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Degree for the intellectually fearless
Intelligence and braveness are orthogonal at best, contradictory at worst - intelligent people tend to only take calculated risks. Only fools attempt blind bravery.
@TelKitty I think you're under-rating the influence of emotion on behavior. Perhaps a more intelligent person should only take calculated risks, but experience shows that extremely intelligent people often do things many of us find fairly stupid.
Wouldn't know. Fuck I can't even watch the whole video I linked.
I like watching these talks because qt takes a dump on every programing paradigm
@JerryCoffin Calculated risks are still risks. If an extremely intelligent person really want to climb K2, (s)he might consider all aspects so the risks are minimised. But she might still die during the venture because there are still unknown risks. Calculation does not imply no danger. It only means the person is fully aware of those risks.
1 hour later…
A friend> Have not seen you for a long time, how have you been?
Me> Great.
A Friend> ... oh ... you have been great ...
Why would someone think that my life would suffer just because they are absent? I am weird special & I have a pretty interesing life that always keep me entertained.
Also being alone is a choice - I would much better prefer to be left alone than being forced to stick with people I can't stand.
@TelKitty Let me be more clear: some very intelligent people still have poor (nearly nonexistent, in some cases) impulse control.
True, spectrum is continuous.
@TelKitty if they bring drama take it to their mama!
@Rick Can't ... :'( ... her mother passed away years ago.
Oh, that's terrible, it was more symbolism not to take abuse from others.
I usually don't fight, I tend to flight.
Oh daaaam, touche!
Evolutionary psychologists believe intelligence evolved as a psychological trait to solve new problems. For our ancestors, frequent contact with friends was a necessity that helped them to ensure survival. Being highly intelligent, however, meant that an individual was uniquely able to solve challenges without needing the help of someone else. This diminished the importance of friendships to them.
I bet who ever wrote that was a loner.
2 hours later…
yeah, that field of study seems to be "post-hoc rationalizations"-the game way too much. It needs to be a lot more focused imho.
3 hours later…
@sehe first time I use :set nobomb
Got to give up your terrorist ways earlier or later.
well it wasn’t originally my file, so I think of it as a defusal
I was gonna say.
# vim: se fenc=ucs-2 bomb : SOMEONE SET US UP THE BOMB
@nwp "the general internet outage"?
Yup. Any website you may see is only in your browser cache, apparently.
Someone probably unpublished a sqrt function which discord depends on.
oh shit
@nwp the danger of NPM
also the fact that dependencies can get hacked
ASUS Tinker Board S or ODROID-XU4? I have already got 2 raspberry pi & would like to try the alternatives.
My robot claw smelt a bit burnt @_@
@TelKitty did you disable the OCP/OTP?
I did not, but 2 of the servos were pretty much powered straight from a power bank.
hmm you might want to attach OTP/OCP to the drivers then so you can protect yourself
Current design is crude, a few issues to solve it seems.
@TelKitty why not get a RPi 4? Seems like the best option at the moment
@PeterT that wouldn't fix OTP/OCP issues
struct TestStructB
    int m_a;
    TestStructB() = default;

int main()
    TestStructB z; // indeterminate value for m_a
    TestStructB a = TestStructB(); // m_a initialized to 0
    return 0;
Am I correct in saying that m_a is indeterminate for z because the default constructor isn't called, or is it more true to say that it is the intended behavior of the default constructor that it only initializes m_a to 0 if it is called explicitly as it is for a?
@jrh Wrong room. Go here.
whoops, sorry
@nwp should I copy/paste it there or can it be moved?
I can't move. Maybe Jerry sees it and does.
I guess I'll just copy/paste it, probably easier than scrolling up and clicking the button
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
For optimization reasons, a compiler should generate 3 code paths for binary function arguments, one for void func(bool value=true),void func(bool value=false) and one when the argument isn't known at compile time. Sometimes compilers do this as part of in-lining, but I want it done across compilation units.
@Mikhail isnt that what link time optimization (or LTCG) is supposed to do?
Unlikely because it would need to recompile. Basically, when you have template < bool N> void func() you can build two code paths, that would for example, help the compiler remove if statements. I do this frequently in my CUDA kernels.
If you have void func(bool N), its not unreasonable to generate two completely different code paths, although this is rarely done.
@Mikhail usually depends on if the function is inline or not, but I'd argue that boolean parameters are an anti-pattern anyway
Why an anti pattern?
because foo(true) rarely means anything
what does true mean there?
void load_eight_bit_frame(const analyzed_frame& frame, bool do_histogram); some code I wrote
@Mikhail so that would read to someone elsewhere load_eight_bit_frame(currentFrame, true);
that true is completely opaque
if you did flags instead and had a do_histogram flag it would be much clearer
Sounds like your IDE sucks :-)
shouldn't have to use an IDE to read code
most of the time when I'm reading others code it's in a github PR
in which case an IDE is irrelevant
@Mikhail that's great, but I stand by my statement... an IDE shouldn't be required
Perhaps another stylistic query, so I have a bunch of non-re-usable OGL CPU code (that to makes buffers, and link the program, etc). It only appears once. I kinda want to dump it into a single 1000 line function to make the header of one of these widgets easier to see and maintain. Instead of 10 100 lines functions. That is probably reasonable?
@Mikhail you do you?
4 hours later…
@Mikhail sounds like a refactor sprint. Look for fundamental patterns and simplify the code.
@Mgetz if they use templates how would you know if their logic is correct?
1 hour later…
I am noticing inline hurts my performance when I ask the compiler to optimize, why?
does this mean inline is bad
@Rick Not enough context.
typedef unsigned int uint;

uint popcount_short[0xffff];

void popcount_setup()
    popcount_short[0] = 0;
    for (uint mask = 1; mask < 0xffff; ++mask) {
        popcount_short[mask] = (mask&1) + popcount_short[mask>>1];

inline uint popcount(uint x)
    return popcount_short[x&0xffff] + popcount_short[x>>16&0xffff];
206 micro without flags 263 micro without inline
174 micro with 02 flag 153 micro without inline
169 micro with fast flag 155 micro without inline
No idea, need to look at the assembly.
that's a good point but I hate reading assembly, but I need to get use to it

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