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So I guess now we go and remove the homework tag from questions?
No you go make train analogies in all the homework questions :P
@Chimera If you feel that is your vocation
@Chimera You need to clean up every question that you remove the tag from.
@Borgleader Car analogies > train analogies
@Mysticial Yes, I understand that if the question needs to be edited, I should do that as well.
How did we get back to this analogy topic?
Is there an "I like cars" meme?
@Walter I worked at Ubisoft Montreal. They exclusively use C++.
My current employer uses C++ for its game engine and C# for its tools.
@EtiennedeMartel what do they deal in?
@EtiennedeMartel God, I would love to work for a game company writing tools.
@Walter Ubisoft Montreal is one of the largest game development studios in the world.
Not sure I'd have the knowledge, but it would be cool.
I also did an internship at one point for a company that makes flight simulator software. C++ as well.
I just want to cut & past this nice image (i.sstatic.net/pdleH.jpg) how?
Both summers that I interned at MS. It was all C++.
So, your brother is full of shit.
@Walter Right mouse, 'copy image', open paint program, paste
@EtiennedeMartel he just went to the loo, so should be okay now
paint program?
35 mins ago, by Cheers and hth. - Alf
shitting is also popular. everybody does it. must be fun/good/quality
@Walter Photoshop is in C++.
@Walter You said "I just want to cut & past this nice image"
@sehe don't understand which paint program i have to open
do I upload?
Aug 24 at 16:04, by sehe
@Drise tuxpaint :) or rgbpaint or krita or kolourpaint4 or mtpaint or mypaint or gimp or pencil or openoffice.org-draw or dia or karbon or . If you are more archaicly oriented use xfig, dot (graphviz)
So since I can't vote to close a question, should I be removing the homework tag of questions that aren't real questions?
Most people are full of shit right before they have a bowel movement.
@sehe Meh, gimp.
Can't even find the line tool.
@Chimera Edit, remove the tag. And flag for closure if needed.
I don't know. Do you?
(I get the feeling you don't actually want to cut and paste a picture. You would probably want to post it inline in chat?)
The firmware on the F-35? C++, IIRC.
@Drise Sucks to be you, then
@Walter where do you want to paste it?
I've honestly spent a good 3 hours looking for the line tool, and couldn't find it.
@Mysticial I can't flag questions... only 1.7K rep
as Chimera did
@Chimera Of course you can flag.
@Chimera You can flag. You just can't close.
@Walter click the upload button next to the send
@Chimera Only bother editing to remove the tag if you can improve it.
@Mysticial hmmm ok
@Walter Or just paste the link and only the link
@Walter just paste a message with the image url and nothing else
If it can't be improved, leave it for closure.
@Chimera thanks. that's what I thought (but too late)
@Drise, @MooingDuck thanks ...
I'm glad I cannot yet vote for closure ...
@Drise I honestly stand by my last statement. Also, other programs are more geared to line drawing
I have the annoying blue flag thingy on my avatar, but it says there are no flags.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Me too. Last 5 minutes at least
So I wonder how many people are going to make it a mission to burn the homework tag.
> This message was flagged as spam/offensive by 2 users:
interesting http://www.ratemypoo.eu/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/LILLIES-POO.jpg
posted by Jordan Richards – JavaScript
fine for me
oh good lord
@Mysticial Yeah I saw that one. But since then, still 2 phantom flags
now it's gone
looks like java script
First time I use the bin feature. Oh yeah.
was already in the bin
(loo to be more precise)
@EtiennedeMartel damn, you beat me by about 1 click...
Beat you to what?
@Mysticial I waffled on that one, but flagged it as invalid, with the decision maker being that it was a link and not a onebox, and the URL clearly communicated what the target would probably be.
@Mystical is _mm_prefetch() really useful?
@Walter Rarely. But it can be useful:
@Walter FTR, it's Mystic-i-al.
Q: Prefetching Examples?

Shaun HarkerCan anyone give an example or a link to an example which uses __builtin_prefetch in GCC (or just the asm instruction prefetcht0 in general) to gain a substantial performance advantage? In particular, I'd like the example to meet the following criteria: It is a simple, small, self-contained exam...

@R.MartinhoFernandes wow, how did you spot that typo?
@Walter I'm a robot.
@Walter It's a recurring topic.
@Mysticial You need a FAQ for this. hehe
I thought it was Mystical for a while
There's been regulars here who have gone for months without noticing it.
@Mysticial I can imagine. Never bothered withit. Do think I should try (do some SSE coding)
so what's the point (about that 'i')?
→ 3 messages moved to bin
@Mysticial what do you think about the haswell architecture?
@DeadCicada Haha, nice try.
@Walter Don't bother with prefetching. It only works in very niche cases (like the one linked to). But playing with SSE is fine.
@DeadCicada lol
i'm not playing withit .. this is serious matter.
Tell me you wondered whether that message was real for a while, TELL ME YOU DID
@Mysticial I was here months before I noticed. I still can't remember how to spell it right
@Mysticial Did you mean moths
@MooingDuck Pronounce it as "Mys-ti-shall". And it'll be easier to spell. :)
@DeadCicada I did. Happy?
@DeadCicada ?
Also, you look ugly now.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Yes! screech screech
@DeadCicada I didn't, your name is not italicized, so it's obvious you don't have sufficient rights.
@Mysticial Oh, you don't know that private joke :( It's a famous typo by @sbi
@DeadCicada Linky?
@EtiennedeMartel Que de perspicacité, j'en suis toute confuse !
I'm in a different timezone from most of the regulars, so I miss a lot of things.
@DeadCicada We're all very observing
@DeadCicada Eh.
Well, except for the pirate. And the ape when he's tired
hey, I'm lost
I don't remember that. I'm usually on at that time of the day.
Oh wait... I was actually on vacation that day.
So there's no way I could've seen it.
Poor thing was on vacation and missed the birth of a Lounge meme?
@Mysticial well... the loyals read their backlogs even on vacation :)
is there an easy way to install boost to use with VS 2012?
Oh gawd, not another Scientology ad.
Why can't I see what messages got sent to the bin?
@DeadCicada I rather think I won't click that at work
@Chimera did you go to the bin?
@MooingDuck yes
@Chimera were they binned by Cicada?
@MooingDuck Cute Kittens Fly in Slow Motion to Hip Hop Dubstep.
@DeadCicada I don't think I'll take your word on that.
@MooingDuck Omg, I actually succeeded.
@MooingDuck I can attest to that.
@MooingDuck yes
@Chimera the same Cicada who is not a room owner and can't bin messages?
@Chimera She can't bin anything. She just forged a similarly looking message.
@MooingDuck This mystery is getting interesting!
10 mins ago, by DeadCicada
Tell me you wondered whether that message was real for a while, TELL ME YOU DID
Cicada is a fraud!
@R.MartinhoFernandes is she still a fraud if we all know she's a fraud?
I'ma eat a yoghurt okay.
Permission granted
enough is enough. bye.
@DeadCicada It isn't obvious whether your gravatar is actually a cicada, or just a large cockroach...
@Walter de yaourt avec une œuf?
It's a cicada. Cockroaches don't have transparent wings like that on the back.
must be an angel then
@DeadCicada Why should we believe you?
@sehe This sentence is so malformed it's actually hilarious XD
good afternoon everyone :)
@DeadCicada is the name/image change a reference to yesterdays events?
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'm not forcing you. Just basic insect knowledge there.
@sehe got the "ping" even though I was out of the room --- how does that work
@DeadCicada It's not a sentence. And you laugh about my French while I cry about your Dutch :)
@Walter Magic. To annoy you :)
@sehe I'm not mocking you - that phrase genuinely made me smile
@DeadCicada That was the intent
@Walter You can get pings for some period after you leave chat.
@sehe lol
@MooingDuck It's a reaction to this
@R.MartinhoFernandes I'd say you need to actually still be on chat.so
@R.MartinhoFernandes good to know ... have to switch the sound off
Q: Why is a 32 bit cpu called a 32 bit cpu

MauriceIn fact the question could read why is an n-Bit cpu called an n-bit cpu. I've searched a bit on the matter and most pages sums it up as: Its called a 32 bit cpu because it can address up to a maximum of 2^32 bytes of memory. Whilst that may be true, it doesn't actually answer the question...

@sehe Oh, I meant pings on the SuperColliderMultiDropdown thingy.
@Mysticial W.
@Mysticial because calling it a cadillac would be too culturally bound
Do they even make CPU that don't support 64bit OS anymore?
Hey if I want to create a AI, any chance anyone would know where to begin. I want a response AI that in the future (like years) I can give enough training to, so it will be able to research and process data from the internet to answer user submitted questions. In theory this is possible but of course will take time. In theory have it trained to search the internet, choose reputable sources, and tabulate a user friendly answer or solution.
Why is a red apple called a red apple? Because it's red?
@R.MartinhoFernandes They don't make sounds. Also, I believe you can get notifications indefinitely
No, silly
Because it's an apple!
@Justin college
^ this
@MooingDuck That's not helpful, but thanks anyway.
@Justin LISP, statistical learning, etc. Plenty of docs available.
@Borgleader "64bit OS"? "anymore"?
@Justin it is so much harder than it sounds.
@DeadCicada Thank you!
If suggesting a college isn't helpful. How about a university?
Well Windows comes in two flavors, and you can use both on the same machine. My question is, do they even make CPUs on which the 64bit version would not run
@Borgleader sure, there's hundreds of modern CPUs which don't run any version of windows
@Borgleader I don't think Windows 8 comes in 32 bit versions
@Borgleader Yes. 32bit CPUs. ARM CPUs. Etc.
@MooingDuck I know, but it's possible. Theirs a vast amount of information out there. It would just take lots and lots of time, frustation, and failure, but it will work
@Borgleader For instance: every single phone/gameboy/pad/whatever
@MooingDuck Precisely
I meant PC, but fair point
@Borgleader As for modern processors that run 32bit windows but not 64 bit, I don't think there is any.
@DeadCicada Doesn't Win8 run on ARM?
@R.MartinhoFernandes yes
@R.MartinhoFernandes > do they even make CPUs on which the 64bit version would not run
@sehe There's lots of news sites that say it doesn't support 32 bit. However, Microsoft seems to be providing 32 bit versions.
@sehe verrrry
@sehe It does, I have it installed at home
yeah I just found that out
Don't know about Windows RT though, that might be 64-bit only
Isn't Windows RT the ARM only version?
how often do you guys change their avatar/handle?
@Walter If you were here yesterday, the answer would've been - every 5 minutes
@Walter Not frequently.
That causes confusion.
that's what I thought
but better than real life...
so that's it. my brother has finished his visit to the loo and we can discuss more interesting things than C++ -- even they even exist.
so who thinks we'll go ever go above 128 bit pointer addresses and why?
@MooingDuck Maybe not in my lifetime. But I can see it happening.
@Mysticial I can't. That's just absurdly huge. Only if we as a species cover the milky way like we did europe and have all the computers use a single flat memory space.
@Mysticial Can you imagine the waste of memory?
@MooingDuck for security. preventing predictable addresses (randomize base addresses)
@MooingDuck I misread "above" as "up to".
No I don't think we're going above 128-bit addressing.
@Mysticial yeah, I can see needing more than 64 bit. but not more than 128.
@sehe "If each byte of memory took a single atom of space, the harddrive would be 170996164 times more massive than our solar system."
I'd like to see variable sized-bit addressing.
o.O dafuq
@Chimera why?
@Chimera don't want to waste those extra bits for pointers?
@MooingDuck So you can have a very large flat memory space, but not need to specify the full size pointer if not needed... saves memory?
@MooingDuck Huh? How does a harddrive suddenly come into the picture?
@Chimera makes sense I guess. We did that before. segments or something?
@MooingDuck yeah and worse
@MooingDuck Yeah, it was that shit that turned me off to x86 assembler.
@sehe a harddrive big enough to need more than 128 bits for addressing would be huge. Even if it didn't support the full addressing, that is a lot of potential addresses.
@Chimera and you want to use the far keyword in C++ for something? :D
@MooingDuck By the time we have 128 bit addressing, I bet hard-drives won't be platters of spinning magnetic media.
@MooingDuck C++ doesn't have a far keyword.
2^128 ~ 10^38 - I guess there's still more than a 38 magnitude difference between the side of the observable universe and Plancks constant.
@DeadMG thought it did for legacy reasons. Doublechecking...
@Chimera But it is a valid point. 170996164 times more massive than the goddamn solar system?
you'd need more than a little reduction to make that happen
@MooingDuck Implementation-specific detail
@Mysticial size of the observable universe contains ~10^60ish atoms, I checked.
Forget about measuring your mom's weight in solar masses... how about galactic masses?
@DeadMG I stand corrected, I thought it was an official keyword.
Reminds me of PA.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I donated $50. It better happen. :-)
@Chimera if each atom stored 27 bits of information (in spin or something) then it would be the same mass as the universe. And that's still at 128 bit.
@MooingDuck Yeah, it would be a problem.
Guess we will have to start using magnetic sub-atomic particles...
@MooingDuck wait... that doesn't add up.
I figure we already have gone past 128 bit processors, I was just wondering, why? Obviously not for memory reasons.
FAR was never a keyword, more a typedef I think
If there are 10^60 some atoms in the universe
I know its not the right room, but anyone know anything about htaccess?
anyone who can help me in it?
2^128 ~ 10^38. You do not need all 10^60 atoms to store 2^128 bytes of info.
@Mysticial only 10^30 in the solar system
The Solar System is composed of Sol, Jupiter, and assorted rubble.
Sep 9 at 11:45, by daknøk
If you are new here, please read the newbie hints right away, and only post here afterwards. Thank you.
@user1079641 no, this is the C++ room. We have no idea about Apache .htaccess
@Mysticial whoops, I did say universe, didn't I? My bad. I meant solar system
or any other version of it
wakeup. Btrfs and ZFS already have 128 bit adressing. (Maybe the latest incarnation of xfs too, IIRC)
Besides, I never suggested memory or storage that large. I suggesed 128bit addressing might be used for security reasons
@sehe Yes, it could be. If you had a harddrive that fit in a very large building, you could use at most like a billionth of a billionth of the possible addresses with 128 bit. Why would we need more than 128 bits?
@R.MartinhoFernandes 65 bit would do for a while :)
@sehe But why would you need more than 128?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Did he say 'more than'? Well, I dunno.
16 mins ago, by Mooing Duck
so who thinks we'll go ever go above 128 bit pointer addresses and why?
For more address space randomization :)
640 bits should be enough for everyone.
@sehe more randomization? 99.99999% of the addresses won't be used :D
@sehe yeah, I'm not silly enough to claim we won't exhaust 64 bit
There are currently no mainstream general-purpose processors built to operate on 128-bit integers or addresses, though a number of processors do operate on 128-bit data. The IBM System/370 could be considered the first rudimentary 128-bit computer as it used 128-bit floating point registers. Most modern CPUs feature SIMD instruction sets (SSE, AltiVec etc.) where 128-bit vector registers are used to store several smaller numbers, such as four 32-bit floating-point numbers, and a single instruction can operate on all these values in parallel. However, these processors do not operate on ind...
Good afternoon, folks.
now 128 bit or greater registers would be fun
@Chimera What about 129 bit?
@MooingDuck You won't. We robots will handle that.
@JonathanSeng Nah, I'm sticking with powers of 2. :-)
@Chimera Where's the fun in that?
@JonathanSeng Silly me.
@Chimera Fun: It's what's for dinner.
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Fun: It's what's for dinner. [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq]
Congratulations, you just made the topic :)
Wish I could do that myself ;-)
I guess that makes Java desert?
wikipedia says we have 2^70 bytes of data thus far. So if we put the entire current internet in a flat addressing scheme with 128 bit pointers, 99.999999999999999654% of the addresses would be unused.
btw, robot
I decided to re-order my tutorial order
still leaves plenty of room for randomization
@DeadMG What are you changing?
@R.MartinhoFernandes Going to put the resources stuff after the Standard stuff.
Ah, good. I support that :)
@MooingDuck We'll have to find all-new ways to waste even more memory :P
@JonathanSeng desert?
@NikiC as mentioned earlier, mass becomes a problem. And cooling I assume.
@sehe Silly me. dessert. missed the double s.
@NikiC Ultra high definition 5S porn?
Yesterday, they were hunting the lowest voted questions.
I'd be more curious what were the lowest rated questions people in the room had an accepted answer from ;-)
@JonathanSeng good luck: data.stackexchange.com
@sehe Its more the story factor than the data
@JonathanSeng Oh too bad. Here was a start to get the user id's of users currently on the 'Frequently in this room' page (owners + active users):
curl 2>/dev/null 'http://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/info/10/loungec?id=10&tab=general&users=frequent' | perl -ne 'print "$1\n" if m#users/(\d+)#io' | sort -nu
@MooingDuck I pushed a fix to the text of the rule of zero. Should be updated soon.
@CatPlusPlus Thinking about cancelling the BB subscription for that team account.
> Yo momma’s so fat, we are all extremely concerned for her health.
@DeadMG Sounds like a smart plan.
Ok, lunch time. Later.
Well, I don't think there's a point in keeping it.
They don't remove repos, so we can always buy it again.
hello all :D
@R.MartinhoFernandes You decided that RAII is a meaningless name (to your audience) now ? :)
@MohamedAhmedNabil ohai
@DeadMG So the game was a bust?
@Drise Yep.
@DeadMG Lawl
It was a silent death.
Ignore until declared death.
what was it called/
@MooingDuck Kyrostat
@DeadMG Alright.
If Dom ever comes here again, maybe we'll reopen it.
@EtiennedeMartel He's not just gone from here.
@DeadMG He's gone, period?
he let his own domain lapse (and the e-mail he provided went with it) and kyrostat.com too
Well, cancel the subscription, then.
@DeadMG wut? who the hell registers domain names for < 1 year?
Or you mean, just the hosting
@sehe Nope, the name. AFAIK kyrostat.com is just gone, but his doublebuffer.org points to one of those placeholder sites.
@MooingDuck Your istream modification can read " strings ", and not just 'c' chars, right?
@DeadMG That's amazing. You'd think he's on the run for the police and some Mexican mafia gang?
A quick yes or no.

Char arrays can be assigned to std::strings by using the address of the first element? Same as when streaming them to cout? Am i right?
@sehe Or got hit by a truck.
@MohamedAhmedNabil "Yes or no"
@MohamedAhmedNabil I'll call your "yes or no" and raise you a gtfo.
@sehe come on sehe :/
@Drise string literals yes
@MooingDuck yay! Btw, I'm using it more :D
@MohamedAhmedNabil std::string can be constructed from const char*, yes.
@MooingDuck thx
@MooingDuck it's an overloaded constructor, iirc
Jun 15 at 18:03, by Mooing Duck
@DeadMG I assume within a week attention will fall and you can shuffle people in and out as interest levels change.
@MohamedAhmedNabil You have a special talent for introducing questions in the most artifical way. You don't want a quick yes or no. You'd like someone to think about it, but you're not sure we want to. By slating it 'quick yes or no' you make sure of the fact that we all know we won't spend time on it... Self fulfilling something
Oh, you guys are talking to the plonked person.
@MohamedAhmedNabil Yes, there is an implicit 1-arg constructor (that acts as a conversion constructor, that way) for that
@Drise I don't plonk him. He's trying to be constructive. I think.
@MooingDuck I know this would seem somewhat useless, but could it take std::strings? Where could that be useful?
@sehe Well, after the 10th or 11th time asking about int(), I got tired of it.
@sehe I have found those questions common from people learning. They think its a simple yes or no, when there's actually a wealth of knowledge they can begiven to explain why, in fact, it isn't exactly yes or no.
@Drise I understand. I just gave my view

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