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For one, it’s not a reference.
The typedefs exist for a reason.
It’s a type.
@MooingDuck Well, okay. I'll just stick to the OS. :c
@MooingDuck, but why a database at all, for a console app?
@ThePhD it's easy enough to wrap the OS calls for portability
@jamesson do you know what the database is?
@FredOverflow I think it is T if operator* returns T&.
But I’m not sure.
@MooingDuck, no, thats what I'm asking
At least, that would be the case with auto.
@jamesson It's just an Intellisense cache, nothing more.
@Zoidberg'-- What? Stop spewing nonsense.
If operator* returns T&, it is T&.
@DeadMG, whazzat?
@jamesson oh. It's a database of all the classes, functions, members, comments, etc etc etc in your code. It's how all the tooltips work.
@MooingDuck, iiiiiwwww
Optimization for the editor smarts.
@MooingDuck in his code and all the std headers
@MooingDuck, I know it makes it faster, but thats just bloaty
@FredOverflow as far as I know decltype preserves constness and references and so on.
@jamesson if you type mystring. and wait, that database will list all the std::string members for you, to help you code
@jamesson A database to cache Intellisense.
seriously why are you even asking? it's there because your IDE developers found it useful.
@jamesson So turn off intellisense.
Fuck references.
if you don't like it, delete it and note the consequences, then decide if it's worth it.
@MooingDuck ... Might I indulge my guilty pleasures for a moment longer and try to make this work for juuuust another 15 minutes or so? I promise I'll stop after that I swear!
@ThePhD I can't stop you
@jamesson You don't have 5MB in your hard drive?
Q: What is decltype(*it)?

FredOverflowIs decltype(*it) the value type of the iterator, or an lvalue reference to that, or something else? I think it is an lvalue reference, because *it is an lvalue, but I'm not sure.

Who's up for some rep?
FWIW, you don't need want to store the database in version control, nor copy it anywhere, nor ship it with your program.
@FredOverflow *it is not an lvalue.
@R.MartinhoFernandes, I save my code to skydrive, I prefer to only save code there
@jamesson Then save only code.
@R.MartinhoFernandes What? Of course it is. Prove me wrong!
@R.MartinhoFernandes, how can I do that?
@FredOverflow No, you show me that guarantee.
@jamesson Use source control.
@FredOverflow are you assuming all references are lvalues?
@FredOverflow Iterators are required to have *it be a valid expression and that must return iterator_traits<Iterator>::reference. That is all.
@R.MartinhoFernandes From page 74:
> If E is an expression of pointer type, then *E is an lvalue expression referring to the object or function to which E points. As another example, the result of calling a function whose return type is an lvalue reference is an lvalue.
@jamesson you want us to tell you how to use a program on your computer that I've never heard of?
I’m in the mood to take a shower, so I’ll take a shower now.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh
@FredOverflow "If E is an expression of pointer type"
I meant the second sentence. I assumed that operator* returns an lvalue reference.
@MooingDuck No, I was assuming " the result of calling a function whose return type is an lvalue reference is an lvalue".
@Zoidberg'-- makes sense
@FredOverflow I need ideaz. :P
void take_shower() { ++ideas; }
@sehe Thanks, but this is actually the research paper I used as a reference
@Zoidberg'-- You should use soap. And don't forget the water.
Water? I wanted to use HCl.
@MooingDuck, @EtiennedeMartel fair enough :) thanks for the info
is iterator_traits defaulted?
> Note: In my case, it is a BidirectionalIterator, but feel free to answer the general case.
Hey guys, quick question about something unrelated: Dropbox on Windows 8. The whole Shell UI and Context Menu seem to be dead; I can't get it to show up, or even show that Dropbox files are synced (anyone else have this kind of problem or have this problem with VCSes in general?)
After taking another look: So N3337 is just the C++11 standard with minor corrections? (Note that N3337 came after C++11.)
@DragonLord How often do you want to ask that question? :)
what is difference_type used for?
@FredOverflow: I get it... :p
@Zoidberg'-- What about for bidirectional/etc iterators?
@DeadMG I really have no idea.
@DeadMG It defaults to nested typedefs.
std::iterator works as a base class that provides some defaulted typedefs.
:6692186 That does not make sense when talking of iterators.
@DeadMG std::distance
so IOW you can't decltype it from a normal bidi iretator
When using iterators, you should use the traits, not fuck around with decltype (proxies and shit fuck shit up)
another thing that should be fixed
well, I did make a proposal that would make that easier
but there didn't really seem to be that much interest
@DeadMG: It's the type of the value resulting from the subtraction of two iterators.
24.2.7/1: "there exists a value n of type difference_type such that a + n == b. b == a + (b - a)".
only for random-access iterators
@FredOverflow That is true. But there is no requirement that an lvalue reference be returned. Rvalue references are allowed for all iterators (and you get an xvalue).
@DeadMG, as far as I understand, for bidirectional and unidirectional iterators, it simply represents the type of the distance, in terms of the number of elements, between two elements in a container.
Pssst @MooingDuck I did it!
@ThePhD congrats
15 mins ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
@DeadMG std::distance
Tomorrow be Friday! Sleepy times now. Good night.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Why would any function (besides std::move and std::forward) return an rvalue reference?
@FredOverflow I am saddened by your lack of vision.
I present thee.... make_move_iterator!
Lol. Are you going to sleep or what? :P
2 hours ago, by R. Martinho Fernandes
Now I'm going to sleep.
@R.MartinhoFernandes So dereferencing a move iterator moves from it?
@netcoder It's tradition in this room to not go to sleep before you mention it three times.
Also, I may be practicing some secret German skills.
But I still don't see any rvalue references returned.
@FredOverflow Yes.
A thing that worries me is, decltype(f()) shouldn't always be an rvalue reference?
@FredOverflow It works by returning an rvalue reference from op*. It is an xvalue, and gets moved automatically.
Oh you're "sleep typing"
Oh, so it's not moved by dereferencing. It's just cast to an rvalue.
@R.MartinhoFernandes how come?
@FredOverflow Isn't that what a move really is?
@FredOverflow Exactly. Dereferencing does exactly the same trick as std::move. //cc @Etienne
@EtiennedeMartel Depends if we're talking about "move" or move.
@gnzlbg For int f();, decltype(f()) is int.
I really think std::move should have been called something else like cast_to_rvalue.
auto&& a = it.operator*(); should bind
Rvalue references and rvalues are not the same thing.
@gnzlbg auto&& always binds.
@gnzlbg auto&& binds to anything, even lvalues.
Cue link to Scott's Universal References.
but type of a there is reference&&
i mean it would not colapse into an rvalue reference
@R.MartinhoFernandes good idea
Do I tackle EncodeIterator or do I just quit now while I'm ahead?
*lvalue reference
Dec 8 at 1:12, by Mysticial
If you're new here, take a look at the rules or expect to get treated accordingly.
@ThePhD Seriously, the latter. You can find the whining about it in the transcript.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ... You whined about something? Must read.
I also rewrote that part of the API two or three times until it finally got into something close the right shape. (I am still not entirely happy)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Is that where the need for partial_array came from?
@gnzlbg If operator* returns an rvalue. Otherwise, no.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Can I use the move iterator idea to capture normal objects by move?
@ThePhD I think that is one of the places where it is used, and yes, it may have been the first one.
@FredOverflow No, because captures copy. Period. (Let's pretend they call std::stay)
I see
@R.MartinhoFernandes Okay, I trust you.
The way to capture by move with little to no syntactic overhead is to use auto_ptrs.
Ich bin wieder da.
In my head whatever a function returns has no name, so is an rvalue reference. When seeing decltype(f()) I was like, can't be true in that case.
@gnzlbg Things without identity are prvalues.
Rvalue references often are xvalues, but can be lvalues as well. They are never prvalues.
Seriously, do not conflate "rvalue reference" with "rvalue". It does not end well.
And yes, the terminology sucks.
I need to delve into references.
I read stackoverflow.com/questions/8610571/… a while ago. But it didn't really stick to me. Scott Meyers talk was helpful. But still, I either oversimplify it or need more time to assimilate all that.
A: Constant as rvalue in C++(11)

R. Martinho FernandesOk, there are three categories of expressions1: those that represent objects that have an identity and cannot be moved from; those that represent objects that have an identity and can be moved from; those that represent objects that do not have an identity and can be moved from; The first one...

Does this help?
Thanks for the clarifications tho, I'll look into it again.
How can I search within my own comments? I am looking for a comment I wrote containing some keywords.
I don't think you can.
@netcoder Really going to sleep now :) Good night everyone.
good night
@R.MartinhoFernandes that was helpful!
Nice summary!
I'll check the paper from Bjarne :)
Niiiiiiight Roobooot
@Zoidberg'-- I don't get it, do I have to write SQL or what?
@FredOverflow yes, you need to write a SQL query. That’s the only way to search comments.
Nice user ID, by the way. :^)
I finally won against the stupid CAPCHA system, and then I realized I forgot a zero in my user ID. Nooooo!
@FredOverflow Captcha? Why not just login?
I can? lol
what is a 'narrow' text encoding?
Is that just ASCII?
@Zoidberg'-- Okay so how do I narrow the tags? With the like percent crap?
@FredOverflow WHERE x LIKE '%foo%'
@ThePhD In what context
% is similar to .*
@CatPlusPlus Um. Like.... well, damn. I dunno. D: Just in the whole pool of UTF32 UTF16 UCS2 all of that. I saw 'narrow text encoding' mixed in there, as well as 'wide text encoding'.
@JohanLundberg Ohio.
Narrow/wide is used by people who are terrible at encodings
select * from Comments,Posts answer,Posts question
where Comments.PostID = answer.Id
and answer.ParentId = question.Id
and question.Tags like '%semantics%'
and Comments.UserId = 252000
order by Comments.CreationDate desc
I am so proud of myself! All my comments on answers to questions with move semantics (or any other semantics) in the tags :)
Sometimes it's ASCII sometimes code pages
@CatPlusPlus ... Ah. Well, okay. Just gonna avoid it all together, woo!
Mostly for the reason that I haven't done Windows1252 or Latin1 or any of those weird encodings just yet, and am sticking to just the regular UTF8/16/32...
You must be careful not to confuse types with value categories. The parameter type is A&& (an rvalue reference to A), and the parameter value category is lvalue. All parameters are lvalues, regardless of their type, because all parameters have names, and most names are lvalues. The argument type is A, and the argument value category is prvalue. — FredOverflow Dec 5 at 20:42
@Zoidberg'-- I can't believe I have found a real world use of SQL for me, lol :)
@FredOverflow heh :P
I never use SQL. I use either ORMs or MongoDB. :P
I studied it in August and September and thought I would never need it again :)
@ThePhD There's no reason to bother with obsolete encodings
@FredOverflow You need it when you want to interface with SQL databases directly (i.e. without ORM or similar technology).
Do you never work with databases?
After I upgraded to 512 MB it took just 11 seconds.
@ScottW it looks ugly.
Fuck that.
puts("Fuck printf with newlines");
I guess they want to ensure a new line.
Not saying that it's good.
@ScottW Because then, when I execute in a terminal, I get this
Like thisnetcoder@netcoder:~$
Instead of this.
I prefer to flush after each statement. I no need no buffering.
I prefer not to use any I/O at all.
So I can just optimize my programs to nop.
@ScottW UB, so the implementation is allowed to optimize it away.
I put a radio wave receptor next to my computer and let it detect what's going on inside.
No need for io.
@StackedCrooked What about Versio? versio.nl/cloudbox.php They have 1 GB for €10 (I guess).
@StackedCrooked considered rackspace?
@bamboon I'm currently using rackspace
@StackedCrooked oh ok^^
Rackspace is expensive and located in US so it has higher latency which is very annoying when using ssh.
> Maximaal 1 Virtuele Servers
> U kunt maximaal 1 virtuele servers aanmaken. Iedere virtuele server draait geheel onafhankelijk.
Pluralization fail.
I've also considered running a VM on my local machine and run the code there. Then I'd need a mechanism for forwarding the web requests from my VPS to my local VM.
@StackedCrooked is Rackspace limited to SSH and HTTP or can you use any protocol and port number you want?
@Zoidberg'-- Everything is possible afaik.
I've used HTTP on different ports for testing.
Because I’ll need port 1337 with a custom protocol for my web app soon.
@StackedCrooked cool.
Basically you get a virtual machine that has a public IP address. Heaven :)
@ScottW if you set your mind to that, you’re a foolish person.
@StackedCrooked awesome.
@ScottW I agree, PHP is impossibe.
I thought they used some routing based on the host header. But that’s probably for those web-only packages.
@Zoidberg'-- You can preinstall a Debian, Ubuntu, Arch, ...
@Zoidberg'-- Yeah, that's probably web-hosting or managed hosting.
@Zoidberg'-- 1337, how original :P
@You got the 512 Version for 17$ currently?
@StackedCrooked any POSIX system with a C89 compiler, MongoDB and GHC will do. :^)
@Zoidberg'-- I guess you could use the preinstalled OS as temporary tool for installing a new OS.
Or I can just pre-install Arch and download clang, MongoDB and Haskell Platform through SSH. :P
I want to deploy using Git but that’s easy to set up (just need to write a hook).
FYI :)
I also installed webmin.
I’ll probably use Nginx. I use Haskell for the web app. But I’ve never deployed a website so I don’t know how to set it all up. xD
It’ll probably not be too difficult.
Just listen to port 80 :P
@StackedCrooked C10k
Node.js can handle that and my API server too, but Apache cannot (or at least not last time I checked). And I don’t think Snap’s built-in server can either.
I based my ruby script on this example. There's not much to it really.
Q: How to run Snap haskell webapp in production?

drozzyI've installed Snap/Haskell on my production Ubuntu server (on EC2), and checked-out my project - but how do I run it? I mean, locally, I run it from command line: project-name -p 8000 Does snap come with it's own web-server (it looks like it), and if so how do I go about configuring it to ru...

This guy offers help to work on integrating clang with emacs and gets flamed out in seconds :D
@StackedCrooked ah Mongrel. I used that for Rails development.
I also once created a HTTP highscore server in C++ using the Poco libraries.
Q: Why is std::less a class template?

FredOverflowAccording to 20.8.5 §1, std::less is a class template with a member function: template<typename T> struct less { bool operator()(const T& x, const T& y) const; // ... }; Which means I have to mention the type when I instantiate the template, for example std::less<int&g...

I’m creating a server in C using libuv, but not HTTP.
Q: Why are the STL functors themselves templated and not their function call operator?

XeoThe STL functors are implemented like this: template<class T> struct less{ bool operator()(T const& lhs, T const& rhs){ return lhs < rhs; } }; This makes us mention the (possibly long) type everytime we create such a functor. Why are they not implemented like shown bel...

Since I'm mostly interested in HTTP web services I don't need all the webdev frameworks and shit.
@FredOverflow ^^
@StackedCrooked I don’t like big web frameworks either, but I often use something like Sinatra or Express since they provide routing.
@Xeo Good question, actually.
They’re called microframeworks. There is also Flask and CherryPy (the latter being my favorite of all) for Python.
You both get +1 from me :)
Q: Can I put array inside an array in c++?

AmadeusI'm still confused. Can I do this? int x[y[3]] Array within array? Is that the correct format? Thank you!

If anyone feels like downvoting stuff, you can go crazy on those answers
@Praetorian wow...
@Praetorian Woa, so much crap in there.
It is possible if y[3] is an integral constant expression.
Or in C if y[3] is an integral expression.
> You don't need to put an array inside an array. All you need to do is a two dimentional array
wtf is int[,]?
@netcoder C# syntax
@CatPlusPlus You're supposed to say "-1 Not enough Boost".
@netcoder Multidimensional array.
oh I see
int[1, 2] = std::array<std::array<int, 1>, 2>
whereas int[1][2] = std::array<std::array<int, 1>*, 2>

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