iostreams is a great library for when you don't need to do anything more complex than reading/writing simple strings, and when performance is not a concern. ;)
in other words, don't bother with it for any real I/O
> Unlike FORTRAN, C has no implicit typing. Many people seem to see this as a golden opportunity to obfuscate their code by having no consistent notation for INT variables, FLOAT variables, pointers, CHAR variables, et cetera. I still use first letter I through N for INTs and A through H and S through W for FLOATs. I tend to use P for pointers, Q for CHARs, X for FILE pointers, and Q, Y, and Z for string arrays.
> The C programming language lets one declare all kinds of strange variables. This should not be construed as license to do so. With a few exceptions, I keep variables as characters, integers, floating point (usually double precision), and arrays of these three things. Anything else is usually more distraction than help, especially to the poor soul trying to figure out what the program does.
Well, thinking about it, I wanted it to be able to be removable and insertable in the stream by doing a simple code-unit scan, rather than reading it from decoding, but....
@R.MartinhoFernandes Store the beginning in the begin iterator, and the end in the end iterator. Then give the begin a pointer to the end iterator (updated on move) and vice versa.
then both begin and end can access both their internal begin and end for a fixed overhead cost.
@sehe yeah... like I get it when people commit suicide... or even kill someone that might have done something to piss them off (not that I agree with it, but I can understand)... but shooting random kids?!?