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@Drise Source and GoldSource.
@JohannesSchaub-litb because no one cares about flags
@Drise you could just de-svn-ify your master then, recursively delete all .svn dirs. Save the code somewhere safe, you can always check out again. Then it should be safe to copy. But you may want to do some additional googling, I don't want to screw you over here.
@KeithLayne Yea, I got a copy. Now to just delete all .svn.
why did someone flag "Hello Gays"? It seems like a kind greeting
good luck. Like I said, the main danger is overwriting the branch .svn files. You should be able to get it going otherwise. Maybe backup both branches before starting.
@KeithLayne rm -r .svn ?
No, that's not right...
more like rm -rf find . | grep '.svn'
backticks didn't show up :(
but that may not be exactly right
Urban crop circle.
the find would be in backticks, but I'm not 100% on that command line. Be careful.
Just confuse markdown.
rm -rf `find . | grep '.svn'`
@Drise rm -rf . svn imo
I'm not sure that works.
I think it needs xargs somewhere.
Or just find with -exec.
$ find . -name ".svn" -exec rm -r '{}' \;
yeah Keith, RTFM :)
@R.MartinhoFernandes That did it. Grep is no longer showing any .svn and all the svn icons are gone.
@R.MartinhoFernandes each compressed to 25%
I think that got it, Thanks @KeithLayne AND @R.MartinhoFernandes
@TonyTheLion Star it, bitch!
Done Biatch :)
@TonyTheLion I'm still reading about it.
ah I see
I had someone once ask in class that if you zipped a zipped zip, does it compress better? I responded with "if, in your situation, you compress 100 bytes to 50 bytes to 25 bytes to ... you eventually end up with 1 byte, and it's impossible to reconstruct your data."
just a zip file which contains itself, so it goes back full circle
Assuming a 50% compression ratio
> In Safari on Mac OS X, with the option 'open "safe" files after downloading' set (on by default), it keeps uncompressing and filling up my disk. "safe" indeed …
@Drise his is at a 75% ratio
@Drise and your response is incorrect, it's always possible to reconstruct your data out of a zip (assuming normal conditions)
Compressing an empty file takes like 35 bytes.
@MooingDuck It was sarcastic, but how?
yea to store the huffman encoding etc
@Drise if you zip a zip, it gets 0% compression from my experience.
@Drise RMartinho's file works on magic and lies
@Drise Not with my not-yet-patented Super Empty File Compression Methodâ„¢ 3000.
I won't tell the secret, but it compresses empty files to 0 bytes.
@MooingDuck maybe negative compression, in my experience
added to my list of first world problems: my wife is "forcing" me to taste-test chocolate-peanut butter cookies.
@KeithLayne Likely. Since it needs to store how it compressed the already compressed data.
Now if you compress with zip and then Rar?
since they use different algorithms or storage methods?
Won't be better than just rar.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Then why do torrents do it?
@Drise You assume there must be a logical reason.
@Drise Nonsense.
because people who make torrents are evil criminals who also don't know anything about compression?
Why do you think they come in floppy-sized chunks?
floppy disks!
floppy disks are outdated
Warez scenes have standards.
Yes, it sounds ridiculous, but they do.
@R.MartinhoFernandes Y U EDIT N MAKE ME LOOK SILLY?
@JohannesSchaub-litb they'll come back in style, just you wait :)
@KeithLayne Sorry. The edit was there before, but the Internetz slowed down.
@Drise I've never had a torrent that was both zip and rar. (though I have seen double-rar.)
but please wit 1.44TB
My first linux download was on several zip disks. I bought a drive expressly for that purpose.
my company has a lot of extern functions in our headers :/
rars are common because they lend themselves well to making multi-part archives with par's
as for why they zip and then rar...haven't a clue.
@LucDanton Constant expressions are defined in terms of core constant expressions, so p2 is relevant. See p3. The different of "constant expression" and "core constant expression" is not "syntax" vs "semantics" but, as far as I can remember, "actual compile-time known value or reference" vs "intermediate result in computing a constant expression". So, the address of a non-static local variable is a valid core constant expression. But as that address's value is not really known at compile time, it is not an address constant expression. — Johannes Schaub - litb 18 mins ago
maybe a multi-part rar is still pretty easy to look at bits in
and considering the files being transferred are in all likelihood infringing some law somethwere...
Multi-part rars are more resilient to corruption, as you can just retransfer 50MB instead of 4GB is something breaks in the middle.
somebody needs to add to this room.
@R.MartinhoFernandes i get that...but then, why not just rar? why zip and then rar?
@cHao I never saw them mixing it. AFAIK most scenes use RAR exclusively.
I've seen multi-part rars that inflate to multi-part rars. That I don't know why.
because people are stupid.
i've seen it once or twice. it's not the norm, but it happens
@KeithLayne i'll buy that :)
I can't find any set of rules that explains it.
Well, actually, I'm having trouble finding rules that even mention it.
Q: Did I really just get auto-booted from chat for an hour for 'fart'?

Erik  ReppenI will confess, We'd noticed a bunch of flags with no complaints from anybody so I thought I'd test and see if something automated was happening with a series of progressively more offensive words. Fart, boob and one big-boy word. Fart was the lowest offender on the list. I deleted the one 4-lett...

lol, looks like he harvested what he has sown.
just testin
oh yea, this room is immune to that shit
Can't believe I just nitpicked a Stack Overflow answer saying that it will fail if you have a time machine and travel back to before 1970.
@TonyTheLion I almost linked that in the question to show how much better we are, but it occured to me I don't want a bunhc of people flocking here for the sole purpose of flagging you, so I refrained.
Why the meta pin?
Did something incredibly important happen?
@CatPlusPlus nope
@CatPlusPlus They're talking about abolishing .
No, really?
Someone wanted to make sure anyone interested in it saw it.
Feel free to unpin.
I would've never guessed.
I don't really see the relevance here.
@MooingDuck well thanks :)
C++ is the pretty much the sole user of that tag.
I guess only a language like C++ attracts the pure pedants
@R.MartinhoFernandes lol
@TonyTheLion how many other big languages have a spec that isn't tied to an implementation?
That evil tag that 216 questions use.
@MooingDuck Many.
In fact, all sane ones.
@TonyTheLion SQL.
@CatPlusPlus name some
@R.MartinhoFernandes oh, I'm sure there are several, just none came immediately to mind.
@TonyTheLion C.
also, strictly, the C# specification isn't tied to .NET- it's an open ECMA spec.
r/procrastinators <--- I think we need to massively post in, and join this subbreddit
also JavaScript
ok I get your point
fits perfectly
@TonyTheLion C, C#, Python, Haskell, Ruby.
Java probably too.
@TonyTheLion lol
@CatPlusPlus Name two Haskell 2010 implementations.
@TonyTheLion Be sure to send an invoice!
@TonyTheLion Shouldn't that be a Forever Alone?
@CatPlusPlus only since recent efforts by the Open Source community.
@rubenvb Amount of implementations is not relevant at all.
@CatPlusPlus I thought that Python was a de facto spec?
@DeadMG found it in /r/foveralone
@DeadMG They even have a formal enhancement proposal system.
@CatPlusPlus If the spec is written by the same people that implement the sole implementation, there is no difference.
Not really, no.
@R.MartinhoFernandes That doesn't make it not a de facto spec.
Also: GHC, UHC.
TIL: Google looks at filenames of images to determine their contents. .-.
It's a spec and implementation deviations are treated like bugs.
How is it that I can start a discussion in this chat, and then completely get lost after the first sentence in said discussion?
Amount of implementations is not relevant to the fact that it's specced language, and not ad-hoc implementation-based spec.
@CatPlusPlus then this wiki is wrong: haskell.org/haskellwiki/Implementations
PHP too, I think.
@RadekSlupik lol
Ruby has an ISO standard.
Wide has 0 implementations, and its spec is not tied to one. :P
but how many languages have stuff that is implementation defined stuff?
@RadekSlupik God what.
Haskell 2010 is 98 + hierarchical modules and FFI.
I thought UHC has FFI, but even if not, it's still not fucking relevant.
@TonyTheLion Pretty much all of them.
Also, I find one good implementation to be better than multiple crappy ones.
Unless the spec is written by several parties (unlike C#, which is MS only) there's no independent spec.
@CatPlusPlus I don't disagree with that.
So, language creator cannot write the spec, because it's not a spec?
@rubenvb Wrong.
It makes no sense.
At all.
C# is an ECMA Standard and is no more Microsoft-specific than any other ECMA Standard.
Chat search is so crappy.
@DeadMG OpenXML is also an open standard, written by MS.
@CatPlusPlus remember this room has no requirement for anyone here to actually make sense?
I mean, presumably they contributed the vast majority of the work, but anyone else had the opportunity to contribute.
@TonyTheLion Yeah, I've been noticing that lately.
@rubenvb That doesn't make it not-open or relevant to this discussion.
essentially, this room is a spawn of 4chan, where absolutely nothing makes sense
@R.MartinhoFernandes almost two thousand messages. ._.

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