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Am I the only one who thinks that the constant fight between traditional media and online media is a good way to dissipate propaganda and making people aware of fake news?
Is this real or not? It seems to defy physics ...
6 hours later…
Was thinking recently about optimizers and that they are not allowed to optimize away IO operations or anything that changes the observable behavior of the program.
However, making a program run faster is observable. And it does occasionally lead to problems (i.e timing bugs.)
There must be something deeply philosophical about this.
Or maybe I should go back to sleep.
Oh wait, I'm at work already.
Making a program run faster isn't supposed to be an issue in a sequential world x)
are there any 64bit bitwise operations
Yeah: |, &, ...
They work on 64-bit integers.
I did not know that how about >>
but won't int cast anything out of range to a zero
@StackedCrooked Thats UB typically UB (data race) and therefore your bug :P
@Mikhail Is that still true 11 years later?
brain fart forget the last message
@Mikhail sounds like that post belongs on accidentally quadratic instead.
a simple and incorrect conclusion would be that memory allocator implementation on Linux is much better than on Windows.
But really Windows is conserving resources.
If you have a lot of tiny structs with dynamically allocated fields, Linux is going to waste substantially more ram compared to Windows with over-allocations. Perhaps strings are an example of such a structure.
it's very much an argument to tune your allocator to your usecase instead of just getting the "best" one
Underlying issue is that there is little way to communicate intent in C. For example, allocating strings is done the same way as large structures?
that is indeed one of my issues with nearly all allocation interfaces
But as a rule of thumb Windows is always more conservative. For example, the growth strategy for is 1.5 while typical Linux compilers do 2x (shaharmike.com/cpp/std-string)
Similar with other resource sharing like condition variable response times, which are higher latency by default on Windows.
I would also like to point out that I've almost never experienced a malloc failure on Windows, but get them frequently on Linux. Web services written in higher level languages often need to restart every 15 minutes due to this issue (or at least GitLab did :-)
though I've seen that if you pass the wrong flag to HeapCreate you can really hurt performance because selecting what would normally be fast (no internal locking) somehow means switching to a slower method of allocating
@Mikhail Facebook wrote a post about how 1.5 is generally better IIRC
It was describing their implementation of Folly vector
An astute observer would note that everybody knows a better constant (closer to 1.5) but it hasn't been fixed for decades.
They indeed use 1.5
Also we need a keyword to indicate a class is relocatable, or possible the opposite (as most classes are relocatable
struct IsRelocatable<Widget> : boost::true_type
Oh, hey, my segfaults are gone. Turns out it was the build system screwing up, but a clean is not enough, got to delete the build folder.
My segfaults are still there ç_ç
fun we're in for a blizzard
the US weather map is very colorful in warnings this morning
how many inches where you are? @Mgetz
@nwp fug. Do i have to annotate all my structures with this crap?
@ABuckau 6-10" but it's a blizzard because it'll be blowing 21-31 with gusts to 50
Only if you use Qt containers which you should not be doing.
I don't know if there is a way to make compilers figure that out automatically. Probably not, because detecting self-referential constructs is super difficult.
if (0) f(); //warning: dead code detected
if ((0)) f(); //this is fine
@nwp looks like a feature to hide dead code warnings, similar to cast to void for unused params/locals
It is. There is an automatic fix available that turns if (0) into if (/* DISABLES CODE */ (0)).
Folly also requires you to specialize a trait to tell whether your types are trivially relocatable or not
I would have expected compilers being decent and turning a bunch of move constructor calls into the equivalent of a memcpy.
I was surprised too that some optimizations weren't performed, but I guess that there are good reasons and that compilers don't have enough information to make it safe :/
But annotating could give you debug performance anyway
2 hours later…
I just realized that when I need node-based data structures to implement specific algorithms, I can generally allocate all the nodes in a single allocation since I already know how many I will need
I guess it's probably better than allocating every node one by one
@Morwenn it gives better data locality, and you could replace the pointers with (smaller) indices if the count of nodes is < the relevant power of 2
I would probably still use pointers because I like to be able to maintain my algorithms though x)
Maybe it will make me want to try to implement more sorting algorithms that use node-based data structures
Currently extra memory was just used to allocate arrays and I used an std::list once x)
bottom up merge sort, only needs O(log n) extra memory to avoid seeking into the middle of the array
actually I'm fairly sure you don't even need that if you use a a few counters instead
you can have an in-place merge operation with O(1) memory
But straight-up merge where you end up allocating up to n/2 memory is generally the fastest still
yeah but to track which arrays are already merged you need something extra
@Morwenn yeah cache locality and all that
you generally merge fixed-sized sub-sollections + some special handling for the end of the collection
I just fixed made a segfault disappear by replacing a lambda with an equivalent struct. Why do I not understand things?
@nwp I tried that and still had my segfaults ç_ç
@Feeds That actually sounds like not a terrible idea :{
I don't have the money to buy Harley Davidsons or yachts for fun.
get rich or die trying
1 hour later…
Q: Provisioning profile doesn't include the application-identifier and keychain-access-groups entitlements

Jack AI've tried all the other questions and searched everything on this that I could already, a lot of the other questions involved existing apps that were being updated or people with developer accounts but this is like my second time using Xcode and it's worked before. This just happened out of now...

what a clusterfuck
2 hours later…
@nwp use [=] instead of [&] to capture the context
I am happy. I have managed to boot in the new PC with the old installation of Xubuntu despite that it is UEFI PC.
1 hour later…
Is there a way to say to stackoverflow.com/a/35788946/3154111 that I only want a new word, if there's at least 2 spaces between it and the previous one?
I have variable-spacing lines and they contain some text. So far, each word in tht text is a new word for the code..
Lines look sth like
  -22.7091    69.7757   -57.0342     0.540      2.64469      3.67      8.51     1     302.97    1     10.760      9.85      0.000      0.000      0.000      0.000      20 #HIP20 HD224723 Gli
  -21.0170   101.5129  -136.2869     0.991     21.73573      1.38      7.55     1     558.22    1      5.840     16.27      0.000      0.000      0.000      0.000      21 #HIP21 HD224724 Gli
  106.4101   -78.9244  -293.2805     0.820     26.86679      1.15      8.69     1    1049.12    2      4.470     25.73      0.000      0.000      0.000      0.000      22 #HIP22 HD224735 Gli
Your data is in hdfs so you should probably use hdfs
The rest of the question is too long to read
I need a romantic poem for the 17/18th to name my new storage node. Chrysaor, Excelsior, Ozymadias are taken. I can't thinking maybe Ugolino but I can't stand the poem to read it to completion. Has 350 TB raw.
Wow, Percy Bysshe Shelley was mostly a terrible poet
@Mikhail Do Fröding. The rock dots matter here.
That's a poet not a poem
Y'all ever become so backlogged you're afraid to open your email inbox?
@Mikhail "Grön"
I can't speak Swedish
@Mikhail "Gralstänk" is beautiful in any language. Well, maybe not in Fortran.

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