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@FredOverflow Meat
And Jelly
@FredOverflow typename!
@LucDanton You're simply guessing, aren't you?
thank god, it works now. son of a
Well, what does void foo(int i); operate on? int!
luckily i know who made this code so I can go kick their ass with liberal jubilation
So that's what template<typename T> struct is_trivial; operate on.
@ScottW Probably a silly online judge stuff.
Codility or somesuch.
@LucDanton By that logic, template<class T> struct is_trivial; operates on class :)
forgetting that the keywords are (nearly) synonyms
* except for the template tempalte argument case, IIRC
I wish g++ gave the column number of a compile error
It does.
@Ell Doesn't it? I believe it does for me
@FredOverflow Well you can write void foo(alias<int> i); and in general arbitrarily silly examples that boil down to int, too.
@FredOverflow Blasphemy, real TMPers™ don't use class there.
5 hours ago, by sehe
test.cpp:8:10: error: fiddling will not produce repeatable results (-Werror)
@ScottW Solving TopCoder problems on a whiteboard p. much
That's what I did
Good morning everybody! Our God here is pedantry! We mercilessly worship it! Hail Pedantry!
No, it's me.
@sehe hehe, template tempalte.
@sehe always seemed a bit arbitrary that they were synonyms with that one exception
Wow... did I manage to get on every persons ignore list? I'm not feeling the love. :-)
did you hear something?
@RMartinhoFernandes I think we should rename the Lounge to "Template temple".
@AgainstASicilian :-)
@sehe oh nevermind its probably code::blocks not showing it for some unhelpful reason
@Flexo That's not the only exception.
@Ell You have been cock::blocked!
typename foo {
    int x;
@RMartinhoFernandes isn't it?
(in that context)
There's only one place where they are synonyms.
What, you can't even say class T::iterator it;? :)
@JimNorton I've responded, you blasphemer. :.
The exception is when they are synonyms.
That's what should irk you.
#define typename class
#define class typename
Use typename and shut up.
#define type_name typename   // I think this reads a bit nicer
@CatPlusPlus Thank you and good morning.
#define wet_noodles typename
I dare you to do that.
@JimNorton I have a present for you.
> It can be difficult for non-Scandinavians. The best suggestion I have heard yet was "start by saying it a few times in Norwegian, then stuff a potato down your throat and do it again :-)"
too bad I don't speak Norwegian :(
#define WET__NOODLES typename
@CatPlusPlus I dare you do that!
Dat reserved identifier.
That's what's so daring about it!
#define WET_‗NOODLES typename?
@FredOverflow Hey thanks man! That was interesting indeed. I will have to listen to it about 60+ times to get his last name pronounced correctly. BTW, this chat room has given me the motivation I've been needing for the past 10 years to learn C++.
Learn Haskell first.
Just call him Begearne.
Or Steve.
@Flexo Well, only class templates can be template template (!!! <- @robot) arguments, so it isn't too aribitrary.
@sehe Thanks @sehe.
@RMartinhoFernandes are we talking about bjarne?
@sehe but class can be non-class types elsewhere in template arguments
@sehe Alias templates as well.
Or template aliases I suppose.
Anytime you think there's a consistency in C++, there isn't!
@RMartinhoFernandes New meaning to double rainbow underscore
@CatPlusPlus What is the reasoning behind your advise?
@JimNorton C++ sucks.
@JimNorton He really likes Haskell and dislikes C++. A perfectly sane position, actually.
@Drise Oh, and sorry for the unbalanced parentheses
@LucDanton Oh. There goes my simple explanation. Good call.
Does learning a FP language give a developer advantages over other developers who only know C++ or some other non-FP OO language?
@Flexo That's the point. Because in other places it is synonymous. Hence, the exception. Regardless, the Robot and Luc are far more accurate, as usual
@JimNorton Yes.
@RMartinhoFernandes Would you elaborate please?
You know more!
@RMartinhoFernandes Well I think that's a given. What are the specific advantages?
@EtiennedeMartel Yes
@EtiennedeMartel is that from starship trooper?
@JimNorton The degree to which C++ is non-FP is quite debatable, IMO.
what should I use for a binary stream?
Many mainstream languages (including C++) are going more and more functional.
The fact that everything except C and Java has lambdas should be a good clue.
@DeadMG That's why grokking FP is a an advantage in C++
@Ell std::ios::binary, for starters
@Ell cin/cout?
@MooingDuck That is especially hard, because you'll have to reopen the streams in binary mode, which cannot be portably done
@Ell well basic_iostream anyway, if not those particular streams.
@DeadMG Thanks Dead. I will do some Googling.
The <algorithm> header is full of functional goodness.
Why is optional<optional<int>> o = {{}}; ambiguous?
Even though ranges would be better.
I just took out the Garbage. That felt so... C :) I'm gonna celebrate by eating a peach.
So the new batch of deleters from Meta has been picked
would stringstream be okay?
@MooingDuck Well, excuse me, if you're gonna blurt out 'keywords' for an answer, better not blurt precisely the keywords that are problematic :)
@LucDanton I'm trying to imagine the use case for an optional<optional<int>>
@Ell Do you want to take a binary stream parameter? Do you want to write binary stuff somewhere? Read binary stuff? What does "binary stream" mean to you anyway?
@MooingDuck More options!
If anybody is interested I created a new room. I KNOW I KNOW, most of you will despise the room.. but maybe some of you will use it and maybe teach me or provide hints to make it a popular room?
@RMartinhoFernandes I'd argue, more accurately, that people are waking up to the fact that single-paradigm is dumb.
Receiving binary data from a socket, this data will then be deserialized to an object. To me "binary stream" means it wont be tampered with - just bytes
@Ell Yup. make it a basic_stringstream<unsigned char> for additional clarity
and if you already provide imperative/OOP then the other major paradigm is functional
There's already a C room.
It's probably dead.
@JimNorton we already have a c room


A room to hang out and chat. The primary focus is on the C lan...
if Haskell wants to make more of an impression, it should wake up to this fact too and offer some more imperative/OOP features
@DeadMG Oh, I agree.
I stay in it to keep them out of this room
@JimNorton Have lots of healthy debate. That works like a magnet on SO users
@CatPlusPlus Yes, but the description of that room is not the same and doesn't share the same purpose.
It does offer imperative features.
@RMartinhoFernandes A good clue about what? How much Java sucks?
@sehe Roger..
@MooingDuck And for that, we bless you.
@JimNorton so get in, I'll make you owner, and we'll change the description/purpose
@DeadMG Unless you mean OOP in the class-inheritance thingy crap sense, the OO is there.
in Kyrostat, 9 secs ago, by sehe
So, what's the word? Any chance I can download a preview?
@MooingDuck Ok that works for me...
@JimNorton You have waited 10 years to learn C++? Too bad, we could have congratulated you today for mastering the language if you had immediately started :)
But since it's not "traditional", it needs more learning to master.
@Drise That guy is a genius.
@RMartinhoFernandes How serious are you?
@FredOverflow Well the thing is my professional work has nearly always been in C.
@CatPlusPlus C++ is a design compromise between 100 different individuals, just like most other popular programming languages. Of course they all "suck", because nobody will be 100% satisfied with the result.
@MooingDuck Thank you
@FredOverflow One of the many reasons why Wide rocks :P
@DeadMG single vision? Has pros.
@DeadMG Sure; as soon as you see something wrong with it, you can immediately fix it.
@LucDanton "Normal" serious? I admit I may have a too flexible idea of what OO means, though.
I really do like the idea of arbitrary compile time code
it was a dream of my language which only has a name of course
@DeadMG I tried to make a language once. I started with C++, but then made massive changes. After a while I realized I'd reinvented lua, and was glad I never wrote any of it down.
@FredOverflow There will be nothing wrong with it.
@Ell Boo? Template Haskell?
@Ell C and C++ theoretically have that capability, other than library calls.
@Ell C# + some-crap-I'm-planning-to-write-with-Roslyn-but-I'm-sure-someone-else-will-write-better-because-they're-serious-about-it?
@RMartinhoFernandes This feels more like replicating the results of OOP by combining several features together (which would be accidental) rather than a design decision, no? I'm not sure because I can't quite imagine what subclassing looks like.
@MooingDuck I must thank you, as it seems you've had my back or helped me out ever since I was mentioned here. I am curious as to why though. (chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/3857590#3857590)
What methods exist on stackoverflow to "market" a chat room, if any?
@RMartinhoFernandes What's Roslyn?
Trying to get Lounge<C> more active.
@JimNorton associated tags - it'll show up on the right hand side for questions in that tag
@DeadMG Compiler as an API.
@JimNorton Why would you do such a thing?
@RMartinhoFernandes so libclang .NET
Well, more, since libclang only does frontend, but yeah, that's the idea.
@Drise Because I'd like to have an active room like this one but focused on C
@JimNorton Haha, are we focused on c++? I doubt it.
@JimNorton That's probably not going to happen, because the number of poor fools on SO who think that C is worth their time is pretty small.
and secondly, we hardly focus on C++ at all.
@DeadMG Doesn't hurt to try.
@RMartinhoFernandes Nah, I mean OOP in terms of mutable data members and such things.
@DeadMG The bias against C in this room is enough for me to try and get Lounge<C> to be more active.
@Drise that's an interesting question, and I'm still thinking about it. I dunno? Because I have help to offer, that would help you, and you haven't been irritating.
@RMartinhoFernandes it would be called "Cobalt" and the logo would be a little blue flame leaning to the right with a little whisp on the left, it would also have a circle cut out of the middle of the hole
You know, Lounge<C> is at best, an unfinished C expression.
@MooingDuck yeah but the library calls are the most appetising bit :s
‎#define pubic public
@JimNorton There's no bias against C in this room; we speak nothing but the facts against it.
@RMartinhoFernandes Oh yeah, also, the lounge name doesn't really work for C like it does in C++ :P
@DeadMG liar
@EtiennedeMartel I have on many occasions accidently typed pubic
@Ell :4212918 what would you expecte cout << "HI"; to do at compile time?
@RMartinhoFernandes yeah... ruby has a logo :P
@MooingDuck I'm very appreciative of course. But I'm always curious, so I had to ask. @sehe brought it up yesterday, and I noticed what you said.
@RMartinhoFernandes Silly me.
I've designed a couple of toy languages before (never really bothered starting an implementation) and never ever thought of a logo.
@Ell I just did. It pains me immensely every time I do.
@MooingDuck output it in the compiler log?
@RMartinhoFernandes you're missing out, its the best bit
C++ needs a logo.
a caterpillar methinks
by the way
why oh why did I never, ever think of naming a Wide IDE just W?
it's so blindingly obvious
Oh. I get it.
or make it a recursive acronym
@DeadMG I like wideide
@MooingDuck Also, while you were helping me, @DeadMG was consistenly trying to get me burned at the stake. :D
@Drise he does that
Stakes are good.
The previous sentence was not meant to make sense. Anty semblance of it is purely accidental.
Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy a good stake burning.
MooingDuck will tell you that I never lose :P I have quite a habit of being right every time with him too.
@Drise I prefer mine medium-rare
@DeadMG You proved that yesterday.
@Flexo Stake, not steak, silly.
@Ell ah, I get it now, you want C++'s constexpr to be unlimited. I get it.
@DeadMG yes, but you're known to reinterpret your own words until they become something that we weren't originally debating about.
@MooingDuck why would it be unlimited?
Anyhows, off to work. See yall in about 10 minutes.
Anybody have opinions about this book on C++?
@Ell the problem with that is constexpr doesn't guarantee compile time execution, merely permits it
@MooingDuck reinterpret_cast<correct&>(wrong)
Practical C++
@JimNorton Shop from here.
@JimNorton Youll learn more C++ just hanging out here, trust me.
@Flexo In certain contexts it guarantees compile time execution or error.
is there a way to get the number of bytes written to a stream?
@DeadMG thank you
@MooingDuck "Moving the goalposts".
@RMartinhoFernandes but as a constexpr function you have no way of telling if you're being called from one of those contexts or not
Oh, that, yes.
constexpr overloading is an often requested feature.
@MooingDuck That's what happens when you want to be right at any cost.
@EtiennedeMartel No, what happens when you want to be right at any cost is mass murder.
@RMartinhoFernandes Ah, yes.
it's usually just because you thought the goalposts were in one place, but they never were
@RMartinhoFernandes I just need to find the "size" of the stream, although a stream isn't meant to have a size is it?
@Ell You need to keep track yourself then.
Or use a stream type that tracks it, like stringstream.
right kk
you know
it occurs to me that I don't actually know what to put in a functional library
DeadMG: @Potatoswatter No, the Chinese invented gunpowder. They didn't make guns out of it.
Mooing Duck: @DeadMG wikipedia lists several battles where guns were used some 200-300 years before it mentions any European improvement
DeadMG: battles where guns were used != guns came to utterly dominate all warfare
That goalpost moved a very long way there
@DeadMG Functions?
@MooingDuck Yes. There's a big difference between "The Chinese made the first guns" and "The Chinese were the first to make an effective system".
"Functional library" is a bit of a non-description.
@RMartinhoFernandes yeah, but so far, all I've got is std::function, y-combinator, and a multicast delegate thingy.
@DeadMG So this seems worthy of my time.
@JimNorton Accelerated C++ is well-regarded by many educated members of the Lounge.
@DeadMG lol, y-combinator just for kicks?
@DeadMG Excellent.
@RMartinhoFernandes Eh. I figure I should provide one. I mean, I've met 999999 people who say C++ isn't functional because it doesn't provide one.
even though you can easily write your own
Meh, if it's not as elegant as let x = f x in x, it's not fun.
The thing is not very useful anyway.
I'd more go for "incomprehensible" for that definition.

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