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@StackedCrooked he he
@user784637 i don't have a clue. explain "quickselect", please?
@Zoidberg is this Haskell?
@Cheersandhth.-Alf yes.
note to self continue the Haskell tutorial sometime
@R.MartinhoFernandes thanks. i was jus' trying' to get 'im to teach 'imself, but i genuinely didna now, so thanks! :-)
Notes quickly drown among the many chat messages here.
Not if we pin them.
Please don't pin note-to-selfs.
Do like any grown up robot does and just memorize them.
I have Todo.txt file that I always have open. It contains all kinds of memoranda and it goes years back.
I just keep adding stuff to the top.
@StackedCrooked that's so 20th century
I store it my DropBox now so I can access it at work and I don't need to worry about backup.
Fay y u no implicit Prelude.
Anki is fucking powerful.
The flashcards are created from HTML templates.
So you can throw in some JavaScript and do some random shit that would never be possible on other flashcard apps.
For example I can insert code that gradually reveals the answer.
somebody tried the generic lambdas here? isocpp.org/blog/2012/12/…
The sky.
If I said "The sky, I hope" would anyone here get the reference? Probably not. It's pretty obscure.
@StackedCrooked Years? Really?
why not?
I've had similar stuff, but never more than a month old LOL
@StackedCrooked Does it start with "figure out how to build robo-ants" and "take over world with army of robo-ants"?
@GigaBass learn2procrastinate
what are you even doing here :p
I've got a doctorate in procrastination, @melak47
then how do you get stuff done? :p
I don't
or do you just take it off your list.
@AndreiTita Hey, how do you get a hold of our plans for the revolution?
@AndreiTita It contains passwords, login infomation, todo items that i checked off. Random notes.
It doesn't mean that it's full of unfinished work.
@melak47 What did that mean?
@R.MartinhoFernandes In this case, I guess it's convergent thinking.
@StackedCrooked You store logins and passwords on Dropbox?
"Digital "ants" will protect the U.S. power grid from cyber attacks. Programmed to wander networks in search of threats, the high-tech sleuths in this software, developed by Wake Forest University security expert Errin Fulp, leave behind a digital trail modeled after the scent streams of their real-life cousins. When a digital ant designed to perform a task spots a problem, others rush to the location to do their own analysis. If operators see a swarm, they know there's trouble. "
Not quite sure I understood this... from popularmechanics.com/print-this/…
@AndreiTita yeah
@GigaBass It's basically mirroring the mechanics found in nature to do a task.
after all, if you're a bunch of ants, you find the most efficient way to solve a problem, or you starve to death when your competitors do find the most efficient way.
evolution often finds ways of doing things that science would not have in a million years
Yeah but, the "digital ant", do they mean actual programmed ants?
I know I know, that's not new to me, just couldn't catch what they mean
I only had to read for a few minutes to see bullsh*t. They claim peltier plates will be used for soldier temperature control? ya right, peltiers are completely inefficient, generate excessive heat when used to cool, and suck power like its 1950
@GigaBass Conceptually, yes.
think of the ants as a digital immune system
you get 1billion ants, and you put them all over fuckin' everywhere, and when they detect a problem, they let off a signal to inform the other ants.
when you have a shitbunch of ants in one place, you know you have a big problem
Yeah, sort of like nanotech crawling inside us killing stuff, I guess
But, "programming ants" that "roam code", searching for a trouble...
how will we mass produce these things? truckloads of material? or star trek replicators
How do they "roam code"? And how do they "find trouble"?
How do they DEFINE trouble?
It's so abstract, idk if I'm just being a dumbass, probably not even explaining what I mean well.
oh nevermind. virtual "ants". sounds like 100% pure bs baffles brains
I want them to describe how these virtual ants are invulnerable to exploit yet the power grid embedded systems are vulnerable
scrolls will replace tablets? the whole article must be trolling
ya I'll trade in my one-handed device for some ancient rome two-handed thing
Not ACTUAL scrolls -_-
The new-technology kind of digital paper, certainly
ever tried to put a touch screen interface on a sheet of magic display plastic? what holds the bottom? lol
> With DARPA and Google racing to perfect instant translation
Google sucks.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I played some FTL. I get crushed a lot, even on Easy difficulty.
maybe phone manufacturers really plan on making phones that blow away in the wind a lot
make it a bright color, put a little apple icon on the back, and remove all option screens, put it on a thin transparent piece of plastic that blows away on windy days. future i-phone
Hurray I can use Express from Haskell.
@EtiennedeMartel You cannot fight every fight.
Yeah, I know. But even then...
I'm gonna play some more.
@EtiennedeMartel There's a lot of trial and error involved in learning FTL.
Once you figure out what happens when you do action x under conditions y for most actions, you can start beating the game.
Except when completely random OP encounters smash you to shreds, ofc.
Then you're yelling at that fucking FTL meter.
@MarcusStuhr I have an equation, now I need to code it :)
Ah by the way some of the ships give you a much easier early game which helps a lot in learning what works and what doesn't, so it can be useful to try to get a few unlocks.
oh CRAP I completely forgot lmfao
@chris because some of those "C++11-like" boost things either went into the standard or at least the standard was influenced/inspired by the boost design.
FTL = ?
wow looks really cool
I can see how it could get hard
I liked the music a lot.
do the [so] things work on SO proper?
Does anyone know why clang would be complaining about something called std::ios_base::Init::Init() when g++ has no trouble with it?
@jozefg http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7533321/error-when-compiling-some-simple-c-code
tl;dr Try clang++ to make sure you are linking against the c++ runtime libraries.
@SeanCline Hey, that was too easy for him.
Simple google for "std::ios_base::Init::Init() clang" shows the answer.
If that doesn't work, you may need to follow @Griwes's advice and ask in a more formal place like SO proper.
@Griwes I did. It suggested using clang++ which I am. I've also reinstalled clang and double checked its libraries/runtimes which are present.
It functions perfectly fine with other pieces of code that i've tested. In any case I'm sorry to have disturbed you
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I broke textures
gotta love mmap - woohoo pointer arithmetic ftw! ;^)
@jozefg Then if you did that, why don't you just ask the question in the place for them?
You're studying like that? Not sure that's safe...
ya - Anki is a blast - haven't played with it for years tho
joudan ja nai wa yo?
fyi, wa yo -> feminine
Yeah, I know.
But I don't think it matters too much.
he's right - a lot of guys do use わ in real-life these days
especially young people
In Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple the female lead ends every sentence with "desu wa." It's actually addictive.
@kfmfe04 Heh funny. It also read that in a female voice.
@StackedCrooked it remembers me higurashi no naku koro ni with that "nano desu yo"
is there any practical difference between decltype(f(bar)) and std::result_of<...> ?
Hmmm like 80% of the way with 410
and as usual, brick wall, lol
@MarcusStuhr same here, int wall for me
hmm... 日本語能力試験四級? maybe between 4 and 3?
Does anyone know a good vim workflow tutorial? I understand the keyboard shortcuts, but I feel at a loss when switching between files/finding files.
@Rapptz did you solve it yet?
Haskell is awesome.
A friend is recommending me to use Spf13, which includes NERDTree. Any comments on that?
don't know Spf13 - for me, NERDTree + marking using m-letter is more than sufficient - just use :vsplit and :split and ctrl-w (lhjk) to jump around panes
@MooingDuck Ahahahahhaa.
@NolwennLeGuen Batarnack.
Quel pays progressiste et ouvert d'esprit ! L'émotion m'envahit.
> Nous irons demain manifester au départ de la porte Maillot. On est fiers d’y participer.
Fier d'être homophobe. Allons bon. On arrête pas le progrès.
@bamboon yes, but I can't remember what :(
Q: Difference between std::result_of and decltype

Luc TourailleI have some trouble understanding the need for std::result_of in C++0x. If I understood correctly, result_of is used to obtain the resulting type of invoking a function object with certain types of parameters. For example: template <typename F, typename Arg> typename std::result_of<F(Ar...

@MooingDuck the first few seconds of that video gets me every time
@bamboon decltype probably works. the other will depend heavily on how compliant the libraries are.
specifically, VS 2010 has terrible result_of
decltype is more powerful than std::result_of per that post
because it doesn't restrict to only the return type of a function
far more
Updated libraries will use decltype in their result_of implementation
result_of is simply there to be compatible, nothing more.
you don't need it against a C++11 compiler
but why can't std::result_of do what decltype can if it is implemented using decltype?
in modern implementations, I guess. Not sure how it would have been implemented before decltype was a thing.
@TonyTheLion It can, and will be fixed in the future. Some implementations already have it that way.
@TonyTheLion Because decltype takes an expression, and result_of takes some types.
I'm assuming you're referring to SFINAE properties.
kinda like asking why f(Derived) could do more than f(Base)
My program does not work.
oh, but for all function types, result_of can do exactly what decltype can.
@DeadMG what you're saying conflicts with what @LucDanton is saying.
it's only that decltype can operate on a lot more expressions.
@LucDanton that's where it's used as a return type to a function, right?
@TonyTheLion That's the most prominent use case, yes.
@TonyTheLion thanks for the linky
@bamboon no problem :)
and unlike what I thought std::declval does not get a value, but a reference???
std::declval<MyCustomType>().foo() would call foo() at compile time?
If you have struct pathological { ~pathological() = delete; /* declare other special members */ }; then things like decltype(foo(std::declval<pathological>())) or decltype(std::declval<pathological>().foo()) are valid queries, in a sense (that might result in SFINAE, but that notwithstanding).
idk if this is exactly the right thing to do, but if I want to get the return value of foo that takes int I would do decltype(foo((int)0))
the asterisk is gone
If std::declval<T>() were of type T you'd need for the type to be Destructible in a lot of instances.
who put smilies in a programming forum -_-
@TonyTheLion No.
MyCustomType{}.foo() can call foo at compile-time, if you need that.
ah, so it can only be used in combination with decltype?
i got a question
did anyone of you use cmake before?
yes I use cmake a bit
not expert though
so cmake's create a directory of my src cord
@TonyTheLion Yes. std::declval may not be ODR-used, as the jargon goes -- it's designed for things like sizeof and decltype.
now how do i run it? just make?
@LucDanton ah ok. Not sure what ODR-used would be??
you need to say what kind of makefiles/project files to build
like this:
run cmake with no arguments, then choose what kind of make/IDE you use. for exsample:
@TonyTheLion 'Actually' used. Applies to entities (variables, types, functions).
cmake -G "Visual Studio 2010 Win64" ..\some_source_dir\cmakelist.txt
something with the One Definition Rule...
wait, dont put the cmakelist.txt
just specify dir
i know then it runs the cmakelist.txt script right? now i get everything inside a file
As an example in something like const int i = 42; std::cout << i; the variable i may not be 'actually' used -- if the value 42 is used in its stead, it's just as good.
I recommend you dont do it IN the source directory
how do i run my program?
make a directory beside or somewhere else
then do the cmake command
it will make makefiles or project files for an IDE
then you run make or run visual studio or whatever
@LucDanton is that part of the "as-if" rule of C++ implementations?
it doesnt actually MAKE it, it makes makefiles or project files for your favorite IDE
@TonyTheLion No. As-if rule would be used if i were defined as e.g. int i = 42;, and it would not be 'actually' used.
@RyanFung what compiler or IDE?
so how do i go and run my program??
@LucDanton isn't that what you were saying before?
@TonyTheLion const is the difference between the two.
oh the first example had const
you were faster :P
@RyanFung mingw or real gcc :)
real gcc
like inside linux
ok, make a directory outside the source directory, then do cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ..\path_to_source
then make
the cmake command will put makefiles wherever your current directory is
ya so make actually runs my program right?
then you just run the real make
I see....
you already built it?
ok let me redo this
depends on how the cmakelists.txt file is, make install should install it on your system
i have a directory a with all my src of cpp and lib and stuff
i.e. the command > make install
now i create another directory call b
then i do c make inside b
and now i get all these random stuff in b
yep, generated makefiles
my question now is how do i run it?
you have to compile it, so execute the command "make" to compile it
@StackedCrooked on E28 now - 幕の内が立てない! LoL - how many times can that happen in this series?!?
o...i seee....cuz before i do gcc to compile it
so now i do make instead of gcc
i see
cmake generates the makefiles for you
what is a makefile
lol sorry. really noob here
if you like CodeBlocks you can even get cmake to make CodeBlocks project files and edit in IDE
a makefile tells make the dependencies
which means, it makes sure that you have up to date object files if you change any source files
also, it makes sure that if any object files are newer, it akes a new executable
@kfmfe04 What does it mean?
why can't i just do gcc then?
@StackedCrooked Makunouchi can't stand/get up!
i thought gcc recompiles everything
there are probably big giant command lines that it needs for include directories, library directories, preprocessor defines, cross-platform tricks, etc
and get the updated a.out file
make automates making sure its all up to date
@kfmfe04 lol
thanks man
He always gets up.
let me give it a try
one more dumb question
i am pretty new to cpp as you can tell
@RyanFung sure
lol...i am wondering what's bitstr
vs bit
hmm. you mean std::vector<bool> ?
and also i see bitstr as a type
it's like an array that only stores 0 or 1 in each slot
never use it before
each "array element" is only a bit
bitstr isn't a type
that I know of anyway :)
void output(std::ostream& os, std::vector<T> const& v, BITSTR const& b);
i have to write this function
so seems to me that BITSTR is a type
really? is there a #define BITSTR somewhere?
or typedef xxxxxx BITSTR
there must be
well, it must be a type, else such a thing could not compile.
I can guarantee that a standard type won't be all uppercase
so it's just 0 and 1?
well, since K&R
FILE is :)
@doug65536 A Standard type alias. It could still be typedef std::string BITSTR;
ya that's what I suggested, typedef xxxxx BITSTR (above)
@doug65536 FILE was a macro, IIRC.
true enough!
so it's predefine?
almost certainly. there's a convention for using all uppercase for #define things
i suppose one of the lib has BITSTR defined
remember, it could be in an h file
that's #include'd
or in a header thats included from a header, etc etc etc

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