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12:34 AM
@traducerad Meh, you just lost your chance at dating somebody with higher earning potential than you. RIP.
2 hours later…
2:47 AM
Condolence to those tech 'talents' who have bought properties in the Silicon Valley.
3:12 AM
Was there some more modern way to convert a pointer to a size_t number that can be used for comparison? My clang-tidy doesn't like auto mem_address = reinterpret_cast<size_t>(container.get_ptr())
You don't need to convert pointers to numbers to be able to do comparison. Pointers can do ==, !=, <, >, <=, ...
If you really want to convert it to a number you should use intptr_t (or uintptr_t).
E.g: auto x = reinterpret_cast<std::intptr_t>(my_ptr).
Yeah, but I don't want semantic comparison, I think clang still doesn't like reinterpret_cast on principal
Some of these need explanation. A loobean is a Nock boolean - Nock, for mysterious reasons, uses 0 as true (always say "yes") and 1 as false (always say "no").

Nock and/or Hoon cannot tell the difference between a short atom and a long one, but at the u3 level every atom under 2^31 is direct. The c3_l type is useful to annotate this. A c3_m is a mote - a string of up to 4 characters in a c3_l, least significant byte first. A c3_g should be a 5-bit atom. Of course, C cannot enforce these constraints, only document them.
3:55 AM
Also do we have compiler support for contracts? godbolt.org/z/asYrY8
@traducerad Detective work is not the same as stalking.
4:33 AM
Although stalking online is not so much so of real stalking as it takes too little effort.
6 hours later…
10:08 AM
@StackedCrooked And it's UB if you do it to pointers that don't point to elements of the same array. It's not completely unreasonable to convert to integers first.
I know it's UB.
How is converting to numbers gonna help in such a situation.
Basically you're replacing UB-bug with non-UB bug.
Anyway, segmented memory is a thing of the past. (I hope)
It's not necessarily a bug. Maybe you're reimplementing std::lock for some reason and need to sort your mutexes by something consistent. Since mutexes are not movable you can use their address. And to make it standard-compliant you convert their addresses to integers first.
Or use std::less, that works too.
@Mikhail std::less{}(container.get_ptr(), other_pointer) looks kinda modern.
2 hours later…
12:11 PM
@TelKitty Texas Instruments laughs heartily
@Mikhail Looks like it.
5 hours later…
4:55 PM
@nwp Lol, so actually we don't have it because you'd need to build a custom version of gcc. Now we should write a macro based implementation :-)
5 hours later…
9:35 PM
@TelKitty actually, this may mean all détectives are stalkers by definition. According to online dictionnaries stalking merely means "to track stealthily"
@Mikhail No! :'(
11:46 PM

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