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@FĂ©lixAdriyelGagnon-Grenier Yep, or rather my school had one, and used it at my parents work. As 5 year old 3.11 was unusable but I could navigate through OS 7.
4 hours later…
Anybody working on anything cool? I found myself forced to write TCL ;-(
fuck the Zuse-Institut Berlin
I fukin tried to recreate the ps5 ui using sfml and yeah you might guess how it ended
can't spell sfml without fml
1 hour later…
@Agent_A That sounds like a pretty masochistic endeavor, so I'd have to guess you were pleased with the amount of pain you caused yourself.
yeah indeed,trying to recreate it with QT now
@Agent_A So your masochism is apparently a chronic problem. Interesting.
6 hours later…
@Agent_A you do realize that UI is made of purely 2D elements overlaid on a 3D shader driven background. It's designed for implementation via a 3d rendering framework.. not your standard UI toolkit
more to the point it's designed like a game and for gaming inputs (in this case controllers) so it's really not designed for a window message system.
2 hours later…
@KondwaniHara no recv is always blocking by default, that's the requirement of the berkley sockets standard. WSARecv is non-blocking by default. It's not a question of setting recv to blocking. It's a question of setting it to non-blocking. — Mgetz 1 min ago

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