Now that this chat room is empty, I can voice extreme opinions that will would get me fired if I had a real job. For example, I've been preferring inheritance to composition in my settings data-structures and its helped reduce a lot of code bloat, especially when it comes to passing arguments to functions. Now you can do stuff like compute_engine.do_work(item,settings,settings,settings)
In the std::future we'll be able to write compute_engine.do_work(item,auto,auto,auto) and later just compute_engine.do_work() where the arguments are determined from the closure alone! And if its ambiguous, it will fill them out in order of declaration!
Good idea, I never thought of schrodinger's cat as a variable that has one presentation but can be read and written by two or more possible worlds with intermediate state undefined.
There's a thing in std:: that does this the static cast dereference part of: template <typename X=decltype(*static_cast<Iterator*>(0)-2)> right? What's it called? My google-fu has failed me
I don't understand why they don't credit you first and foremost and say that they just provided hardware infrastructure or some such
(I can't blame BBC or other media tho, the reporters probably don't understand what transpired there - I blame google for not being more forward about this)
people who don't know any better already knew Google anyway - and people who do know are now aware of how crummy Google can be - those could be, perhaps, potential employees
The other thing is that I've gone to quite extreme lengths to hide the complexity of the computation inside a single closed-sourced program. So it sorta devalues my contribution quite a bit to outsiders. Though all the technical people will easily see through it.
@Puppy That's correct. None of the records have involved "just throwing it on a machine and running it". All 6 of the records done using y-cruncher have had significant involvement with the person who ran it.
This time, it turns out that GCP can't handle memory-intensive loads very well.
For example, the program overwrote the 1.4TB of memory every few minutes. That basically fucked up their live migration.
The NAS nodes had some timing issues that caused them to unmount in Windows. Emma had to hack the registry to work around that.
While decompressing the 31.4 trillion digits, she hit the 16TB EXT4 filesize limit and wasted 10 hours.
And then there was that silent hardware error which scared both of us shit. Because it meant we couldn't completely trust the hardware anymore.
And then there are areas where she had to work-around limitations in y-cruncher.
y-cruncher asynchronously creates checkpoint files. You are then supposed to manually stop the program and manually backup those files.
She had to do some crazy scripting shit to "detect" when the program creates them and automatically make those backups in a manner that wouldn't collide with the program while it was running.
@Mysticial they used their former employee's program and didn't even bother to credit properly is what I see right now - but I've heard good things for the most part as well
@StackedCrooked can't wait for the new Neverland! (@Mysticial you gotta start watching the show)
@StackedCrooked Yeah. After each major computation like that, I try to tackle some of those hurdles for the next one. And then new ones pop up after that. It's a never-ending journey that I've never really talked about.
@Mysticial Btw, I could be wrong, but it seems like the disk and network bottlenecks can be overcome with todays technology. A 100 Gbit/s network card can send the data to a switch that distributes it to the storage nodes. That would give you ~10GB/s. (And there are also 200/400 Gbps cards.)
But the live migration thing was probably the biggest unexpected problem.
Most live migrations take minutes, but migrating this computation easily took hours and IIRC, she said it timed out one of the migrations.
So overcoming that barrier was an accomplishment that's worth talking about. I don't recall if she did anything on this or whether it was just a "wait it out" or "don't migrate that often" sort of thing.
They did it once a week. It's just part of the usual GCP policy. They didn't do anything special to the platform. The point was mostly to prove that it can be done using out-of-the-box GCP.
It also took more than half an hour for the program allocate, NUMA-interleave, and commit 1.4 TB of memory each time it had to be resumed from a checkpoint.
But that's pretty common. It can take a minute on my own 128GB boxes.
what meaning does frontticks (not sure if thats the correct name) ´ have in c/c++? Im trying to run a code example from a C book, but the code example isnt working and giving me an syntax errror
@abobakrdy Like, people seem to think that C is a low level language that gives you direct access to the metal, but that's incredibly far from the truth. Modern programs go through tons of layers of abstractions. If you want to learn how they work, learn about operating system design, processor architectures, that kind of stuff. You won't really have a good grasp of how stuff works under the hood simply by using a programming language, regardless of how "high" or "low" it is.
As it is, C just gives you a lot of headaches for not a lot of good things in return.
This is not an invitation. It’s a challenge.
This is your chance to join thousands of coders, creators, and
crazy ones this summer to do the insanely great.
Apple's WWDC19 email. It's not an invite, but I am not mentally challenged, so it does not apply to me.
So many interesting things to do, I wish I have 800 hours per week.
Field day again today, better put on a lot of protections. Got bitten raw by fleas last time when off to inspect some farm land.