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@StackedCrooked I hadn't noticed that, but I don't recall having debugged an optimized build...
@JerryCoffin Did that before. Today I would use Clion which is pretty close, if not better than VS
Also some asshole, already commercialized my biliant idea for a new microscope. Curiously I can still claim its novel from an academic perspective because nobody in academia knows anything.
@Mikhail Some of them know something. A few, for example, know how to get fake papers accepted by "academic" journals...
In case you haven't read the latest entry in the field:
What if the same kind of reality distortion field is present in hard scienece?
Like I could write the same stuff in my field, the only obstaclesbeing a lack of funds for equipment
2 hours later…
Alternative to metaprograming is copy and paste
At least that's readable.
We need more go bashing in this room
Do you have code or systems at work where only one developer knows how it works? (And if that person leaves, the company is fucked?)
We have a lot of this. And I wonder if anything can really be done about it.
3 hours later…
@StackedCrooked when I was a kid I felt like development should follow certain best practices. When I got older I learned about the concept of a "first to market prototype". I also learned that sometimes the product wasn't important. I would say, is that as an astute observer versed in the ways of the world, development is not the end game. Controlling the flow of vc money and demonstrating growth potential to the idiots who gave you money is thr end game.
Another opinion is that you should bang some petite Asian chick, instead of trying.
Hm, I suppose I chose the wrong game then.
Yeah, this is why a comical percentage of neckbeerds I know belive in reincarnation
I had another sad experience tonight with talking to friends in the Silicon Valley, so perhaps I am jaded or expressing courses of action that aren't practical for people aren't attached to the global pool of monegy
But at end of the day, it makes me sad to realize how much more their exoerineces and lives are worth compared to my empheral existence
Basically the people connected to the global pool of money exist, and nobody else does.
Anyways, my experience with human beings is that a majority of them will have no trouble sacrificing their personhood. What the cracker jack do we do with that?
2 hours later…
@StackedCrooked Isn't this code just a library code that simplifies something elsewhere?
I mean, containers implementations are complex but using, e.g., std::vector<> simplifies a lot of things.
At least vector code is mostly readable for intermediate programmers.
But I don't believe the complexity of the code posted is proportional to the inherent complexity of the problem being solved.
The extreme genericness might result in elimination of a little bit of duplication that would have existed in more simpler code. I don't think that's worth it.
However, that's just speculation on my part.
@Mikhail Don't worry, once the alcohol has left your body your perspective on this should have normalized as well. :)
@Mikhail existing is a vague concept :p
isn't happiness what we should strive for?
@Mikhail plus those guys can feel important but they can sometimes be replaced easier than we can x)
Hello everyone! If I have a struct like "struct a{int a :4; int b :4;} is it putting them like (a <<4) | (b & 0xF) or the way around into memory?
The standard doesn't specify that.
It's totally determined by the compiler/platform.
oh thanks
@KriszDev You are supposed to ask that here and maybe have read the documentation.
bitfields are ok as long as you simply read and write them, and don't try to do anything else
Yeah. Like, don't try to send them over the network.
I think that the implementation of std::partial_ordering uses bitfields to save memory
well it's only used locally to compress some data so I guess that's ok like that
but bit tricks is probably out of the question
I recently had this bug when operating with a library that used bitfields. I tried to set the field like this: obj.field = (flag & mask);. This didn't work because flag & mask doesn't simply return 0 or 1.
I had to change it to (flat & mask) ? true : false (or some variation)
!!(flat & mask) :P
bool(flag & mask)
I think that's what I did.
I do (flat & mask) != 0
Or something like that.
though it's not great, has the capability of mistaking with flat & mask != 0 (which is the same as flat & (mask != 0))
It's not like I'm gonna post production code here :P
@milleniumbug I hate that precedence rule.
I doubt anyone likes it
But do you like Fortress-style relative operator precedence?
You just killed chat.
> Operators in Fortress have precedence, but there is no total ordering, no complete precedence table. Instead, operators only have relative precedence, and only if they are actually commonly used that way in scientific publications.
> Mixing operators that don't have defined relative precedence is a compile error; in that case parentheses must be used.
> Also, Fortress is whitespace sensitive, but whitespace can only be used to emphasize existing implicit grouping, never to override it. So, 2+3*5 is okay, 2 + 3 * 5 is okay, 2 + 3*5 is okay because it only emphasizes the already present precedence, but 2+3 * 5 is a compile error, because the visually emphasized grouping doesn't match the actual parse tree.
@Morwenn That seems more like a lint feature to me. But I like the idea.
I need to buy beer and chouchen
And snacks to snack
You just made me try out this: (a +b)
Didn't know what to expect.
In C?
But it compiles.
of course, it's just a addition x)
I figured unary +b might get precedence.
Ah well.
nope, + and b aren't in the same category of symbols
They aren't?
I mean of course not.
I should probably just check cppreference.
max munch rule doesn't work between identifier symbols and operator symbols :p
I see.
TIL about max munch rule.
max munch rule is why we had to introduce an exception to it to be able to write A<B<C>>
with max munch rule alone it was parsed as A < B < C >>
Heh, that sounds like tremendous fun.
It's amazing how cruel C++ syntax can be to parsers. (Remember most vexing parse.)
I recently read about this ambiguity that can happen when using brace initialization. Forgot what it was though.
there is also an exception to max munch rules for this case: foo<::bar>
without this exception the <: is considered to be a digraph
Did this recently change? I remember that this would fail to compile.
Probably between C++11 and C++14
1 hour later…
@Mysticial @Xeo I had stopped watching Asobi Asobase after 7 minutes into the first episode, thinking it was gonna be yet another typical girl show. How wrong I was!
8 hours later…
Anybody working on anything cool?

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