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Since it's so quiet:
That failed miserably.
You smooshed those images together about as well as the old people.
I'm constantly surprised that this question, after having been asked at least 1000 times straight, still generates 5 upvotes — sehe 3 mins ago
Superglue (TM)
Thanks sehe and nils.
Also, to the meat conversation earlier:
Installing DayZ might be more painful than the game itself.
Tweaky tweaky, finally managed to get Combined Operations to work.
Combo Ops? Where? What?
ArmA 2 installer is stupid and fails to set registry keys properly.
Yay. That's usually a bonus.
Oh gods so much head bobbing.
It's like I'm made of jelly.
I think I'm going to go home now. I'm tired of being at work.
Do note: Its 2 AM
@CatPlusPlus Suggestive language alert
This game has weirdest key bindings.
People, why is this being closed? It looks like a perfectly relevant question, with a fine SSCCE. I get the impression it is being closed because people don't know how to answer it? (I don't - but the answer sure interests me) — sehe 38 secs ago
Ware can I has copy?
std::copy <algorithm>
I hate my life, because I find that funny.
Oh. ok
Most people would like at you like "wtf?"
1 more typo to go
rageface It's 2 am.
@EtiennedeMartel I would use ~0 for that.
@FredOverflow What is ~0?
~0 is 0 and then all bits flipped, so you get all 1 bits.
How to make easy rep: ask a question involving UB
Also hi
A: _CrtIsValidHeapPointer(pUserdata) AND _BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID(pHead->nBlockUse)

Cheers and hth. - AlfYou forgot to ask any question, but anyway, the code shown above has Undefined Behavior, due to e.g. delete of something that was not allocated with new, and then anything can happen, including whatever behavior it is that you see (which you forgot to describe)

@Cicada Tried that.
Q: Uninitialized values behave as expected on Linux but not Windows

DriseWhy do uninitialized "max" and "min" values work on Linux but not Windows? For example: double max, min, test; while (1) { std::cin >> test; if (test > max) max = test; if (test < min) min = test; } This works on Linux. I know for a fact because I've been using this ...

@CheersandhthAlf There, fixed that for you
@Drise Try something more obvious like why a[i] = i++ dont work help plz. Guaranteed 5 upvotes.
@Cicada I would not stoop to such a level... Ew.
What's the scope of the using keyword? I can write using namespace blah within a function but not within a class..
But I would really like to use a certain namespace only within another class..
global and local scope only afaik
So I would have to put the class in which I would like to use a certain namespace in another namespace and put the using directive at the beginning of that namespace?
Boost seems to do this too.
Why do roaches have to ruin things... like food.... or drise getting some action?
@Nils I'm not aware of any other solution
Hmm... is there any way I can use concepts without using boost?
it was removed from the standard IIRC
They also enjoy ruining sleep...
@Nils Yeah I saw :(
What do you want to use concepts for?
For template parameter constraints
ah and what kind of applications?
So boost is out. Meh.
morning all :D
I feel surprisingly chipper to day
Ah CUDA :)
CUDA is a lot of fun
@StackedCrooked geweldig!
@Drise Did that really happen?
@nil Incidentally, I find questions in 'How-to' form are frequently among the more relevant (non-localized). True, 'How to <solve homework question>' is annoying. But I like 'How to save as DIB' a lot better than 'Strange crash using GetDeviceDC on WinXP SP3'. I have attempted a little bit of a helpful answer at that question:
A: Index and histogram of Unicode characters in input using C++

seheHere's what I got, and it seems to works quite well on my machine1. //#define PREFER_BOOST #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <map> #include <istream> #include <algorithm> #include <iterator> #ifdef PREFER_BOOST #include &l...

@sehe Yes, the first, just now, the latter a few days ago.
@nul ^^ To be completely blunt, I feel it should be more complicated than just that, but, it should be a start
@Drise Aw - good stuff. Stuff you can remember later. Another reason for making out in the park
I wondered, is there a way to show a timer on the UI without using a secondary thread?
@sehe It's not so much an issue of relevance or whatnot to me, it's just that it annoys me on a grammatical level
@TonyTheLion depends
I assume you have a rendering loop? in which case, updating the display of the timer is a trivial task. It depends on what it is you are timing, and how you are doing so
"How to verb noun?" should either not be a question or it should really say something like "I'm doing X, but it fails at Y. I've tried Z..." and so on in the body of the question, not "How to X Y?"
The question title can just be "How to X Y" as a statement (no question mark) and that'd be fine.
Humm I find boost::interprocess quite hard to read..
hmm boost::serialization doesn't take care of endiannes/string encoding apparently
¬_¬ @nil @Nils
anyway, off to wolves.
I'm the one with the teeth.
@nil no, you're the slightly darker avatar
@thecoshman yes well, I have a rendering loop
hi again. apparently im not
@TonyTheLion so, what are you timing, and how are you doing so? Chances are, it is what you are timing (say compressing a big file) that needs to be in a separate thread
I'm thinking that the boost::interprocess allocators are probably just bullshit. Why could nobody provide containers which can just be flattened into a bunch of bytes and then restored from there?
@Nils dynamic memory
Like you can resize a vector in shared memory? I don't need that
@Nils something like `struct { int a, b } is (relatively) easy to copy the raw bytes from ram, and dump to disk, and then reverse
but, `struct foo { struct bar* a, int b } is not so easy, sure you can work out that you need to dump what ever a is pointing to, or do really need to? but how can you restore the where that bar object is in memory?
yeah so for vector, string, deque and map
@CatPlusPlus You made me intrigued by DayZ. Now must play lots.
my point is, for non POD you can't just dump to file. and I'm not even sure how reliable that is for POD's in the first place
what with encoding and endianness etc.
yeah but for container data it should be no problem (assuming that the container actually holds data and not pointers/references to data)
@Nils you mean POD?
Well chars, strings and floats in my case..
are these pods?
strings not sure :S
not sure about strings... AFAIK a POD can contain other PODs and still be a POD :P
curse you windows! why no native support for ssh?
@Nils What exactly do you mean by strings? std::string is not a POD.
char* is a POD, but of course, dumping a pointer to file is not a very good idea :)
Well I would have no problem turning std::string into char * for data exchange.
What's the exact def of a POD?
Q: What are POD types in C++?

ceretullisI've been following SO for a bit now, and I've come across this term POD-type a few times... what does it mean?

Dumping PODs into a file is a bad idea, too.
huh, didn't realise pointers where allowed in POD
No compatibility, no versioning.
@CatPlusPlus unless you have some very specific requirements, and can make a lot of very specific assumptions
It's a lousy way to do serialisation.
in which case it may be the best solution
best bet, write a proper serialisation function
Eh, I'd rather take 5 minutes to write protobuf messages.
@cat, is scons ok with python 3.2?
@thecoshman Sure, why not?
Dunno about SCons, but the build script will not work with 3.x.
@FredOverflow I think I just convinced my self they weren't because of the way you can't just shallow copy
@CatPlusPlus in some cases, that might just be too slow. Perhaps you really really really don't want even the thinnest parsing/mapping layer. You want to dump memory to a file, and then read it back. Again, like I said, this is certainly not a good general purpose solution, but there are cases where it makes sense
@CatPlusPlus ¬_¬ so I have to use 2?
@thecoshman Yes. I might try 3 later.
@thecoshman There is no other choice than shallow copy for PODs. If you define a class with a custom copy constructor, assignment operator and destructor, by definition it is not a POD anymore.
to the issue tracker! before the polar bear deltes us
@jalf MSVC does that with PCHs and boy does that not work properly. :v
@Cicada Why doesn't i = i++ work? ;)
@FredOverflow thinking about it, it does make sense why pointers can be used in a POD, just you do need be very carefull with what you are doing
POD has a very technical definition.
@FredOverflow Congratulations, you just earned the badge Stellar question.
I think of PODs as stuff where assignment and memcpy do the same thing.
@Cicada I have another question: can a void* point to itself? ;)
@FredOverflow Hmmmm
void * p = (void *) &p;   // does this work? too lazy to try
I'd say yes
will I get butt raped if I try to have python 2 and 3 installed side by side? I assume so
I did the same and AFAIK "my hole" was OK
Why would it be a problem?
Also can you template<something> a method in a templated class?
how will it know what python is 'python' :P
@Cicada Sure, it's called a member template.
I'm getting a syntax error. 30s making simple sample
@thecoshman Windows or Linux?
@CatPlusPlus currently, windows
On Windows it's best to use the new launcher.
what's that?
On Linux, python will be the default version, python2 default 2.x, python3 default 3.x and pythonX.Y specific versions.
@CatPlusPlus smart :P
It's a launcher that handles multiple Python versions.
With #! emulation and all that.
@FredOverflow It all makes so much more sense now!
oh right, so I need to install that as well as python 2.7
@Neil meh, nothing fancy
Current goes out, current goes in. You can't explain that.
@CatPlusPlus void * p = (void *) &p; :P
It'll probably work, the value will be just undefined as if you never initialised it.
@CatPlusPlus magnets. You can't explain that
@thecoshman You fail at fail memes.
@Neil what is that ':' operator before the p?
@thecoshman Smiley face pointer
Looking at the example with the string vector: boost.org/doc/libs/1_49_0/doc/html/interprocess/…
Error: P is not defined..
I can either have containers completely in shared memory or just having their internal data pointer to point to shared memory.
But there is no word about how to restore the object again in another process unless it is stored fully in shared memory.
Or did I miss something?
function template partial specialization not allowed. wat
(i suck at C++)
(inb4 "at C++ only?")
@Cicada you have to do it through a class, use a static function
because class partial specialization
Or use overloading if possible.
@Cicada ew, pastebin
What do you prefer? gist?
Member functions can't be specialized at all.
@Cicada That's so last year
heh I see where this is going..
@Cicada In my case I just wrote a wrapper for vector where you could say upload() and get a pointer pointing to the gpu memory where the raw data was uploaded. Download was implemented similarly.
@nil aha. That way. I agree, somewhat. Though I'd like to add that telling the OP about your taste in grammar isn't helpful, I thought (as did he) you were providing genuine constructive feedback :)
std::vector guarantees that the floats or whatever are next to each other in memory and you can get the pointer to the internal data by &(myVec[0]) IIRC
@sehe In a sense, it is constructive. It might garner more answers, at least.
@nil However, in programming, there will be a lot of other idioms that should make you cringe then. Regardless, they make for very easy communication (and google loves FIXME, TODO, HOWTO etc).
Not to mention... memes :)
@nil Or it might not. More to the point would be "Make the title shorter and to the point"
@CatPlusPlus that launcher is very smart indeed, thanks :D
@Cicada I sometimes use this technique. Stolen from litb.
@CatPlusPlus that's a strange thing to say. MSVC has had PCH for ages, and it's worked pretty well, until some assumptions were violated. So now they do something a bit more complex. But that goes back to what I said, if you can make the necessary assumptions, then it works
10 hours ago, by Feeds
sehe has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
10 hours ago, by Feeds
posted on June 16, 2012 by vcblog

After Pat's post last week about MFC bugs fixed in Visual Studio 2012 (aka VC11), I thought that a similar list for the STL would be interesting: ID Title 492128 std::locale constructor modifies global locale via "setlocale()" 492561 STL streams cannot be used concurrently 498533 iostreams should use codepage of their imbued locales instead of the current c locale 506966 New warning

@Nils I don't think it guarantees that. It happens to because of how vectors work, but it doesn't guarantee it anymore than allocating memory as an array guarantees that it's one whole block
As far as you're concerned, windows could separate that array allocation into 3 separate pieces
It should simply have to work like it normally does
In all probability that's not the case though, in fact I don't think windows actually does this sort of thing
But my point was simply that vectors guarantee o(1) access time
"The elements of a vector are stored contiguously, meaning that if v is a vector<T, Allocator>
where T is some type other than bool, then it obeys the identity &v[n] == &v[0] + n
for all 0 <= n < v.size()."
@Neil Virtual memory does not work this way. Goodnight.
vector is contiguous, the end.
@CatPlusPlus Here we go again. I said I don't think windows actually does this sort of thing.
Of course it's likely that underlying pages will not be next to each other, but that doesn't matter.
It's contiguous in terms of virtual memory.
@sehe oh, I didn't see that. I was asleep, and also I have @feeds on ignore :)
The difference is conceptual, since for all practical intents and purposes, they are the same.
If you had a class called BigList which guarantees o(1) access but you don't know how it works, you could assume it's contiguous, but that's likely certainly a conceptual error
You'd probably be right, but that doesn't change the fact that BigList is a contract which guarantees a certain performance. It does not guarantee a certain implementation
@CatPlusPlus contiguous in the process' virtual memory space. Not necessarily contiguous in the underlying physical memory
@jalf Yes, I said that.
@jalf In that case:
@Neil Okay. That has nothing to do with vector.
11 hours ago, by sehe
Fair enough then. :)
@sehe ok, I didn't see that one because I was asleep ;)
vector is guaranteed contiguous, not just O(1) random access.
no wait, because I wasn't home :)
deque is O(1) random access with no contiguity guarantee.
@CatPlusPlus vector is a class which guarantees o(1) access time. You know how it is implemented, but that doesn't mean you should count on that
No, vector is a class which guarantees O(1) random access AND contiguity.
@jalf You sleep under the bridge? <kidding/>
It wasn't guaranteed in C++03 and it was deemed a defect, and all implementations were contiguous anyway.
@sehe Of course. Isn't that what trolls do? ;)
@CatPlusPlus sure? I thought that was what 03 was supposed to fix. It was a defect that 98 didn't guarantee it
Maybe. Don't remember.
so in 03 it was guaranteed
Don't really care, either.
bu I don't have the spec at hand
Main thing is that it was always intended to be contiguous, and practical implementations have always been contiguous, I guess
The point is, it's guaranteed now, and this whole thread is weird and pointless.
@jalf True, but I see it like having to worry about whether or not the database will optimize my SQL query
That exits the realm of programming and enters the realm of system administrators
@CatPlusPlus someone's a bit grumpy today :)
@Neil What.
As far as I'm concerned I don't have to worry about that, so long as I use common sense rules
@CatPlusPlus Huh?
@Neil "so last year"?
scary, soon I'll know the entire websocket protocol by heart...
@Drise ProTip<kind::subtle>: 'I dislike people [saying "Just use boost"]' might be slightly less abbrasive/generalizing than '"I dislike [people] who say "Just use boost"'. (In the first case you state your (probable) intent: You dislike the "saying" of that by some people.
@Cicada It was in reference to @thecoshman's comment that you were using pastebin
Yeah, more like "So... never"
Ok, question time:
Don’t const iterators violate the iterator concepts?
i.e. the forward iterator concept requires that *i++ = x is a valid expression
@KonradRudolph Three guesses
but it isn’t, for a const iterator
@sehe yes, no, maybe UB?
@KonradRudolph I guess technically, yeah
Yes, no, file not found.
Maybe they only were referring to iterators and not const_iterators
Ranges are better anyway.
@KonradRudolph In a way, it is a valid expression. One that will generate a compiler diagnostic since the lhs is const?
@sehe No, a const_iterator doesn’t necessarily even define that operation – take, for example a random access iterator which defines i[n] = x – I am currently implementing a const random access iterator and I cannot even define this function
or rather, the question is whether I need to define the function and assert failure at runtime or implement a no-op?
@KonradRudolph Which standard are you citing anyway? I get § 24.2.5 Table 109 (n3242) listing only r++ and *r++ in addition to Input Iterator requirements
@sehe > take, for example a random access iterator
Well, FUCK
Want to specialize an inner class
@Cicada Ok. Whom?
Fuck you C++
@Cicada Sure you can. The syntax can get unwieldy, but you should be perfectly fine
The outer class is templated
@Cicada That's when it becomes unwieldy alright. Linky?
Well I edited my previous attempt following the suggestions StackedCrooked gave me
(I want to try it, because I'm starting to doubt my own optimism. Slightly)
Do I have to search for a link, then? :)
line 31: How am I supposed to crate a boost fucking string from std::string?
And apparently forbidden by the standard
Any workaround?
humm I'm not much of a template programmer either
@Cicada That's exactly what I typed in the mean time. Let me fiddle for a second
I just realized something: I can't seem to remember where in the standard it is guaranteed that doing std::memset (reinterpret_cast<char*> (&my_int), sizeof (int), 0); will actually make my_int hold the value 0. before I ask this rather odd question on the site, is there anyone with a memory of where I might find this guarantee (or has developers been invoking the standard definition of UB)?
It's silly thing to do.
But it should work where 0 is encoded as all 0.
Type punning to char* is allowed IIRC.
No workaround? :(
Nope. Sry for delay. Colleagues... :)
It surely looks impossible. Don't know precisely why.
With template aliases, you could fix it, though
@sehe This is not the moment to play your violin!
is int signed or unsigned by default?
All integral types are signed by default, except for char, which is implementation-defined.
@StackedCrooked yes, the standard says that a type T written to a char[sizeof(T)] and then written back to the location of (&t) (T t) will yeild the correct result
but nothing says that an int has to consist of sizeof(T)``chars where the actual memory content of each char/byte is set to 0
been looking through the standard for the past 15-20 minutes, can't find nothing stating that doing what I described earlier is actually legal..
I might as well as the question on the site, since I find it quite interesting.. or isn't it?
@sehe have any 2 cents to throw in regarding the above?
@Neil Why not? Ah... colleagues again?
@ScarletAmaranth moaning
@CatPlusPlus in practise that is true, but the standard doesn't really give a damn about real-life; at least not when describing things, as long as things confirm to the abstract machine things are alright.. but since it doesn't go that deep on object byte representation I cannot see how it's not UB (even though I know it will work in practise)
Then don't do that, duh.
@CatPlusPlus I won't do it; but I have not yet seen anyone actually say that it's UB, just that it's not recommended
How have you been kids ?
@ScarletAmaranth By not aging prematurely.
@refp hmm, interesting question. Not sure tbh.
@sehe I almost wrote: "The only thing I don't do prematurely is optimize." but then I realized that could come out very very very wrong :P
in any case, it wouldn't be UB, would it? Just implementation-defined, since type-punning to chars is allowed, so by memsetting you just get whichever int the implementation maps to all-zeros
@ScarletAmaranth Ejaculations and Jubilations are also best done when the time is ripe
@sehe There seems to be a pressing issue, and you're playing your violin. Very off topic, if I do say myself...
@ScarletAmaranth Yeah but how epic would that quote have been?
@Neil Making music unlocks the creative potential and puts your mind in the relaxed/focused mode required for thinking. Blabla.
You would have been remembered for eons to come!
Really, there is more than a little sense in that, and I used it a lot when I worked from home
@sehe Ah I see. Now I understand, very inventive of you.
@Neil About 6.1, not considering inflation
Q: C++11 std::function and perfect forwarding

airmanWhy definition of std::function<>::operator() in the C++ standard is: R operator()(ArgTypes...) const; and not R operator()(ArgTypes&&...) const; ? One would think that to correctly forward parameters, we need the && and then use std::forward<ArgTypes>... in the fu...

this is interesting
I also thought that with r-value reference, you would be better off, as you could forward rvalues
@Neil Yes, I would have been stared 48 stars and then with a little bit of luck, pinned to the C++ lounge starboard for eternity :)
@Cicada hide the alloc thingie as a trait, create a nested typedef for it (instead) using template aliases.
but it seems when you do so, the compiler complains
@jalf assuming that the value of object is really 0 would be UB, but yeah.. no, not really UB - just implementation-defined
test.cpp:8:10: error: fiddling will not produce repeatable results (-Werror)
@jalf I guess it's more interesting to ask the question in C, since it's quite common to "reset" a struct to all zeros by doing std::memset (&instance, sizeof (instance), 0)
I'm gonna grab a smoke, think about the matter, and then probably post the question to SO.. first question ever asked by me, wiho!
@ScarletAmaranth There, a star for you, dear.
39 mins ago, by sehe
@KonradRudolph Which standard are you citing anyway? I get § 24.2.5 Table 109 (n3242) listing only r++ and *r++ in addition to Input Iterator requirements
@KonradRudolph how did you fare there? I think I might have missed your answer?
@Neil Plague upon thee! :)
I don't even see any valid reason to forbid that kind of specialization, really
@sehe Yeah I could do that...
This question is almost my problem
> Unfortunatly nobody at comp.std.c++ dared to answer
That's pretty discouraging

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