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@Drise IF so, I am greatly offended.
@StackedCrooked There is something wrong with the guy's face.
@DeadMG mate! I explained it just above.
If it's a guy…
@CheersandhthAlf the fifth is dark energy isn't it?
@RadekSlupik I think that's not the only thing that looks wrong.
But it is what the original painting looks like, if that's what you mean.
so you have an O(inf) algorithm, in comparison to an O(n log n) algorithm, there's no evidence for any use cases whatsoever, and common logic trivially shows that there is none
but you feel the need to ... verify this?
you must ask me to verify that inf > n log n?
@DeadMG Come on. Of course I know it!
@SeçkinSavaşçı Then what's the question?
@StackedCrooked I know it is, but I mean that the guys face isn't realistic.
Just so you all know, my bet is that DeadMG is right.
you may as well ask me that 2 > 1.
Bogosort is just a curiosity. A joke.
what is this algorithm with infinite complexity?
@RMartinhoFernandes Sleepsort is funnier
Bogosort is O(∞)!
@RadekSlupik I guess it's a bad abstraction then.
Also, I'm fixing my sleep schedule today, so good night.
robots don't sleep
good night
Maybe there can be some application using bogosort in evolutionary computation.
@SeçkinSavaşçı Why would you want to sort things there?
Can we use bogosort to prove the existence of multiple universes?
@SeçkinSavaşçı Uh... no.
Can we use bogosort to …? no.
if they need to sort things, they use mergesort, quicksort, introsort, or heapsort like a sane person
bogosort<class T> is a compile error.
if they need to randomly permute things, they call rand().
@RadekSlupik you made my night! Swift answer!
there are no parallel universes...
I use BubbleSort... :-)
Is quicksort parallelizable?
There are multiple universes; the real world and Lounge<C++>, but they are far from parallel.
@StackedCrooked nein.
Mergesort is, IIRC.
@RadekSlupik @RadekSlupik that's star whoring xD
@JohannesSchaublitb What is?
@RadekSlupik Yes.
I want to be a whore... with stars or not.
@DeadMG I'm sorry for my mistake.
@JohannesSchaublitb I'm sorry for my action.
as y'should be :D
@JimNorton O_o
@SeçkinSavaşçı :-)
(I'm actually not sorry at all, but I tell you I am. I'm sorry for lying to you.)
I think the topic will evolve to Barber's paradox.
People at work don't use spaces around operators. :<
It's unreadable as fuck. xD
All hail Shift Key for its Benevolence!
@RadekSlupik I almost said ALL FUCK YOU, but realized what I was asking everyone to do, and I don't think your internal organs would like me too much afterwards.
@RadekSlupik Depends on the operators
@RadekSlupik tell them to use ABAP and they will stop it immediately for the lifetime
@RadekSlupik I do. I prefer ( a + b ) over (a+b)
this part of the country is flooded as fuck
and it's raining even harder right now
@SeçkinSavaşçı All hail apostrophes for being correctly omitted there!
@sehe =, ==, <, +, -, etc…
All of them.
The only operators where it's acceptable not to use spaces are ., .*, ->, ->*, typeid, sizeof, !, [], ~, &, (, ), decltype, no except and ::.
@RadekSlupik Unary minus, [], ~, &, *, ->, and ! are perfectly fine without spacing, mostly for me
@JimNorton The penis language again
@JimNorton (a + b) is far superior and is less redundant.
??! : A wild trigraph appears!
i think it means "\"
@SeçkinSavaşçı Well played.
@sehe That wasn't the intent.. :-)
@RadekSlupik decltype bitch
@JimNorton But you know what I'm talking about
noexcept bitch
or was that ??/ lol
@sehe Why I believe I do, Unless I don't.
Fuck it.
@Radek Orthogonality problem
I read that Quicksort is very inefficient on a list that is reverse-sorted and that a potential slowdown can be prevented by shuffling the list before sorting it. However, std::random_shuffle has linear complexity. So shuffle + quicksort seems quite costly.
++, --, () and alignof too.
@DeadMG how would you do keywords without spacing?
@JimNorton Agreed
@sehe Eh. He had sizeof in there.
@DeadMG Sizeof uses parens
If you use sizeof without parentheses, I will personally come to your house to kill you, your wife and all of your children, and feed them to puppies.
sizeof int
(pi==3.145)?"eat it":"bake it longer";
@sehe It's allowed to use sizeof without parens when the operand is an expression.
@sehe I know. Never said it belonged in there. All I'm saying is that if he thinks sizeof and typeid belongs in there, then noexcept and decltype also do.
@RadekSlupik no puppies in this story is allowed!
@SeçkinSavaşçı woof woof bitch
@JimNorton I HATE that. I'd much rather see if (pi == 3.1415) ....
hi guys
who is "guys" btw?
@Drise What exactly do you hate about it?
The lack of spaces?
who's up for some [teen drama] ?
@JimNorton The unreadability.
@Drise agreed
Oh yeah also static_cast, const_cast, dynamic_cast, reinterpret_cast and (C-style cast) are operators I allow one to use without spaces.
How many operators does C++ have?
This is a list of operators in the C and C++ programming languages. All the operators listed exist in C++; the fourth column "Included in C", dictates whether an operator is also present in C. Note that C does not support operator overloading. When not overloaded, for the operators &&, ||, and , (the comma operator), there is a sequence point after the evaluation of the first operand. C++ also contains the type conversion operators const_cast, static_cast, dynamic_cast, and reinterpret_cast which are not listed in the table for brevity. The formatting of these operators means that their p...
i even put spaces inside operators
like I say + = instead of += and it works!
but this is better ( *c ) ? c++ : abend;
@JohannesSchaublitb it decreases readability IMO
// or like this
Of course.
Imma cheata!
PHP = PHP is Phucked
@JohannesSchaublitb That is dumb.
uh, wouldn't that be PP or PiP?
@Drise but it works
@JohannesSchaublitb That even works? Huh.
@JimNorton Phuck PHP
@DeadMG Technically uyes.
php has php
I'm starting to think that static member functions should be preferred over free functions.
@StackedCrooked vy?
both head and tail recursion
@DeadMG yes but I do (ClassObject)&operator+ = foo;
@StackedCrooked It makes things more organized.
Except when overloading is in order.
@Drise But you can organize them using namespacees
@JohannesSchaublitb That's not really using +=.
@DeadMG If I change the name or signature of a free function in a header file and forget to change it in the .cpp file then the compiler won't complain. Only if the function is actually called then a linker error will occur. This is a little error-prone in my experience.
operator, please connect me to foo.
@DeadMG i agree but it nevertheless works
@JimNorton are you looking for a hot woman in reds?
@JohannesSchaublitb Right, but your statement about it is totally misleading since it does not use += at all.
@JohannesSchaublitb You must be new here. Just because it works doesn't make it good! :-)
@DeadMG i agree. i just use + = instead of +=
@SeçkinSavaşçı In any color!
@StackedCrooked Hmm, I don't find that problematic.
@JohannesSchaublitb Right.
+ - addition
- - subtraction
* - multiplication
/ - division
% - modulo

= - assignment
+= - addition assignment
-= - subtraction assignment
*= - multiplication assignment
/= - division assignment
%= - modulo assignment
++ - pre increment
-- - pre decrement
++ - post increment
-- - post decrement

== - equals
!= - does not equal
> - is greater than
< - is less than
>= - is greater than or equal to
<= - is less than or equal to

[] - array subscript
() - function call

& - address of
~ - one's complement
(see full text)
Am I missing any?
@SeçkinSavaşçı I was waiting for that.
@SeçkinSavaşçı That will do just fine!
@RadekSlupik ->*, .*
@JimNorton I can hook you up. Just let me know if you want a little more... personal meeting.
@JohannesSchaublitb I have those.
@JohannesSchaublitb Oh yeah. :P
@Drise Will have to be discreet, my wife might not want to know.
@JimNorton I wonder how realistic a programmed whore would be.
@SeçkinSavaşçı Is she the real Cicada?
@RadekSlupik misses "+"
@JohannesSchaublitb Added. :p
@JimNorton Cicada is a myth, noone faces her!
in the non-add sense
@JohannesSchaublitb Who's mister "+" then?
in the "identity" sense
How does that work?
How fun would it be to override + to be - and - to be + ?
@Drise It's being a whore. How hard can it be?
int a = 0; auto &&x = +a; ++x; cout << a; // 0
Oh yeah.
@DeadMG How would you program how a vagina feels?
@Drise Very carefully...
And slowly
@DeadMG I think it's computationally expensive to be a whore. for example, customer selection.
@Drise i would ask some hot chick to help out xD
@Drise What does it matter?
@JimNorton I bet that was half the reason the machines failed so many times with the matrix. They misprogrammed the vagina, and people knew it was fake.
"please stand still. i need to scan it!"
if all the men you're whoring have never felt an actual vagina, then the vagina feels like WTF you say it feels like.
@user1178729 Get out.
1 message moved to bin
What did I do wrong?:(
@DeadMG I wonder if then you could be convinced that it feels like sticking it into a blender...
@user1178729 WoW.
@user1178729 All the things.
why are you rude to the guy
@user1178729 Everything.
Botting is against WoW TOS.
now gtfo
@JohannesSchaublitb Because he's new.
@Drise +5 morale
Good one! Forgot new, delete, new[] and delete[].
Actually it is legal. Lawsuit still open.
@Drise Not very likely.
And unfair against other players.
@user1178729 Why are you still here?
So no, we won't help you.
new - evil, don't use
new[] - eviler, don't use
delete - more evil, don't use
delete[] - more eviler, don't use
Are you an admin or mod?
new (wen) New[weN] - most evilist, never use
Calm down.
Ok, is C++ a good programm for memory reading/writing?
Is there a way to prevent using new when dealing with polymorphic objects? I can only think of std::make_shared<T>, but that doesn't leave the freedom of choosing a different pointer type.
Damn clown.
@drise I think you meant to say go masturbate into a raw chickin
@user1178729 what do you know about c++?
We're not helping you with bots.
We're not helping you.
@Ell Veal is supposed to be the best raw meat apparently.
I'm just asking if it is a good language for memory editing and reading.... can't you answer that?
@user1178729 It worked really well for the MIB neuralizer.
Don't play stupid.
We're not idiots.
When in doubt, use C.
@RadekSlupik I learn stuff every day :)
You might as well go now.
Yes, it works very well for reading and writing to memory. That's what we do all day. :P
@user1178729 Yes, but you have to use singleton.
@stackedcrooked couldn't you write a make_t<pointer_type, value_type>?
@Xeo Zing!
@user1178729 Use a singleton template for your WoW bot!
@sehe Actually, when you use sizeof(expr) you use sizeof with (expr) as operand.
I mean reading other programs memory
@SeçkinSavaşçı singleton template factory manager proxy*
@user1178729 Any decent OS won't allow that.
when you do sizeof(type) you have type as operand
@RadekSlupik and without parens?
Windows does
@user1178729 You either need a kernel extension, or the other application must agree.
New room policy: ignore him.
@user1178729 I said decent OS.
@RadekSlupik that's the concept i have been looking for all the times.
sizeof(int()) is invalid, but sizeof int() is valid and is sizeof(int)
@Drise I would think so...
@RadekSlupik Too bad 90% of all games are Windows-only it seems
@sehe With sizeof expr, the operand is expr.
@RadekSlupik Not really.
@RadekSlupik you can read other programs' memory but it's some hacking stuff. I've done it before.
@RadekSlupik Oh your point is, the parens are part of the expression, not some quasi-function-invocation. Got you
@RadekSlupik How you figure, Radek? I can ptrace most any process I own under Linux -- that allows me to read its memory just as surely as ReadProcessMemory
@user1178729 a while ago i wrote a bot engine for WoW which lasted quite a bit until they changed their algorithms. with a bit of twiddling you could make it work again...
@CatPlusPlus Whom?
@Ell Yep. However, I asked the wrong question. My question is: if new and delete are to be avoided (meaning that stack allocation is preferred) then how should you deal with polymorphic objects?
@StackedCrooked make_unique.
@SeçkinSavaşçı Reading other program's memory: that's what we do everyday when debugging
@JohannesSchaublitb Seems interresting... I know nothing about C++, I know Java though. I think I'll at least understand the code.
@RadekSlupik Derived d; std::unique_ptr<Base>(&d); // lol
@stackedcrooked I also wonder this :P
@NicolasBachschmidt my POV is not your POV!
@RadekSlupik May I suggest remapping 'CapsLock' to 'Ctrl-W'
@StackedCrooked std::unique_ptr<Base> foo = make_unique<Derived>(); or something like that.
I hope I crystal-balled this guys' question right here:
@sehe I remapped caps lock to control already.
Provided an answer anyways
@BigLudinski do you want to teach us things? Do you want us to go and read stuff - homework? Or do you want help with your question :) — sehe 18 mins ago
"i know nothing about c++" "ill at least understand all the code" - what?
Netherlands! I've been there
@user1178729 here's the tarball (code + doxygen doc). take care. tinyurl.com/79qwp96
Yes, I use my OS in Dutch…
@RadekSlupik Alread halfway there
@StackedCrooked why avoid new?
@RadekSlupik That's dynamic allocation, which is supposed to be avoided in favor of stack-allocation and value semantics and shit.
@Managu Because it's exception-unsafe.
@JohannesSchaublitb lol
@Managu because conservative
Hmm seems easy
What version did you make it for?
@Managu It's a mantra that is often repeated in this room.
foo(new a(), new b()) ctor of a throws and you're screwed.
@JohannesSchaublitb ow
Is it new a() or new a?
@RadekSlupik Both works
new isn't exception unsafe. Raw pointers are exception unsafe. std::unique_ptr<Foo> f(new Foo); seems perfectly reasonable to me
@user1178729 he used libtiff, because libgif is chat encumbered
@Managu If a::a() throws in my code example, and new b() is already evaluated, you have a resource leak.
What?The code was downloaded for me.. I'm compiling
blew your cover. I didn't say it didn't download for me
@Managu void foo(std::unique_ptr<A> up1, std::unique_ptr<B> up2); foo(std::unique_ptr<A>(new A()), std::unique_ptr<B>(new B()));
@user1178729 And be sure to execute it to make sure it's not a virus.
raw pointers are exception unsafe? do you mean when an exception is thrown the objects aren't destructed?
@Ell Yeah
But only for owning raw pointers, which are evil as fuck.
@Xeo Ok, fair enough. I'm at "don't do that", but I suppose I can see just wrapping up new
Non-owning raw pointers are fine to me.
@Managu That's what make_unique is for
Or in extreme cases, make_shared.
not really evil as fuck if you use them as non owning ptrs, but I think there should be a type for that, or just a typedef
Ah fuck C++. Too complex, I'm going back to machine language.
Sehe it looks exactly like what I would like to do :) Let me try this out and come back to you with any questions...thanks! :) — BigLudinski 1 min ago
^ Ah, apparently I nailed it
The problem with machine code is that you only have runtime errors. You have no compile-time checking.
@JimNorton I thought you already did so. Portable machine language
And it's fucking difficult to maintain and unreadable as hell.
@sehe C?
C++: lightweight abstraction programming language. :P
@RadekSlupik got it
@sehe Yes, I do C
@RadekSlupik λ-APL
But I really want to do C++ and become a real programmer.
@JimNorton Real programmers use dipshits dipswitches. They are language agnostic
@sehe Lol... Altair style huh?
Real programmers use the best tool for the job and they don't care what the fuck other people think real programmers use.
@stackedcrooked what do you mean?
@RadekSlupik lightweight? Errm, idiomatic C++11 tends to generate large executables. I'm not sure lightweight is really apropos.
right :L
@sehe Real programmers use butterflies xkcd.com/378
@Managu wa? large in comparision to what?
Real programmers program that
@JimNorton Did you ever?
@Managu people who care about the size of the executable are the ones I do not work with.
And if you say "C" now, I'll slap you.
/slap @RadekSlupik
@sehe I tried, a friend of mine has one... I didn't really manage to do very well.
@Xeo you missed me! Remove your hair from your eyes, you manga-character.
@Managu Can you proof that?
@Xeo: write "Hello, World" using iostreams in C++. Compare to the same using stdio in C. Or the bytecode generated by just about any JIT or interpreted language. Templates may lead to efficient code, but they lead to large executables. Greatly because templates can't (usually) be partitioned off into a single standard shared library/runtime environment.
And idiomatic C++11 tends to use a lot of templates.
@Managu IOstreams are a bad example. They're miles from an idiomatic I/O library.
Who cares about the fucking size of the executable these days?
not to mention that C's stdio is horrifically unsafe and such things. So their performance or binary size is fairly irrelevant.
Embedded systems programmers, maybe.
@DeadMG How should I be doing I/O in C++? stdio = unsafe. iostreams = poor idiom.
Not. :P
/slap @Managu
told ya not to mention C
just use iostreams until you've proved that binary size or run-time performance is a problem and iostreams are the cause.
/slap @Xeo?
if they are the cause, you might need to roll your own I/O lib
@mangu why are streams a poor idiom?
shouldn't be too hard to write an io lib that is far simpler and more efficient in many regards than iostreams, if you're reasonably proficient
Use Python.
My assertion was only that C++ isn't particularly lightweight, in that it generates large executables.
@Ell got me, I was parroting DeadMG =p
@Managu Well, #1, there's no evidence that any significant proportion of programmers have problems w.r.t. binary size.
ahh @deadmg why are streams a bad idiom? or did I miss it further up the chat?
and #2, if you actually care about binary size, there are a lot of things which can be done to reduce that.
~ $ cat main.c
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char ** argv)
    printf("Hello world!\n");
~ $ gcc -o test_c -O2 main.c
~ $ cat main.cpp
#include <iostream>

int main()
    std::cout << "Hello world!" << std::endl;
~ $ g++ -o test_cpp -O2 main.cpp
~ $ ls -alt test_*
-rwxr-xr-x  1 francis  staff  9264 Jul 12 23:50 test_cpp
-rwxr-xr-x  1 francis  staff  8688 Jul 12 23:50 test_c
and #3, you really don't have a lot of choice, because going back to C would just mean that your smaller binary crashes like a bitch and is impossible to maintain and is full of security bugs.
@DeadMG Fair enough. "Lightweight" isn't usually a great concern of mine, either.
It's not that bad.
@Ell streams in C++ were designed by somebody who never heard of any non-acronym words.
@Ell For one, look at their function names, sputc? The fuck?
and they expose way too much buffer
way too many virtual functions- idiomatic C++ would be template.
and T t; stream >> t; is the badness, it should be stream.read<T>()
I don't think GDB is very good. I'm pretty sure it can't detect a moth in a relay.
'sputnic' - put characters to the network card :P
and, the whole >> and << thing
@DeadMG Templates often increase code size though..
@JimNorton use @Cicada.
@StackedCrooked Ok, fair enough. So your implementation (and probably mine as well) explicitly instantiates much of iostreams for basic types and pushes it off to a shared library.
@RadekSlupik ?
@Jim a cicada is a kind of moth.
@StackedCrooked Not really. The existing iostream implementation has all those instantiations anyway (and a billion more), they're just not expressed as a template.
@RadekSlupik Lol ok
and iostreams internal operations are way more complex and convoluted than they need to be.
Oh I hate: int main(int argc, char ** argv)
I like: int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) which technically more correct.
you could get much smaller code and a much better API than iostreams offer right now
@JimNorton It's not, it's exactly the same.
@JimNorton They're both dumb, and [] on a parameter is misleading.
@jimnorton I am confused as to your stance in this chat - first I remember you defending yourself but now I see you sucking up saying php is phucked?
IOstreams were designed by a Java programmer with a POSIX API history!
@Xeo Go read the C FAQ...
@RadekSlupik Java did not exist when IOstreams were designed.
@DeadMG I know, and I was joking.
@Ell But then I read a link detailing all the technical reasons why PHP is bad.
When iostreams were designed it was kind of a pioneering work. There were no mistakes from the past to learn from.
But they do need a damn revision.
the main problem of iostreams is that they do 99999 jobs
I/O, type conversion, text encoding conversion, buffering, etc.
Holy shit.
That's a lot of jobs.
@Ell And I resent you assuming I'm sucking up. You rock by the way. :-)
they need to be simple: I/O. buffering? implementation detail (except flushing).
They're fucking extendable, though, from what I can see
haha it was probably a false assumption, hence I asked :)
Assumptions are the roots of all fuck-ups.
@DeadMG iostreams know about text encoding? Like, e.g. UTF-8 vs UTC-32?
I just want something where I can read and.write bytes, not caring whether it is to memory to network to file etc
@Xeo Not really. Technically, they offer many extension points, but the interface and implementation is so convoluted that it's realistically not done.
lol C++ and UTF-8.
I sometimes wonder why they don't introduce std::v2 namespaces with fixed stuff.
open(), read(), write() > iostreams
@Managu Strictly, yes. But actually, it's too hard to do that because the text encoding API sucks.
#if !defined( CPP_NOEXCEPT )
#   define CPP_NOEXCEPT             noexcept

#if !defined( CPP_NORETURN )
#   define CPP_NORETURN             [[noreturn]]

#if !defined( CPP_STATIC_ASSERT )
#   define CPP_STATIC_ASSERT( e )   static_assert( e, #e )

#if !defined( CPP_IS_OVERRIDE )
#   define CPP_IS_OVERRIDE          override

#if !defined( CPP_IS_FINAL )
#   define CPP_IS_FINAL             final
Python > IOstreams
@StackedCrooked Because nobody got down to writing a "fixed" iostream library

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