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It looks. the. same.
@JohanLundberg Perhaps Ctrl-Scrollwheel and profit?
@sehe No there's a lot of space between everything. Box edges are exactly as before, just fonts smaller.
@Zoidberg'-- It looks a bit unhealthy
yeah, even the vote counts are smaller.
It's still the same site with the same stupid questions all over the place
Nothing has changed
It used to be that they used a smaller font size for vote counts >=100.
Now it's all the same.
@Mysticial Creepy. Only you would know, of course
@Pubby oh hey, I just noticed you accepted my answer at English.SE some time ago. Cheers :)
You keep on noticing 2px changes in font sizes, I'm gonna go do something useful (play a game)
@sehe I notice a lot more things than that. If it makes me any creepier. :P
@Mysticial Not sure. I'll rule the verdict when it becomes apparent :0
bye all, sleeping time
ITT Mysticial is a girl
what does itt mean?
Q: Why C++ people loves multithreading when it comes to performances?

user1849534I have a question, it's about why programmers seems to love concurrency and multi-threaded programs in general. I'm considering 2 main approach here: an async approach basically based on signals, or just an async approach as called by many papers and languages like the new C# 5.0 for example, ...

LINK DUMP!!! BIN IT!!!!!!!!!!!
Downvote downvote
It's got a wacky title, but it still looks like a pretty good question.
Maybe one of you can make a judicious edit to the title?
NVM, already did it.
O...k. Glad to be of service.
Or not.
Isn't the answer kinda obvious to that question?
gm weird the destructor is called twice in a row ~.~
Multithreading is an implementation detail
but for everything else, it works
Also microoptimisation zealotry
Nothing interesting
@CatPlusPlus You can say that.
I do want to see his proposal for ~async~ concurrency without threads
@CatPlusPlus Shouldn't you be playing a game or something?
@RobertHarvey He loves saying that in front me. :)
DirectX is installing
@CatPlusPlus Hm? Doesn't async involve threads somewhere?
hmm will delete this; in a destructor free al the allocated data by a structure?
@RobertHarvey In C# no.
async/await in C# is merely syntactic sugar for CPS.
It runs everything in a single thread.
Child Protective Services?
Green threads are possible, with I/O polled on
Coroutines and all that
@RobertHarvey Continuation-Passing Style.
CPS is continuation-passing style
We don't do children here
zerg imba
But one thing is async background tasks
And another is concurrent execution
Q: Object-Oriented Suicide or delete this;

Armen TsirunyanThe following code compiled with MSVC9.0 runs and outputs Destructor four times, which is logical. #include <iostream> class SomeClass { public: void CommitSuicide() { delete this; } void Reincarnate() { this->~SomeClass(); new (this) SomeClass; } ...

Parallelised things
@GamErix It won't delete the member pointers of that's what you mean.
And all that fluff
@GamErix I have no idea what you are trying to do, but I have a strong suspicion that is not what you want.
@R.MartinhoFernandes just values like std::string hello;
in a struct
Threads can ACTUALLY execute simultaneously on multiple cores
I wonder
@GamErix You don't need a destructor for that.
whats the maximum thread count
@R.MartinhoFernandes okay
Green threads not really, unless the VM can put them onto different CPU-level threads
for a single process
But then we go back to using threads anyway
@GamErix Note that C++ will never try to be smart and guess what to do with a pointeee when the lifetime of a raw pointer ends:
A: Does std::list::remove method call destructor of each removed element?

FredOverflowYes, removing a Foo* from a container destroys the Foo*, but it will not release the Foo. Destroying a raw pointer is always a no-op. It cannot be any other way! Let me give you several reasons why. Storage class Deleting a pointer only makes sense if the pointee was actually allocated dynamica...

depends on memory only ?
Depends on the system.
So in short: multithreading is preferred, because there's no other way
@FredOverflow I call erase and I know it calls the destructor :P
(on a struct at least)
(Multiprocessing is multithreading with bigger overhead basically)
On HellOS, each process is given a random limit to number of threads upon launch.
@GamErix You call erase on what?
@FredOverflow vectorwith my struct
rdn ? :D
Right, then the elements will be destroyed.
ok, and now I just have to investigate why at shutdown the destructor is called twice :o
ahaha i wanted to build a server which a thread per client
but i realized it was not the right way
Has stackoverflow changed the font for vote points?
That question is bad and starts on wrong premise and auaugh
@GamErix Most likely because you broke the rule of three.
@QuickSort one thread for processing connections, one for messages, etc
@QuickSort It's not the right way but that has nothing to do with thread limits
@R.MartinhoFernandes Wait I'm losing it? D: I thought encodings couldn't go beyond 8 bytes (UTF32 is 4 and encompasses everything, UTF8 can have up to 6 bytes of data (though anything above 4 or 5 bytes is usually considered invalid)).
Funny, I am watching a video on @QuickSort right now :)
a thrread per client with 10000 clients ?
@ThePhD No, no, no, no.
Why should I make an = constructor if I don't use it?
= is not a constructor
@GamErix What is a = constructor?
I mean
"Copy assignment operator "
No UTF encoding encodes a codepoint in sequences longer than 4 bytes.
If you don't use it, make it private/deleted
Q: What is The Rule of Three?

FredOverflowWhat does copying an object mean? What are the copy constructor and the copy assignment operator? When do I need to declare them myself? How can I prevent my objects from being copied?

yes i guess the way is to build some task fifo
@ThePhD Yeah, you'll have a hard time getting normalised UTF-8 beyond 5 bytes
@FredOverflow operator=() I'm guessing
There's no 5/6 byte UTF-8 anymore
@rvalue There is no such thing.
@netcoder X& operator=(const X&) or X& operator=(X&&) or X& operator=(X)? ;)
... Uh. So how wide is the widest encoded codepoint, in any of the UTF encodings?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I thought it was still legit for composed characters...?
Just 4?
@rvalue Those are two or more codepoints. UTF-8 encodes codepoints.
@FredOverflow No idea TBH. Just popped in, and usually constructor = in noobs means operator=() something
@ThePhD 21 bits, but all encodings extend that to 32bits.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Holy shit that's confusing. :P
It's not really confusing
as in "rvalue, there is no such thing"
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ahh, that's the bit
@CatPlusPlus It's not, but when read fast, the robot basically says that rvalues do no exist, and I was confused.
So have std::array<byte, 8> or std::array<byte, 4> should cover almost all the cases?
@R.MartinhoFernandes But the character may indeed be two four-byte codepoints
does someone read "3d game engine architecture" ?
@ThePhD int32_t and convert to UTF-32 for non-transmission
i mean to the end
@QuickSort You probably do.
@ThePhD Four, dammit.
Where the fuck does the eight come from?
@QuickSort Otherwise you probably wouldn't have asked.
I dunno it was just for safety @___@
42 is much more safe than 8.
TBH I've seen some UTF8 decoders than sometimes decode up to 6 bytes.
@ThePhD I think I've missed something - why can't you just use ICU?
@FredOverflow lol just wanted to know if someone reached the end x_x
:6715163 Have you started but given up?
And encode 6 bytes.
@ThePhD Yes, those are wrong.
That is not UTF-8.
It's something else.
@rvalue ICU is a steaming heap of shit.
@DeadMG Which is why we wrap it in boost::locale et. al.
@R.MartinhoFernandes NOTE: Rare case of vagueness in factual reference by Robot
@DeadMG It's also correct
@rvalue What is? The factual reference? Of course.
@QuickSort I'm writing my encodings to have both a runtime pointer-based interface that can be abstracted and changed between TextEncodings on the fly. The dervied encodings (UTF8TextEncoding, etc. ) will have static functions on them and also work using Iterators, so that I can compare two texts of separate encodings and do other operations on them by-the-codepoint, rather than by-the-code unit.
Joking, @Asad? I'm shocked that you would think that - SHOCKED! Per the conservation of energy principle, energy lost to the extra white pixels now on your screen are complemented by that saved during transmission - so for a trivial cost in battery life on your end, we save millions in transmission costs! — Shog9 19 secs ago
@FredOverflow not given up, just solved that f*cking circular depency issue
Eeek! Your post is missing something... — Lix 18 mins ago
@QuickSort Those are definitely more stubborn than rayfulargh circular depency issues
@FredOverflow i wrote a very fast 3 engine with camera freefly etc.. but it was dirty, now trying to it the clean way, hevent even reach the renderer :-/
Man, everyone and his dog is writing a 3d engine these days.
@QuickSort Circular dependency issues are basic C and C++ compilation problems and have nothing to do with game architecture.
I wish I had a dog.
Awesome xmonad works.
And i feel like iam rebuilding the .net framework with rtti system
I wrote my last 3D engine before 3D graphics cards. Back then, floating point math was slow, so we used fixed-point math and table lookups :) And we made heavy use of inline assembly.
@FredOverflow Those were the days.
I write "we" instead of "I" to make me feel less lonely.
> foating adjective, misspelling of floating. See floating.
@FredOverflow :( i missed these
@R.MartinhoFernandes Just invite Puppy over. It'll be grand!
So you never wrote a triangle rasterizer in assembly? :)
Then you can invite Cat over too, and you'll have a Dog and a Cat.
It'd be pretty sweet.
@FredOverflow oO
@FredOverflow no thx
@FredOverflow You don't mean the Demo scene now do you?
@FredOverflow I wrote one in Java. Does that count?
It's basically just linear interpolation. And cursing x86 for having so few registers.
well, I know the issue, guess what, std::move causes the structure to call it's destructor anyway when it gets out of scope..
@netcoder I never showed my "Demos" to anybody, no :)
std::move is a no-op.
University teach le used MIPS
not x86
so ok I did that rule of 3 stuff:
@FredOverflow I did once, but yeah demoscene. Takes me back... :D
@Zoidberg'-- ratpoison FTW
and now what to make sure a temp var doesn't call it's destructor?
You can't. That is not what you want.
> logprintf("ScriptInfo->CannotOpenF");
make a separate structure which can be copied to ScriptInfo?
Interesting style
@sehe just debug xD
@GamErix You wrote by hand the exact code the compiler would have generated: shallow copies.
21 secs ago, by sehe
Interesting style
Either forbid copies (and optionally allows moves, depending on your needs), or do reference counting.
Oh, here's that thing again.
I pressed Page Down twice and was still seeing the same constructor so I closed the tab.
@netcoder Spinning triangle with Gouraud shading, those were the days :)
@FredOverflow I did that!!
@FredOverflow I also had to do Bresenham Line Drawing.
I didn't do circle algorithms though.
@ThePhD Bresenham is fucking awesome, taught that a couple of weeks ago :)
I actually wrote a scanline-rasterizer.
Because I preferred it to that other weird barycentric nonsense.
@R.MartinhoFernandes O wtf. It didn't ever enter my mind I might be looking at a constrictor.
That's bad. And he should feel bad. Better yet, he should make that his semi-permanent state for the following holy tides.
@FredOverflow Yeah. Every triangle is broken down into scanlines. It saves on rendering time because - unlike barycentric coordinates - you don't have to shotgun-test a whole square and then test if the pixel you're trying to render is inside the triangle. Barycentric Square-Rendering guaruntees you'll be wasting at least half of the pixels you're checking against, so scanline is usually better.
what is the demo name
in a city
ScriptInfo temporary(script);
ScriptInfo(temporary);//this will call only the copy constructor, right?
a lot of cube traveling
you're making sense, I know it
@GamErix That's a duplicate definition. MVP FTW.
> constrictor noun, that which constricts or tightens; misspelling of constructor. See constructor.
I like this.
Q: Why does this call the default constructor?

FredOverflowstruct X { X() { std::cout << "X()\n"; } X(int) { std::cout << "X(int)\n"; } }; const int answer = 42; int main() { X(answer); } I would have expected this to print either X(int), because X(answer); could be interpreted as a cast from int to X, or nothing at al...

@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
@FredOverflow ah ok :P
@GamErix ScriptInfo(temporary); is the same as ScriptInfo temporary;
@FredOverflow Wut
@FredOverflow even here?:
bool LoadScript(std::string script)
	ScriptInfo temporary(script);
		return true;
	return false;
All the temps.
@GamErix No, that's syntactically normal.
push_back already makes copies.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ah ok :d
@ThePhD at least with nice, verbose naming
It moves rvalues.
@FredOverflow OH yeah. I had no idea what Gouraud shading was back in the day though. Found a piece of code that did it and I was like "this is magic!". Then you know, picked up from there. :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes int(x); is the same as int x;
@GamErix When is your C++ book arriving in the mail?
@FredOverflow You can declare a variable like that, for realsies?
@netcoder It's basically just linear interpolation :)
@sehe hopefully fast ;x
Well, it helps if it's on order
@ThePhD Sure, why not? It tells the compiler that (x) is of type int. See the question I posted above for more fun.
@FredOverflow What was the other type of shading? There was Gouraud, and then there was something else that was supposed to be apart of it. Or a competitor/alternative to it. I dunno.
Ah, yes.
Fifty Gray?
@FredOverflow Obviously :) Still was a kid at the time though.
@sehe When I get really good and make a shading algorithm, this is what it will be called.
I just call them per-vertex and per-pixel.
int (main)()   // <--- xD
    std::cout << "hello world!\n";
.... Lol. C++ is so ridiculous.
@ThePhD Phong was way too expensive back then.
@FredOverflow Yeah... but now, Phong is bread-and-butter.
AH the other name was LAMBERTIAN shading.
That's what that shit was called.
@FredOverflow But it has the side effect of disabling ADL on invocations:
using std::swap;
swap(x, y); // use ADL
(swap)(x, y); // don't use ADL
@ThePhD C++ should just offer a sane alternative to the C declarator syntax and a large percentage of WTFs will disappear.
@ThePhD Abstract Definition Language.
Just for fun, here is another way to define main.
@FredOverflow ... Wat. I don't even know what to do with this.
@ThePhD here and here for important uses
@ThePhD auto as the return type of a function means "I'm gonna tell you the return type later, after the -> symbol".
@R.MartinhoFernandes troll
@R.MartinhoFernandes now happy with the constructor [I mean, did I improve my code?]? :P
@sehe The worst part is it sounded pretty legit, though kind've strange.
Q: Why is return type before the function name?

authchirThe new C++11 standard adds a new function declaration syntax with a trailing return type: // Usual declaration int foo(); // New declaration auto foo() -> int; This syntax has the advantage of letting the return type be deduced, as in: template<class T, class U> auto bar(T t, U u) ...

C++ really doesn't look like C++ anymore... =( — paddy Oct 3 at 2:55
@ThePhD Yeah, that's why I called him out. The robot doesn't usually troll so brutely. It may have to do with GamErix/netcoder/et al. competing for negative attention at the same time :)
Sorry, had a bad day.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's okay!
12 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
I like this.
@sehe Wait, what... do I have to do with this?
@netcoder Erm. nothing. I hope
Today was Major Fuckup Day in Robotland.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Erm. Wanna talk about it?
@sehe Yep. I mean, the worst it would have done is poison my understanding of C++. What he doesn't know is I'd come back 5 days later with a question about Abstract Definition Language and confuse him for a good 5 minutes wit his own troll. :3c
I'd be more concerned about the vote count netting a full 64 votes lower after the change... Eeeeek! — sehe 21 mins ago
i found something strange in c++
template <class T> class TPointer {

TPointer(T* object = 0) {
_object = object;
if (_object) {
Huzzah. You found strange indentations
compiler accepts IncrementReference
Two phase lookup
Let me guess. You're used to Java/.NET generics
@sehe Nah, it's ok. I have set in motion all the events I could set in motion to contain any damage and I have a backup plan.
There is nothing to do now but wait.
i code in .net y
but how is it possible ?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Making me curious. That's quite an achievement
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, sounds like you've got it all under control. I'll still wish you luck and good will and fortune and all that good stuff.
@QuickSort It's static generics. Compiletime resolution (template "expansion") make this possible
I'm now chatting in Chrome in xmonad. :^)
ok :) wasn't aware of this
@QuickSort Think of it as code generation, rather than syntactic sugar for code sharing
@Zoidberg'-- I feel for you
template means template, not generic args
isnt it ?
@sehe why?
That's close to the semantics. Although I'd probably prefer a concrete explanation
@Zoidberg'-- (a) using a tiling WM (b) feeling the need to mention it

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