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1:14 AM
Last night, a key difference between urban and rural area finally hit me: urban area is the area only animals smaller than humans, such as birds, cats and dogs are allowed to poop in random places. Rural area is one where animals larger than humans such as horses and cows are allowed to poop in random places.
2 hours later…
3:35 AM
Change the laser to be a much more powerful one can easily turn it into a weapon :x
2 hours later…
5:23 AM
diameter at 500m, 30cm :p
2 hours later…
7:11 AM
How much do you think a facial/voice recognizing pet door would sell?
Sounds like a very niche product, and not cheap either
Probably will sell reasonably well in an area full of vermins.
You don't want raccoons to crawl in from a cat door
Or rats for that matter.
7:28 AM
maybe I just don't know the market at all, not sure how you'd do a market study for that
4 hours later…
11:27 AM
@TelKitty I'd say not that well given that collar based and rfid implant based products are more reliable than biometrics
True, but the pet needs to wear a collar and it's not as cool as an 'A.I.' door.
11:45 AM
RFID implant version also exist, then it only needs a compatible implant
4 hours later…
3:32 PM
@TelKitty RFID has the disadvantage of being less cool, but that's countered to at least some degree with the fact that it actually works.
4:29 PM
4 hours later…
8:20 PM
Would be cool if we could inherit form incomplete types
Using a Pointer Member Variableis motivated by PIMPL, but we could get implicit PIMPL if we inherited from incomplete types...
not sure we really need more obscure inheritance models. How would the size even be calculated for that
would you basically disable the constructor and have to provide separate static construction funcitons?
8:58 PM
It's unfortunately hard to search for information on stack overflows, because the term "stack overflow" is essentially useless as search engines don't distinguish the error from this site. — François Andrieux 3 hours ago
^^ hahahahahaha
@PeterT Essentially the only way I can see to do it would be to have the derived store a pointer to a (more or less) separately allocated base object. In other words, the physical implementation would be essentially identical to a PImpl, but you'd give the same syntax as if it had be derived from a complete type (i.e., the derived object would not contain an instance of the base object--rather, it would contain only a pointer/reference to the base object).
that sounds like it would integrate terribly with virtual function stuff
@PeterT Haven't thought it through in detail, but you might have to build the vtable at runtime (but I think it could probably still be built at compile time).
Pimpls are clunky and I hate to use them, and that I basically have to use them for better encapsulation and to prevent propagating dependencies. But I don't think inheratance should be the solution
I mean what about virtual functions in the base that you don't declare as virtual in the derived class
@PeterT Yeah, you'd probably just about have to require that virtual be specified explicitly in the derived class, since you couldn't pick up that nearly-inconsequential detail from the base class. Or you could make override mandatory for overriding functions (either way, the compiler would know this function is virtual, based only on what's available in the derived class).
(Or, as noted above, you could build the vtable at run time, since by then you'd know the virtual functions of the base class, so you'd allocate a copy of the base vtable, then walk through and for any function with a matching signature in the derived class, overwrite that vtable entry with the address of the derived object's function).
Then, if the derived object declared any "new" virtual functions, allocate space for pointers to them at the end of the table.
9:17 PM
right, it's just that virtual or not do have significant effects on all kinds of compilation things and I think a runtime-only distinction sounds almost of impossible to me with the current way the compilers handle it
I'm less sure what you'd do in the case of something like class foo : public bar { using bar::baz; baz(1, 2, 3); };, where you have to select the correct overload from a set that's not even known at compile time, and the correct overload might require conversions on some of the parameters, so the calling code potentially changes based on data not available at compile time.
10:04 PM
@JerryCoffin Yeah exactly
Also its certainly possible to have mismatched incomplete types...
@JerryCoffin How can you let the real world get in the way of your fantasy!
10:21 PM
I would very much rather have Jerry as my bridge partner than your unpredictable kinda stupid ass.
@TelKitty I dismiss facts with respect to jokes. I might consider dismissing facts with respect to fantasies as well, but if I do, it'll require a much better fantasy than a pet door.
10:42 PM
Also by vote, you guys use figma at work?
I could not but noticing that ever since I have decided to stop being a 1337 tr011, all my apex h8rs have left, only low quality, inferior ones remind loyal to yell a few hater words. Saddness engulfs me.
10:57 PM
@Mikhail figma? haven't used it, and I don't think I've even heard of it before.
@JerryCoffin I prefer the normal figurines instead of the figmas.
but figurines can't capture the mas in figmas
11:34 PM
@Mysticial The figurines are a figma of your imagination.
@JerryCoffin ouch
@Mysticial If it's any comfort, for years my tagline was: "The universe is a figment of its own imagination."
Personally, however, I'm convinced the big bang is an illusion. In reality, the universe is a giant torus, with the ring rotating around it's axis, so we see a constant movement of matter coming from the center toward us.
11:41 PM
Those religions that have things about the world sitting on the back of a giant tortoise were all just that the primitive people to whom the truth was revealed were more inclined toward religion than mathematics, so when they heard "torus", they thought of the closest word they understood, and we got tortoises.
Man, what timing!
@JerryCoffin thanks :)
but the tortoise universe is an old idea, it's been around for a while. I remembered back from only of my archaeology courses.
so I knew what to look for
11:53 PM
@Rick But you made the connection (admittedly, not a huge leap) from torus to tortoise, and saw where I was going...
context is everything, I knew what you were trying to say.
What may be a little (but only a little) less obvious is that my new job not only allows, but outright welcomes drinking on Friday afternoon... :-)
Then you are a lucky man indeed
my second to last job, you had to bring your own booze. And even then you had to wait for Upper management to leave .

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