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@Mysticial you really want another delegating constructor for room for copy as an extra parameter
3 hours later…
Waiting for the car to get back from garage for repair on some cosmetic damages. Then can finally travel to the Great Barrier Reefs.
As a hobo (wannabe) at heart, I could not but wondering, what's the best solution for using solar panel to recharge the likes of laptop and drone while traveling?
I have a power bank that charges from 12v, and has USB + 12v + 19.5v out. But I think it only charges at like 15 watts, so might not fully use panels.
12 volt battery + inverter would be ok..but probably more losses than keeping it all low dc voltage (?)
I'm sure you can find all kinds of coltrollers..depends how many outputs you want. Battery + inverter is simplest, but probably not most efficient.
Best would be to charge them directly, and then store extra in a large battery.
DC to DC, through AC ...
Found a 12VDC-240V inverter for car.
Simple, because all your chargers probably work with ac. Not most efficnet. Get a charge controller that outputs USB and 19.5v. And probably 12 if you want to store extra in a battery.
MMake sure it outputs enough for your laptop..probably 100-200 watts.
Probably will, just saying*
If your panels will even do that much.
12v to {anything} modules are probably pretty cheap. Or find a charge controller than does all you want. Modules probably a lot cheaper.
I have some coming in mail right now :p 12to5 iirc.
Also how likely are the solar panels shattering during a 3500km road trip?
Using the power supply in the car would be the easiest, although not sure how powerful it could be.
What a shit show:
^ over a code of conduct.
CoCs are evil.
@TelKitty more common would be to show the wattage (watts = volts x amps)..but it doesn't show that either; "low power" ...could Google for the specs, but I wouldn't expect much. 250w is pretty common and cheap.
You could Google what your car's alternator can output: I'd guess it can easily do 1000w ..probably closer to two; but like anything else, if you push it too close to max for too long, it'llit'll degrade more quickly.
I rang up - 50 watts :'(
And i wouldn't trust your cigarette lighter to have very thick wires...
Could power laptop without it ever dying if not used intensively.
Yikes. I'd look for 250. Don't get bare minimum, for reason I stated above.
Don't forget fuel cans :p
There is also a 150 watt one. For anything more powerful, it's not for automobile cigarette lighter.
Sounds about right.
Time to add wiring and a 2nd battery :D
Currently investing Arduino vs Raspberry Pi. Know much about those?
I have a few lifepo4 batteries I've been meaning to play with..but I need a spot welder. Or a bigger soldering iron.
Just enough to get in trouble : )
Got a spare retired car battery. 12V.
Should be enough to charge laptop at least 1-2 times. Now to find spare room for it, and some thick wire.
Arduino is slower, but gives you more exact timing; you can control the timing circuitry. And no OS to interrupt you.
Better for controlling motors etc, that need 1ms time control.
(Back to work, return in ~hour)
@TelKitty I'm bored. Any questions?
What's the difference between Arduino & servo controller like PCA9685?
Also why are you working on a Sunday night & take hourly breaks? :x
Sunday nights are for anime.
No idea - the PCA* probably only has minimum circuitry requiredrequired and no extra. (?). Good question - and... hush :p
And the arduino can't source much current.
you need a (power) transistor/mosfet to get decent current sourcing/sinking with arduinos
Or maybe small signal transistors + relay?
yeah relay is an option for low frequency switching
Logic level power mosfet*
Ya, probably not good for servos .
Guy on YouTube with some pretty cool videos: HomoFaciens I think is the name ..built his own stepper motors from plain DC motors, and eventually a CNC machine. He covers things like H-bridges.
I thought you were well-versed in Haskell?
@StackedCrooked I didn't think that :D
but I mean, look how easy this is to do
infinite loops and value/update discarding are really the only classes of bugs I encounter
I suppose both require halting problem
1 hour later…
Sea turtles were among the first animals recorded to be ingesting plastic debris, a phenomenon that occurs in every region of the world and in all seven marine turtle species.

Globally, it is estimated that approximately 52 per cent of all sea turtles have eaten plastic.
I would say 100% turtles die eventually ...
5 hours later…
@BartekBanachewicz How is GraphQL going
4 hours later…
@BartekBanachewicz That makes life easy. I can prove the existence of the halting problem. :-)
@Mikhail Well that RH thing didn't last very long. I haven't even downloaded the paper yet and people are already calling BS on it.
Hey folks, there will be an announcement for it soon-ish, but if there's anything you're *really* hoping to see in the #stackoverflow 2019 developer survey, head to meta SO to let us know! Tag it 'survey-2019' and 'feature-request', be clear that it's a survey suggestion. Thanks!
@wilx That's a very strange claim, especially when you consider the statement that you just shared (and qualified with "over a code of conduct").
It seems to me that certain people are evil, and as you astutely observed, the CoC seems to what triggers them.
I don't think getting annoyed by CoCs makes people evil.
Treating people like little children and trying to ban half their vocabulary when you should be caring about the project is not ok.
@sehe I have read this reply 15 times now. Literally 15 times. I do not follow. I said CoCs are evil. I meant CoC are evil. I think CoCs are evil. I do not like CoCs.
Here is Atiyah's lecture: on the Riemann Hypothesis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBVy0oOYczQ Here, apparently, is his paper: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pydoj0a8hguebc6/2018-The_Riemann_Hypothesis.pdf?dl=0 It refers extensively to this much longer paper, where he attempts to compute the fine structure constant: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WPsVhtBQmdgQl25_evlGQ1mmTQE0Ww4a/view
Not enough time to watch lecture
@JerryCoffin Thorlabs is selling a new wacky microscope, with diffraction limited resolution at 5 mm. The objective looks like a soda can. thorlabs.com/Images/GuideImages/10646_Mesoscope_1.jpg Writing a proposal to couple it to Phase One 100 MP sensor.
@Mikhail You mean 5 mm wavelength? Seems like that falls into the range where it's open to debate whether it's really light or radio. Not sure how well the Phase One sensor would fit in though--seems like kind of a strange combination.
Field of View Ø5 mm
The key thing is Collection NAa 1.0
You can stick a brain in there and image the whole brain. Game changer if you can actually get the throughput.
Basically you're limited by the ability to activate and capture neurons

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