@Cicada 147 is the practically highest possible break in snooker. Of course, you could invoke the 'free ball' rule, but that would be really hard to do without active cooperation of your oppenent and the referee, as well as being very unlikely to happen in opening position (but I digress)
> In April 1988 Steve Duggan made a 148 in a practice frame against Mark Rowing in Doncaster.[20][57]
> A 151 is reported to have been compiled by Wally West against Butch Rogers in West London's Hounslow Luciana snooker club during a club match in 1976. After Rogers fouled, Wally took the green as his free ball followed by the brown. He then took 14 red and blacks and a pink off the last red. He then cleared up to make the 151.[20][55][56]
Oh, wow - I thought 148 was the highest ever recorded.
@Ell Technically you can indeed do what you want to. But keep in mind that the law of the strongest always applies. If you go against the system, the system will go against you (and win => you get jailed).
@Ell I notice that you haven't mentioned character and morale when listing female virtues you're attracted to. This won't get you into jail, but will make your life miserable.
@Ell As long as we base them on the random wobbling of a body in space, yes. It’s high time we stop this medieval nonsense and use a sensible, unchanging frame of reference
I think our time reference is not quite fuzzy enough to warrant discussion over day-of-week in the same timezone