/wheels/include/wheels/smart_ptr/value_ptr.h++:1782:65: Member access into incomplete type 'wheels::value_ptr<daklang::StmtNode, wheels::copy_constructor_cloner<daklang::StmtNode>, std::__1::default_delete<daklang::StmtNode>>'
Hmm wait a sec.
template<class T>
void append_stmt(T&& node) {
static_assert(std::is_base_of<StmtNode, T>::value,
"Node must be a subclass of StmtNode.");
StmtNode is an abstract class and I pass it a subclass which is copyable and movable.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Huh? You have less badges (in any category) than I have? Despite the fact that I haven't given more than 2 answers per month (on average) for about a year or two?
@rubenvb Here it felt like we got 57°C in the sun today. I severely missed that apple tree's limb that I had to cut off last weekend for sitting in its shadow. It was so hot, for large amounts of times even the kids were somewhat apathetic.
The first is the noexcept specification, which takes a boolean argument. The second is the noexcept operator, which converts an expression to a boolean.
@RadekSlupik Hmm, I built a similar test case and it doesn't compile in GCC either, but with different diagnostics (which actually seem to make sense, btw).
@sbi Ooo, close call. I think I was earlier. Usually I don't tak 5mins, but I did the dishwasher and went back to let the cat in. Let's call it a tie (I didn't actually note the time :))
@RadekSlupik Well, I'd appreciate if you entered the bug, because I want to add a test for this later. But if you want a quick fix, just change line 47 to EnableIf<std::is_base_of<T, U>> = _> (i.e. remove the stars).
@sehe Brushing my teeth, having a look at the kids, arbitrarily closing some windows, arbitrarily opening others, changing into my night gown, going back to the sitting room to retrieve my book...
@sehe Well, I probably slept before I could finish the second page, but I never go to bed without my book, and I can't imaging closing my eyes without having read something.
The following program output is always 1 1 1. In "Inside the c++ object model" book, it is mentioned that it will give offset. The purpose is also to find out object layout. But, I am confused with the output. Used g++ 4.5.2
class Test
float a;
float b;
@R.MartinhoFernandes /Users/daknok/Desktop/daklang/wheels/include/wheels/smart_ptr/value_ptr.h++:1749:13: Static_assert failed "conversion cannot cause slicing" among others
class base {
virtual base* clone() const = 0;
virtual ~base() = default;
class derived : public base, private tracer<derived> {
derived* clone() const override { /* do the stuffs */ }
// works with the default cloner.
I feel that side effects are a natural phenomenon. But it is something like taboo in functional languages. What are the reasons?
Edit: My question is specific to functional programming style. Not all programming languages/paradigms.
In the end, any program must manipulate state. A program that has no side effects whatsoever is a kind of black box. All you can tell is that the box gets hotter.
@R.MartinhoFernandes I wrote this, though it cannot be empty/null and it is probably somewhat buggy. Also I should use make_unique and provide make_polyval.
@DeadMG Wait, don't the transistors still need power to switch?
well, I did once read the quantum mechanics behind a transistor, and it did not seem to me like a superconductor would lose energy performing such a mechanism
I don't know if this would register as classical, but let me give it a go...
transistor is something like this:
now, there's no conduction because the electron concentration at the gate is too low.
Now, we apply a potential at the gate as to attract electrons to that gate, until the concentration is high enough to let electrons pass from source to drain.
@DeadMG I'm back for a few. Think about how an undoped semiconductor can conduct. Two ways: dope, or increase temperature to free electrons. In short: the higher the charge carrier concentration, the higher the conduction.
mobility is dependent on material (and temperature), concentration in a semiconductor is dependent on temperature as well, but in the other direction. The concentration rises faster than the mobility drops for an acceptable temp range.
@sbi U.S. politician aren't the cream of the American people. A lot of them are just power hungry bastards who aren't anymore special than the regular Joe Schmoe down the street.
@sbi Well, I think the problem is that a lot of politicians probably start out with the right intentions, but then get pulled into and corrupted by the system.
@Chimera It takes a certain kind of personality to make it to the top of politics. Unfortunately, that's not the kind of personality you'd want for your country's leaders...
The Dominion of Melchizedek (DoM) is a micronation known for facilitating large scale banking fraud in many parts of the world. The president was Pearlasia Gamboa, wife of vice-president David Korem. Their activities were described by the Italian newspaper La Repubblica as “one of the most diabolical international scams ever devised in recent years.”
Origin and Status
The DoM was created in 1986 by Evan David Pedley and his son, Mark Logan Pedley. The latter also uses a number of pseudonyms, including "Tzemach Ben David Netzer Korem" and "Branch Vinedresser" (which is a rough English t...
@Chimera That's the thing I don't get about most conservatives. They're very vocal in their opposition of not letting the government telling them what to do with their lives, until it comes to abortion