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So, a few cellists were invited to play for the queen of Belgium. They decided to play "Nothing else matters" by Metallica. Her reaction is really stupid: "what a wonderful gift you gave to me today" (while she probably doesn't know this song at all). (Click the first video in this article if you want to see it.)
1 hour later…
@Morwenn This is one of those 90s tracks again...
Forgive me, it's a Friday night...
Just wanted to post this. And now I'll sleep...
2 hours later…
The art of speaking is telling all the truth and get someone to do something. At the end the person knowing you are telling the truth and yet the thing is not exactly what (s)he though. Like yesterday, I put out an ad for selling large sweet potatoes. The person came this morning and picked up those sweet potatoes, then said 'they are larger than I thought'. I did emphasize those were large sweet potatoes. But a picture were taken with those sweet potatoes next to my SUV.
Those were some of the ones sold this morning, produced on our farmlet. Not a lot of money, but I am glad they were sold to someone who (claimed to) eat them for breakfast every morning.
6000+ emails in 6 months, yet less than 1% has any value. I need a better spam filter.
3 hours later…
Damn, that squirrel mail UI gives me nostalgia. I remember the university had that ad the web frontend
2 hours later…
@PeterT The beauty of having to maintain own mail servers.
Currently I am maintaining 2 mail servers, 2 websites, 9 apps (3-4 not working because the need for updates), 0.2 farm, 2.1 rental properties (including repairing), 0.95 artificial intelligence in robotics group (1000+ members now, many inactive, 2 co-organisers but I am doing mpst work).
Not mentioning all the paper works for the 1.1 companies.
Decimal points because I only need to do part of the work.
I am behind so many things that I need to do, I have resumed regular jogging so I can concentrate more. I have been slacking more than I would like to.
1 hour later…
8 hours later…
Oh, fuck. Mods in the user list, hide the memes

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