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one with two upvotes and a downvote
@jalf That stinks. Does it seem right that if a question gets deleted you lose the rep you worked for?
Oh well, it is what it is.
@Chimera That or the question was moved.
It sure would be nice if SO provided a means to account for those changes.
@Chimera: Well the reputation denotes how much you help the community. If your answer is moved/deleted (wahtever the reason) it doesn't help anymore. I agree it's unfair but it somehow makes sense.
@ereOn I suppose.
Wow great question on the HTML one
¬_¬ by any chance is any one here a war-hammer or 40k collector?
I kind of want to be, but I'd rather waste my money on other trinkets.
@thecoshman "40K"? (not that it makes any difference, since I'm obviously not...)
@nil lol, strange stance
@JerryCoffin warhammer 40000 (sci-fi)
@thecoshman Ah...
Whereas Warhammer is the sort of fantasy thing, if I remember right
@thecoshman I see what he means. I don't really care about collecting, but it'd be fun to be able to play from time to time. But I'm not willing to spend such absurd amounts of money on it
@thecoshman Yeah, based on the name I could have guessed it as sci-fi (though such a guess could always be wrong...)
but yeah, my local stockist has decided to stop stocking... so they are selling it off at half price :D I spent a load yesterday... still think I can milk my birthday for a bit more :P
@thecoshman Hunh. All I get for my birthday any more is new aches and pains... :-)
@jalf well, you can always play smaller games, just bid up your collection slowly. You can get a good bit to start playing with for less then €100, which compared to some hobbies is rather cheap
@nil indeed
@thecoshman but I don't want to build up my collection at all. I don't want to spend €100 on something I'd only play rarely :p
@jalf yeah, it does kind of need people to play with
I guess I'll make do with board games instead .D
lol, I probably spend more on board/car games :P
oh, best not miss the bus :P
see ya'll
I'd rather have more BLAME figurines. Just 'cause I like BLAME way too much.
Is this correct?
struct Point
  double x, y, z;

  Point(double x, double y, double z)
    this->x = x;
    this->y = y;
    this->z = z;
In respect to the constructor?
I don't see anything wrong with it, other than that you'd normally initialize members with initialization list
Point(double x, double y, double z) : x(x), y(y), z(z) {}
Didn't know that
I want this book
Masdar City (, , literally Source City) is a project in Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates. Its core is a planned city, which is being built by the Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company, a subsidiary of Mubadala Development Company, with the majority of seed capital provided by the government of Abu Dhabi. Designed by the British architectural firm Foster and Partners, the city will rely entirely on solar energy and other renewable energy sources, with a sustainable, zero-carbon, zero-waste ecology. The city is being constructed east-south-east of the city of Abu Dhabi, beside Abu Dhabi In...
@Drise the difference can sometimes be significant. "my way" lets you actually initialize the members. What you did lets them first be initialized to whatever garbage value they like, and then performs an assignment subsequently. For non-POD types, that can be a big difference :)
Will move and copy constructors be created for me?
I wonder if all auto-mobiles will be banned in the city or something.
Copy ctor, definitely. I still haven't learned the rules for when move ctors are created by the compiler :)
@jalf And for const types (for only one example), an initialization list is the only possibility, since assignment isn't allowed.
@TonyTheLion Is it for real ? I could piss so many guys with such a book oO
@ereOn I don't think it's real
we only wish it was real
@JerryCoffin yup, and for types without a default constructor, it also wouldn't work
@TonyTheLion Perhaps we should starting working on it...
@JerryCoffin If so I would remove the "you better chose .NET" line on the top.
@jalf How important is a move ctor in this case of such a simple structure?
@Drise not at all :)
a move would be doing the same thing as a copy anyway
ok :D
Still getting a lot of the more advanced c++ topics down
@ereOn I'd have to agree with them -- .net is marginally better overall (or, more accurately, slightly less horrible). I've never designed a book cover but I'd agree that ".NET isn't quite as horrible" doesn't seem like a big selling point.
@JerryCoffin yes
@JerryCoffin: I would rather use .NET over Java too.
yes. definitely .NET over Java any day. The only disadvantage being that .NET is not really cross platform
which adds to it's gayness
@Drise Moving becomes interesting primarily in the case of remote ownership (i.e., where the struct mostly has a pointer to the real data). Moving allows you to do a shallow copy instead of a deep copy (i.e., grab the pointer instead of copying everything it points at).
@TonyTheLion: Yeah but I have to say it works very well If you only planned to target Windows anyway.
@JerryCoffin But doesn't it invalidate the original container? Btw, how does it do that?
@JerryCoffin I wish you could move house IRL like that. Just grab a pointer to your house...
@Drise yep
@ereOn Works anywhere from very poorly to semi-well, depending on how close your app is to their intended model.
that's why it's called a move. It moves the resource away from the original container
I read Dracula last night, and wasn't scared at all. I am either too brave or too unimaginatively stupid.
where a copy creates a copy of the resource, leaving the original container alone
I'm pretty sure a new copyright law will come soon that forces you to use move constructors instead of copy constructors.
@jalf But how does it invalidate the original?
@jalf Rarely. Basically, structures with stuff like SSO/embedded end were broken by implicit moves if not explicitly updated.
@Drise It can't truly invalidate it -- it's normally in a state where it can be destroyed, but its content is indeterminate.
@Drise if you move from a struct which contains a pointer p to some data, then you might do it by setting your own p to a copy of the source object's p, and then setting the source object's p to null
so implicit move was nearly removed entirely, and now only exists in very limited situations
then you point to the source object's resource, and the source object no longer points to anything
@DeadMG yeah, and some of those limited situations can still cause the problems they attempted to avoid, iirc
@jalf That's what I thought. Surely just curious what "invalid" means in respect to something like a std::vector
which was where I tuned out and just figured "ok, I'll just write my own move constructors when I need them"
@jalf Not sure about that, but they're so limited I wouldn't label it as a srs problem.
and you can always do T(T&&) = default;
@DeadMG Did you srsly just say srs?
@Drise You beat me to it
The puppy is getting irrationally economic with his chat utterings. Add to that a great many 'pop' spellings over the last week...
I think the puppy maybe losing it.
inb4 "You're face is ugly"
@TonyTheLion Shirley?
@sehe I think he already lost it.
I fail to undrestand this inb4 meme
@EtiennedeMartel He had something to lose?
@Drise his cute puppiness perhaps
@TonyTheLion I second
@TonyTheLion woooooooooooof
Hey, he's back!
TIL: @DeadMG is cute.
his puppy is cute
That guy looks like my boss's boss.
maybe it's him
that's, what
The IT Crowd?
@DeadMG It is: "irrelevant"
Reminds me of my previous job...
There was a whole floor of QA folk that were business school graduates. 90% girls...
oh I forgot to eat my crisps
ah well, tomorrow then
In my new high-school there are only 8 other students in my class. 3 guys and 5 girls. I wonder if I will get a girl-friend simply because the odds are in my favour.
hope for you :)
I have given up all hope on a GF
^ same here.
@ApprenticeHacker if you're thinking about it from a statistics point of view, then no, you'll never have a gf...
I'm destined to be alone for the rest of my shitty existence
@LuchianGrigore damn...
@LuchianGrigore how'd you statistically work that out?
I didn't work it out statistically...
@TonyTheLion Wait, what?
But then again, there will be at least 2 girls left without a partner. They will have to put up with me.
hm, sometimes even long-term users crack
@EtiennedeMartel what?
@ApprenticeHacker or they'll just go lez... didn't think about that, did you?
oh well, no onebox for deleted question, of course
@KonradRudolph 10k ....
@TonyTheLion How can you be so negative?
@EtiennedeMartel easy. Just be negative.
@TonyTheLion dude, you're still young, keep trying :_
@LuchianGrigore damn, again. Why must you always ruin my plans? :'(
@kbok meh
@LuchianGrigore ohh lesbians :P
@TonyTheLion How old are you again?
@JerryCoffin 26
@Drise Sorry. tl;dr: Somebody was complaining about bad C++ code in a discussion on Gist/Reddit, then goes ahead and posts bad C++ solution on SO, no idea why
I saw Lesbians on my sidebar ... now i'm intrigued.
@TonyTheLion If it can help you feel better, six months ago I was thinking I'd never get a girlfriend, ever
And incidentally, one of the C++ solutions posted there is really quite nice
makes want to upboat
@kbok were you right?
@LuchianGrigore Nope.
@kbok Dude! did you show the ladies your sweet pixel art?
@TonyTheLion I think a statistician would say you're drawing your conclusion based on an inadequate sample.
@kbok make me feel better?!
@JerryCoffin well, sample or no, experience tells me I suck at all things with girls...
@TonyTheLion Looks to me like you got self esteem issues.
@ApprenticeHacker not really
@EtiennedeMartel Whatever the case may be, I'm not too bothered anymore.
@EtiennedeMartel I believe that you simply live in a magical fairy unicorn land where nothing, ever, goes wrong and everything is perfect.
@DeadMG why so?
@rlemon I have yet to think about a situation where that could come in handy :)
@DeadMG Well, he lives in Quebec.
@ApprenticeHacker No amount of odds can make two people compatible. Not to mention that they could source boyfriends from many places other than just direct classmates.
@kbok The land of the perfect?!
Also, I don't feel a need right now to have a girlfriend.
you: Hey, my name is <your name>
her: huh? why are you talking to me
you: because......
@TonyTheLion So did I was I was 26, but now I'm married with 4 children. "things with girls" seem to come naturally to some -- but with a bit of work, the rest of us can learn at least a little. Also, as girls turn into women, some start to realize that just having smooth lines and nice hair doesn't necessarily mean all that much.
it's more trouble than it's worth imho
@JerryCoffin right
@DeadMG No, I just get back on my feet very quickly when things go wrong. I don't wallow in self pity.
also, I'm probably way too picky
@DeadMG That's called being drunk, right?
no girl can probably fit my girl spec :P
@rlemon Also, how did you find this image ?
@kbok > so profile > blog > first post.
@EtiennedeMartel In other words, nothing non-trivial ever goes wrong.
I actually once confessed my feelings to a girl about 3 years ago. She just laughed and went away, telling me "don't be silly".
@EtiennedeMartel I don't do self pity. I don't need anyone else's pity either. I'm just saying what I think. If I think I have a shitty existence, than that's what I'll say. I don't need anyone to pity me for that.
@kbok did you get your gf by telling her how huge your struct is? my_huge_struct *huge = new my_huge_struct(); (i'm sorry now i'm just looking for puns in your blog posts)
@TonyTheLion dude you're a Lion. Chicks dig lions. :D
@TonyTheLion At one time a friend of mine decided to write down what he wanted in a woman. He as picky enough that it went on for a little over 4 pages -- and now he's married too...
@JerryCoffin Now that is impressive :)
@rlemon Still funny though :)
@ApprenticeHacker oh ;)
@ApprenticeHacker Last time I confessed to a girl she told me that I was more to her something like "her best female friend".
@kbok friend zoned
@TonyTheLion I have no problem getting women. I'm (told) i'm an attractive man. I do have problems keeping women. It's the classic problem: attractive, until I speak.
@kbok friend-zoned... I know the pain.
@KonradRudolph C programmers and game developers.
@rlemon I have a problem getting women, but if I ever get one, I will be loyal. Loyalty means everything to me.
@rlemon Well C++ puns don't help picking up women.
@daknøk Well, actually. Game developers have some funky modern-style C++ libraries
(EASTL, anybody?)
@TonyTheLion no i'm loyal. i'm also opinionated and sometimes a "know it all" (but that is only because I actually knew what they were talking about?!)
@rlemon lol
If you want to impress a girl, tell her you know over twenty languages. If she asks which ones, say English, C, C++, Haskell, Python, Ruby, D, C#, Java, PHP, …
I'm quite happy with my friends at the moment
@kbok no, but Javascript puns do. If she is a hipster or Asian you can use jQuery or iPad puns as well.
@TonyTheLion Nice to hear. :)
> Did you just imply that Walter Bright misunderstands what template metaprogramming is? – bkuhns
haha, that reddit thread is comedy gold
@KonradRudolph well, generally most game development libraries and engines do seem to use the C-with-classes approach.
@KonradRudolph I did see some of that thread.
jQuery is the most awesome piece of software ever written.
@ApprenticeHacker non-professional ones maybe. AAA game libraries? I rather doubt it.
#1 tip for picking up women: Learn to Salsa / Merengue
... seriously, you could be the ugliest most awkward guy in the place, and you'll leave with a girl on each arm.
@rlemon my physical condition does not allow me to dance
id Tech 1~3 are written in C, IIRC.
@rlemon I doubt that will work with arab girls.
Anyway, game development is the worst branch of IT ever.
@daknøk lol
@daknøk And id haven't done anything interesting since expression templates were invented.
@ApprenticeHacker no for Arab girls you just impress their father. he'll set it up from there.
@Xeo How was it?
@daknøk god I hope you're trolling.
@rlemon I mean it.
@rlemon Speaking from experience? ;)
Well, that went swimmingly, atleast I felt like that. :)
@rlemon lol. That often works too. But only if you're over 20, and you've got money. And you're from the royal family.
@TonyTheLion Learn breakdance, yo!
jQuery is perfection.
@KonradRudolph hehe :)
No questions about the company, my strengths / weaknesses, why I want to work there.. just a relaxing technical interview
oh and you passed that with flying colors right?
@daknøk the fact that you just called a toolkit a piece of software justifies my new found hatred for you.
Flying out the window, maybe.
That summarizes my philosophy pretty well.
jQuery is one of the JavaScript frameworks that doesn’t try to emulate class-based OOP. Thank God for that.
Who said I was worried?
@daknøk what is OOP but "class based"?
@Ell Prototype-based.
oh right kk
Which is awesomesauce.
each to their own
@TonyTheLion Well, mostly. I have (almost) no experience with mobile stuff, but other than that, I atleast passed the "optimization questions". :D
And "what does this code do and how could you improve it"
cool :)
Ok going home
@TonyTheLion I can only read your name as TonyThePony.... stupid skeet and his ponies
@daknøk So when are people going to realize that if they like Javascript, they'll absolutely love Self? Prototype based OOP without the stupidity of all the rest of JS.
Okay, I tried to be fair. I tried to convince myself that since it is time-tested and has been used by a lot of professional applications it may be good. But I've finally been forced to admit it. SDL sucks.
@rlemon Me too
@JerryCoffin What is Self?
@daknøk Exactly what I said: prototype based OOP done (at least reasonably) well. selflanguage.org
@ApprenticeHacker Yup
Did I know about the language Self. :p
@daknøk jQuery is an abstraction library that bloats the scope and rapes the DOM. In all seriousness it allows for some Rapid Application Development - however this does not justify not learning JavaScript (Which is the case all too often with jQuery Developers... they think it is a language replacement and not a toolkit) - it also leads to horribly convoluted and hard to maintain code (but that could also just be the shit ass designers who think they can now code)
The sheer amount of time I spend at work waiting for the compiler is simply astounding :/
Bloats the scope and rapes the DOM?
@ApprenticeHacker The thing with SDL is, there isn't any alternatives, so people just deal with the terrible API.
have you read the jQuery source code?
is it just me, or does bind not permit trees, only a single flat binding?
it's not all bad code, and i'm not bashing the library itself. just it's use and the fanboyism that follows. I see it all the time: "Why arn't you using jQuery... jQuery is the best and should be used everywhere"... lets include 9000 lines of code for $(element).hide();
@R.MartinhoFernandes As in bind(f, ..., bind(...))
@R.MartinhoFernandes I presume he means binding a variable to a function where the function was the result of a previous bind?
so that the argument to f is itself a lazy bind
@DeadMG oh, well that's even more complicated
rather than immediately evaluated
@DeadMG that'd be cool.
@DeadMG That should work, assuming f is callable with such arguments.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I wanted it to be lazily called with the nested bind's result, not with the function object itself.
I just realized I made myself look like a fool by renaming the environment variable but not updating the references
woah liveworkspace is weird shaddowy text machine
@Ell yeah, I saw that as well
seems to really not like the long lines
I taught those scrubcakes on github how it's done.
The DMS(R) Software Reengineering Toolkit is a proprietary set of program transformation tools available for automating custom source program analysis, modification, translation or generation of software systems for arbitrary mixtures of source languages for large scale software systems. DMS has been used to implement a wide variety of practical tools, include domain-specific languages (such as code generation for factory control), test coverage and profiling tools, clone detection, language migration tools, and C++ component reengineering. The toolkit provides means for defining langua...
@R.MartinhoFernandes I had 8 seconds to edit remaining.
you know
I'm home
where were we?
me, pwning people, in C++
:The following discussion is an archived debate of the proposed deletion of the article below. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page (such as the article's talk page or in a ). No further edits should be made to this page. The result was keep as it looks like there is a rough consensus for retention. I will note, however, that Wikipedia is not a place where you get exposure; you get exposure first before popping up here. MuZemike 22:57, 10 October 2009 (UTC) DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit AfDs for this article: : – ()() :...
@DeadMG oh
Today was a better day
That guy is really annoying.
which guy?
@R.MartinhoFernandes yep saw that also..
@TonyTheLion Ira Baxter
@DeadMG fuck that guy
not literally of course
@TonyTheLion OMG that is cute!
@TonyTheLion Concurrently concurring.
@DeadMG :)
@Chimera super cute :)
@TonyTheLion yep, my wife will adore it
More awwww
Even more awwww
I need paper.
I say that the {} initialization syntax should only be used for initialization-list-like constructors (including default and conversion constructors), but whenever I mention this in SO comments, I get a suprising (to me) amount of disagreement. So far the only valid (IMO) counter-argument has been with regard to the most-vexing-parse. WHat do people here think?
It is called uniform initialization syntax, so why not use it uniformly?

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