ programmers." P.J.Plauger (quoted from memory)
Im glad I didn't have to live through that old c++ period :L
In my short time as a C++ programmer before the standardization, I have (co-)written at least three string classes, and used at least two more.
Even with the standardization, I had to write my own. Because, <unicode>.
how well could these string classes interop?
Or work together, I cant think of the word
No matter how much critique the design-by-committee-crafted std::string (deservedly) got, just alone that it managed to rally 95% of the C++ programmers behind its banners is a feat so great, there was no way it could have been considered a failure.
@ThePhD I hadn't.
@thephd what does your string class do that the std one doesn't?
@Ell <Unicode>, or rather, it does <UTF>, because if I just say Unicode Robot will slay me. :c
@Ell Nearly all of them had a means to convert to a const char*, and to be constructed from such.
@ThePhD The only thing about Unicode I can think of offhand that cannot be done in std::basic_string is iterating over code points in multi-byte encodings.
That doesn't seem so bad, I guess QT and wxWisgets have their own string classes don't they?
@sbi That's pretty much what my thingy provides.
Qt, not QT
@Zoidberg I just burst that scale.
@ThePhD Writing a library for Unicode support in a multi-MLoC codebase, I had no need to provide that. When would you ever need to iterate over code points? And when you do, what's so bad about converting to UTF32 before?
What I dont understand is, what is "unicode support"? Is it just the ability to use Unicode stuff without it crashing?
@Ell It's the ability to deal with localized strings (file names etc.) in your application.
@sbi The need actually came up when I had files that were written with both Japanese and Chinese characters. I needed a way to address these files without everything blowing up, so I did some at-the-boundary IO-conversions. These were clunky and wasteful, and I still couldn't express Unicode characters or use multilingual characters with my fonts, so I wrote in Unicode support. Now, I can get and use non-ASCII files, and naturally handle unicode display (currently using internal UTF8)
@EtiennedeMartel Oh, it'd be no shame me at all for me to bow before Jerry's wisdom. I first got to know him in Usenet about a decade ago, and in that decade I cannot remember him ever taking part in a heated discussion. That is certainly a lot more than I can say about myself, and reason enough to consider him a lot wiser than me.
It was honestly a major toss-up between UTF32 and UTF8 (I'd never go with UTF16, though that would make boundary conversions for MS stuff a lot easier).
@ThePhD And what's the problem with stuffing such strings into a std::basic_string<int32_t>?
@sbi Couldn't use it with wfopen or std::filebuf or its friends, let alone any of the MS-specific stuff for opening files.
@ThePhD What I wrote used whatever was the default on that platform. UTF-16 on windows, UTF-8 on Linux, and UTF-32 on OS X. All conversions were done by invoking a xxx_cast<>()-like function template, and if you ried to assign strings of different encodings to each other, the compiler would bark at you.
While UTF16 sounds fun internally.... I think I'd rather stick with UTF8 internally on Windows, UTF8 internally on Linux, and UTF32 on OSX. UTF16 feels.... wasteful, and clunky, for my day to day.
@sbi Error C1337: Børk! Børk! Børk!
@ThePhD Oh, that's right. I implemented a std::filebuf derivate that would take a string in the platform's natural Unicode encoding, and had a bunch of typedefs yielding file stream derivates that would employ those. In GUI code, stuff was converted to whatever the GUI library used needed (system encoding, mostly, I think).
@ThePhD Win32 works with UTF-16 internally, and every library function you call with a string needs this argument(s) to be converted to UTF-16, first. I can't follow you claiming that doing this is less clunky and wasteful than using the platform's built-in encoding.
@sbi ~Sigh~ Yeah, it's really just my own personal reservations. :c
All of which are unfounded, really.
... I.. ... I suppose I could...
.... Changes the internal windows encoding to UTF16.
10 bucks says everything explodes.
@ThePhD sry to jump into the middle of your conversation like this, but have you happened to find any standard libs for UTF-8 or 16 that's usable w/C++?
@kfmfe04 ogonek.
@kfmfe04 ^that
Look for Martinho Ogonek, google.
Should be the first hit.
A bitbucket Repo.
Works with only GCC/MinGW and similar C++0x compliant compilers.
@melak47 We, a team of less than a dozen developers, had to get our app past the test department of one of the biggest software companies on earth. The version of our code before I introduced compile-time incompatibility between different string encodings got a three-digit number of bugs regarding encoding problems (mostly UTF-8 strings showing up in the GUI) from that department, which almost brought our development to a complete halt, as we struggled to fix them.
AKA, not Microsoft's piece of shit.
After that, the compiler found every error, and the test department had none left to find.
When you are doing ambitious development in a small team, every bug the compiler finds is worth a tester's weight in gold.
@ThePhD LoL - nice - robo code
@sbi heh, whoa.
Ogonek is pretty awesome imho, just the design of it seems so elegant
Like moving the storage out of the text
Yeah, ogonek is really nice and clean.
I tried to emulate that in my string class.
But for the sake of cheating, I fixed the storage to std::basic_string
rather than letting ti be anything in the world.
From what I know, ICU (by IBM, IRC) is probably the most-used cross-platform Unicode library, @kfmfe04. I have never used it (directly), though, so this is mere hearsay.
I also do not have any kind of Validation Polcy.
@ShotgunNinja I do not doubt that Jerry has at least as much experience.
ALLllLllLlLLLL the errrroorrrsssszzz
@sbi dammit - is it going to take C++ 20 years to catch up to *ava and a bucket-full-of-scripting languages in this department?
I wonder what Google (a larger C++ house) uses internally for UTF-8/16... ...they need to throw their code out for everyone to use...
@kfmfe04 Catch up with Java you say? Are you talking of the language that confined itself to 16bit Unicode support?
Also, it won't take 20 (more) years, if the robot can help it. :)
lol - nice
@kfmfe04 When it comes to C++, do not look at google. From what i heard, their bad reputation in that regard is well-deserved.
@sbi hmm... ...well a few things seem to be ok for me (google test/mock, protocol buffers, etc...)
when I type UTF into something like vim, it happily accepts it - I wonder what it's using: will have to dig into its source in my free time
@kfmfe04 No amount of however great C++ code coming out of google can make up for them infesting the C++ code with their foul "coding standards".
@DeadMG Björn told me he checked it out this week and llvm does not maintain the C backend anymore. :(
I have done it
I have changed
Every single function call
in my entire code base
to use the new calling convention and export properly,
meaning I can now use std containers and types in my dll
I'm gonna go play a game to celebrate.
Isn't fighting over your code with Murphy game enough for you? For me, it currently is.
@JohanLarsson Actually, I didn't accuse you to be a drunkard so much as outing you.
@Rapptz Oh, damn. What was it? Is she alright now?
@BartekBanachewicz Part of being adult is bowing to the wise words of others.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Why not? I freely admit that I have deficiencies in C++03/11 (and elsewhere).
What were the alternatives before Berkeley sockets had the majority?
@Xeo That's indeed true, but it's not all. Pairing certainly has something to do with it, too. When you always have someone beside you thinking about the same problems as you have, getting distracted is much harder.
When you're pairing, there's no need to go fencing in the hallway during compilations, since you can always discuss the problems you have been dealing with all day.
In fact, our cow-workers are weary of us discussing template meta-programming issues during lunch breaks. :)
@Xeo Would we all even fit into that village of yours?
Anyway, I have promised one of my sons to play with the microscope with him, so I'll be off now.
NICE! template aliases have finally made it into gcc - that's going to go a longways towards cleaning up code...
@kfmfe04 Template aliases have been in gcc for a long time :S
is that right? I thought it didn't come out until the 4.7's - maybe I confused it for something else...
@kfmfe04 You're correct, but 4.7 was available in beta before it came out.
so when are template aliases coming to VC++? :3
@Pubby lol - u are much more bleeding edge than I am - I just started using 4.7.2 - you must be in 4.8 or beyond?
@kfmfe04 Nah, just 4.7. It's got everything I need.

"GCC now uses C++ as its implementation language."

doh - just now?
inherited constructors will be much appreciated ;^)
what is this about?

G++ now implements the C++11 attribute syntax, e.g.
[[noreturn]] void f();
hmm... ...shouldn't the compiler automagically know that a void f() deserves a [[noreturn]] attribute? I don't get it.
mm great beat
@kfmfe04 f() may call some 3rd-party noreturn function.
@kfmfe04 Its not about return a value or not, it's about returning or not.
Hmpf. My son (4 years old) does not like my music, Leaving Winter Behind - Bluetech.
@GamErix That one sample gives me a headache :(
Besides throwing, what could cause something not to return?
@Ell deadlock?
@Ell exit, terminate, infinite loop
Ahh yes
Hello, people.
@Zoidberg News?
Do I look like I have news?
for the Germans among you :)
"How the hell can you breath through that small thing?"
How would you translate "Henker"?
The dictionary says "Hangman" but that doesn't really fit here
Idioms often do not translate literally. You need to find idioms in the other language that fit the situation.
Oh it's like "How the fuck"?
Ah yeah.
In Dutch we just say "Hoe de fuck ..."? :P
I think "fuck" is even a correct Dutch word.
da fuck?
As in, it's in the dictionary.
no way
neuken ja
I don't have a copy of the latest Van Dale. :|
Also blood everywhere.
fuck is not in that dictionary
but neuken is
@TonyTheLion it's the free dictionary.
It's fucking limited. :P
I had a bleeding nose in my sleep or something. ;_;
@Zoidberg When you woke up did it look like a murder scene?
Well there's a little bit of blood on my bed sheets and on my arm, but that's about it.
Someone deflowered your nose?
I hope not.
That would be terrible.
One time I had the flu and while sleeping I got a bloody nose. When I woke up I noticed something stringy hanging down from my nostril.
inb4 extremely lame Dutch pun
I pulled out some solidified blood+mucas blob about 4 inches long
@Pubby cool
Did you feed it to your cat?
@Pubby I am sure everybody here is thrilled that you share this with us. Can you please go into more detail?
@Zoidberg Na, although I'm sure it's a delicacy in some country.
Good, because cats don't like solified blood/mucas blobs that are about four inches long.
@Zoidberg I don't get it
@sbi Well I put it in the sink but it wouldn't wash down the drain so I had to pick it up with my hands and then flush it down toilet! :)
@Pubby I'm so happy to be in time to catch this nugget of good news
@sehe spreek het uit.
@Zoidberg ---- god. that's even worse than anticibrated
“Should my surgeon enhance his cognition when operating on me?”
 You’re conflating things that matter (surgery) with things that do not (chess, baseball).

Are you a politician, by any chance?
The Crown Game Affair (fraud/doping in chess?)
Time to shower.
Fuck this blood.
> So you don’t have wonder any longer, yes, indeed, the superfluous “l” in the preceding post is actually a covert transceiver. Cllever of you to notice. Jim January 16, 2013 10:28 am
@Zoidberg Het is neukend beperkt?
@Zoidberg Blood for the blood god! Praise Armok!
Blood is good.
Without blood you'd die.
Unless you have artificial blood.
Which occasionally happens
FYI "He helped", that'd be me :) "to see what is wrong with my code" - and I was curious what that might have been. I might be able to better help in the future, knowing what pitfalls tripped others up in the past. — sehe 13 secs ago
Duh. The guy is oblivious and a true artist at avoiding the question
hey guis have you seen there's a gui who outsourced his job to china!!
@sehe What.
@NolwennLeGuen follow link
@NolwennLeGuen lol. I bet it was a VB6 gui
@sehe but walloftext ;;
@NolwennLeGuen so, don't read it. Disclaimer: this means, you'll be missing out on something published on the interwebs. (You're health insurance may or may not cover the expenses of therapy received in order to get over this loss)
also merry january 19th everyone !!
marry you too
i watched django unchained yesterday. i liked it
sounds like an arthouse movie :)
Q: Making a program portable between machines that have different number of bits in a "machine byte"

Dennis RitchieWe are all fans of portable C/C++ programs. We know that sizeof(char) or sizeof(unsigned char) is always 1 "byte". But that 1 "byte" doesn't mean a byte with 8 bits. It just means a "machine byte", and the number of bits in it can differ from machine to machine. See this question. Suppose you...

^^ Hmm... can't be the "real" Dennis Ritchie no? :P
And check out the last comment on the deleted answer.

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