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What is the result of QString::number(0.1)? Is it "0.1" or the exact number the literal 0.1 actually stands for?
@FredOverflow at least until we get a standard C++ immutable string that can be easily uppercased, lowercased, trimmed, split and have substrings replaced, and that supports O(1) substring operation and amortized O(n) concatenation with length n result.
@DeadMG irc
@NicoBellic std::string or QString.
@CheersandhthAlf Immutable strings without garbage collection? Not very likely, I would say.
@FredOverflow Give me a sec.
@FredOverflow the poor man's version is std::shared_ptr< const std::wstring >. but it's lacking in many respects.
@FredOverflow Wait...
@CheersandhthAlf O(1) substring operations, is that technically possible ?
Ok so I'm being told that it would be best to save them into sets to make sure there is no duplicate objects.
I'm pretty sure someday C++ will have Garbage Collection for "memory only, no other ressources" types like strings.
@manasij7479 yes
@FredOverflow QString::number(.01) will return a QString containing "0.01".
@manasij7479 structural sharing
@NicoBellic Use the up arrow.
@dead fuck it, never mind
@Drise nice
Fixed! Alright, so given that I want to save them to a set, would converting to char first be best?
@NicoBellic Paste what you have to ideone.com
@Drise please don't drive this guy in the doom of qt so early
@bamboon I love Qt. Its the closest to .NET cross platform.
@NicoBellic char holds a single letter, you sholdn't convert words to a char. Stay with std::string the whole way.
@Drise I hate Qt
@Mooing thanks! So I should just iterate from string[0] all the way to string.length()?
length - 1
@Drise depends on notation
@bamboon ... reason ?
length is 1 based, arrays are 0 based. usually
@NicoBellic that's.... one of many steps
VS' XAML editor is officially the worst piece of software ever designed.
@Drise endpoint depends on inclusive or exclusive notation
@MooingDuck Can I code this one, or do you have one in the works?
@manasij7479 too much reinventing, not standard compliant ...
@Drise Qt still feels like a bloated piece of shit.
(0 to length-1) and (0 to length] are the same range.
@Drise I'm eating, you handle it :D
@NicoBellic I got this, hang on.
@MooingDuck and @Drise would my idea to add every letter one by one to a new empty string until I hit a space character be correct though?
@bamboon Other than the moc, I'm fine with it.
@Drise thank you! I hope this isn't trouble for you though.
@NicoBellic I live for this.
@NicoBellic that's one way
@NicoBellic And I like you. You aren't annoying.
Haha thank you. You're making my life easier, which I'm not used to very often.
Grrr I haven't used set much. How do I add values?
@Drise myset[key] = value is the easiest way
you can also myset.insert(std::make_pair(key, value));
@MooingDuck Isn't the key the value though?
@MooingDuck does a set order from 0 to its max value?
uh, yeah, you can't do that for a set
error: no match for 'operator[]' in 'myset[temp]'
it's just myset.insert(key)
you need a map/unordered map for key->value
@Drise uh, right, set, not map. oops
@DeadMG thanks! That makes it a bit clearer.
@NicoBellic set is always sorted, but not by index
set is always sorted by the comparator, which is < by default
So how can you call on a particular value?
@NicoBellic "call on"?
@NicoBellic set is a set of objects, you get it by value. It's not the most useful container.
which is why I recalled the map interface instead
@NicoBellic Got it.
@NicoBellic you can use std::next(container.begin(), index), but it's not recommended.
Maybe replace "call on" with "reference". Sorry I'm not at all familiar with the jargon.
My debugger shows that each word is in the set.
@NicoBellic You can use find() to check if a particular value is in the set, and if so, retrieve an iterator to it.
Ah makes sense. @Drise thank you so much.
So can I just call upon the data file I have from the terminal using the < filename option?
By call on I mean read the file as a string.
@MooingDuck Thank you for this comment. It allowed me to learn something after some Googling.
@NicoBellic That's different. You need to use ifstream and read the file.
@NicoBellic Drise's code uses a hardcoded string, you'll have to write the code to get the string yourself.
for (set<string>::iterator i = myset.begin(); i != myset.end(); i++)
cout << i << endl;
I see. Wow, thank you so much guys. This place is awesome.
What am I doing wrong?
And I know, I'm not use std::, but I didn't feel like typing it out.
you didn't de-reference the iterator
@NicoBellic We aren't out of the woods just yet.
@Drise no, he's referring to piping in a file to std::cin, but your code doesn't accept that either :D
@Drise I prefer ++i to i++, in very rare cases, it can be faster.
@MooingDuck Habit.
@Drise Note I never claimed it's better since readability is important.
@NicoBellic Stick around just a bit longer.
Oh absolutely.
@TonyTheLion No news, then.
@NicoBellic Is your file a single line?
yea, and guess what it's in IE
even more lol
Google has to 0 USD to Oracle for their lawsuit, haha lol
Nope. It's a file of about....100+ lines with about 10 objects per line, each goes a bit like this: C###### and 2M+##### (There are index numbers in place of the '#').
gargle flargle.
Beat me to it lol
@Drise what about tab?
@MooingDuck I should be breaking on \n or \t as well.
'/n' might work maybe?
I like this setup :P
isn't \t for horizontal tab? I don't there there is a tab anywhere here. Just a space between the objects.
So it looks like a 100x10 matrix pretty much.
@Drise yep, figured. Thanks so much!
@NicoBellic Np. I'm bored at work right now lol.
Oh I feel you.
@TonyTheLion I need that
@NicoBellic Post this on SO. I want pointz!
me too
but I"m too broke to pay for it atm
@Drise isspace
I went on a limb here: stackoverflow.com/a/11146308/256138
actually, wait a second...
@MooingDuck Why?
What should I title the question?
@NicoBellic Split std::string and put each string into a std::set
Something like that
@rubenvb I givez my 1 up.
@Drise I can do it in fewer lines :D
@Drise My sincere thanks :)
@MooingDuck No! Go away! My precious. The precious is mine!
meh, some questions on SO are just meh
@MooingDuck And I could take out the {} and probably use some fancy dodad out of 11, but I still like 03.
What's the undefined behavior in this code sample? stackoverflow.com/questions/11144937/…
Our very own @CheersandhthAlf says it has some juicy UB....
@rubenvb it's explained in the commentary, just expand it ;-)
@CheersandhthAlf aha. Must have glanced over that.
or, people can look at it and not expand the commentary, form their own opinion, and then check ... )
IMO, std::string's interface sucking and not being Unicode aware are similar, but orthogonal, issues
@DeadMG Unicode aware != encoding aware.
a string of characters must be encoded, stronger still: is always encoded in some way.
well, there's basically no difference, since nobody sane would use any encoding except a variant of Unicode
even if you accept input in some other encoding, the only way to go is to convert into Unicode
@MooingDuck Oh poo on you then.
@DeadMG Everybody not aware it even has an encoding, and not living in the US may not notice at all (local 8-bit encodings can go far unnoticed)
you'll definitely notice them when passing them to toupper is UB.
@DeadMG It might just work, if your global C locale is set correctly...
@rubenvb Glocal?
yeah, cause "might work, somewhere, if you remembered to set magic global variable" is a fine way for our programs to operate
@DeadMG oh you'd be surprised how much software is/was written that way :)
@rubenvb for toupper it might work. for some other functions in that family, the debug version of the visual c++ runtime asserts. then it's pretty noticable!
Which is as far as my point extends.
posted on June 21, 2012 by Herb Sutter

While visiting Facebook earlier this month, I gave a shorter version of my “Welcome to the Jungle” talk, based on the eponymous WttJ article. They made a nice recording and it’s now available online here: Facebook Engineering Title: Herb Sutter: Welcome to the Jungle In the twilight of Moore’s Law, the transitions to multicore processors, [...]

@MooingDuck You stole my thunder!
@rubenvb Don't really give a shit about that.
you're talking about how to write new code
the practices of the past are irrelevant
@rubenvb I don't think he would, he's merely disgusted with it
@RMartinhoFernandes Thanks. We totally need Smeagle in here.
@CheersandhthAlf I did have ancient Linux glibc in mind =)
What for?
@Drise Sméagol
Yay two upvotes on my historical conjecture
@rubenvb Sméagol.
@RMartinhoFernandes that's what I'm saying :)
I failed.
@MooingDuck heh. i'm steeling that for fb. :-)
That reminds me I have put The Last Ringbearer on my tablet but haven't even downloaded an app to read it.
@NicoBellic A nice thing about set, you won't have duplicates.
@Drise which is why I was advised to insert into set. Apparently the file might have duplicates.
@NicoBellic You can get rid of garbage now!
Blehg. No one is voting for me lol.
@NicoBellic Go ahead an accept @MooingDuck's answer. It's the most correct one.
@Drise it also has words that aren't code.
@MooingDuck I know, but I had no idea what to say.
@Drise explanation for how each of the parts work?
or something
I dunno
I'm going to accept Drise's answer only because I have no idea what Mooing's code says.
@NicoBellic HAHAHA! Fair enough :D Make sure to comment that so people understand. If you don't understand, then it's not a good enough answer.
I'm sure it's the best answer, but I'm too novice to understand.
@rubenvb: i like the basic idea in your answer. but re details you have chronology wrong for this: "Only later was stuff like <iostream> and <locale> added.". Maybe locale, yes. but iostreams were there from the early 1980's, whereas Bjarne and the STL guy proposed including the STL late in the standardization process, as I recall.
I'm working on the edit now.

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