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Does this chook have exceptional big head? It's the same one in my avatar. <3
5 hours later…
Off topic, but if anyone is interested to use code for universal switch/case, I have posted here:
Q: How to implement universal switch/case, which can work for general C++ types as well and syntactically similar?

iammilindIn C/C++, switch/case compares only an integral type with a compile time constants. It's not possible to use them to compare user/library defined types like std::string with runtime values. Why the switch statement cannot be applied on strings? Can we implement look-a-like switch/case which giv...

4 hours later…
@iammilind impressive
2 hours later…
Does anyone know whether all the pins used by servos on Arduino are all readable and writable?
@TelKitty Funny thing for me, last night I dreamed I had a family of ducklings again, and thought about taking pictures to show you
[reminding us just how fucked thread local storage is] (devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20191011-00/?p=102989)
2 hours later…
Aw, just read that std::bit_cast can't be used to cast to arrays :/
2 hours later…
> Make control flow clearer with goto
Top that commit name
I like goto
2 hours later…
It's the first time I use it in code I commit
You done well.
It happened to make sense there
It was less ugly than the other alternatives
Is there any eclipse plugin for c++
2 hours later…
The nothrow {} spec on the member declaration brought a tear to my eye. Semantics can be expressed regardless of language.
@Amolb Yes, there is. I hear rumors there is a usable Java plugin as well.
2 hours later…
Anybody working on anything cool? I'm analyzing a brain cells that change size in proportion to circadian rhythms.
@Rick I kinda liked that urban legend, it is a bit too well written though.
@Mikhail Nah, I'm just removing Trump from videos with very unsatisfying results.
@CaptainGiraffe One of my codes plays an audio "done" sound when the instrument has finished operation. But 1 out of 1000 times it will be Donald Trumps voice saying "done".
@Mikhail What is the hypothesis?
Mostly to troll people
Might have a wacky opportunity to help some people build a heard of cows
I don't even know wtf my job is anymore
@Mikhail Yeah. I'm probably the only one left around here with a respectable job description =)
@andreyrk I am flattered, that you dreamed of me, albeit only for the ducklings :p
"Teaches children about the furry fandom somewhere in Sweden"
Also machine learning will take our jobs
Also Andrew Yang will take our jobs
@andreyrk Ducklings are cute, but I heard that they are even harder to keep than baby chicks. I was quite depressed when I lost a few week old baby chicks.
JC went with the "My preferred pronoun is "His majesty, the infallible genius" spiel so he (improper use of pronouns on my part, voluntarily and a bannable offence) is unspeakable to me.
@Mikhail I'm an old MF what is furry fandom?
That is the only correct way to get kids to stop making fun of you :-)
@Mikhail I'd appreciate a proper answer.
In short its the subculture (think goths, mods, etc) that like to see themselves as animals, and dress up in animal suits. It is closely tied to sexuality, and in particular homosexuality (but fucking each other dressed up or pretending to be animals)..
@Mikhail neat. Gangbanging in costumes then?

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