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I always asked at comp.lang.c++.moderated before SO existed.
@KonradRudolph I don't know where you got that, but that's not true.
Only output iterators require write operations.
@RMartinhoFernandes Hey, I'm switching to that new style with testers for type traits. Tipping point for me was that you can simply not use an alias but write a separate trait class still. Not that I ever cared for the Standard definition of a trait, but tag dispatching might always come in handy sometimes.
I also find the nested type handy.
I don't think I've ever used it.
I think I used it twice or something, but I was happy it was there those two times.
Also it would be possible for std::integral_constant to have a converting constructor constrained on U::value == value.
For tag dispatching purposes.
Well, maybe. I don't want to think too much about overload resolution and conversions.
You mean, so you could do foo(blah, true) instead of foo(blah, true_type{})?
No, that won't work.
Oh, I get it. foo(blah, other_trait_not_derived_from_integral_constant{}) would pick a void(blah_type, true_type).
No, so that you could pass anything to Ret dispatch(whatever, std::true_type); as long as that type has the same value.
Substitution failed because "no matching function for call to 'declval()'"? Wut.
What the hell.. I would have thought that putting n files of size x into a zip would occupy slightly less space on the disk than 10*n files of size x/10.
Somehow it is almost a tenth of the other zip yet it seems to have everything inside it
> Template argument deduction only pertains to function templates
class templates don't need their template args deduced?
They can't.
foo<> x; // deduce all you can, bitch
There's no usable information whatsoever.
foo<int> x
deduce int ?
That's not deduced.
From where?
@sehe I answered that: my example was using the random iterator concept, no longer the the forward iterator one!
That's explicit.
I see
right... I get it, the clue is the word "deduction"
@KonradRudolph Random iterators don't have such requirements either.
Given template<typename T> void foo(T); then you can see deduction in action when you write foo(0) because that works without needing to write foo<int>(0).
Only a[n], not a[n] = x.
@RMartinhoFernandes True, confused it (actually, I’m confused now because I can’t find it again). But what I said is still true for the random access iterator
@RMartinhoFernandes See the link ^
@KonradRudolph Ah, those requirements do not match the standard.
@RMartinhoFernandes Ah, that’s very good
@RMartinhoFernandes Just to be clear though, does the standard define any requirements for mutable iterators then? I mean, it must be defined somewhere that you can assign values to mutable iterators
@KonradRudolph It requires a[n] to be convertible to reference.
GCC failed to properly expand one of my pack once again :(
Output iterators require *r = o and *r++ = o.
That's all.
@LucDanton Oh, I hit that bug too.
Damn annoying. In my case, it could expand it perfectly fine on a different context.
@RMartinhoFernandes There's more than one.
It wouldn't work on a template parameter list, but it worked fine on function scope.
E.g. double (multiple?) expansion when it involves a pack from an enclosing template in a function template (that has its own pack) is wonky, too.
Not the case here. Somehow decltype( type_traits_detail::invoke(std::declval<T>()...) ) results in attempting to call declval with three arguments in some cases, but not all.
@RMartinhoFernandes Ha, I wanted to use std::is_convertible<U, T>... for my named::tuple.
Did you try e.g. std::is_convertible<std::tuple<U...>, std::tuple<T...>>?
Don't remember. Don't think so.
@LucDanton Gosh, that's crazy.
@RMartinhoFernandes I hit that when trying to convert SFINAE from typename = decltype( whatever ) to EnableIf<Valid<decltype( whatever )>, ...>.
I can't figure out why pack expansion works differently doesn't work depending on where it is being done.
GCC devs suck.
Also, I still don't like that Valid thing.
But typename = decltype( foo ) is outright voodoo.
@RMartinhoFernandes So in other words, a const_iterator implementation of a random access iterator needs to provide an operator[] returning a reference?
@KonradRudolph I don't think reference has to be an actual reference. Besides the name (which is far from binding), there's nothing requiring it.
T(T::*)(T) does this mean pointer to member function?
reference is specified to be the result of *it, which is specified to be reference.
@RMartinhoFernandes Hmm. Good enough for me.
@Neil Apparenty, void pointers can point to themselves :)
> I would like to argue that any article on bikinis that has a connection to something scientific, even if mildly flawed in its wording, is more likely to get people interested in science than the well written science articles that people can’t access for free or can’t follow past paragraph two.
@TonyTheLion Yes.
@RMartinhoFernandes Just for context, this is related to the post I linked to yesterday, about the initialisation of vectors via a iota_iterator. You correctly remarked that a random access iterator should conceptually be more efficient so I implemented it to test that
but not sure what the first T in that sequence is?
@TonyTheLion return type
@KonradRudolph Yeah, I figured that :)
ah, duh :P
@RMartinhoFernandes But wait, don't you have a superior alternative to typename = decltype( foo ) then? D:
@LucDanton No :( I just make a trait :(
I don't like that DisableIf<Valid<...>> and EnableIf<Valid<...>> do the same thing. How can you live with that?
But is_callable is in terms of invoke!
@RMartinhoFernandes The result is as expected: the performance is the same regardless of whether I provide a random access iterator of a forward iterator – which means that g++ is devilishly clever with its optimisations.
@RMartinhoFernandes I'm sure kids would be a lot smarter if they had hot teachers who they could 'play' with as a reward for really good grades
Oh god.
@thecoshman But most teachers are really old. At least in my country. You wouldn't want to "play" with them, ever.
"sovle this hard maths problem"
"I told you to"
"fine, I'll flash"
@FredOverflow I did say 'hot'
@thecoshman Extrinsic rewards have been shown to be ineffective as an incentive for learning
so, no.
@KonradRudolph really?
@thecoshman That sounds incredibly non-productive.
huh... Extrinsic rewards, odd term
@thecoshman I hate that I have to claim this without the reference to back it up … there was a TED talk about this, if I remember correctly.
That generates zero interest in solving math problems.
@RMartinhoFernandes I'm not proposing an orgy with the occasional bit of maths
@thecoshman standard terminology
@KonradRudolph yeah, I was very close to saying "Citation needed"
@FredOverflow That's.. disturbing
@Neil why? it makes perfect sense
@thecoshman If it helps, this is actually texbook canon, so it can be found in introductory texts on didactics (at least in the German books, each country has their own, quite distinct, history of didactics, not necessarily total overlap)
@thecoshman It wouldn't be disturbing if it didn't make any sense.
Imagine a cell at address 1000 containing the value 1000. Does that make sense or not?
@thecoshman I think there's a big difference between wanting to learn and wanting rewards, which you get by performing certain tasks, not learning.
Maybe I don't know enough about Java generics, but I don't see why stackoverflow.com/a/11136053/168175 was self-deleted here
@FredOverflow That's like typing "Google" into Google!
@Flexo It's not the same thing. FTR, David's answer isn't either.
@Flexo It’s unrelated … Java wildcards have no corresponding concept in C++ due to type erasure in Java
@RMartinhoFernandes true
I was about to comment on it but got a bit distracted.
@RMartinhoFernandes not really. Still, whilst an odd thing to do, why can't a pointer point to itself? obviously most points can't, because they point to a T and not to a T*, but a void* can point to any type of data
@thecoshman I'm confused. Are you saying it's impossible to type "Google" into Google?
@LucDanton no. I'm saying that typing Google into Google is not the same as a void* pointing to it self
The latter doesn't destroy the Internet.
it's more like a symlink linking to it's parent folder, no amount of dereferencing will get you out of this loop
@LucDanton Google is a giant void
@thecoshman Oh, only "not really" is an answer. The rest is a general consideration addressed to nobody in particular, right?
@thecoshman You can't dereference a void* :P
@FredOverflow No I get it. I don't see how you would ever need to do that though
@KonradRudolph so the solution there is to make an AnyGroupHandlerSeeting that does similar type erasure
or fix the Java to know what it's returning
@RMartinhoFernandes well, you can, but you just get another void*... or is that the same void* :P
@Flexo Actually, the real solution is to fix the deficient Java code. As Fred noted in a comment, it’s not recommended (and useless anyway) to return a wildcard
*expect loungers are scrambling to search for usage of self-referencing pointer*
No, you can't dereference void*.
@thecoshman No, you just can't.
You'd get void and there are no values of void.
@Flexo There’s no reason the Java code can’t return a GroupHandlerSetting<T>. I’d be interested in the OP’s reasons for write the method like this in the first place
@RMartinhoFernandes You could use it to add a long line of astericks without inserting a comment.. hmmm..
oh yes, void* points to a void... which just so happens that you can treat it as a void* and now we are in a loop of fun :P
For code asthetical reasons..
@thecoshman You can't!
@thecoshman No.
It seems you are not understanding the "not" part of "cannot".
You can't do anything with void*.
Only store and cast to something else.
@KonradRudolph I sort of assumed that was a trivialisation of something more complex
And even if void* pointed to void* you can't dereference it to create a loop.
@Flexo Yeah, me too.
@CatPlusPlus Into the void!
@Flexo Indeed, but that’s exactly why we need more details. I can’t imagine a situation in which wildcards in the return type would make sense, even without Josh Bloch’s advice not to do that
meh, when in doubt, through some casting at it :P
c-style of course
@thecoshman like this? ideone.com/Ekk7B that's still not dereferencing a void*
That sounds like the UBs.
@KillianDS needs c-style casting
@RMartinhoFernandes you can hear UB?
@RMartinhoFernandes OK, yes. It makes sense in a base class
got it!
Oh no, it's fine.
damn, that’s an interesting scenario, I need to ponder this, unfortunately, it’s lunch time for me now, gotta go
@RMartinhoFernandes This about getClass?
Damn Markdown borked my link.
But I didn't lose.
@RMartinhoFernandes that actually puzzled me a lot the other day - I tried to use .getClass().cast() to try and do a silly dynamic dispatch thing and it didn't work
Take that bitchdown.
What does it mean in the docs that <? extends foo> is the actual return type? That the caller has to manually take care of that or that the docs can't properly document it?
That generics suck and nothing can properly anything it.
So the former, got it.
The actual return type is Class. Ask the JVM.
@LucDanton don't try to understand Java generics, they suck
don't try to understand Java, it sucks
don't try Java, it sucks
don't try, it sucks
@thecoshman Too late for that.
Ooops, we triggered @thecosh's PTSD.
@RMartinhoFernandes PTSD?
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a severe anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to any event that results in psychological trauma. This event may involve the threat of death to oneself or to someone else, or to one's own or someone else's physical, sexual, or psychological integrity, overwhelming the individual's ability to cope. As an effect of psychological trauma, PTSD is less frequent and more enduring than the more commonly seen acute stress response. Diagnostic symptoms for PTSD include re-experiencing the original trauma(s) through flashbacks or nightmares, avoi...
lunch time :D
@thecoshman According to chat, it's a butterfly.
@RMartinhoFernandes Oh fine, typename = decltype( foo ) it is.
@RMartinhoFernandes ideone.com/RZrEs looks like it ought to match the non-Object version
but can't
It couldn't possibly work because there's no compile-time information to pick the proper overload.
By the way, this is what perfect perfect-forwarding looks like (right up until line 67).
Well, as perfect as I could make it so far.
typename = EnableIfPerfectlyConvertibleFrom<T, U...>?
No, GCC can't match the definition if I use the new style.
Likely to be pack-expansion woes again.
FTR the previous constraint was typename = EnableIfUnrelated<T, U...>. Same issue.
Let me check if this snapshot has fixed that.
My god! It's full of boilerplate!
So much for perfection hey?
> error: prototype for 'annex::optional<T>::optional(U&& ...)' does not match any in class 'annex::optional<T>'
@RMartinhoFernandes I do have a macro but it's only 'useful' for trivial cases. template<typename T> struct wrapper { T t; }; sort of thing.
I'd be satisfied with the result if not for std::initializer_list overloads and care for narrow conversions (which I can only support through the T overloads). Without that, I would only have two overloads (the unary explicit one and the other).
Yeah, I wouldn't mind unary explicit + n-ary implicit.
Do you feel that optional<int> o = { 42. }; and o = { 42. }; should be ill-formed? (Nevermind that GCC has issues, it's here conceptually.)
Oh wait, there is an implicit conversion from any pointer type to void pointer, so we can just say void * p = &p; :)
And what about void foo(optional<std::vector<int>>); foo({ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 });?
T + the minimal two overloads does provide care for narrow conversions and supports foo({{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }}).
I really didn't find a way to reduce what I have here further :(
@LucDanton I think so.
@RMartinhoFernandes Only way to report the error I've found is to provide the T overloads and constrain the perfect-forwarding overloads on narrow constructions/conversions. Then the T overload is found and errors.
One thing I have not investigated is dropping the assignment operators altogether. Doesn't seem right for something like optional<T> as the move operation is far from trivial.
@RMartinhoFernandes Oh yeah, you can get a sense of how much I'm embarrassed by the boilerplate that I wrote the return type of the assignment operators on the same line as the rest.
I also write static std::true_type test(int); on one line, I like the (relative) compactness of testers.
Oh, btw, you don't really need a class to hold the testers.
I'm wondering if I want it or not.
Well it's tidier.
Is struct foo_trait: decltype(foo_test<bar, baz>(0)) {} what you have in mind? Looks messy to me.
Hm, now that you spell it out, it does look weird.
@RMartinhoFernandes what trauma have I had? if you are counting this job, then the 'post' is pre-mature
@thecoshman Oh.
forgot that Twitter exists
@RMartinhoFernandes .ho
@RMartinhoFernandes Come to think of it, factories like std::make_shared<std::vector> aren't designed to deal with std::initializer_list already.
I think this audio quality experience poll is nice: /cc @CatPlusPlus (was that you?)
Well, except that it presupposes electrical music sources and (re)mastered originals, so it is rather hard to tell which artefacts were (deliberately) introduced in the original studio, and which ones were added/amplified by compression
I spent less than 15 seconds listening to the five different versions of the tracks and there were two clear winners (that I could listen to). I'm absolutely convinced I have picked the once with the least compression (e.g. raw PCM and 320kps, allthough it is entirely possible the 'second pick' is in fact flac -- I didn't spend so much time vetting it)
Q: boost::interprocess How to find a container with data in shared memory in another process

NilsI am learning about boost::interprocess. The examples shown in the boost documentation describe two ways how one can create containers in shared memory: Either by constructing it completely in shared memory using myManagedSharedMemSegement.construct<..>(..)(..) or by creating the container ...

I was certainly not interested in ranking the rubbish cheese versions. I just ranked them at 3 lowest available slots, on a whim. Maybe if it it were music I actually liked listening to, I might go through the trouble to rank them.
fuck! I spent a really long time writing a question about a matter I found interesting (what we described earlier), I was about to press "post" and then it hit me; "wait.. let me check this part of the standard", and B00M the obvious answer was found
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
@refp Isn't that a good thing? You found the answer. :)
Rubberducking ftw
@refp if it's a good question, post it and answer it your self
patience is what you need
@thecoshman +1
I'll think about it over a smoke, but I'm kinda glad that I found the definite answer
but still..
just typed chared memory instead of shared :D
@refp - definitely go with the self-answer route if its not a dupe
@refp if it's a decent question that has not been asked before, but it down. You'll probably save some one some time
Though, I like to think SO was searched before questions being asked :P
I searched SO, there is no such question (that I found)
@refp self answer away then
will do, writing the answer right now.
@refp don't forget you still need to keep to the Q+A format, you can't just put your answer in the question
@Flexo why the name change? are you looking for a new identity?
@bamboon just bored. I was thinking of doing it before the elections started but figured that wasn't a good time
@thecoshman yeah, I found a "Answer your question checkbox"
this is why I don't ask questions on SO, I always find the answer myself before I have time to write a post.. now I actually wrote a post though
blargh blargh, brb
@refp You mean the "Oh wait, I got it. Man I shoulda noticed sooner" checkbox.
I did consider photo-shopping a goatee into my profile image to match
@Neil exactly.
@refp I hate when that happens.
@ScottW I used to love Futurama, but there are so many better series around nowadays.
oh god, 8 more messages till the big milestone
Q: Set all bytes of int to (unsigned char)0, guaranteed to represent zero?

refp This is not a matter of recommended practise (nor undefined behavior), but about what the c++-standard actually guarantees in the matter of turning all bytes of an integer type to the value of (unsigned char)0. The Question(s) In the snippet below, is the expression used by the if-stateme...

which one's that?
we have got get really strict with the gold that foes on that star board
now I just feel stupid.. really
@Flexo 10k :P
@ScottW Family Guy, American Dad, The Cleveland Show, South Park...
@FredOverflow al of which are not as good as when they started
Plus the Simpsons have improved a lot in the last 10 years.
still god shows, just not as good
@FredOverflow it still shit
I find South Park as hilarious as always.
@thecoshman do you think it's a question worth leaving around, or should I delete it?
it might confuse people more than it helps?
@ScottW Lrrreconcilable Ndndifferences was pretty funny. The rest of the current season, meh.
got an interesting comment though..
@refp I'd leave it
@refp "I lack to find this guarantee in the C++11 standard." needs to be re-phrased to something like "I cannot find this..."
it's the individual words that have I problems with
@ScottW Oh, old Futurama is mostly golden. But still, I like the "random" humor of other series more than the "serious" humor of Futurama. Don't know if that makes any sense :)
@thecoshman sure thing, english isn't my 1st language so I tend to make grammatical mistakes..
@ScottW please don't, I don't swing that way :P
@thecoshman if I was to use "lack" in that sentence, would it be correct to write: "I lack the skills required to find this..", or similar?
@refp that makes sense, but implies you don't have the skills to search through a PDF for certain terms. It's not really a question of having the skills to perform the search, it's just that your searching failed
"This interpretation/information still leaves the possibility of a "reversed two's complement" where 100000.... could represent +0. Also: footnotes are not normative." rubenvb wrote this as a comment to my answer, does it.. imply that the answer is wrong?
I'm not sure how to interpret that, mostly because the fact that I don't know the true definition of "normative".
they're advice on interpretations, not the actual rules themselves
@Flexo but isn't the sentence "The representations of integral types shall define values by use of a pure binary numeration system." enough to say that the rule is still valid? (that sentence is not a footer, but an "actual rule" - I guess)
oh talk about my comments :)
thanks for dropping by
your quote does not exclude my reverse two's complement. I lack the ability to glue together the necessary standard quotes to prove myself wrong though :/
wait.. I think I got it, hold on
Isn't there some deferring to C in case of these types?
fuck, I remember reading it sometime..
"this International Standard permits 2’s complement, 1’s complement and signed magnitude representations for integral types."
BUT if 1000 0000 would be +0, and setting all bytes to 0000 0000 and +0 == -0 isn't guaranteed.. then we have a "problem"
no, the comparison to 0 would be special cased like in one's complement. I think.
There's no -0 in my example. Maybe using the "+" was confusing.
but if it's not guaranteed that +0 is the same as -0, then.. erhm I'm not getting it
no, but you got me thinking
there are ways of representing integers in binary that makes it possible to have a positive and a negative zero
yes, one's complement is an example.
if std::memset results in a negative one.. see where I'm going with this?
int a = -0; if (a != 0) throw "oh snap";
comparison to 0 would be special-cased by the compiler in a +/- 0 representation.
Otherwise it has a problem with the standard.
@rubenvb does the standard say so?
or I guess it does, but it would be interesting to find out where
"this International Standard permits[...] 1’s complement [...]" <- Your quote.
1's complement has two 0's.
I guess.. that kinda.. rules out the implementation-specific part
though just because it says that two 0's are allowed, does it mean that it requires them to compare equal?
ah, alright.. thanks
Otherwise it would be a sucky/useless representation.
it would
how can I run until it find solution or until it 5 minutes have passed? (meaning is that the algorithm will run at most 5 minutes)

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