@LucDanton oh, for relative_ptr<std::unique_ptr<T*>>::pointer, it will compare the T* values, instead of whatever they point at. Is that what you mean?
@MooingDuck This doesn't really bind the literal to the reference. It creates a temporary, initializes it with the literal, and binds the reference to that. That's why it works with an int const &, but not an int & (can't bind a non-const ref to a temporary).
@MohamedAhmedNabil it's.... a not installing Ubuntu on it's own partition, nor is it a virtual OS. It's some sort of 3rd option I've never heard of. It's installing Ubuntu in the Windows filesystem somehow.
my understanding of wubi is that it installs ubuntu in the windows partition, and adds it to the boot loader so you can boot into it. Its basically running ubuntu without partitioning if I understand correctly.
@MooingDuck lol sorry xD Im not trying to lol. I have used wubi before though, and if it works for your machine you can use it, but IMO its not a good equivilent for a dual boot because of the space limits.
@LucDanton I don't know why you're focusing on comparing pointers. My code is not intended to be used to compare pointers, and the OP never made mention of comparing pointers.
@ITNinja All my important documents are on my hard drive anyway, Anything else I would risk loosing with ease. I wont be sad if I accidentaly lose my Windows :D
If you don't feel that the implementation are important, then why did you write them? Just leave the operators declared but not defined and let the OP figure it out.
If you expect to write an answer and not get commented on it I don't know what to say.
@LucDanton It's UB to compare pointers, and that applies to the OP using my code to compare pointers. I don't see why I should make my code uglier or slower to handle the case where the OP is doing UB. Do you know a simple way to implement the comparison to not compile for the UB cases?
So when you put on your generic programmer hat, < means 'comparison for numerical-like types or random-access iterators', std::less means 'comparison'.
"For templates greater, less, greater_equal, and less_equal, the specializations for any pointer type yield a total order, even if the built-in operators <, >, <=, >= do not." WHOA
Why would he be popular? 2 minutes in and he's showing bias towards Mac and using hyperboles without any evidence to bash Windows and you're using it as a way to demonstrate that Windows is bug infested.
I have to agree with Rapptz, iTunes sucks as a player for media. I only like the iTunesU part of it (and even then I only download the videos through iTunes, I watch them in something else)
@MohamedAhmedNabil I remember now. I was saying that a first year teacher usually finds out that knowing the course content just isn't enough to be a teacher, they have to be an entertainer too.
I think the biggest problem with first year classes is getting the students to interact, most of them are scared of sounding stupid, and won't ask questions etc
@Aesthete A lot of my classes when I used to go to classes always had the professor asking stuff such as "What is the answer to this", either explicitly or implicitly but very few people participated.
@Rapptz I was thinking about getting vista but I hated it for obvious reasons so I didnt get it, I usually upgrade my Windows when my computer crashes and so far It has been going 4 years without crashing and also because of my laziness and fear that Windows7 might be like vista
Yeah, but on the other hand I can't blame people for getting fed up when people outright post their homework hoping we'll do it for them with no effort on their part (for example, 20 min ago some guy posted his java assignment 3 times in a row)
> Back in 1995, when RAM cost $30 to $50 a megabyte and Windows 95 apps were demanding more and more of it, the idea of "doubling" your system memory by installing a $30 piece of software sounded mighty tempting. The 700,000 users who bought Syncronys's SoftRAM products certainly thought so. Unfortunately, that's not what they got.