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@R.MartinhoFernandes I just discovered that my Twitter timeline had totally exploded over that within the last one or two hours.
> WAIT. You're telling me that a MAN who was elected to office in AMERICA said something stupid about RAPE?!?!?!?!?!?!!? — [khealywu ](twitter.com/khealywu/status/237272911189262337)
It’s quite quiet.
@RadekSlupik Not my fault.
@sbi Not mine either.
@RadekSlupik Of course, it was yours. You weren't here to do anything about it.
@sbi Indeed, I was writing a diagnostics engine for my compiler.
@RadekSlupik See, those puny little projects you are all pursuing, while you could be chatting away here.
I only have trouble with integrating it into my parser. I could add a DiagnosticEngine member to the parser, or pass it to every parse function.
And the lexer. :<
The lexer and parser must use a shared diagnostic engine.
A monad makes that soooo much easier.
I think I will pass a non-const reference to the diagnostic engine to both the ctor of the parser and the ctor of the lexer, which then store the reference as a data member.
you stole Tony's identity!
@DeadMG When you get children, will they be subwoofers?
here's a question
how the fuck is jalf's thing about asking questions in the chat still pinned?
@DeadMG huh?
I thought those things only lasted 14 days
people keep starring it, I think
@DeadMG Someone repinned it.
that explains it
Should I call my class “DiagnosticEngine” or “DiagnosticsEngine”? It has a function report which creates a diagnostic, and reports it by passing it to a DiagnosticConsumer (or DiagnosticsConsumer)?
I always get confused by English’ pluralization rules.
@DeadMG Only those who originally threw a pin at a message cannot repin it after 14 days. We discovered that while we tried to keep the same newbie message around in 2010, I think. You were here, while we did.
Should be DiagnosticsEngine imho
pretty sure that diagnostic is one of those words where the plural and the singular are basically the same word
@sbi Hmmm. Don't recall.
Why is it an "engine"?
cause it runs on fuel, maybe?
@RadekSlupik According to some, you should never call anything ...Engine. They have a point I think, although I have created my share of engines, in my time.
I also agree, I think it's kinda like Manager
@R.MartinhoFernandes what should I call it then?
@Chimera lol, can you image @DeadMG carrying his mini woofers like that? :P
@RadekSlupik What is it's responsibility?
@RadekSlupik What does it do?
@TonyTheLion :-)
@DeadMG Exactly. It barely describes anything. It pretty much means the same as "Diagnostic Thing".
the fact that I can't tell by the name is a bad sign, by the way
@DeadMG Creating and passing diagnostics to a consumer.
I just love that photo
@RadekSlupik So.... that basically sounds like it completely doesn't need to exist at all
and I could replace it with a free function or two
The consumer is polymorphic so you can have one which prints it to the console, renders it as HTML, whatever.
@TonyTheLion And @Dead would look just as boringly annoyed as that bitch does.
@sbi not unlikely :)
@RadekSlupik That sounds like the polymorphism should be a feature of the backend of what a simple function is a frontend for.
@DeadMG you would still need to store a consumer somewhere.
@RadekSlupik Er, function argument/parser state?
Currying! Of course!
your "consumer" sounds suspiciously like "Replacement for `std::ostream""
or "State in the exception object"
No, there are Diagnostic objects.
The consumer can do with them whatever it wants.
Not just printing them.
so what's wrong with try { parse(); } catch(Diagnostic d) { print/log/whatever }
@DeadMG Don't use the stream idiom for logging. It's seriously borken for that.
@DeadMG That doesn’t allow for multiple diagnostics.
@DeadMG You want to jump over the error and attempt to go on parsing?
The parser would fail with one diagnostic, even when there may be more than one issues.
@sbi No, I'm pretty sure that throwing a Diagnostic out of parse() would terminate parse().
room topic changed to Lounge<C++>: Some people are too drunk to hang out here. [c++] [c++11] [c++-faq] [not-your-helpdesk] [nsfw]
@DeadMG What about warning-level diagnostics, or notes?
@DeadMG Exactly. Yeah, that's what's wrong with your idea.
class Diagnostic { std::vector<Warning> warnings; Error error; }
throw std::vector<Diagnostic>{a, b, c}; T_T
@sbi Unless I'm mistaken, it's generally not possible to resume parsing after an error.
You can also have multiple errors.
I want one diagnostic object per diagnostic.
how would that happen, exactly?
@DeadMG Yeah, right. That's why all compilers stop attempting to go on after the first error they encounter. Oh, wait...
@DeadMG Ehm, you forget a semicolon on two places?
@sbi Yeah, and the rest of the error log is filled with pointless noise
@RadekSlupik And when it's a more complex error, you'd spew a bunch of nonsense.
io::print("Hello") # diagnostic: Expected ';'
io::print("World") # diagnostic: Expected ';'
Something like that.
@DeadMG In C++. It's much better in languages that can be parsed using parsers created by sane humans.
> Eventually the only people still buying newspapers will be time travellers wondering what year it is. — Gary Delaney
@RadekSlupik Well, that's not particularly accurate.
I mean, if you had f() g(), then it's equally possible that I missed off a + or something like that instead.
@DeadMG print returns void.
your parser doesn't know that
and it's sure not true for an arbitrary function
@sbi As far as I'm aware, it's a general problem. C++ is obviously a lot worse, because it's C++, but it's generally difficult to recover from parser errors.
@DeadMG It is indeed, but now that I have worked in C# for a while, I realized that C++ takes parsing to a whole new level of nightmarish.
I mean, logically, if you can guarantee a semicolon must be the next expected token, then why do you grammatically require it?
If you can detect missing ; reliably, then your grammar shouldn't have it in the first place.
but you may as well require it for consistency
Statement terminators that aren't newline are terrible.
eh, I prefer ;
there are some statements I've found that are better written on multiple lines
There are some errors a parser can recover from.
import io # ; is the only possible token that can follow > diagnostic and continue
import sys # ; is the only possible token that can follow > 2nd diagnostic! and continue
import string; # good
then why does python require ; in that context?
It doesn’t?
It doesn't.
then why did you say that missing it was an error
Why do you assume he's talking about Python?
It wasn’t Python. Just a random example of a language which would require it, if import is a statement.
oh right.
but the general point is the same: your grammar is flawed if you have any places where there is only one possible token next
You could write import io; import string; and that would be correct, but import io import string; would never be correct, and the only possible fix is the semicolon.
for example
C++ does not require semicolons after the ends of an if, even though it's a statement, and that's because doing so is pretty flipping pointless
I don't miss semicolons in languages that don't have them.
@DeadMG Not?
It requires no ; after a { block }.
@RadekSlupik huh?
that's what I said
does not require ; at the end of an if statement
int main() {
    if (42) lol() // parse error, ';' required
That's compound statement requiring ;, not if.
did one seen an allocator which is optimized for case when memory is freed mostly in order it was allocated? something like this pseudocode
yeah, the inner statement requires ;, not if.
oh yeah lol :P
there are some places where semicolons aren't required, but are mandated
for example lol(); if, as if could technically serve as a delimiter of it's own
but, well, actually authoring a grammar that can perform such distinctions is quite difficult
Plus compiler vendors would kill you for that.
And then programmers.
You'd be doubledead.
btw, I'm wondering if questions like "find me a library" are suitable for SO
They're not.
@Abyx yes.
@Abyx If you can change "mostly" with "always", you can use a customized memory arena.
@DeadMG no, not always. only in 99.5% of deallocations
then no.
I could not enforce a ; after an import statement, but that would be so fucking ugly compared to non-import-non-if/while/for statements.
you have import as a statement?
@DeadMG To cater to humans? I mean, programming languages are written for humans, not for compilers.
@DeadMG Yes, why?
You can import wherever a statement is valid.
seems like an odd place to put such a statement.
import is usually a statement.
It might make sense as an expression if you've got first-class modules, though.
I mean, if (rand()) import x; else import y; // now which module is imported?
def hello() {
  import barrrrrrr; # bar’s stuff only visible in hello
In a dynamic language you can import based on branch with no problem.
Depends, but note that the import’s scope is limited to the rand() selected branch.
One branch will have access to x, other to y.
ah yes
@RadekSlupik Ah. So we're talking about scoped using, basically, rather than a compile-time mechanism to load additional modules
Might be awkward to compile to static executable, but probably not impossible either.
Well, I need to get up at 6:15 tomorrow (and that's already an exceptionally relaxed schedule, half an hour late), so, that being only 6.5hrs away, I think I'd better go to bed now.
Good night!
@DeadMG basically. using combined with #includeonce and scoped, but obviously not textual replacement.
night night sbi
@sbi nighty night
@sbi Später!
@DeadMG They could be both resolved at compile-time, but not exposed to branches that don't use them.
Well, here's something to get you guys through the night:
50 Shades of Gray text generator. Says what it does, does what it says. http://www.fiftyshadesgenerator.com/ (very NSFW, but it's Sunday)
@CatPlusPlus Only if both modules are exposed at compile-time, logically.
@DeadMG They are. Module not found = compile error.
@sbi lol what the fuck.#
import x <— x cannot be an expression. It must be an identifier.
@DeadMG "Says what it does, does what it says."
It's hilarious.
@CatPlusPlus Just as the book is.
import io; # module (“file”)-scope

def foo() {
    import foo; # function-scope
    if (rand()) {
        import bar; # true-branch-scope
    } else {
        import baz; # false-branch-scope
All resolved at compile time.
import statement and def statement are the only statements that can be in module scope, and probably also class statement and similar things.
Not arbitrary expressions.
@RadekSlupik hows hexapoda?
The only way to enjoy 50 Shades of Grey:
@Ell haven’t worked on it lately.
how about emo?
@Ell haven’t worked on it lately.
Anyway, did I mention I'd better go to bed?
6 mins ago, by sbi
Well, I need to get up at 6:15 tomorrow (and that's already an exceptionally relaxed schedule, half an hour late), so, that being only 6.5hrs away, I think I'd better go to bed now.
def, class and import are compile-time statements.
@RadekSlupik you said you are writing postduif lib in c++ with c interface - is there any code on the github?
I can only see c code
@Ell haven’t worked on it lately.
Maybe I can convert your c to c++ :D and contribute!
You can.
I am now working on something else.
that's what open source is all about right? :D
what is that something else?
yes :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
@Ell compiler.
an organiser?
for daklang?
@Ell haven’t worked on it lately.
@Ell yes.
Lexer works except for number literals.
Parser works so far, except for diagnostics which are now strings that get thrown.
hmm now. the question is, does git -clone create its own directory? or use wd.
what is the style of daklang?
What do you mean by style? Coding style?
I mean like
static/dynamic, strongly typed, etc
case sensitive/insensitive ;)
Modules, static typing, type inference, generics, classes, strongly typed though there is a ~= operator which can be overloaded (for example to compare a string with an int), RTTI, GC with context managers, maybe functions that are explicitly pure but I still have to consider that.
@Ell I am not an idiot. :P
that was what the winky face was for :P
raii? raw pointers?
I was about to ask about RAII. It, to me, is one of the most appealing things about c++
I want to have it kinda high-level. RAII, nein —> context managers. Raw pointers maybe in the standard library, but not directly as a language feature.
Also exceptions.
"blah blah that is a feature of the implementation, not the language blah blah"
there's only one implementation- his
@DeadMG I write a compiler, yes.
Also lambdas; same syntax as functions. Return types are always inferred for all functions.
do you have values, and do you have rvalue references?
Moving isn't needed either.
Think of using new everywhere with a GC.
@RadekSlupik are spaces just escaped with a backslash in postduif?
@Ell no.
not a fan of enforced-GC
Read the spec.
I am reading o.O
Where ``room-id`` is the ID of the room the message belongs to,
``message-id`` is the unique ID of the message (the message ID must
be unique across all rooms), ``username`` is the username of the
sender of the message, and ``message-text`` is the text of the message.
These three entities are separated by exactly one space.
``message-text`` may contain any characters, and may be of any number
of characters, but at least one.
A: int64_t conversion to 'long double' issue

Cheers and hth. - AlfIgnoring the boost::static_cast, which I don't understand, a 64-bit signed integer can't represent the number you showed, but 18446743496931269238 - 264 = -576778282378 I.e. this is the value you get when a 64-bit signed integer wraps around. Now what's that boost::static_cast?

Anybody heard of it?
It shouldn't be possible.
never heard of it o.O
hey guys what up
daklang does have const
why can I do this string = cstring but not this cstring = string
you can do both if it is in initializers
@Mohammed because std::string has no implicit conversion operator to char const*.
because cstrings are a pathetic pile of suck that you should completely ignore
oh my.. I started to write a question to ask on SO, and then I realized the answer. %) Yet another question which wasn't asked.
@RadekSlupik Funny, because const is one of the things I was very eager to drop in Wide.
wait, is cstring something. I thought that somehow referred to const string :)
@sehe C string? as in const char*.
@DeadMG That's good, if you have actual immutable objects :)
@RadekSlupik I dont quite understand
@DeadMG cstring is a different word. I took it too mean something else
you can just not offer mutator methods
@MohamedAhmedNabil what do you mean by cstring
@DeadMG Doesn't work so well for intrinsics
but in my experience, people spend forever littering const all over their code bases, and it's very irritating, and then I've never seen it actually benefit anybody
@DeadMG I like the guarantee that a function cannot modify the paramz you give it, and since there are no values it’s needed. You can do def func(String copy foo) if you want a non-const copy.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf an array of chars charr cStr[200];
@sehe type x { private: int i; public: get() { return i; } }
you can't assign to an array
but you can initialize it in a declaration
@DeadMG I'd love to see how usable that pans out. Perhaps you are right.
@Cheersandhth.-Alf so like char cStr[200]= Str
well, IME, the main advantages of const in C++ are things like, binds to rvalues and lvalues
that doesnt work
but those things aren't really necessary in Wide
and string literals are regular mutable strings, too
@Cheersandhth.-Alf void operator=(T (&lhs)[N], T (&rhs)[M]);
@Abyx Can't create assignment operator for primitive types.
also a std::string won't bind to either lhs or rhs of that
@DeadMG ah... right
I am sleeping downstares. Much too hot on my room.
@MohamedAhmedNabil I think, if Str is of the same array type, perhaps. lemme check
@Cheersandhth.-Alf Nope.#
what about char cStr[200]= static_cast<char(&)[200]>(Str); ?
@Abyx Not a chance.
@DeadMG right, sorry
Hey. What about not using C-strings?
well, anyway I believe noone will write such code IRL
for one, there's no way to go from a std::string to such a reference, and for two, you can never, ever, assign to an array like that, not even in initialization.
@Abyx agree
sane people just use std::string everywhere- or some equivalent Unicode-aware text class
In daklang every string is UTF-8. You can convert to Array<Byte> if you need different encodings.
@DeadMG not everywhere. std::string is fucking slow because of heap allocations.
with default allocator
it's usually a meaningless proportion of program time.
@Abyx T_T
@RadekSlupik Oh, gawd. So a string in daklang is an array of bytes?
I believe you won't use std::string in, say, a parser
Uh oh.
maybe basic_string with a custom allocator, but not std::string itself
you know a std::string is basically just a std::basic_string<char>, right?
@RMartinhoFernandes no. It is a class that internally stores characters (however it likes). Conversion functions allow you to convert to different encodings, which are represented as Array<Byte>.
Then why the mention of UTF-8?
My implementation stores it as UTF-8.
in Wide the internal encoding is undefined
I'm back from the woods.
Also string literals must be UTF-8.
@DeadMG s/undefined/unspecified/?
@cHao There's really no difference in this case.
the specification does not mandate an encoding, and that's pretty much it.
strings in Wide are a range of codepoints
@Cheersandhth.-Alf I got it. String is a variable. So if I say doing a cstring = string. Then im assinig a string the first char variable in the array. Since they are different types of data it doesnt work. rBut string=cstring works because string was made to store string literals which are in fact cstrings
The class of string literals is a compile-time option, defaulting to Default.String, Default being the module that is imported by default.
kinda is. unspecified == the standard doesn't care, but it has to be sane
undefined == not even that
@RadekSlupik And what does that mean?
@cHao Why would the C++ standard apply to Wide?
@cHao Only if there are insane answers, as it were.
@RMartinhoFernandes which message are you referring to? Sorry ~ mobile chat.
@R.MartinhoFernandes because making up your own meanings for existing words is insanity? :)
@cHao Those words don't have that meaning outside the C++ standard.
It means that if the string literal is not valid UTF-8, your module won't compile.
the Wide Standard actually defines that it must be UTF- 8/16/32, I think.
something like that
@RadekSlupik So nobody can ever submit source files in UTF-16?
Saying that "undefined" means "not defined" is not making up your own meanings.
@DeadMG no. UTF-8.
well, that's... utterly pointless
if you have a source file which you know to be in UTF-16/32 just run a simple conversion
Enforcing consistency is the only way of killing those stupid encoding errors.
that's consistency of data.
not source code.
source code is data
there's no reason that your source code can't be in any UTF.
More specifically, string literals are data.
@RadekSlupik If being UTF-8 matters, then we're back to "array of bytes".
and you prevent compilers for Windows making their strings the common format for that platform- UTF-16.
Aug 8 at 20:47, by R. Martinho Fernandes
FWIW, I'm not arguing against the existence or use of UTF-8. I'm arguing against the idea that everyone should use UTF-8 everywhere. What happened to the "use the best tool for the job" thing?
in Wide, the only thing special about strings is literals of them
else, they're identical to every other class
weird round mountain down there
@Cheersandhth.-Alf "I hope that other guy really likes me"
@DeadMG In Dutch we have a saying: "The <waard> trusts his guests like he can be trusted himself"
Dunno how to translate that.
@RadekSlupik Hey that was my pun yesterday
23 hours ago, by sehe
Woof sub.
Left tweet. Right tweet.
You're surrounded
what's a <waard>?
how is it that people fall for these email scams?
I don't understand how you could even remotely be inclined to fall for it?!!
@DeadMG Turn on reading comprehension. If I were going to google that for you, I would already have, no?
if I google a Dutch word, I'll probably get a whole bunch of Dutch pages.
Google Translate!
@sehe host?
Or, in Finnish, isäntä.
@RadekSlupik Yeah that's about right. Thx
@DeadMG Yeah, google does that for some people it doesn't like. How do you reckon I google the english words I don't know?
Isäntä and Suomi are the only Finnish words I know.
fair point
@sehe Google Translate first.
Then Google Search.

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