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12:45 AM
@Mikhail das Haiku
1 hour later…
1:47 AM
Folks, I came across this comment. (p.10 in this application note. The app note is about criptography certificates.)
// Set two most significant bits to 01 to ensure a positive untrimmable serial number.
What do they mean by untrimmable? Why is untrimmable important?
2 hours later…
3:32 AM
@NickAlexeev I suspect this is basically a variation on how SHA-256 padding works. Before you hash data with SHA-256, you "pad" it out to a multiple of the block length. The padding always starts with 01, followed by the length of the data (as a 64-bit number). Although it's not exactly the same, it looks to me like this is based on the same general idea.
If you look at example 2 on page 13, it shows what they mean by "trimmable".
To summarize: they trim off leading bytes that have all bytes zero. The leading 01 you insert ensures against that happening if you got a SHA hash value that happened to start with some zero bytes.
3:59 AM
Good evening loungers
4:17 AM
4 hours later…
8:29 AM
Does anybody have a good suggestion on where to buy a good server?
I don t want to pay monthly. I want something I can buy once and keep untill the end
in other words something like this: cloudatcost.com
I bought 2 servers via them 8 years ago for 20$, still have them and never had to pay anything additional
@JerryCoffin Hello.
@CupOfJava Morwin'
8:32 AM
I saw that
8:50 AM
Buying a server for 20$ and using it for 8 years seems ridiculous.
@nwp yet, that is what I have done
btw it was 10$/server
but they were very small, 10 gb ssd, 2gb ram
or smth like that
You can easily get rich renting them out for 2$ per month.
My 2GB 1 core server costs 2,89€ per month.
9:02 AM
I was called
servers are such a mess to deal with
Yes, I can imagine. Yet, as you can seein the link I posted not everybody does this
I am looking to buy one
@CupOfJava No
they're loud, produce so much heat, and the electricity they consume isn't worth it
Not to mention security and setup
I get a lot of warning from lint saying conversion from int to char* of greater size. What is this?
9:05 AM
@Eminem A bug that you should fix.
@Eminem a warning
from lint
hahaha yea I know but why is this happening?
Because you wrote bad code.
@Eminem because you are converting from int to char* of greater size
9:06 AM
you're probably converting from 32 to 64
the issue is primarily with negative integer widening
if you have the int -1 and convert that into a wider type it's going to change values when interpreted as unsigned
@Eminem does it come with a compiler warning #?
@Eminem If you're looking for serious answers you should go here and show code.
The problem is that I have thousands of these warnings and im not sure if I should do something about it
well not thousands but a lot
depends, do you intend to change the code in the future or is it mostly legacy stuff?
9:11 AM
mostly legacy
Warnings are suggestions (joking). If it runs, it ships
yea but "possible loss of data" sounds scary
I'm not a huge fan of "fixing" legacy code just for the sake of it. The conversion rules are unlikely to change.
Does anyone in here use scrapy?
I think I used it once years ago in the python 2 days, but just for a very simple application
9:21 AM
I've tried everything to just get the page's plain text, I think I'm just going to end up using Beautifulsoup because it does this type of thing a lot cleaner
I doing response.xpath('//body//text()').extract() but I'm getting so much '\n\n\t\t' type of results. I think I can probably fix all my problems with regex but I'm going to need a cup of coffee first.
Be the cup of coffee you want to have.
thank you for the words of wisdom
10:21 AM
nobody here talks about C++ :))
3 hours later…
1:23 PM
This room talks about C++ all the times ... mainly complains, but no pain no gain. Sometimes painful features lead to improvements :x
Maximum pain for maximum gain!
@nwp Who are you with for the server? I am paying something like $200 USD a year for my 2 servers.
I thought they were dirt cheap because my websites don't get a lot of visitors.
Hetzner. And I think I lied and it's 2,96 and not 2,89.
Still fairly good, will consider switching.
They are hosted in Germany though. The latency to Australia will suck.
1:35 PM
The websites are almost acting like a place holders, I doubt many people visiting them.
@nwp Wait ... will the helpdesk be speaking German too?
I do need assistance with web hosting every now and then.
I'm sure they speak English, maybe with a heavy German accent, but at least in writing it should be fine.
I never considered using a helpdesk.
10 hours later…
11:44 PM
@nwp I do, sometimes I need assistance with the mail server, sometimes I need help with DNS or other Linux admin related issues.
Not often, but on average once or twice a year.

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