@Mysticial Are you watching Hamefura? It's so addictive.
I like this quote from a user review on MAL:
> Fun is a subjective term. While it can mean a variety of things, it is generally agreed upon that describing something as fun is a positive thing. With that said, My Next Life as a Villainess is the definition of fun.
Hello there, I have installed clang10 on my macos using homebrew and cmake is correctly picking it up ("The CXX compiler identification is Clang 10.0.0"), but I still cannot include <concepts>, <ranges> or any of the c++20 headers. any ideas?
'Golden age' is a more subjective matter. Yes, there were more people 3 years ago, but more people = better? There was also a massive protest in Sydney yesterday, while the daily new COVID-19 is at all time high (although it's more or less subdued in Australia for the time being).
Plague often comes with social instability. Would be interesting to see how things are involving in the next 18 months.