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this is awesome
@chris Hmm. The indentation could be improved.
@chris What is this shit?
@AndreiTita, The indentation was ok there. That's not the point.
Oh wait... it isn't a troll.
Look, it helped someone...
At least not completely a troll.
Still, a close vote needed.
How on earth were the votes coming in so quickly?
I actually learned something from that.
I have to say: Pretty well played. Looked like a troll at first. Turned out to be pretty legit.
Voted re-open.
@Mysticial We know you don't know C++.
hm if I have unsigned char Screen[100][35]; how can I assign all elements to 1 in this line?
Really? First lambdas, now this :p
@GamErix memset?
Even CodeBlocks gets this, though.
I did get a warning in MSVC though.
@AndreiTita hmm okay :/ in PAWN we can do new Array[99][99] = {{1,...},...}; and it would initialize everything to 1
@GamErix std::fill
@AndreiTita Fail.
@chris shuddup :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes You can't do it? Why? Alignment issues?
Just surprised is all.
@Fanael so there is nothing that will tell the compiler "create this variable and make all elements value 1" ? :P
That's what constructors are for.
@chris Even the god damn Java shit called Eclipse gets this right.
we're still talking about pawn?
obj->virtualMethod is static binding with dynamic dispatch, rite?
this vocabulary is tricky
@Gam Eix, it's not really c++ to deal with c arrays the way you do.
@NolwennLeGuen It's a syntax error.
@StephaneRolland owkay : $
@GamErix have a look at std::vector
Variadic templates and indices can do that with static initialization.
@StephaneRolland You misspelled std::array.
It's probably not worth it, though.
@Fanael ok thanks :P
@Fanael yep probably he has only resolution 100 x 35 on his screen :-)
@R.MartinhoFernandes, Good point, lol.
@StephaneRolland cmd window is set too 100x35 chars :P
@GamErix No it's not.
@StackedCrooked, Why?
@StackedCrooked Why should it be?
@Fanael um yes it is...?
Well it would be in my normal codebase because I tread warnings as errors.
@Fanael The output may be unexpected.
That's why it warns
@GamErix Unless something changed in recent versions, Console2 doesn't give a shit about changing the window size.
I guess.
@GamErix you will a have to learn a little to handle iterators to browse your container, don't worry, use them several times and it's a habbit then. It's worth the price. I assure you. There are several containers in the std library, once you use them, you can't do away with them
@R.MartinhoFernandes is there really an issue with memset or did you just not agree with a C solution? IMO, you use a C arrray, you get a C solution :)
@AndreiTita The fact that std::fill exists.
More often than not, there's an algorithm to loop through for you
@GamErix and use typedef if you think the type names are too long or boring to write
Or auto it = std::begin(cont);
This is a terrible advice, he'll be doing shit like typedef unsigned int ui
@chris of course you're right
@StephaneRolland yeah that I knew : $
@CatPlusPlus no lol, u ever saw that in my code?
@GamErix and remember what Cat ++ says is true, you should not typedef unsigned long ul
Your code is horrible
@CatPlusPlus you didn't look at it, and I know it cuz if u look, u die.
@CatPlusPlus typedef unsigned int an_int_that_is_unsigned_which_means_that_it_will_have_some_trouble_storing_negat‌​ive_numbers_unless_you_want_to_interpret_large_positive_as_negative_but_in_this_c‌​ase_you_would_be_better_off_using_a_signed_integer_type_anyway;
@AndreiTita There are zillions of issues with memset. It's no accident that it is featured so often in the output of static analysers.
There are no official rules everyone is free to make up his or her own.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Fair enough.
@CatPlusPlus, How many people have compared you with this?
Now I think I'll shoot some stuff on Borderlands.
What's the recommended minimal maximal length of an identifier?
@chris What
@Fanael Standard requires at least 1024 I think
@CatPlusPlus s/requires/recommends/
identifier of what ?
@StephaneRolland Variable, class, function, macro, whatever name.
yes more than 1024 ansi/ascii characters
@StephaneRolland of the identifier
too bad we cannot use chinese and emoticons unicode strings into them
How much of that can you use in Java?
In Sumatra they use something like 2048
@StephaneRolland you can use unicode in variable names
@Rapptz Are you talking about Java or C++ now? I don't think the C++ standard supports it.
I'm closer to Borneo personnally
ThePhD was using unicode in his variable names a few weeks ago
oki nice to know
@Rapptz i'm seens some links on google dealing with c++ source code and unicode, it seems possible
you can probably find it, im on my wii u so it'll be a pain for me to search
Q: clang unicode characters for variable name

anoncat test.cpp #include <iostream> int main() { int à; } results in: clang++ test.cpp test.cpp:4:7: error: expected unqualified-id int à; ^ 1 error generated. Now, is there a way to get clang to allow unicode variable names? Thanks!

there it is said: while allowed by the standardt clang doesn't support it
funny, msvc does
personnally I'm not gonna use unicode in my source code, almost sure of that
(for varaible names of course :-)
I'm having a hard time thinking. Is there any type that you can use without including anything or making your own that isn't an arithmetic type?
I propose we use sét end sèt to indicate asc/desc ordering.
That still leaves ë .
@StackedCrooked, That'd be an interesting language if we all had easy access to the accented characters.
I think many wouldn't appreciate it like you do.
@chris of course ! if you don't defeine operator + you cann't have arithetic types defined by you, you just can't
@chris whatever included or not
defeine = decafeine of course
@StephaneRolland, What I meant was int, double, char, bool are all arithmetic types built into the language. Are there any that aren't?
The non-builtin ones.
Oh, never mind. Pointers and references.
And arrays would probably do it too
CPoint, CSize, and any graphically library defining points and sizes
I meant aren't arithmetic types, but are built in. Bad wording.
none that come to my mind
but if you do char [130][35]... I don't think one can use operator + on such variables, I have never tried though ( but maybe it would do pointer arithmetic...)
You can not redefine operator+ etc for built-in types, but you can do so for enum types. So you could create an enum int32_t in your own namespace and intercept all operatations.
I think that might be fun.
Actually, I don't need enum for that, a regular class will do.
Silly me.
That was ..intentional.
@StackedCrooked fuck google chrome for torrentz, there are separate programs for that
and which have much more advnced settings
You are not forced to use it you know :)
@StackedCrooked ye inkow :P
No need to be angry.
i'm not angry xD
it's been long I haven't used emule, I heard about Tor the other day, it has spread well ?
sorry if it sounded like that :$
Years ago it was the promised for anonymous p2p
but now everyone will implement everything into chrome, and chrome will start to replace.. everything? ; o
can't wait till chrome replaces windows search
@R.MartinhoFernandes, You've been recommended.
well leave you guys... gotta logistic shopping to do ( eggs, milk, bread, pepper, cheese, lettuce...)...
sounds very healthy
Mhhhh, I wouldn't pretend that I am indeed
Yesterday I went to the kebab
	std::array<std::array<unsigned char, 35>, 100> Screen;
	std::fill(Screen.begin(),Screen.end(),(unsigned char)219);
Error 1 error C2679: binary '=' : no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'const unsigned char' (or there is no acceptable conversion) z:\programs\microsoft visual studio 11.0\vc\include\xutility 2646 1 Anoukie
why is C++ doing this to me :<
I would use std::vector... unless I have a good reason not to do so
@GamErix, You have to assign arrays of 219.
@chris so I need to create an array and initialize that one to 219 everywhere first.. man, I feel like I'm lacking something.
C++ should be better than C
it is, but you have to follow the rules (as in any programming language)
chris is right, you need to pass in an array of 35 chars to std::fill()
temporary solution..
for(int row = 0; row < 35; ++row)
std::fill(Screen[row].begin(),Screen[row].end(),(unsigned char)219);
The std::vector solution is pretty practical when wrapped in a 1D Matrix.
Meh, I'll let someone else get this one.
I'll feel bad for just giving it.
Kanji is really easy digitally.
Sorry, I don't speak French.
Maybe you were asking for hello in Kanji. Who could possibly know?
@Zoidberg if I wanted to get started with Haskell on Win is there an IDE/tool/compiler you would recommend?
今日は but no one writes it that way - they use the hiragana
Meh, I can't tell the difference - yet.
Need to get on that.
that's just usage - not much of a rule - if you get serious about Kanji, I recommend using Heisig

Thanks, I'll keep it in mind.
@StackedCrooked hmm... ...what do you mean?
I just need to type the words and the kanji autocompletion pops up. When writing by hand it's much more involved.
ahh... ...that's very true: with the advent of computers and mobile, a lot of Asian languages are much easier to type now... ...in fact, many native's hand-writing abilities have suffered as a consequence (true of Chinese and Japanese)
w/OSX's dictation in Mountain Lion, it's even easier - you can just tell the computer what you want it to write - it's not perfect yet, but it's actually usable/fun for learning the scripts
@Rapptz new problem in three hours
broken pc
broken pc is one of the things that really sux, broken car and broken health is worse though
was it 408 that broke it?
Why medicine for you?
no my charger input broke so now I want to build a new pc
@Rapptz charger input...so it's a laptop? and you want to build a new...laptop?
no i want to build a new desktop
When returning a local object by value, will the compiler create a copy of the local object?
as in i've built three before and want to make a new one
And yes, I want to be hated here.
what parts have you picked so far?
copy iirc
Nah, RVO.
haven't picked anything yet ;_;
ah right rvo
@chris Yeah but, does it always happen?
@NolwennLeGuen, It still needs an accessible copy constructor, regardless of whether RVO takes effect.
@chris What I really want to know is if the copy constructor will be called
And I don't know much about the specifics, so I can't really say when it will or won't do so. The point is that returning by value is usually fine for speed and that you shouldn't rely on a copy constructor being called.
Yes but that isn't my question
It could create a copy if the compiler doesn't optimize it. It's the copy you need, though.
Okay, let me put this differently
MyClass someMethod(...) const
MyClass copy(*this);
return copy;

Here, how many times is the copy constructor of MyClass called?
Theoretically 2: One for making the local (assuming decltype(*this) == MyClass) and one for the return.
anyone know a good table comparing flops for different gpus & cpus?
@chris But the second could be avoided, right?
Yes, it can.
Alrighty, thanks.
@AndreiTita Install the Haskell Platform and use Vim as editor.
user image
the clever British ^
Vim is superior.
@TonyTheLion lol
Which reminds me, the teacher once asked us what IDE we used.
> Assuming I use an IDE.
Not that he has ever heard of Vim.
Duh. I'd like to code something, but I'm afraid of going into coding berserk just before exams :/
@BartekBanachewicz Mental image of you frothing at the mouth while typing furiously.
@AndreiTita that's more or less it. That's how I nearly failed 1st high school year.
I cannot express how nice it is being able to scroll the window under the cursor without activating it.
@chris It's a great feeling isn't it? The only way I've been able to do it in Windows is with this.
@SeanCline, I made my own quickly after getting sick of applications not following the UI policy.
@chris, Would you mind sharing it? :D
I was also playing around with adding other functionality. One was bringing up the alt-tab dialog when you hold down the middle button and scroll.
@SeanCline, I can't guarantee I did the virtual keys part of the wparam right, but here: pastebin.com/ae2bPCu9
I guess not, as Chrome doesn't zoom.
I'll have to look into it. Doing it this way was a lot faster than doing a message hook on each process.
Guys, PC World DE team made this a few years ago. It might be wise to search there
@chris, That is how I was thinking about writing one -- and I still am. KatMouse injects a dll into every process so I don't like having it on my dev machines where there is always that question of "Did this module I know nothing about have something to do with this memory corruption?". Maybe I'm just paranoid.
I just prefer making my own things instead of searching forever for a hint of something that does it.
Good evening.
I wouldn't be surprised if Chrome doesn't even use that part of the scrolling message and uses the key messages to keep track of the state instead.
They don't use the mouse position for the WM_LBUTTONUP message.
It uses the current position, which is really annoying with the lag I get when switching tabs at school and then moving my mouse to the middle of the screen, so it opens a new window with that tab.
Well, Firefox uses key messages, Chrome doesn't.
Q: Why is console animation so slow on Windows? (And is there a way to improve speed?)

Gam ErixWell I was bored so wanted to make an animation in a console window. Now when I setup the first bits I noticed it is very slow, something around 333ms for a whole screen to fill with characters.. I am wondering if there is a way to at least get ~20 fps? Here is my code: #include <stdio.h&g...

I want to reinstall Haskell but that may fuck up xmonad. xD
It's like "I want to reinstall C++ but that will fuck up VS2012" ? ; o how can you install a language XD (well maybe in a program as an addon)
A: Happy 4th Anniversary, Stack Overflow!

Bartek BanachewiczHardware swag is all cool, but it has some serious drawbacks. It's costly to do a lot of it (and SO has a lot of users) It's problematic to ship to less-civilized countries in Europe (I live in one) But I think it doesn't quite matter what you get; it's the intention that makes even small gif...

I want a illusion-making small crappy icon in my profile.
I want it badly.
@SeanCline, Because I don't want to spend too much time on it, if you need to hold something down while you scroll, activate the window. Still makes sense imo, and it's guaranteed to work properly for zooming and all that. Anyway, pastebin.com/hV8c2Jrp
@chris just sayin'. I've used it for a while, and it worked. Simple.
@BartekBanachewicz, What, my mouse scroll thing?
@chris for (auto i : search) { what does that do ; o
@chris the pcworld one.
i mean for(whatever : whatever)
@GamErix it iterates through every element in search making i a copy of the current element
@bamboon oh nice , thanks
@BartekBanachewicz, Oh, is it portable as well?
@chris dunno. it was quite a time ago.
I'll definitely be using this at school. I prefer not to install what I don't have to.
@GamErix It is the new range-based for syntax.
@Zoidberg do it from the console....
@SeanCline it's never a problem with us, because we don't ever encounter memory corruption... I use AltDrag, which is much more important to me than KatMouse
@chris that's some nice, and straightforward looking code. amazing - something speaking for the design of the microsoft Window Station design, for once?
@sehe, Thanks, I didn't feel like including <array> just for that one thing, though lol.
At least the winapi has this sort of functionality easily available. If you don't get viruses, you're good to almost customize things however you want.
Why the hell is everything on the starboard a link? Somebody say something witty.
:) it's like that on any non-trivial desktop. Linux is half unsecure by default - trusting all programs running in the current session by default
@AndreiTita The plumber forgot to call his wife
What fucking moron thought it was a good idea to make OpenGL a dependency of the Haskell Platform. T_T
In the wake of that alt-tab thing, I might just press all three buttons simultaneously to go into a shortcut mode and have 3-bit shortcut patterns. Useful for when you want to do a lot of keyboard shortcutting without being able to easily reach to type.
I made my brother's change horizontal scrolling into volume.
@sehe ...and she was not happy about it?
Q: im sorry but i just cant figure out how

user1952761How do i use more then one charachter in with char in c, i really need help. i need a answe fast so please help me i really need help. i would really appriciate any help, i know this is a very low quality, im so sorry. i tried google but i couldent find any good. so im very sorry. i know im sorry...

damn - the specs for std::atomic<> are mind-boggling
@chris is that a troll?
@chris rofl, although it does look like a troll
There's no way you can search google and not find anything on that.
@chris what.
On using more than one character in a character array in C.
Or something like that.
Eww, I did read that right.
if I delete out my AO and CC, do I need to delete out the corresponding "move versions" in c++11?
Darumaka's droppings are hot, so people used to put them in their clothes to keep themselves warm.
dat pokemon
@kfmfe04 no
@bamboon ty
Cabal is a horrific, terrible piece of junk.
What morons wrote this crap.
I cannot even install the tool that fixes dependency conflicts because of dependency conflicts.
@Zoidberg But it's haskell!
@MarcusStuhr T-58 minutes :)
Dreaded diamond dependency conflict.
have you bee close to "winning" any problem?
Cabal and Hackage are so wonderful.
Does anyone else write up answers for questions they have a strong suspicion about, but need code to know if it's right?
@chris yes
My answer needs like 5 more words when they post their code.
@JohanLarsson Nah, I'm not that fast
@JohanLarsson Usually I'm not at a computer when a problem goes live, either
I will be today
@MarcusStuhr I will have a look too today I think
I can try 410 but I lack a compiler.
Hopefully I can do it completely by hand lol
And I hope it isn't an annoying problem..
I lack a computer :(
I hope it is a fizzbuzz like most of the problems 0-50 were
actually did part of 309 on the phone since I wasn't at a computer at the time
The problems are much more annoying than the first 100.
first 100 are meant to be easy
I fail to see how Boost has so much C++11 capability without C++11 language features. It's amazing >.>
yeah looks like it from the few 100+ I've seen
I doubt it was meant to be easy per se..
It's not like they planned having such a wide audience and 400+ problems
they're like tutorials for certain number-theoretic concepts
which are required to solve later problems
I did something productive today
Reduced the size of assets from 200 to 50MB :v
Is the problem at 2 pm est?
Hurray finally installed cabal-dev and xmonad through cabal-dev.
What a pain that was.
@Rapptz Yes
@Zoidberg Problems with cabal are usually solved by removing all packages
They're working on improving this entire thing
I'm just using cabal-dev from now on.
Packages that have binaries I want I just install in ~/bin/<package name here>/ and then create symlinks to the actual binaries in ~/bin/bin/, and ~/bin/bin is in my PATH.
valgrind/drd/helgrind has saved my ass too many times to count...
Careful adherence to good code practices will drastically reduce your need for those tools. (At least that is my experience.)
However the codebase at work is total crap, so there I frequently have to use it.
Crappy code increases my mastery of valgrind and gdb. There's a positive side to everything :P
@StackedCrooked Not in C, unless the best practices for C include "be extremely careful." :P
Now I can also finally uninstall Cabal packages.
Using rm -r.
So, I finished Spec Ops: The Line. What a ride.
Hey guys I know how quicksort works, is quickselect the same thing, except you only continue to sort the partition which contains the kth element?

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