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So I got the comment -"Segmentation fault This is a memory fault and sometimes a hard disk error." I'm guessing this person doesn't make their own breakfast. Well at least I got the standard fare on askubuntu.
3 hours later…
8 hours later…
What is wrong with my email server? I have received an email on the 5th September for a deadline back on the 21st August of this year (original words: If the draft application is not completed and submitted by 21/08/2021 it will automatically delete from the system ).
Then Apple sent me exact same emails 3 times - one on Saturday, one on Sunday, one yesterday.
You would think with all the $ Apple has, they would be able to have a reliable email system - last time they sent me someone else email ...
const thing = new Thing();
thing.foo = "bar"; //const: Am I a joke to you?
Gotta love JavaScript.
4 hours later…
@nwp IIRC there was a huuuuuge debate in the Javascript committee on that. With some favoring deep immutability and others not. It ultimately got settled with only reference immutability because Object.freeze exists
I guess I should look up what that is/does.
If you're imagining Mr. Freeze... you're not far off
Mr Clean vs Mr Freeze. The ultimate battle.
I'm imagining it sets some runtime flag that actually makes the object const.
that's more object.seal oddly
Object.freeze is deep immutability
const obj = {
  prop: 42


obj.prop = 33;
// Throws an error in strict mode
Lmao that last comment.
This is weird stuff.
well if you're not coding in strict mode.. you can kiss any sense goodbye
it's actually part of our coding standards. we require strict mode in almost all cases
I should check if Qt supports that.
How many JS engines does Qt come with nowadays? They still have at least their own and depending on settings the webview one.
also, when did people start to think that JS was a sensible scripting language, I remember Java adding a JS engine with Rhino or whatever it was called
Well, I'm using the QML one.
@PeterT I can't put a finger on an exact timeframe but around the time Python 3 was announced to be a breaking change from 2.7 you start to see a mass migration elsewhere
first to ruby and then to anything else people can get their hands on that's stable
import QtQuick 2.0

Item {
    id: container
    width: 500; height: 100

    Component.onCompleted: {
        'use strict';
        var component = Qt.createComponent("SelfDestroyingRect.qml");
        for (var i=0; i<5; i++) {
            var object = component.createObject(container);
            object.x = (object.width + 10) * i;
I bet this just gets ignored.
Also it looks insane. Maybe that feeling passes eventually.
probably, I'd tell you not to use var if the engine supports it and use let or const instead
because WOO javascripts screwy hoisting
No warning on var at least.
let gives a warning?
'use strict';
var x = 1;
let y = 2;
This doesn't produce a warning.
then use let because it has scoping and hoisting rules that match anything sane
var hoists everything like you wrote it in C
It does complain on const z = 3; z = 4;, though independently of 'use strict';.
() => {
x = 1;
var x; // this will be 1
return x;
the fact that's legal is just screwy
I'm super thankful for having messed with TypeScript before, otherwise I'd be completely lost.
honestly I'm kinda surprised they don't have a native typescript engine...
2 hours later…
I am amused...
Q: C++: will an std::runtime_error object leak in a longjmp?

anymous.askerSuppose I have some C++ code which has a try-catch block in which the catch part will trigger a long jump: #include <stdexcept> #include <stdio.h> #include <setjmp.h> void my_fun() { jmp_buf jump_buffer; if (setjmp(jump_buffer)) return; try { std::string message;...

does RAII break when I break the guarantees of the runtime...
I think its a reasonable question because some might believe std::longjmp is part of C++
it is
This the kind of madness that belongs on the lounge
So, is there some non insane way to encode a const char* in a template argument? If you just pass it in the template argument you'd have a different pointer per TS (and gcc doesn't eat it, possibly because that pattern is explicitly prohibited by the standard).
the insane way is to use a parameter pack, like the famous C++ encrypt/decrypt
@Mikhail what are you trying to do?
because that sounds nuts
and I say this as someone that has absolutely abused the language recently
tempted to ask a question about how to specify method parameters in a concept
@Mgetz wanted a type safe connection between fmt:: specializations, aka `using FooOrBar = formatter_struct<"Foo","Bar"> and make a bunch of these. "Foo" and "Bar" would be constexpr members (as strings). Got something reasonable with preprocessor macros.
@Mikhail Stop editing please
I keep hearing PING PING PING
I get it... chat isn't dead
also not seeing how that would work because "foo" isn't a type it's a collection of characters
Yeah, these days I have have multiple tabs open to get more lounge
Fun part is that it already works (inside a TS)
ok then...
because ultimately a const char* is just a number (memory address)
but the standard prohibits my specific use case (for good reason), because the const char* address can change per TS...
so you can force it to compile by using a const char []
then gcc correctly indicates that you're being bad
eh could be stupider... I'm learning concepts syntax
and my brain hurts
you doing Haskell or something :-)
no I understand functional
it's more
template<class T>
concept foo = requires (T a){
   { T::bar(/*how in the heck do you specify parameters*/) } -> std::convertable_to<decltype(returntype)>;
yeah that syntax is wacky
just a wee bit
and gcc doesn't correctly distinguish between const and constexpr
try specifying that one of those has to be constexpr too
This is normally where @Morwenn would drop in laugh and sigh
template<typename T>
concept HasMemoryPoolLabel = requires( T t )
    { t.label } -> std::same_as<const PoolLabel&>;
this is one I used for example
I realized concepts fucking suck though
because the error is the same as the template arguments
AKA can't fit one thing into another thing
at least static assert let you specify an arbitrary string on error that let the library user fix something up
and concepts for the most useful things like std::vector, boost::container interoperability are missing
MSVC just fails with "constraint not met" and nothing useful
gcc also
So its kinda like you need to static assert that the concepts match to supply a reasonable error instead of using the requires clause
which is lamestreet man
2 hours later…
@Mgetz You're out of luck, I haven't played with concepts yet
Is it just me, or is there a lack of enthusiasm for C++20's features like concepts, ranges, coroutines etc?
I remember back when C++11 came out everyone wanted to try out the new features.
Not so much now it seems.
(myself included)
To be honest, I do intend to check out coroutines someday.
I think they are less useful
ranges hasn't really been implemented
I've used 3 way comparison but then clang didn't eat my code
also been using [[unlikley]] but the advantages are dubious
but i've been using span a lot
source_location would be nifty but clang has no support
Oh yeah, the <=> operator does seem useful to me.
I'd adopt that immediately.
Ranges are a bit intimidating to me..
too bad!
I mean lack of std::source_location in clang is just offensive
looks like MSVC is the new team leader
explicit(bool) is also neato
@Mikhail Didn't C++11 provide something similar?
C++11 introduced explicit operator bool() const;
However, I'm not sure what explicit(bool) means...
Hm, can't find much documentation about it yet.
I'll figure it out someday.
@StackedCrooked It's not a lack of enthusiasm for concepts, but a lack of available implementations for all the compilers in my CI jobs x)
Because Clang isn't ready yet, I haven't started using concepts
Or is it ranges, I don't remember
Meh, even if you were using concepts it wouldn't address the underlying motivation for concepts :-)
Like, I started porting a small project to C++20 and realized that libc++ lacked something as basic as std::identity
operator<=> is cute but lack of library support for three-way comparison in algorithms is a bit sad
my linter just gives up on the spacship operator it :-)
Coroutines do seem cool and a real game changer in some areas, but the lack of library support (std::task, std::generator, etc.) is a bit off-putting and I don't have lots of use for them currently
I mostly don't care about modules
@Morwenn lol, isn't that like one of the first boost mpl classes ever? I remember introducing it on my first job back in 2004.
@StackedCrooked no, that would be std::type_identity
std::identity is the identity function, not the identity meta-function :p
I mean what does it return?
Dammit, I clicked delete instead of edit.
Ah well, never mind.
I found the docs :)
Thanks anyway :)
So yeah, I've had it implemented in cpp-sort forever, but having is standard version is better
Oh, it's used for projections.
I mean, as the standard projection.
@Morwenn I did eventually get it working although strictly speaking it's completely pointless
I just had to define the concept with the typedefs first, then do a dependent concept with the methods
floating pointless
@Morwenn I abuse them on windows because the winrt coroutine support is first rate... to no surprise
That said I've wrapped a few callback based things into coroutines because I can as well
honestly if we had a good interface for a thread pool in the standard it would go a long way
because co_await winrt::resume_background(); is kinda dope
Does anyone find it kind of funny to see a blatantly wrong answer, a comment that calls out the answer, 10 upvotes on the call out, and then only 3 downvotes on the answer?
nope it's pretty common
the three downvotes are from people with enough rep to not care
And in the case of the one I'm looking at right now, 14 upvotes?
FWIW you do realize there are entire discords dedicated to manipulating SO rep right?
and that this has been known for ages
Well. Back to the drawing board for plan B: promote correctness by eliminating mankind.
@Mgetz Really?
I knew that people cared way too much about it, but not that they'd be whole communities
AFAIK yes, I heard about them awhile back. I've seen some users trading rep etc. I think the dumb stuff gets caught by the serial upvoting catch and the flood catch
anyway, it's time to sleep
see you another day
Only if plan B doesn't work.
Sleep well.
2 hours later…
@user4581301 if plan b doesn't work then you must abort, but not in Texas

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