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0x01020304050607 <--- This is a unsigned long long, right?
Why are you even installing iTunes.
As opposed to General Pussy?
@TonyTheLion You mean the cock they suck has a rank?
Because I have music on it
@EtiennedeMartel Yes it has rank and they've hit the highest rank of cock sucking
.... Holy shit. I just realized.
@ThePhD I'll suck pussy :P
@TonyTheLion I am sure there are better professionals than them.
@TonyTheLion Wait, are you saying you cannot listen to that music without iTunes?
0x12345678 <--- You can encode the indices for Byte order in a single integer
Each halfbyte is an index.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I could, but lazy
@TonyTheLion Ah, I see. You prefer to...
2 mins ago, by Tony The Lion
This makes something like Boost's Endian defines useful.

#define BIG_ENDIAN 1234 (prefix with 0x and you get 1 2 3 4 in each half-byte)
This is pretty badass.
I like what I can do with this.
What power...
The power to write 0x1234?
It's really just the power from an ephiphany.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Give him a break, he just discovered what byte order is.
Now I can do byte_order<0x3124> pdp_order;
Let him jump around for a while. He'll realize soon enough that this doesn't change jack shit.
@EtiennedeMartel Lies, it changes EVERYTHING.
aw crud
this game will be the death of me
@ThePhD I'm not sure I want to know how this is supposed to work.
Do not be alarmed if you disagree with something in it.
Hehe, nice one.
Oh man, I forgot my printf args. :c
To do what printf's %h can,
I'd have to do std::cout << std:: hex << "{STUFF}" << std::dec << std:: endl ?
Who says the stream was in decimal?
... Uh.
... Me?
I really need to convince my workplace to have "work on your own projects on Friday afternoon"
I see what you mean now Robot
@ThePhD Welcome to "IOStreams suck"
Yeah I dunno what to do to get the current state and preserve it. Shrug.
@ThePhD To get the current hex/dec/whatever state is easy.
Don't bother trying to capture all of it.
@ThePhD Let's just say that I would not blame you in the slightest for writing your own I/O abstraction.
And no, you did not just find a function that does it. Because it doesn't.
iostreams is a great library for when you don't need to do anything more complex than reading/writing simple strings, and when performance is not a concern. ;)
in other words, don't bother with it for any real I/O
So you guys are basically giving me the green flag to write my own Streams? :D :D:D:D
Because of hex/dec?
Oh my god I'd never thought I'd get affirmation to roll my own from this chat ever. HISTORY!
@ThePhD ummm
well, if it gives you any pleasure, go ahead. If it ends up being any good, please submit it to the standards committee afterwards ;)
@jalf In concern with real I/O from disk and stuff.
woo, board games day tomorrow
Settlers of Catans a go go!
@jalf cool, what do you play?
ugh, I hope not :D
is it just me or did a bunch of the fonts on Stack Overflow suddenly change?
@DeadMG Smaller!
@DeadMG they did
it's just you
Yeah. Totally just you.
1 message moved to bin
:6724717 I wasn't here then.
@bamboon It varies. I suspect we'll play roborally, at least. Maybe galaxy trucker, maybe battlestar galactica or... I dunno :)
With any luck, we'll play cosmic encounter. I still haven't tried that, and everyone keeps going on about how awesome it is
my idea won't compile. :c
It's been true since Creation, and it'll be true 'til Armageddon: Shit's all crazy.
Is it possible to use a bitshift in a template argument list?
@ThePhD Yes.
@DeadMG Ah, I just need to gratuitously apply parentheses.
Gotta do dat folding.
I can't even write an operator>> that respects text encoding
damn you, stupid char UTF-8
std::cout << std::utf8 :3c
Isn't it just so pretty?
Also, Woo, byte ordering with numbers! ideone.com/mSb39N
Now I need to figure out if I can make it so I don't have to make a new struct HexByteOrder just to have a ByteOrder with a single template argument.
Maybe template specialization? But then I'd have to rewrite the class...
Maybe just BaseByteOrder and then ByteOrder
I never knew.
Why thank you.
Look, different byte orders! ideone.com/mSb39N
> Unlike FORTRAN, C has no implicit typing. Many people seem to see this as a golden opportunity to obfuscate their code by having no consistent notation for INT variables, FLOAT variables, pointers, CHAR variables, et cetera. I still use first letter I through N for INTs and A through H and S through W for FLOATs. I tend to use P for pointers, Q for CHARs, X for FILE pointers, and Q, Y, and Z for string arrays.
you already posted that
Why am I even reading this.
I must be bored out of my skull.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's worse than the Systems Hungarian.
I know, rather than cloning it I just updated it. It's all shiny. :3c
why on earth did you use those terrible macros?
that's not shiny at all
Well you can make them const static ints or something, I dunno.
Wait, it gets better.
> The C programming language lets one declare all kinds of strange variables. This should not be construed as license to do so. With a few exceptions, I keep variables as characters, integers, floating point (usually double precision), and arrays of these three things. Anything else is usually more distraction than help, especially to the poor soul trying to figure out what the program does.
... That must be fun to code in.
@R.MartinhoFernandes So no pointers, no function pointers, integers of different lengths, no structs?
le owch
0x76543210 ... I wonder if that fits in an integer
@ThePhD Of course it does.
@DeadMG No structs
It does! Which means I don't have to do unsigned long long for the byte order
that depends on your platform's specific width, and which integer exactly you're talking about.
My byte order concepts take uintxx_ts and produce arrays of bytes.
Or the other way around.
@R.MartinhoFernandes What the hell is this shit?
What shit.
for an error-handling policy, what should the interface be?
I could enforce that it's called once per illegitimate code unit
Or call it for every code unit, any that's invalid should throw?
@DeadMG That's how mine work.
@ThePhD Always throwing is out of question.
Oh well then nevermind.
I'm not sure why I put a Tilde there.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Hmm. But then we'd get redundant calls if, say, one UTF-8 sequence is invalid.
and I can't make it return codeunit because if you want to return U+FFFD replacement char, then that's more than one UTF-8 codeunit.
If I have static functions on a base class,
can they be called on the derived class like
Dervied::DoBase() ?
@DeadMG If you find a decent enough interface let me know. I am still not happy with mine.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, I think that principally, the policy must take the range [error, last).
and it must return, optionally a replacement character (i.e. range of codeunits), and the place to resume.
When decoding I pass the invalid range, and the current state. It returns a codepoint and a new (sub-)range.
could make it just a codepoint, then, rather than a range of codeunit
When encoding I just pass the codepoint and the state, and return a coded character (range of code units).
std::tuple<codepoint, iterator, iterator> operator()(iterator begin, iterator end);
std::tuple<iterator, iterator> operator()(iterator begin, iterator end); if no replacement
Yeah. Looks fugly as heck.
Quick, uh
Is using '?' as a replacement character... a bad thing?
it should be U+FFFD
and '?' in ASCII isn't that bad
not really any other choices
@ThePhD Is it? (note how the last sentence ends in a replacement character; or maybe a question mark)
I didn't want to use FFFD because it'll span multiple bytes. I'm trying to think of a replacement character that'll fit in a single byte.
@DeadMG To be honest, there are only five sane policies.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I only came up with four.
UB, exception, replacement, drop.
Maybe I should use 0x01? I don't plan on people encoding 0x01 anytime soon.
@DeadMG I am kind of stretching the definition of "sane", though :)
@ThePhD I must tell, since it really annoys me, that your gravatar is terrible.
@R.MartinhoFernandes What was the fifth?
@TonyTheLion Uh. I've... never changed it?
How do I change it anyways?
Don't I need more Rep?
Yes, and those standard gravatars are ugly as fuck
@DeadMG There is a replacement strategy for UTF-8 that abuses surrogates to be roundtrippable.
@ThePhD You can edit your profile and change it there
@R.MartinhoFernandes Wat?
@ThePhD No. Just register on gravatar and change it there.
Say, if you have invalid byte 0xFF in a UTF-8 stream, you replace it with U+D8FF.
Technically the result is not valid, which is why I say it stretches the definition of "sane".
@R.MartinhoFernandes I think I'll just use the Substitute Character.
D8 is in the surrogate range, right?
yeah, that's insane
I never specified the requirements on the codepoint_iterator
Are you sure about that?
@ThePhD WTF? What for?
Okay, just double checking.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Youknow, as a single-byte substitution character.
Or 'invalid' character.
just use U+FFFD
Unless you are encoding to an encoding for a limited character repertoire, like ASCII, there is no point in using anything other than U+FFFD.
I'm heating choucroute in the microwave.
Being single byte gives zero benefit.
good thing this thing only needs to be feature-complete in five months
Well, the plan was that I wanted the substitution character to be a single codeunit, instead of in an entire encoded set of codeunits.
@ThePhD Why?
Why did you want that?
It is irrelevant.
Well, thinking about it, I wanted it to be able to be removable and insertable in the stream by doing a simple code-unit scan, rather than reading it from decoding, but....
If you are decoding, the output is made of codepoints, not bytes.
Even then, I guess that's not very useful. :c
for the iterators which view encoding X as encoding Y
If you are encoding you already have the ability to handle multibyte sequences for other characters anyway.
is it possible for them to take encoding X iterators as input/forward?
@ThePhD I have a feeling you don't know what the replacement character is for.
@DeadMG Yes.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I do too! It's for replacing invalid encoded characters!
Why wouldn't they?
@ThePhD When decoding.
I thought they could
but wanted to check with you as you have implementation experience and I do not.
also, isn't this the part where you had to put both begin and end iterators in each iterator? or was that normalization and stuff?
Any iterator where ++ can advance more than one of the underlying one needs that.
Well, unless there is a terminator, obviously.
But that isn't acceptable.
@ThePhD Do you decode your streams in-place?
Don't answer.
I am afraid the answer is "yes", and I don't want to contemplate the madness.
.... Maybe?
@StackedCrooked have you ever thought about replacing the auto compile feature on your site with the static analyzer from clang?
@Zoidberg'-- duckduckgo sucks.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Surely if you encounter, say, a 4byte UTF-8 sequence, and there's only 2bytes left, I could just call UB?
@DeadMG No. If there is an unfinished sequence at the end of a stream, the error-handling policy may want to throw, or replace it, or whatever.
@R.MartinhoFernandes And the only way to diagnose such an error is if you know where the stream end is.
so either I make said errors UB, or exponential iterator growth
or ranges
@TonyTheLion I changed it
It'll take a while thought.
iterators make guarantees about copyability, right?
a move-only iterator could solve the problem
you could link them together
the begin and the end
then you'd only incur 2*sizeof(void*) overhead
@DeadMG I'm still not sure I understand.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Store the beginning in the begin iterator, and the end in the end iterator. Then give the begin a pointer to the end iterator (updated on move) and vice versa.
then both begin and end can access both their internal begin and end for a fixed overhead cost.
And if you need to add another level of iterators?
(say, segmentation)
Damn it hasn't changed yet. :c
@Borgleader holy crap
@ThePhD What?
Just refresh the page.
My gravatar
@R.MartinhoFernandes Then you pay the fixed overhead cost again.
but it's still only a fixed, linear cost- not exponential or depending on the size of the nested iterator.
@emartel I know right? That took some serious guts & quick thinking on her part.
@DeadMG Ah, ok.
@Borgleader yep, god, I still can't believe that somebody would be stupid enough to do such a thing
how the fuck can you shoot down innocent kids
yeah. what the fuck is wrong with people. They must really be hurting to want to hurt others sooo badly
Or they somehow just don't care and do it ... for what?
@emartel I can't either.
@sehe yeah... like I get it when people commit suicide... or even kill someone that might have done something to piss them off (not that I agree with it, but I can understand)... but shooting random kids?!?
Mad people are not rational, they do bad things without any reason other than "they are mad"
yeah they are not right in the head
well. people always do things for a reason. It's irrelevant that the reason isn't rational
other people (not me obviously :P) should all be chipped with a kill switch, would make things way easier
@emartel And then give control of that kill switch to a mad man. :3c
Whom else
@ThePhD give it to me, I'm not too bad
@emartel Welp, I'm dead.
Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
prove it
is @yetihehe @sbi's dad? They look alike o.o
I have a neighbor, who was rather nice. Since he became a senator, he doesn't even respond to "good morning".
@yetihehe it's obvious, he has nothing to gain from you anymore :) what do you expect!
@R.MartinhoFernandes watch it. You're being assimilated
sbi: yetihehe, I'm your father...
yetihehe: Noooooo.....
(hint: I'm the white gorilla ;) )
@yetihehe The "I'm all important" thing just got to him.

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