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guess you can live with 1 transpose / matrix / frame :)
I want to specify things in the order I would naturally think to apply it.
Now you're making that performance part of my brain start beating me up ;~;
Why did D3D have to change how ti handled the matrices in shaders? DDD:
relax. it's just a transpose
PER MATRIX PER FRAME AAGhahaghaghag Ah well. I guess I'll live. I just have to not think about it.
My triangles are black now.
Right now I have my colors set up as 4 x Bytes
And I KNOW for a fact I'm specifying R8G8B8A8-UNORM as the FOrmat type
So why are they not a pretty Alice Blue? :c
Let's do this one at a time...
You know what's really messed up? My shader system, which I wrote once without ever debugging thoroughly, is working right off the bat like it should.
The shader system that automatically indexes and reflects the D3D shader code and uses like 2 different styles fo indexing by name and value and careful once-only instantiation is working exactly like I want it
But the things I've been doing forever - sending 2 triangles to the GPU to see prettiness on my screen - is eating crap.
I'm so bad at this. :c
you could try following tutorials :3
I am following tutorials.
But I'm building systems rather than just making static classes that send the data.
oh. :/
So I follow the tutorial, then I say "I'm going to use it to do X. How encapsulate and abstract?"
And then I do it.
I guess that makes the problem.....systematic. YEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHH
I laughed at that.
I feel so dirty. :c
when did the triangle rendering break?
or did you start writing shader systems before triangles
I wrote the shader system before the triangle.
... You know what could be screwing me over?
I have some empty Texcoords in here. I'm not using them just yet, they're just there for later.
It's part of the vertex stream. I have it accounted for in my ID3D11InputLayout, but it could be screwing me over anyways.
if you're not reading them..how are they gonna mess up your colors
Could just be a stream offset problem. I dunno. I'm checking it.
what's your vertex structure look like
could be a packing problem
Vector3, Vector2, Color (Color is Byte4)
but then I think the shader shouldn't have compiled...unless the packing is mismatched in shader and host code
Position, Texture, Color
Even though the shader takes Vector4 for the Position, I know it works because it's placing the triangle in the right spot for all the vertices, so it's not over-reading (otherwise there'd be a w coordinate of 0, which explodes the Homogenous coordinates layout)
THe Texture coordinates show as 0, which they're supposed to. The color for all the Vertices is set to AliceBlue (240, 248, 255, 255 RGBA)
can you paste the vertex definition from the shader code?
inout float4 position : SV_Position,
inout float2 tex : TEXCOORD0,
inout float4 color : COLOR0

They're bytes in RAM, and I have it set to DXGI_FORMAT::DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM so that it normalizes the bytes into [0.0,1.0] coordinates for the shader.
inout? what's this
inout means 'take it in, as well as push it out'
It'll automatically pass anything marked 'inout' or 'out' to the next stage.
okay, here's something to try....
your vertex data needs to be 16 byte aligned
Hm. Right now it's 24 bytes wide.... that's off by 8.
I need 2 more 32bit thingies.
or swap the order around
put color before texcoords
In the shader declaration?
Or in the Vertex Declaration?
it doesn't have to be a multiple of 16 wide, you just can't have any one element crossing a 16 byte aligned border
I'm not sure what that means.
well...ideally (until you figure out how to do that) it should be the same arrangement in both vertex and shader :)
Ah, okay.
position is 16 bytes long. fine.
tex is 8 byte long. fine
color is 16 long again - problem, since we are still 8 byte from the 16 byte mark
so color is split amongst two 16 byte blocks
Ah, I see what you mean.
or wait...was that constant buffers....sorry it's been a while :S
well, it can't hurt (much) to try, right? :D
Yeah that's how constant buffers are packed.
I changed up the order, but it still did nothing.
okay wait
they're all floats here
I thought the shader itself might be teh problem but outputting float4(1,1,1,1) gives me a white triangle.
And, uh. No.
Color in RAM is 4 bytes.
[0, 255]
4 bytes of what type
......you are reading it as a FLOAT
in the shader :)
are you casting at all? :S
I know, but I'm specifying an input layout of DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM
Shouldn't that be doing the conversion from [0, 255] to [0.0, 1.0] when I get the data in the shader?
I...don't know
I'll change it to floats.
A compile-time flag controls how colors are set up so it shouldn't take long.
or you could change the input layout and shader to UINT
... Uint? But isn't that the wrong type?
well, not if you're inputting uints :)
UNORM should normally work though...
what else could be going wrong :/
Could be how I set up the data? I'm not sure.
I mean, it's a constant array.
It can't get any more simple than that. Fixed size rendering and everything.
I'm not even using indices, just to make it that much more direct.
I think I always used D3DXCOLOR(floats here) or later XMVECTOR I think...never uints in host code
but I'm not sure if I used R8G8B8A8_something or R16G16B16A16_float
sorry if I'm not much help :/
No no, it's definitely fine. You've been an amazing help.
I'm looking at stuff I would've never chked before.
And I also figured out I suck at Transposing stuff.....
.... I still feel bad about that.
How can I mess up Tranpose()? D:
can you set and draw the texcoords as colors?
Was about to do that, yeah I'm gonna try it
also, the shader compiles fine? no warnings?
Yeah, I made sure of that.
and you're sure your automatically reflection-constructed input layout matches with your expectations and the actual buffer layout? or is the input layout static?
I've checked both the input layout generated from the shader and the input layout generated from the VertexElements in the Vertex structure. Both check out.
any luck?
anyone here?
I passed out.
I should sleep soon.
@melak47 Nope, no luck. Black triangle is black. It's fighting the power, yo.
@melak47 GASP. The texcoords are set to 1! Both of them, on channels R and G, make the triangle yellow.
So teh color's gone, but the texcoords are being set.
I don't get it.... but at least I know that the Vertex Stream, which has been saying the texcoords are 0, somehow end up being 1 in the shader.
@ThePhD You what? Dude, that's not the kind of thing you should just dismiss and carry on.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Um. I'm not dismissing it. I'm trying to fix it.... melak47 was helping me, but I passed out for like an hour and I think he's gone now (sleep well, @melak47!)
All I'm saying is it seems the texture coordinate is being given the Color's properties, though I'm not... sure why.
Trying to fix what? I'm talking about the passing out. People don't just pass out while they're working on something.
Well, I'm not really tired, but it just happens. It's not like.... something serious though. I meant like I 'fell asleep' (I guess?).
Fall asleep at the computer?
Uh. Sorry if I made it sound serious. It's not. I should probably use better terminology. Sorry. @Pubby yeah, just fell asleep.
Narcolepsy is pretty serious though
I'm not sure if this happens frequently enough for me to go about Diagnosing it, I don't think.
... I mean, it does happen quite a bit but I just think I need more sleep or something.
Don't bother.
I have a MySQL issue, where should I post it? I am trying to access a DB using C++ and ODBC
Argh, I hate websites with Facebook login but not OpenID.
Q: How to tell c++ that 9+1 should be 1 and not 10?

A.06I have an array of 10 integers, and k is an integer that loops through the array. Whenever I do 'k = k+1' , one is added to 'k', (if 'k' is 7, then it becomes 8). But if 'k' reaches till 9, I dont want 'k+1' evaluate to 10, I want it to become 1; I considered using a function like this: void ad...

Bad title.
I don't think it has anything to do with his question
Well at least not like how it's mathematically implied
"How do I change the laws of math?"
That's how I understood it, haha.
morning all
hey ell
Bad title? Bad everything. He has code that already works. It's four lines. It's completely obvious what it does. Waste of bandwidth posting it. How does stuff like that get posted?
Honestly after the couple hundred of retarded questions I see on a daily basis that one is pretty tame.
I love the interface for SO chat.. i miss the online chat services. fun times...
I need to tidy my room
but its so fricken cold I can't get out of my lovely warm bed :L
lol, you're lucky.. it's spring here and its 40 degrees c
I do prefer too cold to too hot
.. on the other hand.. if you get up and tidy your room, wouldn't that warm your body up lol? or do you just not want to tidy your room :P lol
was it @daknok who had postduif? or was that a guy that left?
heh I just don't want to tidy my room :L
@JamesKent You're from upside down?
LOL you mean australia? yea
crickey that's a whopper
that's the only Australian I know.
lol, except we don't really talk like that.. apart from a few. ive never met anyone here that talks like that. it's kinda embarassing though :P
haha we have Australian sort of family friends over at the moment
last summer i was mightily suprised when a five year old girl looked at me and said "hey, we're both wearing thongs!"
we were wearing sandals :L
and they call sandals thongs right?
we have sandles and thongs here.. um.. sandles are kinda like things but.. i dunno, thicker/bulkier i think :/ lol
haha right. so what do you call thongs? as in skimpy women's underwear?
"kinda like things", lol
@Ell There are men variants as well.
The thong is a garment generally worn as either underwear or as a swimsuit in many industrialized societies around the world. It may also be worn for traditional ceremonies or competitions such as sumo wrestling. The thong continues to be worn as everyday wear, as it has for hundreds or thousands of years, mostly by men, in many indigenous societies, particularly in Africa, South America, and Asia. Viewed from the front, the thong typically resembles a bikini bottom, but at the back the material is reduced to a minimum. Thongs are almost always designed to cover the genitals, pubic ha...
i think we call those thongs too,
mostly worn by women though :L
when i said things i meant thongs lol :P
thongs for men? HAHA
that's why I was suprised I was like "woahh you're like 5, your parents should not be dressing you with a thong"
@Ell That's not what the article says (first paragraph, is in the onebox).
so you think we should dress five year olds with thongs?
A thong can also be a flip flop
why do I like 80s music so much?
Ok, I have a question. Why do phishing attempts always have spelling poor or grammer?
@R.MartinhoFernandes To filter out recipients who are literate. They don't want to waste time on those with intelligence, education and experience. Ideally, the phishers only want replies from SQL/PHP developers.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Because, otherwise it would be obvious they were not
@MartinJames True that. Bruce Schneier talked about that a year ago or so
Wow, they really want to limit their audience?
@sehe Interesting
I always thought that the mails are so shitty because the phishers just can't write properly
But that explanation makes a lot more sense
@NikiC Also, makes sense. It's just basically an observation. I wonder whether it was intentionally 'designed' that way. But I guess the scammers would have evolved if it didn't work. So perhaps, they started out with "rather incredulous" and they evolved towards "outrageously farfetched" seeing that that resulted in the better results?
@sehe Either that or they actually had smart people behind it thinking about this kind of stuff :D
Mmm. Probably not, honestly. I mean, the really smart people will just (a) get money with less risk (b) become consultants to corrupt leaders :) [just my feeling; no facts to go on, hardly]
It seems that almost anyone can be taken in. There is yet another 'Petrol from air' story on Google news and other media this moning. Since air contains very little carbon and almost no hydrogen, I would imagine such a feat would require nuclear reactors and/or accelerators. Hydrocarbon fuel is not that expensive yet <g>
I hate it when the Stack Exchange chat system trolls.. me. Actual screenshot, not retouched. http://t.co/uN8qqJrO
^ hmmm
@sehe Maybe, maybe not. I mean, I don't think that large scale phishing is really "easy", you probably need some degree of technical expertise for it (at which point you might also know a bit about statistics and psychology).
@NikiC Yeah, without some faith in statistics, you'd not think a crook comes up with the patience to troll their victims until they pay
@MartinJames You see, it's kinda "environmental" and that's really in right now ;) So they're ready to publish any BS about it
@NikiC But why not 'Petrol from water'? Water at least has some hydrogen. Maybe they are trying to attract SQL/PHP developers an investors?
Nigerian investors
@MartinJames I think "Petrol from air" sounds more like making petrol out of nothing (air looks like nothing after all!). Water has too much substance :P
@sehe LOL - please let it happen!
@MartinJames Also, what do you have against SQL developers?!
@NikiC SQL
Yeah, so what's wrong with it? Are you one of those NoSQL hipsters?
@NikiC SQL is just painfully unstandardized. SQL per se (the good parts) is quite fine, IMO
@NikiC Please, I don't want to answer your first question - I like it here in the lounge:) I do use SQL DB - I have the nasty syntax and messy SELECTs forced on me by my customers at gunpoint :(
But the syntax has so many idiosyncrasies and proprietary bits in important spots. And engines have so much cruft (there are really only ... maybe 3 proper implementations worth their salt for large scale RDBMS deployments AFAICT)
@MartinJames messy SELECTs? VIEWs? Stored Procs? Are they unavailable?
@sehe Ah okay, you're right about that. SQL syntax between vendors is terribly inconsistent
There are 'mappers' that 'solve this' of course. But as many will repeat after me, they are not the right solution
@sehe Views/SP are available, but deploying/installing them to thousands of boxes is a massive pain.
It seems there's a NoNoSQL movement growing of late.
@R.MartinhoFernandes And for good reason :)
I feel like I see one of those "Why we dropped MongoDB and switched back to MySQL" articles every other day on HN.
@MartinJames Well, DB Schema versioning is a pain. I reckon you have to keep to keep constraints, triggers, indexes, tables, grants, users, (sequences?) up-to-date anyway. In that perspective having (updatable) views to replace screwy selects would greatly outweigh the marginal increased deployment costs, AFAICT.
Also: agiledata.org/essays/databaseRefactoring.html Databases can be refuctored/evolved. This takes planning (but there is also SqlCompare by RedGate and similar tools)
afk. daughter wants a game of chess. Can't really deny her that, right
She's your daughter; you can deny her anything.
Take white and pray..
@Ell both.
I might use Postduif for my game.
@sehe I have to, at some point, revise my whole database policy. I've been putting it off for ages 'cos pain. I have plenty pain in general already. Also, I have a Screech Owl inside my head from last night.
Is there any RDBMS that has something like, an array field? Join-tables suck.
I think you're missing the point then.
omg PostgreSQL has arrays.
Why didn’t I know that.
Having a separate “Tags” table and using a junction table “PostTags” is just so cumbersome.
Why do you have a tags table?
How else would I store tags?
Say I have a table BlogPosta that has id, title and body. How would I tag it without either an array or a Tags table and a junction table?
Port + PostTags is enough.
Unless a tag is more than just a name.
That would result in duplicate data.
Which I have learned is bad in RDBMSes.
If multiple posts have the same tags.
But yeah I never use RDBMSes. I’ve never enjoyed working with them.
A certain Harriet Klausner has, since 1999 and as of today, posted 28,140 book reviews on Amazon. That's about 6 books per day, assuming 265 working days per year.
She claims to be a speed reader.
Damn, my head hurts.
@R.MartinhoFernandes PLINK!!!
You again drank too much?
Nah, it's this damn cold that won't go away.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ah, then I am sorry that I PLINKED!!! at you.
I always consciously stop drinking before it is too much (which is rather soon in my case :). That other night was an isolated case.
Drinking robot? Are you Bender?
@R.MartinhoFernandes that's what they all say
I am going to claim that he tricked me.
You’re Flexo!
> His and Bender's serial numbers gave both robots much amusement as both their serial codes are expressible as the sum of two cubes.
lol, robot humor
Oh Wikia is so awesome.
> Bender's first born son is Bender's first born son.
> Bender's mother is her son Bender’s mother.
@R.MartinhoFernandes "I always consciously stop drinking before it is too much — unless the others trick me, of course." Yeah, that sounds really convincing.
You poured another one without asking!
@DeadMG You kids still think that dying after 40 years is fine, because 40 year is soo long, you cannot imagine wanting to live longer. Well, we'll talk about that on your 39th birthday.
@R.MartinhoFernandes And you — consciously! — drank it. Or, at least, half of it.
@sbi Wait, you're assuming that he has been owning everyone for the 20 years he lived already?
@R.MartinhoFernandes NO, I am just talking about how long 40 years seem to puppies. Once you're in your late 30s, 40 years do not appear to be all that long anymore.
To puppies 40 years seems like a little below 6 years.
@EtiennedeMartel That's actually not true. The three west cost states passed laws that allow micro breweries to survive in, I think, the 80s. I lived in Portland, OR, for a few months in the 90s, and you could get all kinds of interesting beers. Imported ones, or ones brewed at a local brewery that turns into a pub once a week, or pubs that tap their own beer, freshly made twice a month.
I suppose at least back then I could have found a hundred kinds beers to sample in Portland. And even if 90% of them were crap, that leaves quite a few good ones.
17 hours ago, by Etienne de Martel
You guys really have to get out more.
I don't think suckage of beer changes with my getting out rate. I am not that important.
(once we're misspelling, why not go all the way?)
There are only two minutes left to misspell 'morning', (in UK anyway).
> Once I made chicken soup - simmered the carcass for hours with lots of vegetables. Then, when it was all nice and tasty I grabbed a colander and poured all the liquid down the sink. I just stood there for about 5 minutes, staring at the bones trying to remember what the next step in soup-making was. — teaswiss
hi guys, I want to read a book about c++, I found a post here in SO "The Definitive Guide to c++" , for the introductory there is like 3 books that I want to read one of them, so between: C++ Primer , Accelerated C++ , or Thinking in C++ (Bruce Eckel) Two volumes. who do you think is best to read . Thanks in Advance
@AlexDan Thanks for what? Also: What are you trying to tell us? (We certainly know the C++ book list, just look at the edit history.)
@sbi between the three books, which one you suggest for me to read
@AlexDan Ah, I couldn't read that out of your message. Well, I have only read the former two, and about them I can say: Accelerated C++ is a very great book, but only 250 pages, and thus a very short introduction, and very fast-paced at that. (Do take that serious!) C++ Primer is a >1000 pages tomb, very well explaining everything there is to know about C++.
so I guess I will have to chose between c++ primer and thinking in c++
@sbi How to make chicken soup: #1 simmer the carcass for hours with lots of vegetables; #2 pour all the liquid down the sink; #3 order pizza.
Alex, you should look for which one has the most recent edition
if any of them have been updated to cover C++11 it will be the clear winner
Make your pick: Steep learning curve plus the need to buy another book afterwards in order to get past the introductory stage, or a 1k tomb you can use to batter your arch enemy with (PHP, no doubt), that has almost everything you need to know about C++ for the first two years.
@DeadMG I suppose that, if at all, then only C++ Primer will get an update. ISTR @Fred mentioning that an update is due.
@sbi It has been out for a few months now.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh, has it? Good, then.
@AlexDan Thinking in C++, TTBOMK has no C++11 edition, so, unless you're stuck with C++03 for the foreseeable future (I am), that's that settled.
@sbi is the new c++11 something I have to learn from the beginning, I was planning to start learning c++03 and then c++11.
@AlexDan And when you learn to drive, will you first learn to drive a Model T, too? Just because... — well, why?
Just start coding.
i'm with sbi on that one. c++11 does not complicate the learning
Use book for reference
c++11 was intended to ease the learning of c++, but currently we're in the phase where the c++11 support in compilers is pretty haphazard, so difficult to rely on
because of old libraries, and I guess not all compiler support the new c++11 yet
@AlexDan Use what the compilers support. Yell at the vendors for what they do not yet support. Still beats the hell out of not having a decent smart pointer in std::.
ok, thanks guys for your suggestions
> The pipe underneath the sink was leaking so I had placed a bucket to catch all the water. When the bucket was getting full, I emptied it out on the same sink. — raj1030
I think I have done something like that, too. Only I was repairing the pipe, and it was open. :(
I didn't know you browsed reddit.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Oh, found a link somewhere in the transcript, and the chicken soup disaster caught my attention.
@sbi > My husband has done this on more than one occasion. He is a plumber.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ouch. Doing this in other people's kitchen would be such a bad thing!
> "I have always had a similar idea, we should all (all of us), every time we receive such emails, just reply to them (for instance a paragraph copy pasted from your favourite news site).

Remember the last time you came back from holidays and found 900 emails in your inbox ? Imagine the scammer having had to manually go through 50,000 emails a day, because the word will have spread that receivers decided to reply....

This will instantly kill that all email scamming business.."
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Yeah, that would have worked nicely in the early 90s, before spammers started using fake addresses.
@sbi How does it even work then?
> My sister was going to take the dog for a walk and got halfway down the street before realising she was dragging a dog-less lead across the floor. — seanbear
I mean, if they can't get replies, what do they get from their spam?
@R.MartinhoFernandes What's that mean in English?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Clicks on some website?
But Nigerian scams, for example, ask for replies.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ah, do they? I hadn't seen such in a while.
I have even seen a very degenerate form of those: the subject is nonthing but an amount of money, and the body is a short sentence that amounts to "reply with your details if you want the monies".
This one has happened to me reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/11qlhk/…
@R.MartinhoFernandes I've done similar thinking saturday is monday once.
If n++ is faster than n += 1 where n is an int, you compiler is a horrible piece of shit. — daknøk 20 secs ago
Weird optimization questions.
That 'question' already has one upvote and a couple answers:(

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