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When I try to use it without explicitly telling it T, it does some weird stuff that I don't quit understand: MyCoolType* bCool = null; WarbleGarble( bCool ); // Template parameter T is now MyCoolType*, resulting in 'void WarbleGarble( MyCoolType**& )' as the signature
@rubenvb It doesn't.
So far, the only way I can get it to explicitly use T as the parameter type is to explicitly slap in a <MyCoolType> template parameter naming for the function, so it doesn't do MyCoolType**& by default.
Does anyone know of any other way to whip the compiler into shape?
Also, @StackedCrooked You didn't sleep, man?
@ThePhD That's not what's supposed to happen at all. It should just work.
Well then. :c
@ThePhD I'm gonna sleep soon. Just a little while..
I must be doing something atrociously wrong. Um. Let's see...
@StackedCrooked Got a Wrap<StackedCrookedSleeping> that keeps refreshing your awake time. :P
@DeadMG well hell.
let's see what other stuff does to link
huh, this works: g++ -static -Wl,-subsystem,console -mthreads -o debug\Ambrosia.exe debug/main.o debug/help_and_version_output.o debug/commandline.o debug/output.o -L../libAmbrosia/debug -lAmbrosiad -lshlwapi
probably an ABI incompatibility with Clang then
-lshlwapi <-- Weirdest sounding library ever.
@DeadMG no shouldn't be.
How do you even say that? Schlowapee?
name mangling is the same between Clang and GCC.
Kinds sonuds german, like that.
I know it should be
and also, g++ won't link some names like memcpy that obviously aren't mangled
how are you linking?
just g++ foo.o for now
huh, where'd you get the GCC?
it's your build of 4.6.3
huh, my 4.7 build and g++ main.o works
let's try the 4.6.3
g++ main.cpp works fine for me
does your G++ use the Microsoft ABI by default?
that's the 4.6.3-2 build I'm about to upload
yeah, I figured
GCC only tries some calling convention ABI compatibility. Name mangling etc. is all GCC specific.
plus, since there's simple names like memcpy, and using the Microsoft ABI didn't change anything
what about the ARM ABI?
ah, clearly not an ABI issue.
what's the code?
I need a faster way to rip the first 16 bytes out of a file....
GCC uses the ARM EABI for ARM. But there's no WinRT support as of yet.
@rubenvb It's Hello, World.
the target triple is "i686-pc-mingw"
with my Clang?
you have a Clang?
yes obviously.
I have been shouting about that for a long time.
give me a sec to upload the 3.2 release I just built.
problem mostly solved.
turns out that Clang won't tell you if it doesn't recognize your triple.
and it was supposed to be "mingw32" rather than "mingw".
now I'm down to just two undefined references and one bad reloc address
why are you specifying the triple?
the bad reloc address is due to the undefined reference.
because I built LLVM with VS, since I'm developing with VS, so the default triple is win32
oh, rebuild with a dw2 GCC.
or download mine
this is dw2
at least, it has that written in the folder names
get the clang-3.?-release and the gcc-dw2-4.6
extract the clang to the same directory as you did with the gcc.
the 3.2 is en route
it is gcc-dw2-4.6.3
yeah, that's good. Now get the Clang that goes with it.
what, regular Clang ain't good enough?
sure it is, but mine is tested to work.
so it will solve your current problem.
Just make sure your clang.exe is in the same dir as your gcc.exe
right.. but I am not invoking clang.exe
I'm using the Clang C++ API
Then I suggest you figure out how clang.exe uses that API to call the linker and see what you're missing.
slight progress made
previous errors gone, now, can't find std::_hash_impl::hash<float>(float const&)
seems like an odd thing to not be able to find
can you repeat the link command with -v added?
you can see what is going on under the covers.
clang++.exe wants to call the VS tools
that's because you built it with VS. It hardcodes its heritage.
I know
if you override the target triple, you can use the intended compiler
just not sure what the argument is for that to Clang
-cc1-triple or something?
but that's for the backend.
I don't think they settled on a frontend option yet.
then no, I can't tell what Clang uses :P
I have the MSVC linker invocation, I think.
Just use my Clang build or build one yourself with the MinGW-w64 toolchain. Or are you modifying Clang itself?
I am, but not in that specific respect
ah, yours just decided to tell me it was available
downloading now
lol SF is fast today.
says here it's been available for the last ten minutes
must have been more tahn ten since I did a refresh
normally it can take a bit to sync mirrors
They must have little Christmas elves to help
or I'm just on the same mirror as you?
lol who knows
let's hope I didn't fuck anything up
I had to patch libstdc++ headers and rename all the LLVM executables cause they decided they all needed a triple prefix.
oh, yeah
I had to patch the libstdc++ headers too, just a smidge
wait, what was the Clang invocation to make it use the GCC stuff?
just produced a .out for me
-o executablename
that's just the standard output name
add an explicit name to make it something else
GCC without -o makes a a.exe
Clang just names it a.out
I has the verbose output
If you're lucky it'll pass -v to the gcc command it uses to link.
multiple definition of main?
show the codez!
I wants to runn teh commandz!
hang on
I tried to copy and paste the arguments and the Windows console didn't like it
lol. Use Console2
or take a screenshot. Most people do that.
which is incredibly funny.
fuck this horrible console shit
want to buy nice gui like sane people use
Then use an IDE.
They're free.
Darcs y u no install.
Code Blocks does good
Code::Blocks, Qt Creator, Eclipse, NetBeans, and some others all have their merits.
git integration is hard to come by though.
Yea, such is true, but for mingw based projects I personally have had much less headache out of Code::Blocks
I don't think @DeadMG has the courage to learn how to use another IDE.
you know
QtCreator absolutely rocks when it comes to QT
I don't even know what I'm looking for in this verbose output.
@DeadMG the "ld" or "collect2" command.
I just figured out I can use anonymous namespaces to mask my using statements. :O
using namespace std;, here I come !!!!
collect2 I got
that should be the effective backend call.
by the way
which invokes the backbackend ld
next time, is there any chance you could package a slightly less WTF INSANE folder structure?
GCC requires that.
because GNU.
all you need is the mingw*/bin directory anyways.
to add it to PATH.
apparently not.
GNU requires a n insane folder structure? :c
@ThePhD yes. Have you looked at the folder structure of a GNU crosscompiler?
@DeadMG what's the input and the error?
No. And now I'm even less inclined to, @rubenvb
that's the correct input that clang++.exe gave
still trying to decipher it/replicate every single fucking dash and 100000x w64
good catch
only the last bits are important
but that's internal to GCC
so they should be there anyhoo
so far I just picked all the -l bits and -shared-libgcc
but multiple definition of main, first defined in crt0_c.c, undefined reference to WinMain@16, undefined reference to Standard library hash internals.
try adding -mconsole
I thought it was the default though.
it's equal to link.exe's /SUBSYSTEM:console
can you run nm on the object file you're linking?
hey DeadMG whats your WinMain defintion?
half the reason that the arguments look ridiculous is because there's a bunch of pointless repetition
the same folders are passed twice, the same libs are passed twice, and the filepaths are full of folder/folder/folder/folder/../../../..
looks slightly less ridiculous when processed to be the really useful arguments
yeah, that's GCC for you.
that's for the relocatability
Clang is even worse due to me.
I could only find one relative dir available in InitHeaderSearch.cpp
I have the output
how do I paste it from the Windows console?
click on the icon in the top left corner->edit->mark, <mark>, press enter. paste
some people don't have that option though and are fucked. You can always redirect output by adding > somefile.txt 2>&1 at the end of your command
looks fine at first glance.
I passed -mconsole
Aww damnit
now I'm down to multiple definition of main, and a bunch of other multiple definitions
There's no constructor for reserving size in a std::vector, is there?
reserve, but not actually have the size be n
@ThePhD No, but the default constructor should not alloc anything, so std::vector<T> x; x.reserve(n); should be just as efficient.
@ThePhD ^ that
I wonder how to call reserve in the global namespace...
.... Welp, I'll figure it out!
@ThePhD wtf, you're making a global variable?
Erm. Static class variable.
But something like that, yeah. :D
Maybe I should just create my own ultility function, reserved_vector ?
then just use v = []() -> std::vector<T> { std::vector<T> x; x.reserve(n); return x; }();
Or that, that too.
lol awesome
That's one badass lambda...
first came up with it to hack around lack of initializer_list from MSVC
I used boost.Assign. Maybe yours is more flexible.
Maybe I should see if I can switch to a lambda
down to just multiple definition of gcc_register_frame and gcc_deregister_frame
damn man, what are you doing?
well, I had a shitload of multiple definition error
so I just started cutting things from the list
gutting the compiler?
linked libraries (through -l)shouldn't duplicate stuff.
well, it quite clearly does.
@ThePhD How bout a lazy approach?
You could call resize when the vector is first required.
Don't know your requirements though.
@DeadMG bullocks: ideone.com/8nTsJV
the error message doesn't quite seem to make sense though
oh well
@StackedCrooked It's an auto-building list from the constructor of MagicNumber. Everytime a MagicNumber is created (with a specific constructor), its added to a global list, and then there are several sub-lists which indicate MagicNumbers fo certain types (Unicode magic numbers, 3D Model magic numbers, 2D Texture Magic numbers, etc. etc.)
@rubenvb Yeah, but I have way more stuff on my line.
else it can't find the std::hash internals, remember?
It's used for the Loader, which identifies a file by extension first, then by the header's magic number bytes.
else I could go all the way back to yay.exe and yay.o
it does seem that every -l in the list has absolutely no effect whatsoever.
@ThePhD Erm ... very good :P
std::hash internals should be in -lstdc++
what is the output of nm?
it's a list of symbols
and the T and U and stuff mean things I'd have to look up. I think U is undefined, T is "text" section aka defined.
was just wondering that I did not see the undefined symbols in the NM list
you can unmangle the C++ names by doing nm bla | C++filt
but I was looking for the kindly demangled C++ name that g++ gave back
maybe it's not a linker error at all.
maybe it's a template that wasn't defined correctly.
Today I had the worst spaghetti ever.
but -lstdc++ certainly does not solve the undefined reference error
Its flavour was horribru.
@StackedCrooked Lulz. Thank you.
std::hash needs to be specialized for user types.
@Zoidberg'-- Spaghetti is pretty simple. How'd they fuck it up?
it's float and double.
@ThePhD ask my father.
@ThePhD almost as bad as siblings?
must be a compiler setting or something, surely.
@johnathon Siblings are the best, yo.
well shit. this works, but not locally.
ah, maybe I should use -std=c++0x
@ThePhD not mine, wanna trade?
@johnathon You want seven brothers and sisters? :O
@DeadMG this works: ideone.com/0XYdOV
How many do you have?
@ThePhD one, that failed to even attempt to inform me that I'm an uncle.
@johnathon Oh. Well then. Now's the time to step in and GET INVOLVED and be that awesome uncle.
@ThePhD and that my aunt passed away... And got married and never sent me an invite..
@rubenvb Hence why I said it must be a compiler setting or something.
clang++.exe also has no problem with "Hello World", even with the same headers, and undefined references.
There's probably a bucket of issues there that I am not sure I want to know about.
@ThePhD yea, still wanna trade?
@DeadMG do you have the code?
Then I can see wtf is going wrong. Unless you're messing up your voodoo magic
yeah it's right here
@johnathon Uh. Sure. Just let me get my brothers and sisters to agree. :P
LMFAO, @ThePhD I'm sure they wont
please don't criticise it too much, it's just throwaway until the process works
@DeadMG I get these compiler errors: pastebin.com/PLD6vBp8
codegenmodule is a private header in clang/lib/codgen
not in the public include folder
ah, but the STDC macro crap still applies I guess.
I don't know what's up with that, a bad configure or something? Never seen that error
It's with LLVM/Clang 3.2 included in my build
try putting CodeGenAction to the bottom?
I'll try later, eat now.
@rubenvb i hope he gets that thing going, he's been bugging out on it for a few days now
ARGH!! will it please stop snowing

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