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@daknøk I don't know, you are the one who comes up with crazy-ass tool choices :)
@LuchianGrigore Oh. That settles it then. This definitely looks good then
I don’t want any dependencies that are not in PyPI (except for a Python 3 implementation). :P
@daknøk PyPI? I knew PyPy
Python Package Index
Like RubyGems or CPAN for Python.
lol. I just named the command-line interface of my VCS “cut”, not knowing that BSD already had a command called “cut”. Hmm, need something else then.
@kbok true
@daknøk i thought they had 'eggs' or something?
@daknøk kut comes to mind
@sehe eggs are just zip files containing the packages. Compare with .gem and .deb.
@daknøk Why wouldn't you call it "php" ?
php sync, php pull, that would rock.
@ereOn because kut is even betterer
@sehe I prefer something that has to do with emos, since emo is what I call my VCS.
@daknøk Add an n.
$ suicide commit
@daknøk brilliant
@daknøk brilliant too
And there you have it. Obama is a jerk. Would you really want to vote for a jerk?
@Neil I had no choice in my country :)
Both candidates were jerks.
@Neil That follows so logically and rationally from supplied evidence.
daknok ±cli% git commit                               ~/Documents/Projecten/emo
[cli b828e85] Rename cut command to suicide
@sehe I know, right?
@ereOn And yes, both candidates are jerks, that is true
@R.MartinhoFernandes I want to create interpreter with GC. I need one type for all. — MessyCode 12 mins ago
From what I can see on the news, Obama seems to be liked... but I'm not sure I can trust our journalists
@kbok I was going to reply that ref-counting will not work, but I just won't bother.
@Neil He was just helping. Didn't want a fellow politician to be 'weighed and found wanting' -- Daniel 5:25-28
% man suicide
No manual entry for suicide
Damn, I guess I’m on my own now…
This guy is going to make the next PHP.
@kbok zimbu.org done.
Just thought of the first chap working on a language. Wait, I'll fix it
@sehe The smart pointer guy
Who here would take a job in which he only has to do PHP, but paid $50 000/months ?
@kbok That'd be Andrei. He's already achieved that. It's called D
@ereOn Me
@ereOn Me too. Depends a bit on the actual job
@ereOn Me.
@sehe what what, I think you're missing the context
For how much at least would you accept that ?
I wouldn't.
I'm not that desperate.
@sehe So rather than give a helping hand, he gave him a helping foot?
@ereOn I would instantly start to write a Python-to-PHP converter.
@ereOn I'll happily take $50 to work 000 months
Or make something similar to CoffeeScript but for PHP.
@daknøk: I wonder if that exists already.
I looked around and I couldn’t find anything similar.
@daknøk True story. Allthough, it doesn't quite match PHP in the level of user friendliness, manipulability of code, lack of surprises and so on
Python can easily be used to generate something else.
@daknøk What the hell is that ?
I can't shake the impression that PHP is the basic of web design
@sehe Unmatched braces seems surprising and unfriendly to me.
@Neil That's pragmatism. The hallmark of effective leaders (puke)
@kbok The most horrible language ever. It’s almost worse than PHP.
Fuck PHP, no amount of money can make me write a single line of that poison.
And no, PHP isn’t the most horrible language ever. It’s worse than the most horrible language ever.
@daknøk That's what I mean. PHP is a lot friendlier, so if you wanted to make teh next PHP, you'd have to aim a bit higher than Zimbu
@TonyTheLion liar
@TonyTheLion What if I offered you free, live, VIP access to all porn in the world?
@TonyTheLion I'd glady take $50000 to write a line of PHP.
I just wouldn't like to make a living out of it.
It's hard not to make a living of $50000
@sehe It would be emscripten for PHP.
@sehe I don't need that much.
And then I’d just write everything in C++ and compile with clang.
@daknøk not for that either.
@R.MartinhoFernandes a single line?
@daknøk Not really, like Script# and other stuff, Emscripten targets the client.
@TonyTheLion Who are you in disguise?
@TonyTheLion Yes.
"You don't want to require programmers to have a degree, so C++ is out." oh well
Wait, maybe, Script# was a counterexample. I forgot. Maybe
@daknøk myself
@sehe indeed, I could happily live with the extra money :P
@R.MartinhoFernandes right, traitor
@BartekBanachewicz Wait. I don't have a degree. The worst C++ programmers I have worked with had degrees.
@sehe I don't have a degree neither. :)
@DavidRodríguez-dribeas I don't see how that's appropriate (unless the it's a female pregnant monster)... — Luchian Grigore 7 secs ago
@TonyTheLion Not even in English
PyPy targets LLVM so if I could write a PHP-backend to LLVM then I could convert RPython into PHP.
@sehe Nope
@daknøk Natural route. I don't see how it could bite
Yay, 20mins until I head for my job interview x_x
@daknøk Just use HipHop for PHP (PHP to C++ compiler)
it's what FB uses
Anything I should bring other than a cool head?
@sehe Also, make what kind of living? One where you're miserable at work?
FTFY: until you interview for your head
(just be glad you didn't say you were giving an interview)
Good Luck ;)
@TonyTheLion Then I would still need to write PHP myself.
@BartekBanachewicz The guy just invented a bunch of requirements that comes out of nowhere
@Xeo just be yourself. You'll be fine
The point is converting <decent language> into PHP, not the other way around.
@Xeo I guess you could print your answer to my question and bring it with you ^^
@sehe I don't have a degree either.
Well, if they ask, I'd be happy to tell them my SO nick :P
@Xeo make sure you know something about the company you're going to interview for
That's what I'm preparing for right now
@Xeo Everything you ever learned in the entirety of your meager existence?
@Xeo: Is that a big company ?
@DeadMG That's included in my head
@ereOn 150 employees, and in the top 25 of the biggest multimedia companies in Germany
@Xeo the only company I ever gave my SO details, appreciated it very much. Gave them a good idea of my knowledge and skillz
damn you phone! Y U NO SHOW TIME I GET TEXT
@TonyTheLion I adapted my cover letter a bit and included that I browse relevant websites like SO and Channel9, but the one I sent at them didn't include that yet
@Xeo: If you have any open-source project contribution, you probably should mention that
Always worked well for me.
I don't. :(
It shows how impassioned you are about computer science.
@Xeo cool
@Xeo: Is that a technical interview ?
I have my SO stats in my CV. And use them as leverage when negotiating.
Wow, what?
That probably only works in english-native countries or very modern companies.
In France, I had no interviewer that knew about SO, at all.
@ereOn did you interview for a position as a secretary?
Good luck to use that as a leverage in that case.
@LuchianGrigore: No, but it probably would have been the same questions.
@ereOn +1, no one gives a fuck about SO here
I only had a technical interview once. And the question I was asked was "Is there any design pattern you like to use ?"
@ereOn There you go. I honestly don't think someone who's worked in the industry for at least a couple of months doesn't know what SO is.
I said I was using everything that made sense, giving some acronyms, but concluded that the only thing I would avoid were the singletons.
@ereOn Good question. Atleast I have it with the head of mobile development :)
@ereOn The only one I find myself using on an even semi-regular basis is Factory
@ereOn I'd say none right away.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Same
Pretty much all DPs I use are begging for some language feature.
You don't "like" patterns and use them where you can
@R.MartinhoFernandes there's an extra "ne" in there...
@R.MartinhoFernandes: Actually, I'm not sure the interviewer wanted to hear that. All he wanted was to hear some acronyms. (I got the job)
I really believe that the reason France is so bad at innovation, is partly because of that.
Poor or no technical questions at interviews.
The only thing that matters is the degree.
It's because any technical position is considered unimportant
That's because most companies outsource the technical work.
No, companies outsource because they think it's not important.
@LuchianGrigore Wasn't the case where I worked.
They had an IT department, and quite a big one. But no one there had a clue.
@LuchianGrigore I don't think so. "None" seems like a correct answer.
Everything was static, no one wanted to change anything.
Alright, time for me to head towards my doom
@R.MartinhoFernandes well, I'd say "no"...
The question is "Is there any design pattern you like to use ?"
I mean... come on!
I hope they don't dislike a non-business clothing style..
It's not "What design patterns do you know?"
Just like "Factory" is an answer, "None" is as well.
@LuchianGrigore You need to work on your communication skills.
@Xeo Have fun.
Are you really debating about what is the best answer to what is probably the worst question on earth ?
why do people keep telling me that?
Why do people keep talking about design patterns? Is this the Java room?
@R.MartinhoFernandes well, technically, 'is there any' is a yes or no question. Of course, humans are smart enough where if you listed some, or said none, they can work out what you mean
@thecoshman I was more along the idea that humans are smart enough to infer that the asker would follow with "which ones?" if all you answered was "yes".
That's not what I mean anyway. I meant that if during a technical interview you're asked what your favorite pattern is, you should decline the job.
And, "there is none" seems a fine direct answer to "is there any ...?".
Why, btw, doesn’t have everybody got write access to bin?
Come to think of it, I'm being too rash. The best answer, IMO, is that it depends on the case.
@daknøk Because some stupid folks used it to socialise...
@daknøk Bin is for VIPs.
@R.MartinhoFernandes ah got it.
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh indeed, it's very much an opening question for you to talk about relevant stuff. I very much doubt they care what you views are, it's more about how to express it. so saying "DP are for idiots" will not go down well, but if you where to explain why you think rigidly sticking to DP can over complicate solutions etc. etc it looks a lot better
@LuchianGrigore You probably wouldn't work here I guess.
@R.MartinhoFernandes why would you want it?
Why would I want what?
> The customer wasn’t kidding about exact. Along with the specs, the customer provided a list of known bugs. They didn’t want these bugs fixed; the bugs were tests. If the new software didn’t have the same bugs, the customer wouldn’t accept it.
World of Warcraft
i love this song
he's kinda like Weird Al, but makes World of Warcraft-based parodies
League of Legends

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