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When you're fucked, you grab the nearest invisible guy you can find and ask him to solve your problems, because the UN sure isn't gonna do it.
Also, what the fuck is "religiosity scale"?
They should make one that graphs "per capita GDP" against "score in the fuckosity in the ass scale":
@R.MartinhoFernandes That would be the gay scale
What @Rapptz said. How is religiosity defined?
here's one in Wikipedia..
Also why does installing visual studio 2010 require me to burn it to a dvd first :(
@kbok It amazes me how you can go from a graph on religious beliefs as a factor of monetary income to gay jokes....
Religiosity, in its broadest sense, is a comprehensive sociological term used to refer to the numerous aspects of religious activity, dedication, and belief (religious doctrine). Another term that would work equally well, though is less often used, is religiousness. In its narrowest sense, religiosity deals more with how religious a person is, and less with how a person is religious (in practicing certain rituals, retelling certain stories, revering certain symbols, or accepting certain doctrines about deities and afterlife). Components Numerous studies have explored the different compon...
@nixeagle Mount the iso?
@nixeagle Because you don't have a virtual DVD drive?
@MooingDuck No mention of a scale, already checked.
@nixeagle From the footnote: "Religiosity is measured using a three-item index ranging from 0-3, with “3″ representing the most religious position. Respondents were given a “1″ if they believe faith in God is necessary for morality; a “1″ if they say religion is very important in their lives; and a “1″ if they pray at least once a day."
@Borgleader You can go from pretty much anywhere to gay jokes
it is not a .iso otherwise I would :/
@nixeagle wtf is it then
.iso.jpg obviously
"All roads lead to gay jokes", as we say.
this is only going to go wrong 1billion ways from Sunday.
I installed VS10 some months ago, and it was an ISO.
@nixeagle i just use a virtual dvd drive
so did i
@MooingDuck I call bullshit on that map. How come aren't the US more religious than Canada?
it is a .daa whatever that is.
which I've never heard of
The less I'm challenged by bugs in my code the more I am by the choice of music to play.
To the googles!
@EtiennedeMartel lol
@nixeagle Daemon tools should work with that.
@nixeagle Oh, that does sound like it came from Microsoft. Nevermind what I said, then.
@EtiennedeMartel America has a lot of Atheists. We simply have the loudest Christians in the world.
@MooingDuck Christians with tremendous political power.
@EtiennedeMartel aka Mitt Romney?
@EtiennedeMartel Canada has few enough people that Gallup actually counted it as another state in the US.
it doesn't work :(
How do you draw a simple plain surface in SVG ?
@JerryCoffin Har har har.
@MooingDuck Holy shit I thought you were kidding but we have 15% of people who are irreligious in the US.
@kbok Poorly, as a rule.
I'd gladly read TFM if I can find it.
@Rapptz en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_the_United_States The majority of Americans (73%) identify themselves as Christians and about 20% have no religious affiliation.... According to another survey, 36 percent of Americans state that they attend services nearly every week or more.
@MooingDuck You probably also have the loudest atheists too.
@JerryCoffin You're kidding, right?
In practice, Alberta is pretty much the Northern Red State.
According to nate silver gallop was way off the mark of the final result. Maybe their counting Canada was their problem.
The 2008 American Religious Identification Survey (ARIS) found that while 34.8 million U.S. Adults (15.2%) described themselves as "without religion", almost 90% of these answered "none" with no qualifications. Only 1.4 million positively claimed to be atheist, with another 2 million professing agnosticism.[7]
@Borgleader Right.
@Borgleader Yes, of course.
Oh, last week I learned that you pay extra taxes for being a member of a Church in Germany.
@R.MartinhoFernandes These dudes.
@Rapptz I actually thought we had a lot more atheists :(
If that was in the US, people would go bat shit insane.
@Rapptz I suspect this is one of those areas where seemingly innocuous changes in how the questions were worded could produce large changes in the results.
So what do these numbers mean to you guys? What is the conclusion?
@Rapptz The usual thing is "I don't give a fuck".
If that was in the US you would get a tax deduction instead
@Chimera Which numbers?
@R.MartinhoFernandes do we? Actually, you're probably right. They're just drowned out by the Christians
@EtiennedeMartel The numbers of "religious" people around the world.
We have the loudest people, period.
@Chimera we haven't discussed that at any point recently, have we?
also converting the .daa into .iso, weird that I have to do this.
@Chimera That religion is indeed transmitted through education?
@nixeagle just mount the .daa with the appropriate software
Religion is transmitted through family usually.
@MooingDuck I don't know. I'm asking the question... :-)
Plus quite a few private schools are catholic or religious.
@nixeagle At least in a child's early years.
@Chimera you're asking a question completely unrelated to anything we discussed, but didn't tell us what the question was the first time?
Yey religion class >.>
@Rapptz Yeah -- I'm just saying that surveys are often sensitive to how questions are worded, and in this case I'd almost bet even more so than usual.
At least we learned about a ton of other world religions and not just Catholicism.
@MooingDuck What do you make of the data regarding the number of "religious" people around the world?
@JerryCoffin Well it actually lists how the question was worded for the 2008 gallup
/ not catholic
@Chimera There's lots of them, especially in Africa?
"Which of the following statements comes closest to your belief about God: you believe in God, you don't believe in God but you do believe in a universal spirit or higher power, or you don't believe in either?"
@Chimera I'd have to look it up, nobody was talking about the number of religious people in the world yet today.
@nixeagle I went to a Jesuit high school.
I heard they don't enforce religion as much as other schools do.
Could be wrong.
std::array has no static const member to get size?
@Chimera I went to a public high school that had absolutely no tie to any religious group.
std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<std::pair<double, double> >, int> > surfaces
@Pubby it's built in the type, and it has a .size() member, why would you want to waste space on top of that?
@Chimera neat. I had nuns in middle school. They don't really match the stereotype though.
^ evil.
@EtiennedeMartel Most people go to public schools.
@MooingDuck Convenience
@nixeagle No they don't do they?
@Chimera TIL Jesuits still exist.
@Pubby how is that more convenient that .size()?
@MooingDuck I thought you needed an instance to call .size()
@MooingDuck some_array_type::size
@R.MartinhoFernandes Doesn't work, right?
@Pubby oh, I see
Just hypothetical.
@Pubby I missed the word static.
@Chimera What's their stance on gay marriage, hmm?
@EtiennedeMartel I don't know. When I was in high school I don't recall it being discussed.
Catholic church is against gay marriage and abortion. But you can probably tell that just by paying attention to american politics.
Church is conservative on most if not all social issues.
@nixeagle Last week the Catholic Church made a statement comparing gay marriage to polygamy.
These assholes.
Personally I can care less what two consenting adults want to do. >.>
@EtiennedeMartel Yeah. Polygamy is perfect fine.
@EtiennedeMartel I'm guessing they believe being gay is to be frowned upon. But I don't know what the current dogma is.
@EtiennedeMartel I hate it when people make bad analogies and think it makes a good argument.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's the "slippery slope" argument that bugs me.
"If we legalize gay marriage, then what's stopping us from legalizing polygamy?"
If it makes you feel better, according to exit polls around half of catholics ignored the church.
According to what?
@EtiennedeMartel Presumably, the efforts of lawmakers.
However, as for my personally, I'm some what a Christian, and I have no problems whatsoever about gay people, being gay or gay marriage.
@nixeagle That I believe.
Well, what is wrong with polygamy?
but I don't see why legalizing polygamy would be a bad thing either. Not legalizing it is a primitive response. "Amagad, those other people, how could they do something which is in reality utterly harmless to me."
@R.MartinhoFernandes various groups poll voters as they leave the polls asking what they voted for along with other related questions like religion, race and soforth. These get published around when the election closes.
Oh. Exit polls!
oh wow typo, fixed :D
I was like "WTF is he talking about"?
@Rapptz Right -- unfortunately, I don't have the resources to re-conduct the poll with different wording. From what I've seen, for quite a few people "religion" is mostly a social activity. They "believe in God" and go to church, but when you get down to it, not necessarily a lot more than that. Q: "Do you believe in God? "Yes." Q: "Is your faith in God responsible for your [house|car|wife|kids|happiness|...]" A: "Of course not -- don't be stupid."
@JerryCoffin on top of that, most people that go to church can't even explain why their church is any different from another church. Try asking that of various protestant groups.
it kinda works
@JerryCoffin That's correct. Most people claim ties to religion. But in reality it plays a very very very minor part in their lives.
@nixeagle I have -- most weren't even sure of their own church's beliefs, not to mention how those differed from other churches.
No slight on protestant groups btw, just using them as an example as there are a bunch of different variations and they all have theological differences. But most of their members could not tell you. But this applies to any religion that I know of in varying degrees.
Apparently the modern day Jesuit is a bit more liberal than most "Catholic" teachings. They seem to be ok with homosexuality.
@EtiennedeMartel ^^^
@Chimera At least a few seem to be. A bit of a jump to generalize from one writing one article, to all of them (however many that may be exactly).
@JerryCoffin I did a search and saw several links from different sources citing the same belief.
But I haven't found any codified written beliefs.
@Chimera Regardless of actual beliefs, I'd be pretty surprised to see anything codified that directly contradicts what's been handed down from Rome.
@JerryCoffin The jesuit.org website search function returns nothing regarding homosexuality.
@Chimera Great!
Does anyone have a link to VS2012 express downloads ?
I can't find them
@Rapptz No, no the "for windows desktop" edition.
@EtiennedeMartel What else ?
It's either that or WinRT
Anyone actually coding for WinRT? Seems like the tablets (surface) is not taking off like they hoped.
Everyone in the press says WinRT sucks
@kbok Oh, right. Carry on then.
IMO Microsoft is Too Big To Fail™ so people will use it in the end.
They'll crush their enemies, Embrace, Extend, Extinguish and all that stuff.
@nixeagle The ad I saw for it over the weekend is going to help (...it fade into obscurity, I mean).
@kbok Who told you that? Microsoft Bob? Or maybe Clippy?
what the press says is not always relevant, and my question was more about: "does anyone know of any pickup by developers for WinRT?" Planned projects/releases and all.
@JerryCoffin Clippy and WordArt were huge at the time and pretty much the definition of IT for my school teachers :)
@kbok Allow me to be the first to extend my condolences.
My definition of IT is people that angrily enter shell commands all day.
Also looks like 7zip can extract .daa files. Maybe I can get it to run the installer this way.
It was truly a time when taste was, indeed, an option.
Clippy didn't even work. Every time I asked it a question it couldn't find anything.
Worse than siri?
I'm not really a siri user but I've tried it and it seems to work reasonably.
@nixeagle Neither works, but at least on an absolute basis, Clippy consumed less resources to not work...
@nixeagle PowerISO can mount .daa according to the features page and a quick google search
The animations, guys. That's what it was used for.
Nobody cares about the bloody manual
Hi guys. What can I google for a service that prints a punch of pdfs? with a printer? and sends me the paper? does such a service exist? Google pdf print services gives all digital st00f
Hello :P
@kbok like the Zune! (note windows RT is only the portable version)
I had a zune year s ago
Crap. My mom now has a cellphone.
I'm fucked.
But 1 year ago It stopped working, I dont' knwo why
@AlbertoBonsanto why?
Because i don't like Objective-C i mean the iphone
It wasn't so good, cause It died 1 year ago, i trying replacing the battery and nothing, I think the Harddrive died
Just extracting it works. :)
it's almost working perfectly but it won't owner draw :(
For a small excursus into this room's (pre-)history:
Oct 27 '10 at 22:23, by James McNellis
Why are there 11 flags in here? This must be one profane group of C++ programmers...
@sbi Wow, that is old.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yeah. What else did you expect coming from me?
Hey, you tried to send me some MMS or something?
@R.MartinhoFernandes In fact, I actually did.
why doe smy teacher like java over C++? I feel java a bit.... messy
@DeadMG can I see a screenshot?
it's not really a single-frame occurrance
the edit control flickers a lot and the proper text rendering won't render
@sbi Is it important? All I got was an SMS saying I should got to some website and type a code to see it. Said website is not working.
The Miami Manatees was a proposed Canadian Football League team scheduled to begin play in the 1996 season, and had plans to play out of the Miami Orange Bowl in Miami, Florida. After looking at a possible expansion franchise, the decision to relocate the Las Vegas Posse to Miami became the preferred choice to land a CFL team in Miami. The team never came to fruition as the CFL suspended its U.S. operations in spring 1996. History By March 1995, an investment group that originally sought to relocate the defunct Las Vegas Posse franchise announced their intention to pursue an expansion fr...
A Canadian Football League team... in Miami. I don't see any problems there.
@R.MartinhoFernandes It was a picture of a toothpaste that I believe you abandoned here. Also, It informed you that I didn't reach that lady which I have to give your landlord's name to, but that I will try again tomorrow.
@Borgleader Right, another nutjob in our fine city.
2.6 GB for the visual studio professional version (student version) using only C++. I unchecked everything else x).
funny the book i was going to read sucks accu.org/index.php?module=bookreviews&func=search
by this site
@AlbertoBonsanto Did we tell you about the C++ Book Rule?
@sbi Yeah, I realized that. I had bought a replacement already.
@AlbertoBonsanto I usually trust heir reviews.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Also, once we're into this rooms history, the other day I found this one:
Oct 27 '10 at 22:18, by sbi
There used to be a "C++" room. I found it by searching for "C++". I favorited it. I seem to remember that, this morning (CEST), it was called "C++". I come back tonight (CEST). and the only favorited room is called something else, that has a "++" in its name, but which I would never have found.
It's said there cannot be two rooms of the same name. Yet a room named "C++", which is not the one I have been at and have favorited, claims to have been created 5 days ago.
__I had only two beers tonight!__
Hmm, the code snippets in answers are under what kind of copyright license?
(back then we hadn't yet found out that morkdown fails for multi-line messages.)
@EtiennedeMartel No You didn't
@nixeagle CC0.
basically, CC0 requires attribution of the original author's work, and that's it.
ok, thanks.
@nixeagle CC BY SA or something. It's mentioned at the bottom of pages.
@DeadMG Woah, woah, CC0 is public domain.
uh wha, two answers x)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Well, isn't that what I just said?
@nixeagle Yeah, that's it.
@DeadMG No, public domain does not require anything.
oh, wait, share alike.
alright and DeadMG, no CC0 is a different beast
oh, it's not CC0?
@sbi Why this digging of old stuff now?
@R.MartinhoFernandes It's what old people do, no?
no it is CC BY SA which basically means you have to attribute it. CC0 means practically public domain... that is you could claim it as your own work (albit this would be plagiarism...) and not run afoul of copyright.
@AlbertoBonsanto If a book isn't on the list, it sucks.
@R.MartinhoFernandes In most countries, it's also impossible to put your code into the public domain. It can only get there after you die (long after you die and quite possibly never, everywhere Disney has any influence).
Oh, and, BTW, I learned C++ first, too. In fact, I passed my C course by turning in C++ programs and the guy accepted them. I liked him.
and whoa, share alike means not compatible with GPL or what :/
@sbi same. Dunno why I started with C++ and not C, but there you have it.
Then I went on a detour into lisp/haskell land. I still use the two for some things.
@JerryCoffin Yes, Germany is one such country. But that's why CC0 exists: in those places, it simply relinquishes as many rights as allowed by law or something like that.
Anyway, I have sleep to do. Good night!
@sbi Well, at least you know one. That puts you ahead of at least 99% of the people who claim to know "C/C++".
@sbi G'night.
I'm going to sleep too.
I thought you could specify the base class a virtual function came from by qualifying it, like void X::foo().
I don't think it is humanly possible to "know" the whole C++ language. :/ The size of the specification is...
@DeadMG That's an MSVC extension AFAIK.
seems like a bit of an oversight on the part of the Committee to not handle that situation
@nixeagle ~1300, IIRC, plus a few referenced specs.
A "few":
— Ecma International, ECMAScript Language Specification, Standard Ecma-262, third edition, 1999.
— ISO/IEC 2382 (all parts), Information technology — Vocabulary
— ISO/IEC 9899:1999, Programming languages — C
— ISO/IEC 9899:1999/Cor.1:2001(E), Programming languages — C, Technical Corrigendum 1
— ISO/IEC 9899:1999/Cor.2:2004(E), Programming languages — C, Technical Corrigendum 2
— ISO/IEC 9899:1999/Cor.3:2007(E), Programming languages — C, Technical Corrigendum 3
— ISO/IEC 9945:2003, Information Technology — Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX)
(see full text)
@sbi, yeah I've always loved how a bunch of other specs get pulled in... kinda like one huge dependency graph.
HTML5 is the same way
They don't get "pulled in". Specific parts of them are referenced to in specific parts of the C++ standard.
Anyway blog.stackoverflow.com/2009/06/attribution-required is mostly about people who host "mirrors". I'm more curious about how to properly attribute in source code/docs. :P
(IOW, "The C++ standard includes the C standard" is nonsense, and that is most obvious due to the fact that goes to the trouble of redefining most of it.)
@JerryCoffin well in summary: EMCAScript, C, POSIX, and Unicode.
@R.MartinhoFernandes so you can think of it like #include <c-standard> #undef part1 #define part1 blah #undef part2 .... Right?
@nixeagle Unless someone wrote a whole piece of code or something like that for you, I think it qualifies as fair use.
@nixeagle not really no
@MooingDuck Give or take a little, yeah -- but more give than take, so to speak.
@nixeagle But that's not how it is. It's more like #define stuff #include <c-standard/printf> #define more stuff.
@R.MartinhoFernandes figures, but attribution would mostly be in the form of a code comment?
@nixeagle I think that's what most people do.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ok that makes sense. I know (think?) that the math stuff is derived from the C standard
I have a copy of the last draft standard, but have not spent too much time looking at it :P
@EtiennedeMartel Not always true. It could mean the book hasn't been reviewed./
@EtiennedeMartel Well not anymore :P
@Chimera We are prescient, so we don't need to review to know when to add good books. In fact we generally know of the good ones even before they're written.
@Chimera A book can stop sucking by going on the list.
@JerryCoffin :-)
my attempts to subclass the window and simply ignore WM_PAINT had the minor side effect of utterly destroying virtually the entire system.
@DeadMG Mission accomplished then?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Still getting used to new keyboard layouts? (Re: "dammit")
@DeadMG Did you at least call BeginPaint and EndPaint? Without them, massive destruction should be expected.
@JerryCoffin I'm not painting anything, so why would I call those functions?
does anyone do c#? I need to access a variable multithreadedly >.<
@Chimera quality OS
@sehe I now have four layouts on "speed dial", and sometimes I get lost and have no idea which one I'm in.
I think I am going to start using that Language Bar thingy.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I have 1 layout. It's called: US Int'l
@DeadMG Without them, the system will continue to think the window is invalid and constantly generate WM_PAINT messages for it to process.
@sehe That's what I use for code.
@R.MartinhoFernandes That's basically the same, no? Alt-Shift is mighty intrusive though
that might be a reason why
@sehe The point is that I have visual indication of the current layout.
@EtiennedeMartel: When you did your SC:BW AI I assume you used BWAPI?
@nixeagle "The contents of these headers shall be the same as the Standard C Library headers <ctype.h>, <wctype.h>, <string.h>, <wchar.h>, and <stdlib.h> and the C Unicode TR header <uchar.h>, respectively, with the following modifications:"
@JerryCoffin To the point that it DoS-es the rest? I have a hard time believing that
@Ell If you're doing multithreaded stuff, consider using TPL instead of the low level System.Threading primitives.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ok
TThere is a book with an interesting tittle
Pointers in C
it's recommmended
@Borgleader As required by the competition the team I was working with was participating in, yes.
@AlbertoBonsanto lol
@EtiennedeMartel it's only a quick thing so hopefully wont need that
@AlbertoBonsanto by the publisher?
adding an empty BeginPaint()/EndPaint() pair seems to have fixed the destruction
@Ell TPL is built for the quick things. Sigh.
but my regular rendering in that area is still dead, although the edit box is indeed not showing up
System.Threading is for the stuff that you think through and realize you really need System.Threading.
okay :P
@EtiennedeMartel Ah ok. :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yep. It's when you need to build your own TPL because TPL doesn't suit your needs.
@sehe Not sure anymore. Been a long time since I tried it -- but on Windows 2.1 on a 286...well, at least the box had a reset switch (honestly, I don't remember the version for sure -- it would have been Windows 1.something).
@sehe unfortunately there is not a copy in my university's library
@JerryCoffin I'm pretty sure the puppy is on Win7
@AlbertoBonsanto Why do you reply to me, but not to my question? Who recommends it?
@sehe Yeah, and probably something a little faster than a 286. I haven't tried it recently, but apparently adding the BeginPaint/EndPaint did fix at least part of his problem...
Really going to sleep now. Bye.
@R.MartinhoFernandes G'night.
@R.MartinhoFernandes nop, nop! "Who's there?"
well that's curious
I can render 3D over the area where the textbox is
@sehe Yeah -- glanced at that one and decided to just move on.
but my text rendering operation fails
@JerryCoffin I had a lol. Then moved on
@DeadMG Hey 3D RTF. Sounds cool.
I'm rendering in that area with DirectX
that's why I'm trying to owner draw, because I want to use DX to render
Was reading the linux source code for the heck of it just now and ran across this:
static inline int myisspace(u8 c)
return c <= ' '; /* Close enough approximation */
I render all my text in Lite Brite.
@nixeagle lolwhatthefuck
@nixeagle Looks like it's finding either SPACE or white-space
@nixeagle that returns true for space and all non-printable ASCII
@Chimera well it is just amusing how simplistic it is :P
"close enough" x)
@nixeagle it's actually kinda common AFAIK
my main window appears to no longer be receiving scroll messages.
@Chimera ...or any control character. But remember -- it's C++ that sucks.
@JerryCoffin LOL
as soon as focus is given to the edit control, it never lets it go :P
@JerryCoffin Aren't control characters considered white space?
@Chimera No -- not by anything sane, anyway.

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