I am looking for a win32api call, that will always return the same value, preferably a value viewable as a string, but other types are ok also. It must return the same value whether executed from Windows XP SP2 in Spanish or Windows 7 in English. I couldn't find any, and was hoping to get some he...
> I'm trying to hide strings in a C++ application by finding a constant variable from the API that will be equal across XP/7 & different languages, to serve as the base of the encryption.
@Insilico I'm going to go on a limb and assume an average hacker could easily break the whole encryption this guy is designing. Such as xoring the data with the "mystery number"
let's say that when it runs it provides a sim of sand falling, where at one point the colors of the grains form a string of letters, just sort of randomly appearing and then disappearing again
Europa (Jupiter II), is the sixth closest moon of the planet Jupiter, and the smallest of its four Galilean satellites, but still one of the largest moons in the Solar system. Europa was discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei and possibly independently by Simon Marius around the same time. Progressively more in-depth observation of Europa has occurred over the centuries by Earth-bound telescopes, and by space probe flybys starting in the 1970s.
Slightly smaller than Earth's Moon, Europa is primarily made of silicate rock and probably has an iron core. It has a tenuous atmosphere compose...
@daknøk More likely moon you, which I'll admit might ruin the mood. Get mooned by an attractive enough woman, and suddenly you're too happy to belittle people.
@daknøk Oh, go ahead -- couldn't be worse than Dutch food!
Dutch profanity can be divided into several categories. Often, the words used in profanity are based around various names for diseases. In many cases, these words have evolved into slang, and many euphemisms for diseases are in common use.
Additionally, a substantial number of curse words in the Dutch language are references to sexual acts, genitalia, or bodily functions. Religious curse words also make up a considerable part of the Dutch profanity vocabulary. Aside from these categories, the Dutch language has many words that are only used to describe animals; these words are insulting w...
@Potatoswatter If I had to guess, I'd say it was probably a result of being in <numeric> instead of <algorithm>, so it was seen primarily as having a fairly specific, restricted use.
@JerryCoffin Actually it's the other way around. It uses the "wrong" accumulator type because an OutputIterator provides no information about underlying types so the InputIterator argument is used as a fallback.
Numerically, the correct approach would be to do everything and anything to avoid overflow.
Which is why it's numerically useless… I'm writing a numeric program now and can't use it because it would overflow every time.
It should still support a way to work around this broken default behavior, though…
I made something that plays the Rocky theme as you type, but stops when you stop typing. If that isn't motivation to write an essay or something, I don't know what is.
The only way to answer the question "Is language X fit for my needs?" is to write a non-trivial project in language X and see for yourself. — FredOverflow22 secs ago
well, I guess you could make your life more difficult if you want, but my point is not so much that JS is suitable for browsers, but that something like C++ is not
I am new to C and tried to write a sort program. It however keeps going into an infinite loop and crashes. What might cause this and how do I solve it?
#define max 100
inline int fast()
int a=0;
char c;
> The downside of this suggestion for us is that we’re very attached to $35 as our highest price point. With this in mind, we’re pleased to announce that from today all Model B Raspberry Pis will ship with 512MB of RAM as standard
@thecoshman Model A has 128Mb of RAM Model A has been redesigned to have 256Mb RAM, one USB port and no Ethernet (network connection). Model B has 256Mb RAM has 512Mb RAM, 2 USB port and an Ethernet port.
> That is, graphics capabilities are roughly equivalent to Xbox 1 level of performance. Overall real world performance is something like a 300MHz Pentium 2, only with much, much swankier graphics.
I still think it's weird it comes with no case lol. I understand why though.
Befunge is a stack-based, reflective, esoteric programming language. It differs from conventional languages in that programs are arranged on a two-dimensional grid. "Arrow" instructions direct the control flow to the left, right, up or down, and loops are constructed by sending the control flow in a cycle. It has been described as "a cross between Forth and Lemmings."
The language was originally created by Chris Pressey in 1993 as an attempt to devise a language which is as hard to compile as possible — note that the p command allows for self-modifying code. Nevertheles...
> As stated, the design goal for Befunge was to create a language which was difficult to compile.
> I am not an authority on lightning safety. I am a guy who draws pictures on the internet. I like when things catch fire and explode, which means I do not have your best interests in mind. The authorities on lightning safety are the folks at the US National Weather Service What If 16
I just spent around 30 minutes mocking up a TweekDeck app I was considering making in WPF and also targeting Silverlight for Windows Mobile 7 - but it looks like you beat me to it.
I think TweetDeck is WPF but I might be wrong, but the mockup I came up with is below. My own view is this would be...
@thecoshman It's fairly easy to cut notches for network etc. cables with a box-cutter. Also make holes for cable-ties to hold down boards - no nuts, bolts, spacers etc.
@MartinJames yeah, think I am going to stick to cardboard box, at least for now. Have one at home that will do the job, assuming it has not been disposed of yet... or whilst the Pi is in it :P
@MichaWiedenmann yes, it means that you can have foo myIntBar; rather then then bar<int> myIntBar which can come in very handy when you are dealing with stupidly long types because of buckets of templates
I find that MS software is designed for a certain type of person who I clearly am not. I get aggravated by more or less every aspect of every bit of MS software, whilst my friend is almost like a fan boy for MS
@thecoshman ideally your code shouldn't have any bugs either
And sometimes, it's nice to have more than a log file
but perhaps just as importantly, with a good debugger, I find it easier to use that than to trawl through the logfile. With a bad debugger, well, a logfile suddenly becomes a lot more essential, but I don't see why it's more "ideal"
@thecoshman Meh - you have to have both - a good debugger to remove stuff that never makes it to any logger and good logging to fix teh system problems that never appear until SIT or after delivery.
@TonyTheLion actually, when I had to debug a race condition, I found the VS debugger more useful. Inserting tracepoints via the debugger was less disruptive in terms of changing the timing than inserting printf calls. :)
but I don't think anyone is claiming that a log file is irrelevant. If nothing else, the debugger can only tell you what's happening in the current execution. The log file can tell you what happened when you ran the program yesterday. :)
but I'd also argue that when you're debugging, it's often information about the current execution that is most important. ;) And, not least, debugging is hard, so I personally want to use every tool at my disposal
I don't get many bugs specifically concerning threading. I get plenty the usual kind - forgot to initialise var, bad logic, OBO etc. If I need to trace through three class instances via. member refs, it's a pile easier with a debugger than some nightmare logging call.
@user1567909 Arrays decay. You cannot pass them by value. Pass by reference (see my code), so void sodoku::copy(int (&array1)[9], int (&array2)[9]) — sehe1 min ago
@honk, well, it's a c++ question, right? It is kind of tricky to assume the OP knows not to use memcpy if the element type stops being a POD type. std::copy knows :) — sehe3 mins ago
Now that I can search for all the times I mentioned in the C++ lounge that chat search sucks, it seems I can't search for something actually useful for our general procrastination, like the link to some neat xkcd 1110 viewer that Mysticial posted yesterday. All I get is the 500 lolcat. I have con...
@sehe I don't know about any boobs lemmas. I only know dilemmas. (If that's a bird, then I might know it by its German name, and might have dug out the English for some reason or another, and that might involve boobs. If so, I forgot.
@DeadCicada my search showed that there must have been an incident in the (European) night from Sep 10th-11th, that resulted in a long discussion the following (again, European) day, which in turn resulted in this. IIRC, someone fell off the owner list for some reason a little while later, so that @Tony was enthroned again.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf I think that's pretty standard, right? You could just do external + 5? Perhaps you need to define a label for that. Anyways, that would be syntax/flavour/assembler dependent.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf AFAIR fixup records require the OS loader to add the base address to the hardcoded offsets in the binary image. So technically I don't see a reason why you couldn't offset into known static data areas.
@TonyTheLion i wanted to illustrate coding in machine code. this is the closest i could think of, just using DB, DW and DD directives (and no assembly symbolic instructions)
but i think the call forwarders are ugly, and also technically unnecessary! if i could just make the assembler Do What I Want
@Cheersandhth.-Alf If you just want an example of how truly horrible such a thing is, why not just disassemble a short app that has been built 'normally'? Some disassemblers you can instruct to output only DB etc - no instruction mnemonics.
@Abyx .code isn't level anything, as i see it. for DOS you had to struggle with segment directives and all that. in flat model it doesn't make sense to do that, so it's not that those directives are "lower level", they're just inappropriate and mostly meaningless except for very special purposes