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@ManofOneWay assign this to self.
Which in turn means?
It binds this in place to avoid dynamic scoping interfering with the value.
Write some JS and you'll know.
@ManofOneWay same as in C++. auto self = this;
that this is your self ?
auto self = that;
I'm not myself today.
I am not myself any day at all.
For people writing me about this - I've never seen a director post a link to a pirated version of their own movie https://twitter.com/MMFlint/status/226732157958234112
^ this made me watch 'Bowling for Columbine' for the first time. I'm halfway through now, and it makes you think. Being not American, it's hard to judge just how things work. But boy, quotes like these makes one shiver:
You know.
I could write my IDE in PHP. :P
why not? trollface
Or in Zimbu.
cznt say I've ever heard of that
Zimbu is worse than PHP.
@RadekSlupik Is that the evil contraption by Bram Molenaar? It is ridiculously ugly
FOR i IN a TO b
result += i
May 27 at 22:55, by R. Martinho Fernandes
@sehe No, I refuse to believe zimbu exists as something other than a joke.
ahhh why so many caps?
And unmatched braces.
Unbalanced braces
> Using } to end a block without a { to start it is a trademark of Zimbu. Perhaps it would be more logical to use END, but it turns out that using } makes the code easier to read.
@RadekSlupik Well. Yeah. I do some PL/SQL on the job and I can vouch for BEGIN/END being disorienting and error prone without editor supports
ruby uses do/end or {/}
Python uses .
Ruby also has two kinds of exceptions and three different kinds of lambdas.
throw/raise and lambda/yield/Proc
well lambda and yield are the same thing, just one is bound to a name
and proc returns out of the master function
No lambda returns out of the master function.
Or wait. WTF?
Ruby is a joke.
and throw is for data not exceptions. can't really see the logic in that tbh :L
I Mohr be wrong on the lambda proc thing
Ruby is more complicated than C++.
yield is more performant than a lambda but they do the same thing
and no its not
does python have equal meta awesomeness to ruby?
Lambdas can be assigned to variables, blocks not.
Python has metaclasses, yes.
blocks can be
And so does Objective-C and a gazillion other languages.
def method(&block) {block.call}
Oh :P
oops I meant end. and not sure if .call is right
but &block is
def method(callable):
also.. what is a meta class?
callable can be any type that implements __call__.
@Ell it's the class of a class in languages where classes are objects.
In Python, the ctor of a class is actually the __call__ method of the class' metaclass, IIRC.
all ruby st00fs are objects
Q: What is a metaclass in Python?

e-satisI've mastered almost all the Python concepts (well, let's say there are just OO concepts :-)) but this one is tricky. I know it has something to do with introspection but it's still unclear to me. So what are metaclasses? What do you use them for? Concrete examples, including snippets, much a...

Most of that post applies to Objective-C too, and AFAIK also to Ruby.
Though I'm not sure if you can customize a metaclass in Ruby.
ruby has the class class, not sure if that is the same thing
in ruby MyClass.class == Class
That's the same thing, yes.
oh damn class has become a none word
can you deck.e new methods, classes, etc at runtime in python?
Classes are instances of their metaclasses, which are in turn instances of the root class' metaclass. The root class' metaclass is an instance of the root class.
Why am I getting a segmentation fault here for the getCount() member function? pastebin.com/rm0ZwmFK
@Ell sure
def foo():
self.meh = foo
self.meh() # prints hello
Methods and functions are objects too, and they implement __call__ (same as operator() in C++).
@nicobellic just check that all those pointers are pointing to something. I'm too tired to say more :L
<code> something</code>
in ruby methods are objects too
I know.
Hmm... There should be a type traits class to determine if a type's instances can be looped over using the range for syntax
@Ell The only thing I can think of is that after the first time the pointers are called, they are not going down the tree but they just keep calling the same node over and over.
I have programmed in Ruby for about two years.
oh o.o I am attempting to preach to the choir then.
why didnt you say so? :L
Why would I? Ruby sucks. xD
The only thing I really love that ruby does have but python doesn't, is Haml.
it doesnt imho. each to their own I suppose :L
what is haml?
oops disregard that
I use Jinja2 now in Python. It's still not bad, but I prefer to have the compact syntax Haml provides.
Ham should be a nice name for a programming language.
Alright, speaking of ruby, I found this buried in my chat logs somewhere:
so, in ruby, symbols (functions, methods) are represented with a colon followed by the name
so like `:doSomething`
so some guy had a tshirt that said `:sex`, which to everyone who knows ruby means "Sex Function"
he wore it until someone pointed out that to non-rubyists it said "Colon sex"
Ruby symbols are silly.
: is a symbol
Immutable strings.
What are you doing ?
I am doing Ham.
That just sound great.
oops. disregard that too
Just make all strings immutable or make all of them mutable. Not both.
why not have some mutable and some not
best of both worlds
transmutable strings ?
Mutability imposes complexity.
transgender strings
a lot of things impose complexity
Or take the C++03 approach, copy and then destroy the original. :P
templates impose complexity, let's just use void* :D
Yeap , pretty much that. Transgender strings indeed.
transgender g string
...somehow :L
The code example below the note. :P
trasgender C String ?
Not funny.
I'm sleepy
nighty night guys
delete well !!!
i should have remembered, that implementing SharedPtr is a bit of work. i only got as far as the normal boost-like version. and now it's quite late.
y does one almost never think one's old code is good enough to just be reused?
Because it's old.
well: nop
jmp well
@sehe stop wasting cycles!
@Cheersandhth.-Alf You tell me :)
Don't fall asleep now
that would be a waste of time
jmp well
Much better.
Or just callq _exit.
Hi John.
@sehe you live near Rotterdam, right? Do you often go there?
Yes, and, not really
How so
I'll be attending college next year in Rotterdam, and I would like to know if the people there are chill.
morning all
i live near rotterdam
Depends on the people
the people are great
I think college will be boring as fuck. xD
isn't college supposed to be the best time of your life?
not always
just don't study so much
No that's high school.
It seems many people there haven't even ever programmed. In other words, they will teach something I can already do very well.
aw you serious? well the rest of life must really really suck
The students probably can't even write a recursive function in year three… :/
what are you doing? course I mean
They teach Java and PHP. xD
well it means you can party and have casual sex while everyone is studying
I'm working hard on a web app at the moment with a friend of mine. Hope to get it done ASAP and hope it gets popular.
obviously that might might studying or casual sex more difficult
what web app?
@Ell I can already have sex with lots of people. I'm not unpopular among the chicks.
They often say I look like Johnny Depp. xD
well lucky you :L
The app is a note-taking app with some unique features.
what are these features?
Tags, projects, sharing notes, todo lists, syntax highlighting for code inside notes, attachments, email integration, version history, …
an outlining feature would be kewl
Hmm maybe later. We are focussing on notes for now.
right attempt
2 at sleep
night :)
I wish my lawn was emo, so it would cut itself.
That's an alarmingly bad pun
Nouen. 3:
YouTube music y u no 320 kb/s.
Daarom. :3
EMOticons :3
Fuck those. Who cares. If it's not words, it doesn't exist :)
Need an emoticon? Why not Zoidberg? (\/) (;,,;) (\/)
@RadekSlupik spotify is pretty great for that reason
Fuck spotify. TPB is cheaper.
I heard an awesome song on Internetradio by Xandria. Never heard of the band before, but they are pretty good.
I've gotten a couple DMCA emails from my ISP
TPB is blocked in NL because some lawyer was an idiot. In a few months there will be a new law that will make blocking sites illegal.
I still use TPB, though.
@vedosity What? That spoofing and fraud! I'd notify the DMCA that your ISP is illegally distributing emails by them
fucktimkuik.org redirects to a random proxy. :)
well, my dad has gotten a couple DMCA emails, forwarded by my ISP. So if he gets another I'm pretty much screwed, not because of legal action, but because of parent action :P
so, uh.. is that lawyers name tim kuik?
just a hunch
No, Tim Kuik is the idiot who started the case against te major ISPs.
@vedosity parents are illegal now <gasp/>?
Ha :P
There are two kinds of people on this world. Those who are awesome, and those who are pro-censorship.
So, Radek, why are you pro censorship ?
I am not.
he asks the person advocating TPB...
@RadekSlupik Hap!
@vedosity Well, he said you're either or ....
Censorship is horrible. It's almost worse than indoctrination.
I like the 451 http status code idea, it really shows what the world is coming to
How long have you been programming, radek?
Six years.
I started when I was eleven, with C++.
Nice. Beat me by 1 year :P
@RadekSlupik Who told you to do C++? Or, conversely, where did you pick up that idea?
I guess I must've been 12 then
@sehe teh interwebz.
hello everyone :)
I'm so late with this. I only started actual programming @ 15
@RadekSlupik I was 16 when I got my first C++ compiler. It came on floppies. We didn't have the interwebz back then :)
I got a C++ book when I was like, 10, but I just didn't get into it
I googled "programma maken". The same day I had to go to the dentist. It was on a Tuesday. It was rainy outside.
You should make a movie :P
I'm just good at remembering things. :P
thats a good skill to have
I don't remember things, I just remember where to look them up
May 20 at 23:47, by Radek 'daknok' Slupik
I remember that the teacher in primary school had lost his agenda while I was composing a list of things I had done the past eight years. XD
@sehe I wrote on that list this too: "Meester Kees agenda kwijt."
Sounds like the title of really cheesy 'kids' literature :(
Where are you from? NL? is that netherlands?
My place in the classroom was in the back on the right hand side, near a stopcontact.
Makes perfect sense, just look at the timezone. We're the only region in Europe where it is 3:37am right now, explaining our presence online
I had some relatives that lived in the netherlands for a bit...
Hmmm true ... usually just putting a Thread to Sleep its not a very recommended practice.
But then they took an arrow to the sea
Haha, I think my uncle is in the air force and he moves every two years
@LeandroArielPezzente Depends. Compared to hard nopping in a busy loop it rocks
or something
why theres a method to put a Thread to Sleep and not a method to put a Thread to Dream.
Computers don't have anything to dream about.
Why a Thread doesnt yell when you its Sleep is Interrumped ?
@LeandroArielPezzente Because you lack the Poetic Extension framework. Just download and add the reference (or get it off Nuget)
Computers are psychopaths; they have no emotions.
@sehe You are right , I shoud get that Framework ASAP.
define emotion
@LeandroArielPezzente It might throw a fit: Java has e.g. try {} catch (InterruptedException fit) { /* handle */ }
@RadekSlupik They think they're uncle works for the NSA
@vedosity A natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.
If emotion is nothing more than some chemicals triggering neurons, emotion for computers would be nothing more than a state
@sehe I should get the Philosophical Exception Plugin for that framework too.
So, make a networked program, and you got the relationship thing down ;)
@vedosity Or in other words , Zombies have feelings too.
@LeandroArielPezzente That's in python, I think: the whole of Python design is in PEP documents
Implementing emotions in a computer is useless, a waste of time, and it just eats RAM.
My computer always screws me over, and I like to fuck with it, but it doesn't seem interested in a long term relationship
@LeandroArielPezzente Well, who says they don't? Maybe they do, but they can ignore them better. Like vulcans.
@sehe Python enhancement proposals! They are like revisionable RFCs.
Whatever you do, don't give your computer a reason to reformat your hard drive.
Oh god, I just made a star trek reference... I never do that, I swear. Not that I have anything against trekkies.
@chris No rest assured, I won't ever install windows on it!
Ew Windows.
Gentoo > Windhoos.
I had gentoo on my computer for awhile :)
X > Windhoos
but then I took it off :(
Or OS X, even better. :P I am biased.
@sehe That's just like saying Python users can se the __future.
I have OS X now. I really need to reformat my hard drive though
at least windows lets you have some fun with who's using it
I have OS X Lion and an old OS X snow leopard partition
from __future__ import braces syntax error: not a chance
@vedosity I had gentoo from 2001-2004. Then I grew tired of compiling (my dual socket dual processor AMD k6 board was getting tired, actually) and I jumped ship to ubuntu. Yeah, I'm cheap
@chris Much more fun with linux. More flexible too.
lol Ubuntu
Linux is great, except for its GUIs. :(
@sehe I have nothing against ubuntu, I had that before I had gentoo. I just like compiling things myself. And the cutting edge.
@RadekSlupik Ah well, don't use them
@vedosity Me too. Nothing stops me.
Apple has no sense of fun
@sehe how would I chat here?
So , if you do a program in Python 3 , it should stop working when Python 4 comes out ?
vim or emacs? nano is not an option, sorry
I'd like to give emacs a try...
@RadekSlupik Good point. But then again, your browser UI doesn't suck on linux. So, it's ok
@chris God dammit.
@vedosity No love for pico, joe, ed?
microsoft word
uh, never used them
Vim still, on Windows
@vedosity no really, try Emacs. It's awesome.
I never quite understood why SAP trial for Suse Linux 10 VMware VM , doesnt work with Suse Linux 10 Vmware VM.
Sublime Text 2 and TextMate rock and the rest sucks.
that reminds me how my teacher would always put our assignments (and pre-given code) into a .doc file
@chris it's /ok/ for casual documents. I can work with Word pretty fast because of the pretty WIN keyboard bindings. Nobody knows them but me :)
A bottle of juice is never as fresh as it is before opening the pressure valve.
Right now I use Xcode :P I don't even use it for projects, I use cmake for projects
I always use TeX and Git, even for book reports for high school.
@sehe, I'm all for keyboard shortcuts. CTRL+] and CTRL+[ are nice
and not very well-known
@RadekSlupik Hahahaha I love the idea for using git for essays
@chris You should just mail it back and say you cannot afford to open it. Tuition fees include the assignments
cmake needs to die!
@DomagojPandža why?
Build systems suck. Use Python.
@sehe, High school, class folder :p Yeah, I know.
@chris Those, C-S-c, C-S-v, C-Space are my favourites for unifying styles
Python solves all ur problemz. :p
@RadekSlupik Scons and Waf are python
@sehe so?
@RadekSlupik If you already know Python , just learn Maya , Houdini and Poser.
False dichotomy
If you write your program in Python, you don't need a build system. Problem solved.
cmake is better than the autobuild tools or whatever IMO
@LeandroArielPezzente What? Houdini was just a poser for a maya?
@RadekSlupik Aha
My favorite build systems are still just shell scripts, though.
I've had more fun with C++ templates than any other language combined
@vedosity They solve different problems
Easy to set up and they just work.
@sehe The best to learn python is by walking in the street with a sandal tied to a pole.
Looks half-racist :)
The best only way to learn <enter language here> is by writing programs in it.
@sehe Basically , but it does help you to build clean meshes and animation fx.
@RadekSlupik The best way to learn to program is by reading source code in addition to writing programs
We shouldn't be racist. Racism is a crime. And crime is for niggers.
@LeandroArielPezzente Completely lost me. Are you somehow referring to python being the preferred scripting language for 3d modeling tools (except Unity)?
Just a joke, not meant to be offensive.
Ok , why does a Python programmer doesnt get a Monthy Python Refference ? Thats weird ...
@RadekSlupik Cicada is not here, you know
@sehe What ? you didnt knew that ?
@LeandroArielPezzente Ah. Now I get it.
I don't even know what Monty Python is…
I know Python is named after it, but that's it.
I can never quote monty python. I just don't remember anything from it
Here's something you can't do with C++: youtube.com/watch?v=NCybRFMW7-M&feature=plcp
I knew Cicada isn't here, that's why I mention.
Oh wait, you could probably start replying to specific messages. This is SO chat and it has many useful features
What's with @Cicada?
@sehe why do you think so many MMO games have .py files embbeded all over them ?
@LeandroArielPezzente ---
@RadekSlupik She's usually the one to make paradoxical racism jokes
paradoxical racism jokes? sounds interesting
Oh. Ok.
Many scripting 3d effects inside Maya , Poser and Houdini , just to name a few 3D Assets Creation packages use Python Scripting for Visual Fx.
If you're Dutch, you're supposed to make racist jokes. :P
I dont know her , But I already like her.
@sehe what do your kids think of you when you are still awake at four?
Or your wife.
@RadekSlupik Well, they're asleep :)

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