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Firewalld or ufw, which one is better?
3 hours later…
Why pay people to do surveys when you can trick them to use social media and collect their data for free?
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has announced a three-day lockdown across New Zealand after a local COVID-19 case.
I wonder whether COVID-19 is like bushfire, it will burn through what it would otherwise burn through. You can slow it down, but you can not prevent it. Maybe with the vaccines, it will cause less damage. But Herd immunity is what we are heading ...
I don't know anyone serious who actually thinks it's possible to eradicate it at this point. It's endemic, it will stay endemic.
It's very possible that zero case strategy will cause New Zealand a lot of money and does not solve the problem. But if they want to become a hermit nation, then ~shrug~
Delaying it for as long as possible seems like a viable strategy depending on the cost, at least until you have very high vaccination rates or maybe until we get better/cheaper effective treatments.
Even with very high vaccination rate (say, > 90%), open up the border is still not possible if you want a zero case scenario.
Is it possible to set a static IP on raspberry pi if the rPi is using mobile hotspot?
I don't know any mobile provider that offers static IP, but I have not looked for it either
why not just use some dyndns service
I am looking at it right now.
Aw fuck the Frenchies overtook Germany in vaccinations. ffs, the hippies and right wingers really screwed us.
I'm betting it's actually at least as much hippies. Considering we also have problems with Homeopathy and not very data-driven anti-nuclear protests.
Yeah, there is a lockdown here, I can't even buy clothes in physical stores. I have not bought a new piece of clothes for nearly half a year (socks and other small items that did not need to try on are not included).
On the bright side, my savings is going up because shops are closed and international travels are not possible.
U guys r still playing pandemic?
Stay at home restriction for the whole state, so yes.
I am really frustrated with this lockdown. I can't get much done because a lot of the places are closed. Paperwork needs local government's approval - they are closed. Price for hardwood and steel skyrocketed. It feels like this lockdown is robbing my time.
The alternative is having the rest of your life robbed from you.
And it looks like Australia's and New Zealand's strategy may end up not working out because the rest of the world thinks infecting everyone is totally fine. Just 4 weeks ago Berlin saved covid from dying here.
And now it's going strong again.
schools opened in India frick
and yall still playing the pandemic game?
Maybe they prepared by pre-shoveling graves this time so they don't run out.
Every citizen and tourist has to shovel 1 grave.
Preparations complete.
just one?
1 per person seems reasonable to me. You shouldn't need more.
nah man we need rest
let em dig o'urs as well
but eventually i think India gotta do something about population
Ah yes. Time to genocide people with covid.
Time to leave this tab and work for a bit.
seems time to book a ticket to us
1 hour later…
rest of life robbed? ...little dramatic this one is.
shall I warm up the milk?
It's not like anyone here has the answer, I don't know if anyone has the answer to what the optimal thing to do is.
optimal isn't a real thing -- it's different to person A and person B.
And here I thought it was a global problem that needs an agreed upon solution and not just selfishness.
selfishness? are you confused?
Probably. Who knows.
Though differences between people do not mean that optimal solutions don't exist.
I look at it this way - to be very optimistic, I might have 60 years to live. I could be hit by a truck and die next year. Regardless, I am at the my youngest possible age now, if I want to accomplish anything, it should be now, because I will only get older.
That does seem reasonable. Though I'm not sure contributing to a pandemic is an accomplishment.
optimal is not inherently defined. if your goal is to get the greatest number of people to live the longest amount of time, I think there are larger issues than Covid..
I'm not sure that having to shop clothes online instead of in-person for like 2 years is going to be among the biggest regrets on your death bed
does covid infect animals?
do you expect the animals to be rid of covid in 2 years?
eh I expect it to be like plague is here, it pops up from time to time
you just isolate those cases and move on
: |
Plague is endemic in the US
Cats and dogs don't have that much contact with each other. Once humans got rid of it pets will too.
I don't know, looks more like the common cold, people get it when they're teens at the latest, and infections when they're adults aren't that big a deal
Then there are bats. Not sure what else can get it.
we can't get rid of it... but you just don't hang around prairie dogs and their flees
We could get rid of it, but we have decided not to.
I'm not sure if you're serious or not
I am.
just like we could get rid of the flu or the cold. Theoretically possible, but not realistically
at all.
We got rid of multiple illnesses before. I think polio was one of them. Getting rid of malaria is planned.
polio isn't dead
just no longer endemic in the west
illnesses that aren't airborne maybe..
Yeah, it has reappeared because people stopped vaccinating against it.
unfortunately the CIA ensured it won't be eliminated
yeah.... that
that makes sense, if you don't think about it.
And Australia shows that getting rid of Covid is totally viable. And most other countries have decided to stop lockdowns when the case number gets too low to save the pandemic.
cia using vaccine operations as cover was some really bad stuff for retaining trust in vaccination efforts
if that's where you want to shift the blame, so be it
"blame"* ..I wouldn't agree there is actually a problem.
there's plenty of blame to go around.
Australia shows that getting rid of Covid is not possible. We are in another lockdown.
So is New Zealand.
(I'm not with her)
@ABuckau Are you another one of those people who thinks overpopulation is the real problem and an illness killing people is not only totally fine but exactly what we needed?
Unless the country decides to cut off all ties with the outside world. Which is not possible.
Africa is officially polio-free since last year
I mean... they've de-facto said that unless you're white and vaccinated don't come
@TelKitty If the other countries weren't irresponsible assholes they wouldn't need to.
@nwp undecided - there is a limit to what the Earth can sustain, but I don't know it: so , no. And "what we need" is never death..I'm certainly not glad for it.
death is inevitable -- I'm not sure I can give covid much credit.
Credit? Covid sucks because it doesn't kill enough?
is that how you took that?
let met be direct: I'm not sure Covid is as deadly as reputed. *
I was thinking about how I'm supposed to take that. The word "credit" really threw me off.
I've got to admit I've failed to understand who's trying to make what point so far
We can ship people off to Mars, we start with Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk. </Trollolo>
mm..i suppose it has a positive connotation. but barely. not how I meant it. Plot twist: we all die.
Also death is inevitable for now. That is a problem that will hopefully be fixed. Likely too late for me, but eventually.
mm..agree to disagree. But I understand.
@Morwenn my point is (if I have one?), death is a natural part of life...I think this whole covid thing is a hoax. Slightly legitimate...like the flue..it causes death, but mostly tho those who were already at that door.
mm hoax is the wrong word. Blown out of proportion **
oh well, fuck you the, I'm off
Sorry you're different. gl.
I'm "at strong risk" wrt to dying from COVID while I can perfectly live up to 90 otherwise
I don't understand why people get such a death cult mentality.
To tackle the problem with over-population, I have an excellent idea: - we tax 1% extra of the wealth of the super rich and using this money for other planets colonisation. It would benefit everyone includes the super rich.
@ABuckau so the difference between a 1% death rate and a 0.1% death rate is actually massive. Moreover even a 1% death rate has massive economic impacts long term
perfectly? I'm in my prime and I worry about living past 55. Being a bit optimistic aren't you.
Colonizing other planets is not viable with current technology. And like not in the next century either.
This room was placed in timeout for 1 minute; let's chill
@ABuckau no, you're pessimistic
This timeout feature is glorious.
meh..don't ask questions you don't want to hear the answer to.
Also Morwenn cheated.
glorious? Full retard in this case.
eh... they mostly waited
@nwp Sorry, I didn't ask to become an owner x)
but you'll abuse the power as desired. touche.
@ABuckau chill, and stop insulting people. This is your only warning
You probably didn't get to see that countdown animation.
I didn't realize it was actually a feature and not just a joke v0v
@Mgetz not sure I agree with your tactics, but, noted.
I'm trying to keep this from turning into something that will bring heat on the lounge again. We're still on double super secret probation from the last time a few years ago
Who's parents are at high risk of dying from covid?
heat on? who comes here to read it except us? (ok, maybe someone..but I highly doubt it)
look at the user board, we have multiple site admins in here
so chill
o shit sry
ATTN site admins: do you see any problem?
They don't need to, all that needs to happen is someone here flags it
just ping them directly x)
coming in and stirring things up is not appreciated
JNat sent me a t-shirt and a book, so I like them.
spam, inappropriate, or offensive? Isn't that conveniently vague..
They have always been chill in my interactions with them
but jnat hasn't changed pfp in years :(
And there are so many Megaman versions with different powerups.
"They don't need to, all that needs to happen is someone here flags it" isn't a flaggable message, tho
google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-e&q=define+offensive Causing someone to feel deeply hurt, upset, or angry.
Whoever flagged that: don't. Lest ye face the wrath of all 10k+ rep users on chat :D
you caused me to feel upset...seems to me it fits.
I'm trying desperately to avoid moderating
is that a threat? probably definitely upsetting ;)
seems you're not..
As an outsider, and RO in some other rooms: I tend to apply kicks as a warning. The incremental chat suspensions usually get the message across.
moderation is for when all other solutions have failed
Ah, I'm glad I'm not moderating anything anymore. But the experience makes it more amusing. For what it's worth I appreciate your effort and feel for you.
we tend to try vendetta first
Oh I thought we had moved onto sentenced to play Dwarf Fortress already
we're not that cruel
We should invent a lounge duel. Something revolving around out-pedentrying the other.
Whatever the correct word for that is.
@nwp that's what got us in trouble the first time
out-dismissing *
oh no sorry, it probably is pedantry..not a flaw in your personality. *
^^if you read it carefully, I said sorry, and "NOT"
Now we have to determine whether or not what you just wrote was sarcastic or not.
I was actually tempted to answer "Technically that message is totally flaggable" to Cerbrus, but I didn't because that's not a nice welcome.
Well, technically, you'd be right
The best kind of right.
I assume literality unless there is a /s
this is text
nobody can hear a sardonic tone
Technically you can ignore any other sentence just as well.
actually [...]
But what if someone's wrong on the internet?
Mentall illness is no laughing matter
Neither is grammar. *Mental
right M
ooh grammar police. Me scuzzi.
spelling* ..look at me, doing it again.
@Cerbrus then you mock them on social media until they feel horrible
I want to search "plantation sauge" and searched "plantation sausage" instead >.>
Sometimes you just gotta let them be wrong and sometimes you probably should say something. Saying nothing to certain wrongness is kinda bad in itself.
@Morwenn this seems dangerous like rule 34 may apply
fortunately it didn't
What is "sauge"?
oh look, a squirrel.
or Salvia officinalis if you will
I've also been given coriander, parsley and chives seeds
and I still need to chop dried Geum urbanum roots
When will I have time to write cursed C++ again? :(
@Morwenn You just did, in that chat message :V
Clearly there are more important things.
@Cerbrus banned
Ohnoez! Admin abooz!
More important than having fun?
Oh, I finished book 4 on Izumi.
Also I feel a little sick today. A slight headache and sore throat.
I wonder if I should get a test or if that is exactly what you're not supposed to do. I don't remember.
@nwp I hope you feel utterly sad and depressed now
shouldn't a person get tested daily to make sure they're not causing the death of others?
@nwp Here radio stations vehicle the gov message saying "if any symptom occurs, isolate and get tested"
I don't. I actually don't understand why people thought it was overly sad or depressing.
@nwp I'm sure your national health institute has a webpage with guidelines :D
conveniently those aren't covid symptoms.
@nwp Well, it's not really super happy
But I didn't really care about the characters
I sneezed 15 times in less than 5 minutes this evening - this is what you get when a hay fever patient met serious allergen.
I want to try using Matplot++
I want to learn to carve wood
I want to win a lottery
a $5 lottery?
the genetic lottery?
Anyway, it's time I leave for some time to exercise then shampoo
I want to build a billion dollars A.I. in robotics empire.
Has anyone got jitsi meeting working on a raspberry pi?
Sorry ma'am, but this is a C++ room
yes, of the 7 people who will read this...did you do the thing?
I looked it up. If you don't know if you have a cold or covid you are supposed to make an appointment with a doctor and then the doctor decides if to make a test.
Which is very inconvenient.
Also there are microbats living in the walls of the shed on the farm. The joy of having many 'mysterious' animals living next to you without you knowing.
@nwp surely the number of people who that applies to is greater than the testing capability..perhaps you misspoke.
I have 0 symptoms, but I technically don't know if I have a cold. or covid...since I wasn't tested an instant ago.
bats are cute
What do you mean? There are near infinite tests available here. Also they are supposed to be valid for 24 hours.
what? as if a test is a shield against the virus for 24 hours? that's not accurate..
It's not a shield. Though since incubation time is a thing maybe it kinda sorta acts as one when considering meeting people.
Yes, they are cute, but the thought of bats coming into the shed house from the wall cracks and nibbling on my face at the night still terrifies me.
so you don't have covid if it's still incubating? seems pedantic to me..
You don't transmit the illness. Which is what people are trying to avoid. Close enough and no viable alternatives.
@TelKitty I know shed, and I know house, but shed house. (?)
you can be incubating the virus but not transmit it? ..sound suspect.
I had to look up if microbats are sci-fi creatures or actually exist. Apparently they do exist and are not that micro.
is beautiful. but my confusion remains. Is it a shed, or a house :p
Clearly a shed house.
It's a dwelling that people living in when there is no house entitlement. So legally, it's a shed, but acting like a house.
so it's a shed
If you say so.
if someone sleeps under a bridge, do we call it a bridge house.?
I don't say so..your laws do..
It might be considered a home for the purpose of restricting searching people's homes.
are people's shed more able to be searched where you're from?
peoples' sheds*
I don't know. Probably. I think searching non-home properties has different restrictions than homes because privacy and such, but I'm not sure.
and this is OK to you?
Seems reasonable. Though if people indeed live in the shed it will legally be considered a home anyway.
seems reasonable that your property can be searched?
You obviously have no idea how impressive those 'sheds' could become - I have once seen a 30m x 80m shed, 10 metres tall. You can easily have two 3 stories high building inside. I would love one on the farm.
calm down kitty.
Sure. If they have a warrant because they have reason to believe I killed someone then they get to check.
Apparently only people with strong symptoms are supposed to be tested. It's confusing.
:| that warrant could as easily cover your home. you're making a distinction where there shouldn't be one
I assumed it would cover my home, yes.
Also it seems like someone is just declaring a house as a shed in order to cheat taxes.
Bad TelKitty
well, no, it doesn't have all the things a {typical} house has...
but also yes :p
ok quick question
The shed on our farm is worse than the one in the picture though. But it serves its purpose - for occasional overnight staying, it's great.
is NVIDIA going to crash in value soon?
@TelKitty that isn't what they mean..and I assume you know that.
Because Intel is making graphics cards now?
no because they've been so 'hot' lately, and the party has to end eventually?
mm..basically* ...supply is catching up, but prices are still high.
so they will sell, but I certainly won't pay 2k for a 3090 or w/e the top model is..
I have a put option for the end of the week :D should I sell it now @ 250 profit..or wait until end of week
plox give financial advice :p
I don't see NVidia falling any time soon. Maybe if someone discovers a security vulnerability, but not just because they finally manage to produce enough for bitcoin miners.
I mean what I said, there are people who actually living permanently in those 'sheds'. Rural life is different from city life, there are many regulations on what you can or can not do.
Then again I have no clue about market analysis.
I think you are the one who doesn't understand the whole concept of 'sheds' here. It's a structure that does not need building permit.
@nwp your bullish sentiment is all I needed to hear :p
@TelKitty I've built a shed of my own..I understand relatively well.
@nwp I think the market was overvalued because people were buying the cards for cryptomining..that crashed. I think people still want them, but not willing to pay such high prices. I'm gambling that the stock value will come down. But it is a gamble.
There are land that does not currently having housing entitlement, but one can legally live on it for, say 120 days a year. Thus, shed serves the purpose when you need to stay on the land. It serves the purpose of a house. Actually shed house is what people call when I talk about septic system. It's weird to build a septic system for ... a shed ...
@TelKitty you don't need to explain..we understand perfectly.
Can you build 3 house sheds and move between them to live there forever?
legally "live", no..
but practically, sure.
@nwp 120 days per piece of land, so if you have 3 pieces of land, yeah sure. But you also need to pay 3 times council rates ... and if your land is expensive enough, land tax on top of that.
I think I spent about 30-40 nights there last year, probably will spend about 100-120 nights there this year, and more after improvements are done & when there are more commercial vegetation need to be taken care of. Must admit there are many things I love about living on a farm, shed isn't one of them >_<
420 made on my nvidia put. night night.
2 hours later…
TIL that template<typename T> T&& seven(T&& x) { return x; } perfect forwards in C++23
1 hour later…
@Morwenn Yup. You never want to do: return std::move(whatever); any more.
I've never really wanted to do that anyway!
@ScarletAmaranth Well, you never wanted to. Now you definitely should not do it.
aw my gawd, I'm in debug hell. Trying to find a memory leak in some emscripten binding/callback code
@PeterT If it's any comfort, if you die while doing such a thing, your soul will go directly to Valhalla, to spend eternity getting drunk and commiserating with the gods. :-)
also, std::map and std::unordered map allocate way too much, I gotta find some flat_map implementation to use for some function local usage
or I guess I could give them a bump allocator
Change my pitch up! Smash my stack; what?
is there like a "alloca"-based container library with like uncopyable collection types?
@PeterT Or you could use something based on a B-tree instead of an R/B tree.code.google.com/archive/p/cpp-btree
@AbdullahAlattar Hello.
3 hours later…
huh... an MSVC concepts bug I reported back in 2020 is finally being fixed
3 hours later…
@JerryCoffin Not doing return std::move(whatever); is one thing, but not doing return std::forward<T>(whatever); anymore is something else

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