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@StackedCrooked are people with high rep by that definition smartasses?
Unless it's me.
How smart is list comprehension usually? Implementation-wise?
> This account is temporarily suspended for promotional content. The suspension period ends in 7 days.
heheh :)
^^ I didn't know they even had that suspension reason.
well, they probably just added it
@TonyTheLion Hmm...I guess based on my usual posts here, it would be pointless for me to even attempt to deny being a smartass, so I won't try.
@Mysticial Well, well.
@LucDanton Smarter than most people.
@Fanael I don't program people so that is of little help I'm afraid.
@Mysticial Where is this?
@JerryCoffin I think being a smartass isn't necessarily a bad thing. There's way too many dumb people out there, so being smart is good. We need some smart people.
@TonyTheLion We don't need asses.
Well, we do.
@Chimera The same guy that lead to @sbi's meta post.
But only a particular kind of asses.
@R.MartinhoFernandes female ones :)
@Mysticial Yep got it....
Wow that was swift
When users exhibit a pattern of either …

No effort to learn and improve over time
This user does not put reasonable effort into the questions they ask of the community.
I think someone is fed up having to argue about it.
@LucDanton But, seriously, uh... what do you mean?
They can suspend you for that?
@TonyTheLion Being a smartass is usually more about being clever than truly smart (though I like to think I'm fairly intelligent as well).
The user never gives anything back to the community, but only takes.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Donkeys for @DeadMG.
@Fanael Just that. Are there e.g. corner cases or is it a straight-forward algorithm to follow?
@LucDanton If you mean in Haskell, it's just sugar for do notation, which in turn is just sugar for repeated application of >>= and >>.
@LucDanton It's a concatMap. Hardly a hard thing to program.
@LucDanton The translation is straightforward, yes.
@Drise Actually, this guy did give non-promotional answers, too.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I figure I'm a cartesian product away from implementation then.
@Drise Now that is a lie.
@Fanael Let's see you do it then!
@LucDanton foldr ((++) . f) [] What have I won?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Does this happen entirely in the list monad?
I just find it interesting what they can suspend you for
@Fanael That's not list comprehension. Also you're missing the zero element.
Ira Baxter should be put in the penalty box as well
people with medium rep are awesome
Woah, Skype is fucking slow to load
[f x | x <- g y, x' <- g' y'] translates to do { x <- g y; x' <- g' y'; return (f x) }
@sbi In fairness, Ira did too -- but the majority were pretty blatant self-promotion, and a fair number of those in reply to questions where it only barely applied. I haven't looked through all of his posts, but this case looks fairly similar.
@Ell Where medium: >= 500k && < 2k.
@LucDanton That's concatMap.
@TonyTheLion What did you expect? It's Skype.
I expect speed
@Fanael >= 500K && <2K? That seems to exclude everything.
@JerryCoffin I know.
@TonyTheLion Speed and Skype are two disjoint objects.
Skype is horrible piece of ad-loaded shit.
Even on my SSD it takes 5 minutes to load.
If you can, don't use it.
Use Mumble or whatever instead.
that is one big heap of cuteness :)
@CatPlusPlus Google chat!
@JerryCoffin I hadn't said Ira didn't. From what I saw at a quick glance, this guy seems to have less than Ira's 60% of promotional answers, though. But it was really only a very quick glance.
@sbi 6 out of 20 is...
@CatPlusPlus How fitting a remark right under that pic...
@Drise it was awesome before Microsoft bought them :(
@CatPlusPlus Mumble doesn't allow you to add an actual phone number people can call from a normal phone
@MooingDuck It surely wasn't.
Skype is not worth using just for VoIP.
@LucDanton And if IIRC [f x | x <- g y, x' <- g' y', p x] translates to do { x <- g y; x' <- g' y'; guard (p x); return (f x) }
I just searched my own answers. 4 of my 914 answers have the name of my pi program in it.
Ya! spam flag whoring
self promotion
@Mysticial Gonna flag.
@Mysticial You don't make money out of it, do you?
@Mysticial But do you profit?
flaggers gonna flag
Generalised list comps are wonderful.
I've linked to my code and my blog before.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Makes sense. I'm thinking that generators could prove expressive compared to iterators for this one.
@R.MartinhoFernandes not directly
@Drise @R.MartinhoFernandes, lol of course not...
fap fap fap
@TonyTheLion Step 1: Fap. Step 2: Fap. Step 3: Profit.
@Drise lol
@TonyTheLion Should look into donating!
@CatPlusPlus Ya and considering the number of languages that support it I don't understand why I don't see much discussion of it in the C++ community.
euh no
Don't need a second me running around somewhere
I think the world has enough with 1
@CatPlusPlus Oh sorry I don't know those ones. Will look into.
can you imagine 2 of me in this room?
@LucDanton Language feature closely tied to standard library? Imagine the uproar of control freaks.
@Mysticial So in round numbers, 0.5% where logicnp seems to be around 40% and Ira was around 60%.
We had some twitching madly about 11 features, even.
Don't give people any ideas.
Remember what happened with the puppy(ies)?
@animuson Beautiful. It's so... artistic. Can I pay you lots of money and put it in a museum? — Drise 22 mins ago
@CatPlusPlus Well why not a Boost.ListComp in terms of Proto + Range? It could be a superior alternative to Assign, which I never use.
Did no one find this funny?
@Drise not really :( sorry.
@JerryCoffin Hmm, at least 5 actually. There's been at least one instance where I (indirectly) referred to it - without a name or a link.
@CatPlusPlus Actually, replacing std::initializer_list would be neat. That thing has too many annoyances.
I don't expect anything of C++ any more, really. I'm happy with other languages.
But yeah, it's still less than 1% of my posts.
@CatPlusPlus Let me guess. Ruby.
@LucDanton The annoying thing is that you still don't have concise general-purpose generators.
How about Java PHP?
Ruby's open classes are instant disqualification.
@Drise Haskell
He's trying to troll, but he's not very good at it.
@MooingDuck No... I don't believe you. Why would Cat ever want to use Haskell?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Would a make_generator that turns a functor into a range help here? I'm not sure I understand.
Or is this about yield & friends again?
@CatPlusPlus oops
Yes, it's yield.
@CatPlusPlus Not troll per se, but just funny in general
Ugh, "persay".
Ah I see. Yes, a real shame. Maybe I should wait Boost.Coro or whatever will come after Context if I need those.
@TonyTheLion LOL, so cute.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Is e.g. [ f x y | (x, y) <- zip foo bar, pred x y ] the natural way to deal with ranges that are not interleaved?
I don't even
@StackedCrooked What is considered high and low rep?
22 mins ago, by Mooing Duck
@StackedCrooked with "high rep" and "low rep" defined as "more than me" and "less than me"?
@LucDanton Yes. (Btw, we've had this conversation before.) There's also a GHC extension for parallel comprehensions: haskell.org/ghc/docs/latest/html/users_guide/…
I dunno, I was just joking.
Good news, everyone. I can already zip ranges.
Cowboy ranges?
@MooingDuck ha, lol
@R.MartinhoFernandes If by conversation you mean how you pointed out my mistake and how that made me completely fed up with the attempt, then yes I do have some hazy memories of that. More seriously though I want to double-check my understanding of Haskell.
Even if I suspected the attempt was fine I had no idea if it was idiomatic.
I follow this every day, and always end up on the "no" branch:
How much of a liability is a dependency on Boost.Proto?
Is anybody here a trained assassin?
euh, I'm guessing not
@Xeo What do you want?
@Xeo Absolutely not -- and none of my victims can say otherwise either!
@Xeo What's the job?
I can kill flies and mosquitoes.
@TonyTheLion > \o/ Have sex
"\o/ Have sex" you mean.
@TonyTheLion Wrong time of year -- snowboarder season doesn't start 'til December or so (but it's still tourist season!)
GW2 is better.
@TonyTheLion hunt a snowboarder :)
@JerryCoffin Another perspective: wrong hemisphere!
@Drise: four year old. 2012 - 2008 = 4. — Fanael 28 secs ago
@JerryCoffin What is this minecraft?
@JerryCoffin you can hunt a tourist too, if you so wish
@LucDanton pft, everyone of interest lives in the northern hemisphere
@CatPlusPlus I'm considering it more and more tbh. I figure Borderlands 2 can wait until the GOTYOAY edition for 3 kopeks.
@Fanael Oh gawd so much fail.
I just bought it.
@Fanael A dead brother. /cc @Mysticial
@LucDanton Why would I bother with another hemisphere when there are so many so close to home every winter? Beside, I don't care that much if they ruin somebody else's powder...
218k files waah.
@JerryCoffin You post on patents is nice. IIRC you appreciate if people point out typos, so I'll point out two more: "valuable today is ever, although there are alternatives that could be used of RSA were not available." should be "(...) as ever (...) if RSA (...)" I think.
@Drise I dunno. My experience with Minecraft extends about as far as starting it up, finding it stupidly slow, and tossing it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Sounds right. I'll take a look. Thanks.
This time, my lovely little brother blamed his stealing on me.
@JerryCoffin The bow and arrow 17th century weaponry is very minecraft esque
@Xeo Robots don't harm humans. I swear.
note to self: stay out of meta
@Drise 17th century weaponry is very old.
@Xeo Okay, I'll see what I can do.
@Drise Hmm...in this century, it's "Bow season starts before rifle season."
@R.MartinhoFernandes Is it 2 or 4 centuries old?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Games with cube graphics are too.
@LordAro I realized that 3 years ago
@Drise Four, give or take (17th century would be the 1600's).
@JerryCoffin Ok, just making sure.
I like minecraft
@Drise Long bows have been around quite a while longer than that though -- mid 13th century if I'm not mistaken (which was a large part of what led to people suddenly building tall castles about that time -- a long bow could penetrate armor thicker than most people could carry and still fight).
@JerryCoffin I was about to say, castles can penetrate armor?
@LordAro Play Tekkit with us: neos.servegame.com
My boss at work thinks of me as a novice, because I broke the build too many times. :( He gave me "Effective C++" (1993), which mentions near the end that soon C++ will have neat features like templates and exceptions.
I don't know if I should bother reading it or not
@MooingDuck I feel sorry for you.
@Drise I'm pretty sure if you dropped a castle, spire first, on somebody, it would probably do some serious damage.
@Drise Yes, they can.
I thought Tekkit was fun but we ended up building too many solar panel arrays and the resulting post-scarcity economy wasn't fun anymore.
ooh, thanks for offer :)
unfortunately, restrictions stop me from doing it currently :(
@MooingDuck :(
you no novice
@MooingDuck Oh. lol? :(?
At least we had fun zapping cows for a while.
@JerryCoffin hot fuzz comes to mind
I need a group to play Minecraft MP.
@R.MartinhoFernandes neos.servegame.com.
@LordAro Hmm...you lost me with that one.
I don't have Minecraft
@LucDanton one of my friends rigged a nuclear bomb under his friends base, wired to an unlabeled button in front of the base.
Get it, play it.
@Fanael Not really.
Also can't wait for Cube World.
@MooingDuck Wait, this is not my father's Minecraft.
@Drise about to post that, thanks :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes never did figure out how to build a flying airship though.
@LordAro You have gained favor with me by mentioning Hot Fuzz. Sorry if I was a tad harsh last week.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I played Minecraft in three waves. Two vanilla waves, and a Tekkit wave to see what all the fuss is about. It changes the game a lot.
@MooingDuck It's not available for SMP, it's in the Technic pack only.
@Drise The fuck.
@R.MartinhoFernandes are runic account management servers down for you too?
@MooingDuck As a server administrator, I hated things like aircrafts. So much lag.
@CatPlusPlus Movie.
@Drise np, the internet is funny like that :)
No, really? I'd never guess.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I have minecraft :D
GW2 downloading only 1MB/s waah.
@Ell Dunno. We didn't buy T2 after all. We'll wait for the Holiday sale.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Ahh okay :)
@CatPlusPlus that's impressive for me :L
@CatPlusPlus I have i48.tinypic.com/15dw7s6.gif for you.
The one true Hot Fuzz gif is the one with the Andrews and their menacing faces. Druid version is optional.
Jog on, mate.
No hotlinking I guess.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Just looked at how list comp desugars. I didn't consider nested comprehensions.
@Drise What about John and Jon Skeet?
@Chimera No. Just saying Jon skeet has given up countless hours of his time
@Drise oh yes...
And doesn't need to post things about any sort of 3rd party stuff he writes
My fingers are on autopilot today...
@Drise Looks more like he is spooking his grandma.
1.4MB/s. Faaaaster.
This is... weird. // @sbi may find it interesting/boring/stupid/fake
I don't think it's even possible to have clean code in ANSI C... I'd say C99 is the minimum since you at least get // comments and interleaved code/declarations. — Mysticial 7 secs ago
relax, dont do it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Poor kidnapped puppy :(

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