This is something that in theory a good compiler should do by itself, however I made a try with my system (g++ 4.6.3) and got about twice the speed on a 300x50 matrix by hand unrolling 4 multiplications (about 18us per matrix instead of 34us per matrix):
double vectors_dot_prod2(const double *x,...
> (cl /nologo- 2>&1) | find "++"
Microsoft (R) 32-bit C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 16.00.40219.01 for 80x86
> cl foo.cpp
foo.cpp(6) : error C2440: '<function-style-cast>' : cannot convert from 'unsigned int' to 'std::bitset<_Bits>'
No constructor could take the source type, or constructor overload resolution was ambiguous
> _
@Xeo "This diagnostic occurred in the compiler generated function 'TTSToFileCallback::TTSToFileCallback" is the highest part of the callstack it shows. I need to know who's making a copy of a TTSToFileCallback
@MooingDuck Depends on the size of your application, really. I've had systems where the difference between enabling exceptions and just using error codes is like 50k
which can be significant if your platform is small enough
Ok, I'm usually all right at being able to read, understand and fix compiler errors. But with this one, I think I need help.
I want to have a std::basic_string<CustomClass> where CustomClass is a class. I don't want to write custom char_traits and allocator classes for it, unless absolutel...
Short story long: tomorrow (sigh) begin my "OO patterns" class. I know we're gonna learn the fucking usuals, singleton included. It'd be nice if the teacher hated me since the first class.
@Cicada Sure wouldn't want to waste time with that. The main problem with singletons isn't that they're bad per se, but that there are very few types of which you can be certain only a single instance can ever exist. In other words, they're "bad" about the way the Platypus is "bad" biology. Given the degree to which they infest bad code, however, they're more like a really strange (but still annoying) species of mosquito or cockroach.
@Ell "Euouae, six letters long, is the longest English word consisting only of vowels, and, also, the English word with the most consecutive vowels. Words with five consecutive vowels include cooeeing and queueing."
@Ell "In North America, candy is a broad category that includes candy bars, chocolates, licorice, sour candies, salty candies, tart candies, hard candies, taffies, gumdrops, marshmallows, and more"
@JerryCoffin having lived 10 years in the UK, I got used to it here, Belgium stopped feeling like home a long time ago. I never wanted to live there again, I only went back there because I had a physical condition to handle, and I don't trust the UK medicos
I think it is due for most. my school is strict. My head teacher told us today (first day at sixth form) that as long as we wear a school tie, she "owns" us
I realized that I was still wasting all my time attending Law classes, which I could have been spending on the course they'd made me pick out for myself
not to mention all the Physics classes I attended. "Hey, it's a new simple linear relationship which takes less than two minutes to comprehend. Now I hope you don't mind getting up at 9am (puppies don't take kindly to waking up early for nothing) and spending an hour pointlessly re-iterating how linear this relationship is."
plus all the stuff I'd already learned from external sources
@JerryCoffin Hmmm, by that I mean "negating the fact that the shoah existed or that any harm was ever done to the Jew by the nazi". There's a word in french just for that.
In the US a lot of liberals think the right wing is racist as well, but I don't think it's a party thing. Some people are racist. I don't think it's mandated that you be or not be racist depending upon the party you belong to.
@Chimera I'm pretty sure there are at least a few racist extremists almost everywhere -- all that varies is whether they're considered "right", "left" or "center" (though when that's "center", run away...)